Kennedy Jr says Russia acted in good faith in the Ukraine invasion

His dad must be rolling over in his grave. What happened to this guy? Did he fall on his head?

This guy is nutter than trump...if possible.
Your thread headline is a lie.

RFK, Jr. actually only said that Putin had behaved in good faith regarding the negotiations which, he says, we haven’t bothered to live up to.

I’m not a fan of RFK, Jr. And I’m a bit undecided about what we should be doing (if anything) relative to Putin’s criminal military aggression there. But if you wish to attack RFK, Jr., you should try to do so on a basis related to honesty.
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Poootin is a modern day Hitler. He invaded a sovereign nation. His army and his paid thugs have committed multiple war crimes. And he many on the far right call him "genius."

So be the "peacemaker" I thought you liberals, progressives, Democrats, and other assorted hippies were all about peace, goodwill, tolerance, inclusion, and all that other anti-war hippie claptrap. Was I wrong about you guys and girls?

Actually if you think about it, ya'll are no longer the "counter-culture." You're become the "establishment." What happened to the good old days when you folks protested wars and just wanted everyone to be groovy? I guess all that flower-power and not trusting anyone over 30 turned out to be a big letdown, right?

And now you've become the old dinosaurs of the American political spectrum. A bunch of aged establishment elitists who control the reigns of power, but can't figure out what to do with it. And whether can accept this or not, we "MAGAtards" have become the counter-culture. We've become the anti-war party. I mean we still do have some GOP "establishment" goobers in our party, left over from the Bush years. But they're losing more power every day. Maybe we'll just re-brand them and send them over to join you.

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Ukraine has Nazis fighting for them.
Did that handful of skinheads invade Russia or any other country by chance?

It was Ruzzians that invaded Ukraine, annexed it's lands in 2014, headed separatist warfare in Donbas and commited to full invasion in 2022. DUH

You are just a dupe like JFK Jr, eating up Kremlin's ludecrous up-is-down propaganda.
I'm beginning to like Junior a VP... or Minister of Health or someting along those lines in a second Trump Adminstration! :yes_text12:
So be the "peacemaker" I thought you liberals, progressives, Democrats, and other assorted hippies were all about peace, goodwill, tolerance, inclusion, and all that other anti-war hippie claptrap. Was I wrong about you guys and girls?

Actually if you think about it, ya'll are no longer the "counter-culture." You're become the "establishment." What happened to the good old days when you folks protested wars and just wanted everyone to be groovy? I guess all that flower-power and not trusting anyone over 30 turned out to be a big letdown, right?

And now you've become the old dinosaurs of the American political spectrum. A bunch of aged establishment elitists who control the reigns of power, but can't figure out what to do with it. And whether can accept this or not, we "MAGAtards" have become the counter-culture. We've become the anti-war party. I mean we still do have some GOP "establishment" goobers in our party, left over from the Bush years. But they losing more power every day. Maybe we'll just re-brand them and send them over to join you.

Did that handful of skinheads invade Russia or any other country by chance?

It was Ruzzians that invaded Ukraine, annexed it's lands in 2014, headed separatist warfare in Donbas and commited to full invasion in 2022. DUH

You are just a dupe like JFK Jr, eating up Kremlin's ludecrous up-is-down propaganda.

So why didn't Obama deal with that? And more importantly, ask yourself this: Why did Trump not have to deal with it?

Think hard now.

I couldnt care less, but you and the medía are spending an awful lot of time and effort to discredit a guy who’s polling under 15% against a sitting President of the same party.
I think you're spending more time talking about the guy than me. Why is that?

Vote for the idiot if he's so dear to you. Geez.
So why didn't Obama deal with that? And more importantly, ask yourself this: Why did Trump not have to deal with it?

Your questions are about as ignorant as someone asking why do cats have two tails.

Cats don't have to two tails and Obama of course DID deal with 2014 annexation by working with EU to sanction Russia into a 2 year recession, which fueled domestic protests.

Why the hell do you think Putin started interfering in our elections? To make it tougher for sanctions supporting Clinton and help anti-sanctions Trump.
Kennedy is a complete whackjob, but light years more coherent than Veggie Joe.

Good luck with all that, Dimtards. :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
So be the "peacemaker" I thought you liberals, progressives, Democrats, and other assorted hippies were all about peace, goodwill, tolerance, inclusion, and all that other anti-war hippie claptrap. Was I wrong about you guys and girls?

Actually if you think about it, ya'll are no longer the "counter-culture." You're become the "establishment." What happened to the good old days when you folks protested wars and just wanted everyone to be groovy? I guess all that flower-power and not trusting anyone over 30 turned out to be a big letdown, right?

And now you've become the old dinosaurs of the American political spectrum. A bunch of aged establishment elitists who control the reigns of power, but can't figure out what to do with it. And whether can accept this or not, we "MAGAtards" have become the counter-culture. We've become the anti-war party. I mean we still do have some GOP "establishment" goobers in our party, left over from the Bush years. But they're losing more power every day. Maybe we'll just re-brand them and send them over to join you.

You're a traitor and a disgrace to the white race.
Your questions are about as ignorant as someone asking why do cats have two tails.

Cats don't have to two tails and Obama of course DID deal with 2014 annexation by working with EU to sanction Russia into a 2 year recession, which fueled domestic protests.

Why the hell do you think Putin started interfering in our elections? To make it tougher for sanctions supporting Clinton and help anti-sanctions Trump.

You appear to be even more ignorant and actually, you're living in a fantasy world. It was Obama's evasive foreign policy that emboldened Putin to invade Ukraine in the first place. Putin became more aggressive on the world stage after Obama's weak response to Russia's 2014 annexation of Crimea. Obama consistently underestimated Putin, even going so far as to disparage Mitt Romney in 2012, by saying “the 1980s are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back because the Cold War’s been over for 20 years.”

Obama's aloofness continued even as Russia annexed Crimea, invaded eastern Ukraine, intervened in Syria, and hacked the Clinton campaign and the DNC. Even the sanctions Obama imposed on Russia for its invasion of Ukraine were carried out with so much restraint that they didn’t deter Russia from subsequent aggression, including meddling in the 2016 election.

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