Kenosha: Trump declines to condemn violence from his supporters

Trump is allowing a 17-year-old vigilante gunman to fight illegal battles for him.

Trump defends accused Kenosha gunman, declines to condemn violence from his supporters

Let us be clear: The President is acting like a retarded juvenile proto-fascist and encouraging law breaking vigilante violence. Civilians shooting other civilians, even children crossing state lines with automatic weapons to play cops, provoke and kill unarmed demonstrators, is what this president now stands for. That child is not nearly so responsible as the president himself. Trump is crossing a line here. If re-elected Trump will quite evidently lead his followers to unleashing serious bloodshed, which will create more violence in response. The ultimate result will quite possibly be a declaration of marshal law and the destruction of representative democracy.
There is no "violence" from the right. VIOLENCE is an assault on the innocent. Defending yourself against violent attacker isnt "violence"
Trump is allowing a 17-year-old vigilante gunman to fight illegal battles for him.

Trump defends accused Kenosha gunman, declines to condemn violence from his supporters

Let us be clear: The President is acting like a retarded juvenile proto-fascist and encouraging law breaking vigilante violence. Civilians shooting other civilians, even children crossing state lines with automatic weapons to play cops, provoke and kill unarmed demonstrators, is what this president now stands for. That child is not nearly so responsible as the president himself. Trump is crossing a line here. If re-elected Trump will quite evidently lead his followers to unleashing serious bloodshed, which will create more violence in response. The ultimate result will quite possibly be a declaration of marshal law and the destruction of representative democracy.
Why would he condemn someone defending themselves from a group of rioters and convicted criminals?
Because vigilantism is against the law you dumbfuck.

Defense of property in a riot is NOT vigilantism.. He was chased out of the gas station.. Wasn't roaming the streets LOOKING for a fight.. I'll wait on the law to decide.

I dont blame the kid or the rioters actually.. I blame every Democratic mayor and city council that refuses to activate ALL RESOURCES to quell obvious and actual rioters... This gas station guy had lost 2 of his 3 downtown properties already.. Has a CLEAR RIGHT to defend the remaining one...
Trump is allowing a 17-year-old vigilante gunman to fight illegal battles for him.

Trump defends accused Kenosha gunman, declines to condemn violence from his supporters

Let us be clear: The President is acting like a retarded juvenile proto-fascist and encouraging law breaking vigilante violence. Civilians shooting other civilians, even children crossing state lines with automatic weapons to play cops, provoke and kill unarmed demonstrators, is what this president now stands for. That child is not nearly so responsible as the president himself. Trump is crossing a line here. If re-elected Trump will quite evidently lead his followers to unleashing serious bloodshed, which will create more violence in response. The ultimate result will quite possibly be a declaration of marshal law and the destruction of representative democracy.
I watched the press briefing and Trump did not, I repeat, did not defend the shooter. He said he was looking into it and it looked like the kid was being attacked and his action was self defense. Your comments are a fabrication and a damn lie. Reuters as well is lying and played word games. It's no wonder that Democraps are fucked up in the head from believing fake news all the time.

Yes, he said he was looking into it then he clarified about how the kid was innocent due to self defense. Newsflash, cupcake: That is approval.
News flash asshole. It was self defense. Kid is innocent. You lose as usual. Oh yeah, you’re crying because a pedo got whacked. Guess he shouldn’t have jumped a kid and tried to kill him.
Trump is allowing a 17-year-old vigilante gunman to fight illegal battles for him.

Trump defends accused Kenosha gunman, declines to condemn violence from his supporters

Let us be clear: The President is acting like a retarded juvenile proto-fascist and encouraging law breaking vigilante violence. Civilians shooting other civilians, even children crossing state lines with automatic weapons to play cops, provoke and kill unarmed demonstrators, is what this president now stands for. That child is not nearly so responsible as the president himself. Trump is crossing a line here. If re-elected Trump will quite evidently lead his followers to unleashing serious bloodshed, which will create more violence in response. The ultimate result will quite possibly be a declaration of marshal law and the destruction of representative democracy.
Let's be clear. You are posting a pile of BULLSHIT. Yes, Trump defends Kyle Rittenhouse. So do I. That's because he was not doing anything wrong or illegal, and is now being politically railroaded by a staunchly Democrat city, accusing him of first degree murder, which is preposterous.

The only individuals that Kyle Rittenhouse shot, were three individuals that were attacking him, and putting him at risk of serious bodily harm or death. He shot in self-defense which is perfectly legal and correct.

What is not perfectly legal and correct, is the tolerance of massive illegal mob violence by airhead idiots who are rioting over absolutely NOTHING. The people who are accusing Rittenhouse of murder, should themselves be in jail at this moment, for they are just as guilty as the mindless baboons running wild in the streets.

Kenosha mayor John Antaramian also fueled the rioting by calling the shooting of Jason Blake "unacceptable". FALSE! The shooting was ACCEPTABLE, and 100% JUSTIFIABLE, and a mirror image of the shooting of Terrence Crutcher in 2016, in which the police officer shooter, Betty Shelby, was cleared of all charges.
The kid crossed state lines specifically to committ an offense under Wisconsin law, as anyone under 18 is not allow to carry a a weapon without supervision and the illinois militia members do not have standing. It was against Wisconsin law for him to be there on the streets armed in the first place and he traveled interstate to commit the offense.

As long as I'm here -- I just hope everyone knows that the mobster that pulled the handgun on him moments before the kid shot his arm half off -- IS a convicted felon and in NO WAY should have that rioter had a firearm on his person.. When you get chased out of the gas station you're defending, get whacked with a skateboard in the head AND the guy pulls a handgun on you -- this is self defense and the murder charges will never stick.. The best damn defense lawyer in America is gonna fix this just like he fixed the slander/libel against the Covington kids..

Lil Nicky Sandmann got a few hundred bucks a from WaPo to shut him up.
So you rag on a "mobster" who happened to be carrying a handgun, but deem a 17 year old who brings an AK-47 to be a patriot of some sort?
I have a standing bet - This idiot will be convicted of murder one. Month off the board? :)
Probably not. Suspect if they actually go for murder 1, it will increase the chances he will go totally free. Some people are mature enough to think and act on their own at an early age. This one will be nothing more than a kid (and probably a good natured one at that) when he is 18 or possibly 21. No way murder 1 will fly. If we were sitting in a bar, I would take that bet.

You take that bet for me and I'll look the other way on your next warning.. LOL.....
Trump is allowing a 17-year-old vigilante gunman to fight illegal battles for him.

Trump defends accused Kenosha gunman, declines to condemn violence from his supporters

Let us be clear: The President is acting like a retarded juvenile proto-fascist and encouraging law breaking vigilante violence. Civilians shooting other civilians, even children crossing state lines with automatic weapons to play cops, provoke and kill unarmed demonstrators, is what this president now stands for. That child is not nearly so responsible as the president himself. Trump is crossing a line here. If re-elected Trump will quite evidently lead his followers to unleashing serious bloodshed, which will create more violence in response. The ultimate result will quite possibly be a declaration of marshal law and the destruction of representative democracy.
Why would he condemn someone defending themselves from a group of rioters and convicted criminals?
Because vigilantism is against the law you dumbfuck.

Defense of property in a riot is NOT vigilantism.. He was chased out of the gas station.. Wasn't roaming the streets LOOKING for a fight.. I'll wait on the law to decide.

I dont blame the kid or the rioters actually.. I blame every Democratic mayor and city council that refuses to activate ALL RESOURCES to quell obvious and actual rioters... This gas station guy had lost 2 of his 3 downtown properties already.. Has a CLEAR RIGHT to defend the remaining one...

"Defense of property in a riot is NOT vigilantism."

It is if its not your property and you travel over state lines with a firearm.
There is not one bit of violence being committed by any Trump supporters. Not one little fucking bit. ALL of the violence, all of the vandalism, all of the arson and all of the crimes are being committed entirely by leftist pieces of shit.

There has been just a little bit of resistance, and a few incidents of self defense, but not one person on the right has been somewhere they were not allowed to be, doing anything they should not be allowed to do, that has committed an aggressive act that was not provoked by a communist piece of shit.


Gee Pete, it sure looks like you are ignorant or a damn liar:

Which is it?
That video is taken AFTER he shot and killed a person.

He shot three people that night. Two of them died. One of them is in the hospital.

The only reason he was being chased is he shot and killed someone. The protesters were trying to subdue him because the police didn't do anything about it and the protesters didn't want more people killed or harmed.

In fact after he had shot three people, killing two of them, the police let him walk right by them, get in his car, drive back to Illinois and go home.
The facts will be established in court. Not by some brain damaged troll.
Trump is allowing a 17-year-old vigilante gunman to fight illegal battles for him.

Trump defends accused Kenosha gunman, declines to condemn violence from his supporters

Let us be clear: The President is acting like a retarded juvenile proto-fascist and encouraging law breaking vigilante violence. Civilians shooting other civilians, even children crossing state lines with automatic weapons to play cops, provoke and kill unarmed demonstrators, is what this president now stands for. That child is not nearly so responsible as the president himself. Trump is crossing a line here. If re-elected Trump will quite evidently lead his followers to unleashing serious bloodshed, which will create more violence in response. The ultimate result will quite possibly be a declaration of marshal law and the destruction of representative democracy.
Why would he condemn someone defending themselves from a group of rioters and convicted criminals?
Because vigilantism is against the law you dumbfuck.

Defense of property in a riot is NOT vigilantism.. He was chased out of the gas station.. Wasn't roaming the streets LOOKING for a fight.. I'll wait on the law to decide.

I dont blame the kid or the rioters actually.. I blame every Democratic mayor and city council that refuses to activate ALL RESOURCES to quell obvious and actual rioters... This gas station guy had lost 2 of his 3 downtown properties already.. Has a CLEAR RIGHT to defend the remaining one...

"Defense of property in a riot is NOT vigilantism."

It is if its not your property and you travel over state lines with a firearm.

The guy WORKED in Kenosha.. We don't KNOW that any firearm crossed state lines yet..

And I'll gladly go defend a business or neighbor home if I'm called to do so.. AND --- I wont be breaking any law... That's the right to defend life and property.. Not EVERYONE can afford the Mayor of Kenosha's security detail to keep their home/office/place of work safe when the MAYOR IS DENYING that to all his citizens..

I don't have to be AT HOME to take advantage of Defensive Gun Use laws... They are used successfully by citizens at LEAST 200,000 times a year normally...
Trump is allowing a 17-year-old vigilante gunman to fight illegal battles for him.

Trump defends accused Kenosha gunman, declines to condemn violence from his supporters

Let us be clear: The President is acting like a retarded juvenile proto-fascist and encouraging law breaking vigilante violence. Civilians shooting other civilians, even children crossing state lines with automatic weapons to play cops, provoke and kill unarmed demonstrators, is what this president now stands for. That child is not nearly so responsible as the president himself. Trump is crossing a line here. If re-elected Trump will quite evidently lead his followers to unleashing serious bloodshed, which will create more violence in response. The ultimate result will quite possibly be a declaration of marshal law and the destruction of representative democracy.

What is illegal about defending yourself against armed attackers?

Let's shoot down some liberal arguments:

1. "He was too young to carry a gun."

Answer: Wrong, in Wisconsin 16 and 17yo's can have rifles and shotguns, as they are used to hunt.

2. He was illegally open carrying.

Answer: Wrong. Wisconsin is an open carry state.

3. He broke the law using deadly force.

Answer: Wrong. When attacked by someone who is chasing you that is fear for your life. Deadly force is reasonable.

4. He illegally transported the gun across state lines.

Answer: Wrong. The gun belonged to his friend, a Wisconsin resident. It never crossed state lines.

While 16 and 17 year olds can have guns for hunting, there are requirements involved. Here's the relevant statutes from my searching:

Unless Rittenhouse was certified for hunting, and possibly unless he had the gun specifically for the purposes of hunting (I'm not certain about that), he had it illegally, based on those statutes. Even with that certification, if the rifle fits the criteria of a short barreled rifle, it would still be illegal.

It's a misdemeanor crime. Whoever gave or lent the gun to him, on the other hand, is apparently guilty of a felony.

It is a felony in Wisconsin for a minor to open carry a weapon.

The fact that he had it and was open carrying it was a crime to begin with.

If he didn't bring it with, the adult who gave him that weapon is also guilty of a felony.
Based on the statutes I linked to earlier, it’s a misdemeanor for a minor to have a gun, not a felony, and there are some exceptions. It is a felony to loan or give a minor such a weapon.

My mistake. It is a class A misdemeanor. Not a felony. My apologies.

His lawyer says that he was given that weapon. That he didn't bring it from Illinois.

Whoever gave it to him could be facing some legal problems.
"Declined to condemn"...was he asked to condemn the violence? I think the man is a narcissist con-man, but from the video I've seen, Rittenhouse WAS running from people and he WAS attacked before he shot them. There may be more information that would change things, but from what I've seen so far, I'd only "condemn violence from his supporters" in the sense that the kid shouldn't have been there, and armed, at all. :dunno:

That video is taken AFTER he shot and killed a person.

He shot three people that night. Two of them died. One of them is in the hospital.

The only reason he was being chased is he shot and killed someone. The protesters were trying to subdue him because the police didn't do anything about it and the protesters didn't want more people killed or harmed.

In fact after he had shot three people, killing two of them, the police let him walk right by them, get in his car, drive back to Illinois and go home.
There is video of the first shooting, too. Rittenhouse was being chased in that video, and the man threw something at him, before he shot.
Of course we don’t have all the details, but in neither case did Rittenhouse appear to be the aggressor, and both videos seem to show Rittenhouse attacked before firing.

I have not seen that video. Do you have a link to it?

The whole thing stinks as far as I'm concerned.
Why would Rump want to condemn the microscopic sliver of violence perpetrated by HIS, when Bidenites are providing a ton of it every night?

Maybe Rump should just deputize various militias and appoint them to go in and crack skulls?
Trump is allowing a 17-year-old vigilante gunman to fight illegal battles for him.

Trump defends accused Kenosha gunman, declines to condemn violence from his supporters

Let us be clear: The President is acting like a retarded juvenile proto-fascist and encouraging law breaking vigilante violence. Civilians shooting other civilians, even children crossing state lines with automatic weapons to play cops, provoke and kill unarmed demonstrators, is what this president now stands for. That child is not nearly so responsible as the president himself. Trump is crossing a line here. If re-elected Trump will quite evidently lead his followers to unleashing serious bloodshed, which will create more violence in response. The ultimate result will quite possibly be a declaration of marshal law and the destruction of representative democracy.
I watched the press briefing and Trump did not, I repeat, did not defend the shooter. He said he was looking into it and it looked like the kid was being attacked and his action was self defense. Your comments are a fabrication and a damn lie. Reuters as well is lying and played word games. It's no wonder that Democraps are fucked up in the head from believing fake news all the time.

Yes, he said he was looking into it then he clarified about how the kid was innocent due to self defense. Newsflash, cupcake: That is approval.
News flash asshole. It was self defense. Kid is innocent. You lose as usual. Oh yeah, you’re crying because a pedo got whacked. Guess he shouldn’t have jumped a kid and tried to kill him.

it's being investigated right now. You don't know anymore than I know exactly what happened. The Clip started just before the 2nd person was shot, not the first. If there were a Darwin Award given out, that Kid would get one.
Trump is allowing a 17-year-old vigilante gunman to fight illegal battles for him.

Trump defends accused Kenosha gunman, declines to condemn violence from his supporters

Let us be clear: The President is acting like a retarded juvenile proto-fascist and encouraging law breaking vigilante violence. Civilians shooting other civilians, even children crossing state lines with automatic weapons to play cops, provoke and kill unarmed demonstrators, is what this president now stands for. That child is not nearly so responsible as the president himself. Trump is crossing a line here. If re-elected Trump will quite evidently lead his followers to unleashing serious bloodshed, which will create more violence in response. The ultimate result will quite possibly be a declaration of marshal law and the destruction of representative democracy.
Let's be clear. You are posting a pile of BULLSHIT. Yes, Trump defends Kyle Rittenhouse. So do I. That's because he was not doing anything wrong or illegal, and is now being politically railroaded by a staunchly Democrat city, accusing him of first degree murder, which is preposterous.

The only individuals that Kyle Rittenhouse shot, were three individuals that were attacking him, and putting him at risk of serious bodily harm or death. He shot in self-defense which is perfectly legal and correct.

What is not perfectly legal and correct, is the tolerance of massive illegal mob violence by airhead idiots who are rioting over absolutely NOTHING. The people who are accusing Rittenhouse of murder, should themselves be in jail at this moment, for they are just as guilty as the mindless baboons running wild in the streets.

Kenosha mayor John Antaramian also fueled the rioting by calling the shooting of Jason Blake "unacceptable". FALSE! The shooting was ACCEPTABLE, and 100% JUSTIFIABLE, and a mirror image of the shooting of Terrence Crutcher in 2016, in which the police officer shooter, Betty Shelby, was cleared of all charges.
The kid crossed state lines specifically to committ an offense under Wisconsin law, as anyone under 18 is not allow to carry a a weapon without supervision and the illinois militia members do not have standing. It was against Wisconsin law for him to be there on the streets armed in the first place and he traveled interstate to commit the offense.

As long as I'm here -- I just hope everyone knows that the mobster that pulled the handgun on him moments before the kid shot his arm half off -- IS a convicted felon and in NO WAY should have that rioter had a firearm on his person.. When you get chased out of the gas station you're defending, get whacked with a skateboard in the head AND the guy pulls a handgun on you -- this is self defense and the murder charges will never stick.. The best damn defense lawyer in America is gonna fix this just like he fixed the slander/libel against the Covington kids..

Lil Nicky Sandmann got a few hundred bucks a from WaPo to shut him up.
So you rag on a "mobster" who happened to be carrying a handgun, but deem a 17 year old who brings an AK-47 to be a patriot of some sort?
I have a standing bet - This idiot will be convicted of murder one. Month off the board? :)
Probably not. Suspect if they actually go for murder 1, it will increase the chances he will go totally free. Some people are mature enough to think and act on their own at an early age. This one will be nothing more than a kid (and probably a good natured one at that) when he is 18 or possibly 21. No way murder 1 will fly. If we were sitting in a bar, I would take that bet.

So you guess murder 2 or manslaughter? Okay, we have a bet. Rest assured after Trayvon, they will leave the jury a myriad of options! :)
As well they should. Probably manslaughter as I do not know the definition of murder 2 in that state without looking it up. Still do not think it should be in the adult court. Kid reminds me of some scouts I had back when I and my sons were involved in scouting, although kids I wouldn't turn loose unsupervised with a loaded weapon on my dumbest damn day.
Trump is allowing a 17-year-old vigilante gunman to fight illegal battles for him.

Trump defends accused Kenosha gunman, declines to condemn violence from his supporters

Let us be clear: The President is acting like a retarded juvenile proto-fascist and encouraging law breaking vigilante violence. Civilians shooting other civilians, even children crossing state lines with automatic weapons to play cops, provoke and kill unarmed demonstrators, is what this president now stands for. That child is not nearly so responsible as the president himself. Trump is crossing a line here. If re-elected Trump will quite evidently lead his followers to unleashing serious bloodshed, which will create more violence in response. The ultimate result will quite possibly be a declaration of marshal law and the destruction of representative democracy.
Let's be clear. You are posting a pile of BULLSHIT. Yes, Trump defends Kyle Rittenhouse. So do I. That's because he was not doing anything wrong or illegal, and is now being politically railroaded by a staunchly Democrat city, accusing him of first degree murder, which is preposterous.

The only individuals that Kyle Rittenhouse shot, were three individuals that were attacking him, and putting him at risk of serious bodily harm or death. He shot in self-defense which is perfectly legal and correct.

What is not perfectly legal and correct, is the tolerance of massive illegal mob violence by airhead idiots who are rioting over absolutely NOTHING. The people who are accusing Rittenhouse of murder, should themselves be in jail at this moment, for they are just as guilty as the mindless baboons running wild in the streets.

Kenosha mayor John Antaramian also fueled the rioting by calling the shooting of Jason Blake "unacceptable". FALSE! The shooting was ACCEPTABLE, and 100% JUSTIFIABLE, and a mirror image of the shooting of Terrence Crutcher in 2016, in which the police officer shooter, Betty Shelby, was cleared of all charges.
The kid crossed state lines specifically to committ an offense under Wisconsin law, as anyone under 18 is not allow to carry a a weapon without supervision and the illinois militia members do not have standing. It was against Wisconsin law for him to be there on the streets armed in the first place and he traveled interstate to commit the offense.

As long as I'm here -- I just hope everyone knows that the mobster that pulled the handgun on him moments before the kid shot his arm half off -- IS a convicted felon and in NO WAY should have that rioter had a firearm on his person.. When you get chased out of the gas station you're defending, get whacked with a skateboard in the head AND the guy pulls a handgun on you -- this is self defense and the murder charges will never stick.. The best damn defense lawyer in America is gonna fix this just like he fixed the slander/libel against the Covington kids..

Lil Nicky Sandmann got a few hundred bucks a from WaPo to shut him up.
So you rag on a "mobster" who happened to be carrying a handgun, but deem a 17 year old who brings an AK-47 to be a patriot of some sort?
I have a standing bet - This idiot will be convicted of murder one. Month off the board? :)
Probably not. Suspect if they actually go for murder 1, it will increase the chances he will go totally free. Some people are mature enough to think and act on their own at an early age. This one will be nothing more than a kid (and probably a good natured one at that) when he is 18 or possibly 21. No way murder 1 will fly. If we were sitting in a bar, I would take that bet.

You take that bet for me and I'll look the other way on your next warning.. LOL.....
Done deal! Thanks! ;)
Trump is allowing a 17-year-old vigilante gunman to fight illegal battles for him.

Trump defends accused Kenosha gunman, declines to condemn violence from his supporters

Let us be clear: The President is acting like a retarded juvenile proto-fascist and encouraging law breaking vigilante violence. Civilians shooting other civilians, even children crossing state lines with automatic weapons to play cops, provoke and kill unarmed demonstrators, is what this president now stands for. That child is not nearly so responsible as the president himself. Trump is crossing a line here. If re-elected Trump will quite evidently lead his followers to unleashing serious bloodshed, which will create more violence in response. The ultimate result will quite possibly be a declaration of marshal law and the destruction of representative democracy.
Let's be clear. You are posting a pile of BULLSHIT. Yes, Trump defends Kyle Rittenhouse. So do I. That's because he was not doing anything wrong or illegal, and is now being politically railroaded by a staunchly Democrat city, accusing him of first degree murder, which is preposterous.

The only individuals that Kyle Rittenhouse shot, were three individuals that were attacking him, and putting him at risk of serious bodily harm or death. He shot in self-defense which is perfectly legal and correct.

What is not perfectly legal and correct, is the tolerance of massive illegal mob violence by airhead idiots who are rioting over absolutely NOTHING. The people who are accusing Rittenhouse of murder, should themselves be in jail at this moment, for they are just as guilty as the mindless baboons running wild in the streets.

Kenosha mayor John Antaramian also fueled the rioting by calling the shooting of Jason Blake "unacceptable". FALSE! The shooting was ACCEPTABLE, and 100% JUSTIFIABLE, and a mirror image of the shooting of Terrence Crutcher in 2016, in which the police officer shooter, Betty Shelby, was cleared of all charges.
The kid crossed state lines specifically to committ an offense under Wisconsin law, as anyone under 18 is not allow to carry a a weapon without supervision and the illinois militia members do not have standing. It was against Wisconsin law for him to be there on the streets armed in the first place and he traveled interstate to commit the offense.

As long as I'm here -- I just hope everyone knows that the mobster that pulled the handgun on him moments before the kid shot his arm half off -- IS a convicted felon and in NO WAY should have that rioter had a firearm on his person.. When you get chased out of the gas station you're defending, get whacked with a skateboard in the head AND the guy pulls a handgun on you -- this is self defense and the murder charges will never stick.. The best damn defense lawyer in America is gonna fix this just like he fixed the slander/libel against the Covington kids..

Lil Nicky Sandmann got a few hundred bucks a from WaPo to shut him up.
So you rag on a "mobster" who happened to be carrying a handgun, but deem a 17 year old who brings an AK-47 to be a patriot of some sort?
I have a standing bet - This idiot will be convicted of murder one. Month off the board? :)

THe handgun was a definite violation and the felon (last time I heard) has not been charged.. The situation surrounding the AK is more nebulous.. I was transporting 20 rifles and 3000 rounds of ammunition in a station wagon every weekend when I was 17.. My dad ran a Jr Rifle League for Civitans.. Got stopped once on the way to a match.. The cop just laugh hysterically... Told me to have a nice day...

I just want to folks to realize what kind of TROUBLE shows up "at a riot".. And to be even-handed about the details...

As for the bet -- I'm probably gonna be rehabbing in the USMB Moderator Asylum.. It's a health benefit for sacrificing my psyche here everyday.. And I think the white coats are gonna collect me and take me away about election time.. So that screws up the terms of the bet...

You live in "Hillbilly Hollywood, Tennessee"? Well flacal, that explains quite a bit! ;)
Trump is allowing a 17-year-old vigilante gunman to fight illegal battles for him.

Trump defends accused Kenosha gunman, declines to condemn violence from his supporters

Let us be clear: The President is acting like a retarded juvenile proto-fascist and encouraging law breaking vigilante violence. Civilians shooting other civilians, even children crossing state lines with automatic weapons to play cops, provoke and kill unarmed demonstrators, is what this president now stands for. That child is not nearly so responsible as the president himself. Trump is crossing a line here. If re-elected Trump will quite evidently lead his followers to unleashing serious bloodshed, which will create more violence in response. The ultimate result will quite possibly be a declaration of marshal law and the destruction of representative democracy.
I watched the press briefing and Trump did not, I repeat, did not defend the shooter. He said he was looking into it and it looked like the kid was being attacked and his action was self defense. Your comments are a fabrication and a damn lie. Reuters as well is lying and played word games. It's no wonder that Democraps are fucked up in the head from believing fake news all the time.

Yes, he said he was looking into it then he clarified about how the kid was innocent due to self defense. Newsflash, cupcake: That is approval.
News flash asshole. It was self defense. Kid is innocent. You lose as usual. Oh yeah, you’re crying because a pedo got whacked. Guess he shouldn’t have jumped a kid and tried to kill him.

it's being investigated right now. You don't know anymore than I know exactly what happened. The Clip started just before the 2nd person was shot, not the first. If there were a Darwin Award given out, that Kid would get one.
Nope. Never be certified. The kid lived. There will be little right wing chick dying to carry his genes and have his baby as soon as he is out from behind bars.
Trump is allowing a 17-year-old vigilante gunman to fight illegal battles for him.

Trump defends accused Kenosha gunman, declines to condemn violence from his supporters

Let us be clear: The President is acting like a retarded juvenile proto-fascist and encouraging law breaking vigilante violence. Civilians shooting other civilians, even children crossing state lines with automatic weapons to play cops, provoke and kill unarmed demonstrators, is what this president now stands for. That child is not nearly so responsible as the president himself. Trump is crossing a line here. If re-elected Trump will quite evidently lead his followers to unleashing serious bloodshed, which will create more violence in response. The ultimate result will quite possibly be a declaration of marshal law and the destruction of representative democracy.
I watched the press briefing and Trump did not, I repeat, did not defend the shooter. He said he was looking into it and it looked like the kid was being attacked and his action was self defense. Your comments are a fabrication and a damn lie. Reuters as well is lying and played word games. It's no wonder that Democraps are fucked up in the head from believing fake news all the time.

Yes, he said he was looking into it then he clarified about how the kid was innocent due to self defense. Newsflash, cupcake: That is approval.
News flash asshole. It was self defense. Kid is innocent. You lose as usual. Oh yeah, you’re crying because a pedo got whacked. Guess he shouldn’t have jumped a kid and tried to kill him.

it's being investigated right now. You don't know anymore than I know exactly what happened. The Clip started just before the 2nd person was shot, not the first. If there were a Darwin Award given out, that Kid would get one.
Nope. Never be certified. The kid lived. There will be little right wing chick dying to carry his genes and have his baby as soon as he is out from behind bars.

And wee allow them to breed. Scary, ain't it. Darwin was wrong.
Trump is allowing a 17-year-old vigilante gunman to fight illegal battles for him.

Trump defends accused Kenosha gunman, declines to condemn violence from his supporters

Let us be clear: The President is acting like a retarded juvenile proto-fascist and encouraging law breaking vigilante violence. Civilians shooting other civilians, even children crossing state lines with automatic weapons to play cops, provoke and kill unarmed demonstrators, is what this president now stands for. That child is not nearly so responsible as the president himself. Trump is crossing a line here. If re-elected Trump will quite evidently lead his followers to unleashing serious bloodshed, which will create more violence in response. The ultimate result will quite possibly be a declaration of marshal law and the destruction of representative democracy.

You are surprised by this? I expected this kind of response from the Orange Virus. His only saving grace is his predictability. This jackass is all about sowing division through blatant partisanship.
"Declined to condemn"...was he asked to condemn the violence? I think the man is a narcissist con-man, but from the video I've seen, Rittenhouse WAS running from people and he WAS attacked before he shot them. There may be more information that would change things, but from what I've seen so far, I'd only "condemn violence from his supporters" in the sense that the kid shouldn't have been there, and armed, at all. :dunno:

That video is taken AFTER he shot and killed a person.

He shot three people that night. Two of them died. One of them is in the hospital.

The only reason he was being chased is he shot and killed someone. The protesters were trying to subdue him because the police didn't do anything about it and the protesters didn't want more people killed or harmed.

In fact after he had shot three people, killing two of them, the police let him walk right by them, get in his car, drive back to Illinois and go home.
There is video of the first shooting, too. Rittenhouse was being chased in that video, and the man threw something at him, before he shot.
Of course we don’t have all the details, but in neither case did Rittenhouse appear to be the aggressor, and both videos seem to show Rittenhouse attacked before firing.

I have not seen that video. Do you have a link to it?

The whole thing stinks as far as I'm concerned.

I saw it as part of this video:

This one is shorter and also has the video I mentioned, starting at about 1:50 :

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