Kennedy Jr says Russia acted in good faith in the Ukraine invasion

His dad must be rolling over in his grave. What happened to this guy? Did he fall on his head?

This guy is nutter than trump...if possible.
He is a democrat, even a democrat presidential candidate- so it MUST be true. Why would you have a problem with that?

His dad must be rolling over in his grave. What happened to this guy? Did he fall on his head?

This guy is nutter than trump...if possible.
Awww jimboliar hates it when guys tell it like it is.
I take it Kennedy isn't part of the money laundering huh jimboliar??
Poootin is a modern day Hitler. He invaded a sovereign nation. His army and his paid thugs have committed multiple war crimes. And he many on the far right call him "genius."
And your next presidential candidate does too jimboliar.
He's a deranged asshole!

RFK Jr. Suggests Anne Frank Led a Charmed Life Compared to What Anti-Vaxxers Are Forced to Go Through​

He conveniently failed to mention Frank famously died in a concentration camp at the age of 15.

Here's a tissue Lakookta.
Moron, the cogent argument is that Russia invading Ukraine is alsmot exactly like Germany invading other countries.

They use all the same excuses about Germany being the self-defending victim.
All the same excuses about ethnic Germans needing to be protected from prosecution in other countries.
All the same historic ownership claims to territories.

Danzig was and is a German city. The Corridor was and is German. Both these territories owe their cultural development exclusively to the German people. Danzig was separated from us, the Corridor was annexed by Poland. As in other German territories of the East, all German minorities living there have been ill-treated in the most distressing manner.

- Hitler justifying invasion of Poland

And Hitler was absolutely correct - especially from the German and Russian point of view.
Hitler never justified his attack onto Poland with - so that I can get my hands on Jews.
Is this the white privilege that we’ve all been told about. Is it because the Ukrainians are white that folks think their allowed to support a Military that has Nazis in it? that’s no different than supporting a military with our Al qaeda members in it.

Of course, in a sense it is if anything this is white racism . The idea that Americans and it’s probably 2% of Americans that support Ukraine …but the idea that they are allowed to support all these white people in Ukraine. Some of them were Nazis

Tell me what’s the difference. Come on neocons why don’t they tell us what’s the difference between a Nazi and a Al qaeda member. Because they’re both trash that’s the similarity please tell us all the difference

Sixties Fan
When you finally arrive at facts, let me know.

Fact free post.
After trump, it seems a candidate can say or do anything and he will still be loved by his followers. But, except for his name, this nut does not have a following.
Well, you idiots in the Reich cult sure kiss Poopeypants feet even while he wrecks our country. I'd say you are on to something there jimboliar.
He's a deranged asshole!

RFK Jr. Suggests Anne Frank Led a Charmed Life Compared to What Anti-Vaxxers Are Forced to Go Through​

He conveniently failed to mention Frank famously died in a concentration camp at the age of 15.

Someone should take the Kennedy name away from him and stuff it up is ars....
Yup! :clap::clap::clap:

Why did Spock believe Nazi propaganda in the TOS episode "Patterns of Force" when he repeated the myth that Nazi Germany was the most efficient government in the 20th century?
Le me know....are you defending Hitler? Then I will know what category to put you in.
You first need to learn and understand the difference between "defending" and stating "facts" - after that you can discuss with me.
Knowing your views from other posts - already tells me into what "box" you will place me - and you know what? - I couldn't care less.
You take him . He’s all yours. Would fit right o to the MAGAworld. Where crazy is a virtue
I was listening to NPR about the threatened violence against election workers all over the country, this morning. We can all thank that POS named trump for the nut cases showing up at the polls with guns and knives. Yes, Junior is as crazy as trump. So they would make a good pair.
NO, RFK Jr. is just a nut job.

How is RFK Jr. going to save teabaggers from Trump?

March 3 2018
U.S. President Donald Trump praised Chinese President Xi Jinping Saturday after the ruling Communist party announced it was eliminating the two-term limit for the presidency, paving the way for Xi to serve indefinitely.

“He’s now president for life, president for life. And he’s great,” Trump said, according to audio of excerpts of Trump’s remarks at a closed-door fundraiser in Florida.

“And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday,” Trump said to cheers and applause from supporters.

No, it sounds like teabaggers are on board with their dear leader.

These people did not do any insurrectionist wrong. It was the building.
He is as nutty as trump.
Then who is rooting and voting for him? MAGA's and Republicans already have their own candidates.

Wait!!! ... OMG... you mean there are democrats who got so sick and tired of their Lefty&Lib demoncrats - so that they turn to him???

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