Kenosha Shooting Shows Need for Improved Education, Not Police Reform

The spitting incident happened about 100 feet away from a huge new children's center being built. At the time, it seemed either a waste of money or that the center would eventually be turned to shit.
That is just vile nonsense....You don't have the first clue about the situation that took place in this case. All you have is an edited 10 seconds of video, and your first conclusion is to blame police, blame Republican's, blame America....

None of knows the entire story of this unfortunate situation because we don't have all the facts...So, maybe you should shut your mouth until we do.
We have enough of the facts to know that the cop was FORCED to shoot, because Blake reached into his vehicle. You NEVER do that when a cop is holding a gun on you, or you are being questioned.

This is a repeat of the Terrence Crutcher...Betty Shelby case. Don't people learn from experience ? What's wrong with the schools ? They don't have a minute or 2 to teach kids how to stay alive ?

It's not the school's responsibility to teach this!.
It should start AT HOME at an earlier age!

Nope, at home these parents think either their kids are angels, or too busy to pay much attention to them...Then it falls on the streets....

Another scenerio is that these kids grow up in vile racist situations with their parents disparaging all white people, or Asians, or Hispanics, etc...How do we expect them to act when they become adults?
That is just vile nonsense....You don't have the first clue about the situation that took place in this case. All you have is an edited 10 seconds of video, and your first conclusion is to blame police, blame Republican's, blame America....

None of knows the entire story of this unfortunate situation because we don't have all the facts...So, maybe you should shut your mouth until we do.
We have enough of the facts to know that the cop was FORCED to shoot, because Blake reached into his vehicle. You NEVER do that when a cop is holding a gun on you, or you are being questioned.

This is a repeat of the Terrence Crutcher...Betty Shelby case. Don't people learn from experience ? What's wrong with the schools ? They don't have a minute or 2 to teach kids how to stay alive ?

It's not the school's responsibility to teach this!.
It should start AT HOME at an earlier age!

Nope, at home these parents think either their kids are angels, or too busy to pay much attention to them...Then it falls on the streets....

Another scenerio is that these kids grow up in vile racist situations with their parents disparaging all white people, or Asians, or Hispanics, etc...How do we expect them to act when they become adults?

Like vile children throwing temper tantrums.
But give them adult consequences. As they are no longer children!
It's not the school's responsibility to teach this!.
It should start AT HOME at an earlier age!
It most certainly IS the school's responsibility. It is their responsibility to teach EVERYTHING that kids NEED to know to succeed in life. You're not going to succeed very much if you're DEAD.

And you are absolutely RIGHT about the teaching of this should be in the HOME too. All the way around there is not enough being taught about this. The word needs to get around. Not only does Jason Blake not know about this, but the rioters are just as ignorant as he is. Now there is more damage done - a whole car lot went up in flames. Dozens of cars gone. Because teachers and parents aren't getting their jobs done.
It's not the school's responsibility to teach this!.
It should start AT HOME at an earlier age!
It most certainly IS the school's responsibility. It is their responsibility to teach EVERYTHING that kids NEED to know to succeed in life. You're not going to succeed very much if you're DEAD.

And you are absolutely RIGHT about the teaching of this should be in the HOME too. All the way around there is not enough being taught about this. The word needs to get around. Not only does Jason Blake not know about this, but the rioters are just as ignorant as he is. Now there is more damage done - a whole car lot went up in flames. Dozens of cars gone. Because teachers and parents aren't getting their jobs done.

Lazy parents leave it up to public schools to teach essential life lessons.
Reading, writing, and arithmetic are all that used to be required by public schools to teach.
Do you want the state to teach your kids what is your responsibility?
Sounds like it to me!
Immediately after the shooting in Kensoha , WI, where a young black guy was shot as he was reaching into his car (shades of Terrence Crutcher & Betty Shelby), rioters went out and condemned police and stated rioting. Just as in the Crutcher/Shelby shooting that killed Crutcher, this young man did what his teachers FAILED to teach him. That YOU NEVER allow your hands to disappear from the view of police officers whom you are in confrontation with. The shooting was 100% JUSTIFIABLE.

I have been posting OPs and posts on this for years now. There are still millions of people who are clueless about police confrontation. The problem here (and this is about the 100th time I'm saying this), is that our whole education system, from first grade right up through the universities, is being run by liberals, who do not have knowledge about police, guns, and law enforcement. They are the most clueless people on earth on that subject. The answer is EDUCATION about police confrontation, not changing police behavior.

Consequently, we have millions of young black people who are on our streets who are unaware of the great danger they are in when they come in contact with police. Here's what their airhead, leftist teachers never taught them. >> That when you are in a confrontation with police, you MUST keep your hands EMPTY & VISIBLE at all times. If you don't, YOU'RE DEAD. The cops will shoot you, and they will shoot to kill you, to stop you from possibly shooting and killing them.

This is standard training in police academies all over America. And it is correct. It only take a half second for somebody to point a gun and shoot. Te cop has no time to react in self-defense. The only thing he/she can do to protect himself is to shoot you, if your hand(s) go out of view.

This has happened time and time again, and I feel like I'm the only one person in America, who is talking about it and knows about it, other than police and National Guardsmen (of which I used to be one). The guy who got shot, Jacob Blake, should have known better than to do the really dumb thing he did, but blame his negligent teachers. They should have told him about it 20 years ago, when he was a kid in grade school.

Topping all this off is total moron-retard Joe Biden who condemned the police in Kenosha on Monday, calling the shooting “systemic racism.” , which it certainly was not. IDIOT Biden should keep his mouth shut when he obviously is wrong, whether he knows he's wrong or not. Maybe Biden also doesn't know how to act in a police confrontation, or maybe he's looking to score more VOTES from the American black population. Could be that also, No limit to how low Democrats will stoop to grab POWER.

Obey the state or die. This is the republican party now.
We can see the oppression. It is intolerable I tell you.

Oh, such as?
If your views are not pro BLM that statement was made as a little sarcasm. However law enforcement has made a bed for itself over the years. People in power do abuse it. And many people have been affected by it. But many times though like this, it seems the perp just does stupid things. Like he does not care or believe it will become lethal or think he can become lethal as he stretches the time from getting arrested.
Immediately after the shooting in Kensoha , WI, where a young black guy was shot as he was reaching into his car (shades of Terrence Crutcher & Betty Shelby), rioters went out and condemned police and stated rioting. Just as in the Crutcher/Shelby shooting that killed Crutcher, this young man did what his teachers FAILED to teach him. That YOU NEVER allow your hands to disappear from the view of police officers whom you are in confrontation with. The shooting was 100% JUSTIFIABLE.

I have been posting OPs and posts on this for years now. There are still millions of people who are clueless about police confrontation. The problem here (and this is about the 100th time I'm saying this), is that our whole education system, from first grade right up through the universities, is being run by liberals, who do not have knowledge about police, guns, and law enforcement. They are the most clueless people on earth on that subject. The answer is EDUCATION about police confrontation, not changing police behavior.

Consequently, we have millions of young black people who are on our streets who are unaware of the great danger they are in when they come in contact with police. Here's what their airhead, leftist teachers never taught them. >> That when you are in a confrontation with police, you MUST keep your hands EMPTY & VISIBLE at all times. If you don't, YOU'RE DEAD. The cops will shoot you, and they will shoot to kill you, to stop you from possibly shooting and killing them.

This is standard training in police academies all over America. And it is correct. It only take a half second for somebody to point a gun and shoot. Te cop has no time to react in self-defense. The only thing he/she can do to protect himself is to shoot you, if your hand(s) go out of view.

This has happened time and time again, and I feel like I'm the only one person in America, who is talking about it and knows about it, other than police and National Guardsmen (of which I used to be one). The guy who got shot, Jacob Blake, should have known better than to do the really dumb thing he did, but blame his negligent teachers. They should have told him about it 20 years ago, when he was a kid in grade school.

Topping all this off is total moron-retard Joe Biden who condemned the police in Kenosha on Monday, calling the shooting “systemic racism.” , which it certainly was not. IDIOT Biden should keep his mouth shut when he obviously is wrong, whether he knows he's wrong or not. Maybe Biden also doesn't know how to act in a police confrontation, or maybe he's looking to score more VOTES from the American black population. Could be that also, No limit to how low Democrats will stoop to grab POWER.

Obey the state or die. This is the republican party now.
We can see the oppression. It is intolerable I tell you.

Oh, such as?
If your views are not pro BLM that statement was made as a little sarcasm. However law enforcement has made a bed for itself over the years. People in power do abuse it. And many people have been affected by it.

I've always found that speaking in absolutes is a bad way to go....You speak as though ALL law enforcement is corrupt...I don't believe that.

But many times though like this, it seems the perp just does stupid things. Like he does not care or believe it will become lethal or think he can become lethal as he stretches the time from getting arrested.

Either way, it's a stupid move....Now innocent people are going to pay, and the wrong people are being blamed for that.
Clearly the police need better training

7 shots is a waste of bullets when 1 will do
1 will not always do. I heard it was 5 shots. I don't believe mainstream media. That's normal. Plenty of instances when somebody was shot 4 times and still alive fighting.

Police don't need more training. TEACHERS need more training. They should be required to attend classes in a police academy for at least one day. How many of your teachers told you to keep your hands visible & empty, when with police ?
9mm ought to be illegal for law enforcement, 45 is the best size against a human, and hollow points only.
Immediately after the shooting in Kensoha , WI, where a young black guy was shot as he was reaching into his car (shades of Terrence Crutcher & Betty Shelby), rioters went out and condemned police and stated rioting. Just as in the Crutcher/Shelby shooting that killed Crutcher, this young man did what his teachers FAILED to teach him. That YOU NEVER allow your hands to disappear from the view of police officers whom you are in confrontation with. The shooting was 100% JUSTIFIABLE.

I have been posting OPs and posts on this for years now. There are still millions of people who are clueless about police confrontation. The problem here (and this is about the 100th time I'm saying this), is that our whole education system, from first grade right up through the universities, is being run by liberals, who do not have knowledge about police, guns, and law enforcement. They are the most clueless people on earth on that subject. The answer is EDUCATION about police confrontation, not changing police behavior.

Consequently, we have millions of young black people who are on our streets who are unaware of the great danger they are in when they come in contact with police. Here's what their airhead, leftist teachers never taught them. >> That when you are in a confrontation with police, you MUST keep your hands EMPTY & VISIBLE at all times. If you don't, YOU'RE DEAD. The cops will shoot you, and they will shoot to kill you, to stop you from possibly shooting and killing them.

This is standard training in police academies all over America. And it is correct. It only take a half second for somebody to point a gun and shoot. Te cop has no time to react in self-defense. The only thing he/she can do to protect himself is to shoot you, if your hand(s) go out of view.

This has happened time and time again, and I feel like I'm the only one person in America, who is talking about it and knows about it, other than police and National Guardsmen (of which I used to be one). The guy who got shot, Jacob Blake, should have known better than to do the really dumb thing he did, but blame his negligent teachers. They should have told him about it 20 years ago, when he was a kid in grade school.

Topping all this off is total moron-retard Joe Biden who condemned the police in Kenosha on Monday, calling the shooting “systemic racism.” , which it certainly was not. IDIOT Biden should keep his mouth shut when he obviously is wrong, whether he knows he's wrong or not. Maybe Biden also doesn't know how to act in a police confrontation, or maybe he's looking to score more VOTES from the American black population. Could be that also, No limit to how low Democrats will stoop to grab POWER.

Obey the state or die. This is the republican party now.

That is just vile nonsense....You don't have the first clue about the situation that took place in this case. All you have is an edited 10 seconds of video, and your first conclusion is to blame police, blame Republican's, blame America....

None of knows the entire story of this unfortunate situation because we don't have all the facts...So, maybe you should shut your mouth until we do.

Well they shot him up close in the back 7 times with the 3 boys looking on, I'm not sure what you want??
He is still alive. Clearly 7 times wasnt enough.
YOU NEVER allow your hands to disappear from the view of police officers whom you are in confrontation with. The shooting was 100% JUSTIFIABLE.
No. Like some lady has her nails painted and all ten of them have to stay in view when the gentleman in blue pants with a badge and a gun is looking.
This is standard training in police academies all over America. And it is correct. It only take a half second for somebody to point a gun and shoot. Te cop has no time to react in self-defense. The only thing he/she can do to protect himself is to shoot you, if your hand(s) go out of view.
Guns are banned for private citizens and police cadets have "training." Cops with that attitude will be shot and killed no matter what.
Lazy parents leave it up to public schools to teach essential life lessons.
Reading, writing, and arithmetic are all that used to be required by public schools to teach.
Do you want the state to teach your kids what is your responsibility?
Sounds like it to me!
Yes . I want the schools to take just a few minutes to teach kids how to act when they are in the presence of police. It is just a few minute of the teachers time, and it is a matter of life and death.

This is not to say the parent should not tell their kids, but what if some parents are unaware just like the kids ? The parents went to the same schools run by know-nothing about guns and cops liberals as the kids do.
9mm ought to be illegal for law enforcement, 45 is the best size against a human, and hollow points only.
Indeed. Hollow points are what I have in my gun (.380). Only time they might not be appropriate, could be mid winter up north, with people wearing heavy clothing. Other than that, hollow points are a good safety factor.
Guns are banned for private citizens and police cadets have "training." Cops with that attitude will be shot and killed no matter what.
I don't know what you're talking about. There is no "attitude" going on here. What I'm talking about is standard police procedure all across America, taught in every police academy same with National Guard. The cops who will be shot and killed, are the ones who DON'T start shooting, when the suspect's hands disappear.
Law enforcement's bed vs the inherent supergo problem of the black psyche. Maybe it's the (again inherent) tendency to overspiritualize the socius: "Juju, Bwana." (Trader Horn, 1931)....superstitiously always looking over one's shoulder for superegos.
Immediately after the shooting in Kensoha , WI, where a young black guy was shot as he was reaching into his car (shades of Terrence Crutcher & Betty Shelby), rioters went out and condemned police and stated rioting. Just as in the Crutcher/Shelby shooting that killed Crutcher, this young man did what his teachers FAILED to teach him. That YOU NEVER allow your hands to disappear from the view of police officers whom you are in confrontation with. The shooting was 100% JUSTIFIABLE.

I have been posting OPs and posts on this for years now. There are still millions of people who are clueless about police confrontation. The problem here (and this is about the 100th time I'm saying this), is that our whole education system, from first grade right up through the universities, is being run by liberals, who do not have knowledge about police, guns, and law enforcement. They are the most clueless people on earth on that subject. The answer is EDUCATION about police confrontation, not changing police behavior.

Consequently, we have millions of young black people who are on our streets who are unaware of the great danger they are in when they come in contact with police. Here's what their airhead, leftist teachers never taught them. >> That when you are in a confrontation with police, you MUST keep your hands EMPTY & VISIBLE at all times. If you don't, YOU'RE DEAD. The cops will shoot you, and they will shoot to kill you, to stop you from possibly shooting and killing them.

This is standard training in police academies all over America. And it is correct. It only take a half second for somebody to point a gun and shoot. Te cop has no time to react in self-defense. The only thing he/she can do to protect himself is to shoot you, if your hand(s) go out of view.

This has happened time and time again, and I feel like I'm the only one person in America, who is talking about it and knows about it, other than police and National Guardsmen (of which I used to be one). The guy who got shot, Jacob Blake, should have known better than to do the really dumb thing he did, but blame his negligent teachers. They should have told him about it 20 years ago, when he was a kid in grade school.

Topping all this off is total moron-retard Joe Biden who condemned the police in Kenosha on Monday, calling the shooting “systemic racism.” , which it certainly was not. IDIOT Biden should keep his mouth shut when he obviously is wrong, whether he knows he's wrong or not. Maybe Biden also doesn't know how to act in a police confrontation, or maybe he's looking to score more VOTES from the American black population. Could be that also, No limit to how low Democrats will stoop to grab POWER.

Obey the state or die. This is the republican party now.
.....very ridiculous --you libs and blacks post a lot of babble crap nonsense--which makes all of your arguments silly
..plain and simple--which you people MUST be too stupid to understand--obey the lawful commands or it's YOUR fault if you get hurt

Had no + male mentors in life.
and if they do have male ''mentors'', they TEACH them to hate police/whites/America--I've linked many examples before
..Floyd's daughter for one--they are teaching her the police are EVIl and he never was a criminal
and some of their mentors are probably rap artists constantly yelling F the POlice and other whatnot that makes them feel defiance is the cool way to go.
Any teachers want to chime in here about the need to include "VISIBLE & EMPTY" in their school curriculums ? (at the very least)
Immediately after the shooting in Kensoha , WI, where a young black guy was shot as he was reaching into his car (shades of Terrence Crutcher & Betty Shelby), rioters went out and condemned police and stated rioting. Just as in the Crutcher/Shelby shooting that killed Crutcher, this young man did what his teachers FAILED to teach him. That YOU NEVER allow your hands to disappear from the view of police officers whom you are in confrontation with. The shooting was 100% JUSTIFIABLE.

I have been posting OPs and posts on this for years now. There are still millions of people who are clueless about police confrontation. The problem here (and this is about the 100th time I'm saying this), is that our whole education system, from first grade right up through the universities, is being run by liberals, who do not have knowledge about police, guns, and law enforcement. They are the most clueless people on earth on that subject. The answer is EDUCATION about police confrontation, not changing police behavior.

Consequently, we have millions of young black people who are on our streets who are unaware of the great danger they are in when they come in contact with police. Here's what their airhead, leftist teachers never taught them. >> That when you are in a confrontation with police, you MUST keep your hands EMPTY & VISIBLE at all times. If you don't, YOU'RE DEAD. The cops will shoot you, and they will shoot to kill you, to stop you from possibly shooting and killing them.

This is standard training in police academies all over America. And it is correct. It only take a half second for somebody to point a gun and shoot. Te cop has no time to react in self-defense. The only thing he/she can do to protect himself is to shoot you, if your hand(s) go out of view.

This has happened time and time again, and I feel like I'm the only one person in America, who is talking about it and knows about it, other than police and National Guardsmen (of which I used to be one). The guy who got shot, Jacob Blake, should have known better than to do the really dumb thing he did, but blame his negligent teachers. They should have told him about it 20 years ago, when he was a kid in grade school.

Topping all this off is total moron-retard Joe Biden who condemned the police in Kenosha on Monday, calling the shooting “systemic racism.” , which it certainly was not. IDIOT Biden should keep his mouth shut when he obviously is wrong, whether he knows he's wrong or not. Maybe Biden also doesn't know how to act in a police confrontation, or maybe he's looking to score more VOTES from the American black population. Could be that also, No limit to how low Democrats will stoop to grab POWER.

You don't know the facts in this case ...

Yet you are already ready to make political hay .....

Typical Leftist Emotional knee-jerk reaction ....
You don't know the facts in this case ...

Yet you are already ready to make political hay .....

Typical Leftist Emotional knee-jerk reaction ....
FALSE! I know all the facts that NEED to be known . They were on video for hours before I started this thread. A police suspect reaching into a car and getting shot. Just another one of those.

Has nothing to do with emotion, and I am far from being a liberal.

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