Kentucky Clerk Jailed for Contempt of Court

...could it be that the kentucky legislatures is full of ignorant republicans that don't want to piss off their ignorant base?
As opposed to State Legislatures filled with ignorant Democrats, pandering to their Inner-City Great Unwashed, and the Fruit Loops?
Except it only works that way in a dictatorial tyranny....

She held the position BEFORE the law was passed. This means that the law intentionally targets people of faith.....I hope that she appeals to the SCOTUS......

And to be honest.....I really don't care what anyone on this or any forum thinks regarding this.....The day this country can pass a law that requires ME to have to alter My beliefs or behaviors is the day that that government needs to be abolished.

It spells the death of liberty.
she held her position prior to the ratification of the 14th amendment?
It is NOT the 14th Amendment that is in jail for.....This reply of yours is completely inane.....

BTW...the 14th does NOT predate the 1st.....
she's in jail for violation of a court order. that court order is based on her denial of equal treatment under the law - a right guaranteed in the 14th amendment.
her first amendment rights do not allow her to violate the rights of others - and it especially doesn't give her the right to use her office to violate the rights of others.
You cannot be denied equal treatment when that treatment can be had everywhere....Every clerk in every county BUT hers provides the licenses.....

The Judge is out of order. The people of Kentucky need to fight to have him removed from the bench and the case appealed up.
so she's denying the citizens of her county equal treatment.
and you forget - if she's allowed to discriminate what stops every other county?

affirmative action is race based discrimination against citizens the government
Davis' lawyer, Roger Gannam, said it was the first time in history an American citizen has been jailed for believing that marriage is a union between one man and one woman. He compared her willingness to accept imprisonment to what Martin Luther King Jr. did to advance civil rights.

BINGO! Martyr for religious rights.

Nope................sorry, but to be an actual martyr, you have to follow the teachings of your religion and dogma.

She's not doing that, because Jesus said that if your right eye offends thee, pluck it out and throw it away, because it's better to enter Heaven missing an eye than to end up in Hell because you allowed your right eye to cause you to sin.

Here's the verse....................................

Matthew 5:29 If your right eye causes you to stumble, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell.

Now, in her case, it's not her right eye that is offending her, it's her job. Why? Because she feels like she's being forced to sin in issuing marriage licenses to gay couples.

So, she should pluck out her job (resign from her position), and get on with her life.

Even Jesus thinks she should resign.

Jesus would follow the Word and the Bible is clear that we are to follow human law EXCEPT when it violates God's law and the Bible is clear that homosexuality is a sin, an abomination unto the Lord. God's law trumps human law

No, because she has the ability to get another job, rather than feel like she's being forced to sin.

I guess you missed the whole meaning of what Jesus said, didn't you?
Davis' lawyer, Roger Gannam, said it was the first time in history an American citizen has been jailed for believing that marriage is a union between one man and one woman. He compared her willingness to accept imprisonment to what Martin Luther King Jr. did to advance civil rights.

BINGO! Martyr for religious rights.

Nope................sorry, but to be an actual martyr, you have to follow the teachings of your religion and dogma.

She's not doing that, because Jesus said that if your right eye offends thee, pluck it out and throw it away, because it's better to enter Heaven missing an eye than to end up in Hell because you allowed your right eye to cause you to sin.

Here's the verse....................................

Matthew 5:29 If your right eye causes you to stumble, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell.

Now, in her case, it's not her right eye that is offending her, it's her job. Why? Because she feels like she's being forced to sin in issuing marriage licenses to gay couples.

So, she should pluck out her job (resign from her position), and get on with her life.

Even Jesus thinks she should resign.

Jesus would follow the Word and the Bible is clear that we are to follow human law EXCEPT when it violates God's law and the Bible is clear that homosexuality is a sin, an abomination unto the Lord. God's law trumps human law

No, because she has the ability to get another job, rather than feel like she's being forced to sin.

I guess you missed the whole meaning of what Jesus said, didn't you?
not a christian just support religious freedom
Davis' lawyer, Roger Gannam, said it was the first time in history an American citizen has been jailed for believing that marriage is a union between one man and one woman. He compared her willingness to accept imprisonment to what Martin Luther King Jr. did to advance civil rights.

BINGO! Martyr for religious rights.

Nope................sorry, but to be an actual martyr, you have to follow the teachings of your religion and dogma.

She's not doing that, because Jesus said that if your right eye offends thee, pluck it out and throw it away, because it's better to enter Heaven missing an eye than to end up in Hell because you allowed your right eye to cause you to sin.

Here's the verse....................................

Matthew 5:29 If your right eye causes you to stumble, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell.

Now, in her case, it's not her right eye that is offending her, it's her job. Why? Because she feels like she's being forced to sin in issuing marriage licenses to gay couples.

So, she should pluck out her job (resign from her position), and get on with her life.

Even Jesus thinks she should resign.

Jesus would follow the Word and the Bible is clear that we are to follow human law EXCEPT when it violates God's law and the Bible is clear that homosexuality is a sin, an abomination unto the Lord. God's law trumps human law

No, because she has the ability to get another job, rather than feel like she's being forced to sin.

I guess you missed the whole meaning of what Jesus said, didn't you?

I didn't miss anything. The Bible is clear, it's a sin, the Bible is also clear we are to follow God's law over human law. You all don't care about two gaypers getting pretend married, you want blood. You're just pushing an agenda, nothing more and nothing less
ummm, she's the one who is being tyrannical. She is defying the rule of law and thus she should resign her position if she can't find a way to reconcile her beliefs with the law. Period end of story.
No law can be made that violates a persons conscious.....Any law becomes un-Constititutional that requires a person to give up their deeply held beliefs...

Sure they can. Laws like that are passed all of the time. She can not be made to violate her religious beliefs, however, as she is a ELECTED OFFICIAL, she is bound to FOLLOW the LAW. That is the oath she swore.

If she can't reconcile her beliefs with the oath she swore then her only option is to resign in protest. Generals and business executives do it all the time and so should she.
Except it only works that way in a dictatorial tyranny....

She held the position BEFORE the law was passed. This means that the law intentionally targets people of faith.....I hope that she appeals to the SCOTUS......

And to be honest.....I really don't care what anyone on this or any forum thinks regarding this.....The day this country can pass a law that requires ME to have to alter My beliefs or behaviors is the day that that government needs to be abolished.

It spells the death of liberty.

It doesn't matter. If the judges rule in a way you think is wrong, or immoral, you resign your position and fight the fight in a legal way. You don't assume you have all the power and ignore judicial rulings. SHE was the one being dictatorial.
It appears that what you are now saying is that anyone who stands on their faith cannot be in an elected positon?

If their religion forces them to violate other peoples rights, that is correct. If a Muslim told me that I couldn't do something based on their religious views I would likewise demand that they resign their position. Other wise what you are advocating for is SHARIA law.

See how that works?
No, because she has the ability to get another job, rather than feel like she's being forced to sin.

I guess you missed the whole meaning of what Jesus said, didn't you?

Thugs are always arrogant fools. She played you into holding her as a political prisoner. She has successfully stripped away the veneer of legitimacy you had. You are just another thug regime imposing dictates by force.

Oh, you think no one notices. Your type ALWAYS thinks no one notices.
No, because she has the ability to get another job, rather than feel like she's being forced to sin.

I guess you missed the whole meaning of what Jesus said, didn't you?

Thugs are always arrogant fools. She played you into holding her as a political prisoner. She has successfully stripped away the veneer of legitimacy you had. You are just another thug regime imposing dictates by force.

Oh, you think no one notices. Your type ALWAYS thinks no one notices.

Actually, she's showing what a hypocrite she is.

Do you really think that Jesus would advocate for you keeping your job, if you felt that it was causing you to sin?

It says that in more than one place in the Bible btw.................
No, because she has the ability to get another job, rather than feel like she's being forced to sin.

I guess you missed the whole meaning of what Jesus said, didn't you?

Thugs are always arrogant fools. She played you into holding her as a political prisoner. She has successfully stripped away the veneer of legitimacy you had. You are just another thug regime imposing dictates by force.

Oh, you think no one notices. Your type ALWAYS thinks no one notices.

Actually, she's showing what a hypocrite she is.

Do you really think that Jesus would advocate for you keeping your job, if you felt that it was causing you to sin?

It says that in more than one place in the Bible btw.................

Jesus would advocate following God's law. It's really pretty simple, even for the simple minded
you really don't understand the word patriot if you think it describes traitors.

Who is a traitor? the confederates? They tried to peacefully withdraw from the union...How were they "traitors"?

Were the colonists in 1776 "traitors"?
yes. people who decide that they will rebel against their own country are traitors, not patriots.
and you need a country in order to be a patriot. so our founders were not patriots prior to the adoption of the articles of confederation.

LMAO..word games. So the colonists were traitors?..ok...fine..Knowing that tells me a lot about you..

Once again, the south didn't rebel...They tried to peacefully withdraw. The north sent troops and ships to invade and blockade the port.
Patriots always fight to repel invaders.
Again, you don't understand the meaning of the word patriot. You keep applying it to traitors. You should probably stop using it

I know what I'm talking can say "nuh uh" all you want. Won't change a thing. The truth is large.
i know you believe what you say. it's just that what you believe doesn't match reality. you keep on believing it, though. keep that flame alive for traitors everywhere.
...could it be that the kentucky legislatures is full of ignorant republicans that don't want to piss off their ignorant base?
As opposed to State Legislatures filled with ignorant Democrats, pandering to their Inner-City Great Unwashed, and the Fruit Loops?
Davis is a Democrat....the Judge who jailed her is a Republican.
Davis' lawyer, Roger Gannam, said it was the first time in history an American citizen has been jailed for believing that marriage is a union between one man and one woman. He compared her willingness to accept imprisonment to what Martin Luther King Jr. did to advance civil rights.

BINGO! Martyr for religious rights.
davis's lawyer is a liar. she is jailed for contempt of court.
and as i said before, mlk went to jail to protest injustice and oppression. she's going to jail to protest justice and equal rights.
Wrong again.
about which part? she's welcome to have her beliefs, she just can't use those beliefs to deny rights to other people. so that means she isn't in jail for her beliefs, she's there for disobeying a court order.
and she is the oppressor here, not the oppressed. nobody is taking away her rights, but they are asking her to not impose her beliefs on others. she can't find it in her to respect the law and the rights of others, and that's what has landed her in jail.
she held her position prior to the ratification of the 14th amendment?
It is NOT the 14th Amendment that is in jail for.....This reply of yours is completely inane.....

BTW...the 14th does NOT predate the 1st.....
she's in jail for violation of a court order. that court order is based on her denial of equal treatment under the law - a right guaranteed in the 14th amendment.
her first amendment rights do not allow her to violate the rights of others - and it especially doesn't give her the right to use her office to violate the rights of others.
You cannot be denied equal treatment when that treatment can be had everywhere....Every clerk in every county BUT hers provides the licenses.....

The Judge is out of order. The people of Kentucky need to fight to have him removed from the bench and the case appealed up.
so she's denying the citizens of her county equal treatment.
and you forget - if she's allowed to discriminate what stops every other county?

affirmative action is race based discrimination against citizens the government
in your mind i'm sure that non-sequitr was somehow pertinent.
No, because she has the ability to get another job, rather than feel like she's being forced to sin.

I guess you missed the whole meaning of what Jesus said, didn't you?

Thugs are always arrogant fools. She played you into holding her as a political prisoner. She has successfully stripped away the veneer of legitimacy you had. You are just another thug regime imposing dictates by force.

Oh, you think no one notices. Your type ALWAYS thinks no one notices.

Actually, she's showing what a hypocrite she is.

Do you really think that Jesus would advocate for you keeping your job, if you felt that it was causing you to sin?

It says that in more than one place in the Bible btw.................

Jesus would advocate following God's law. It's really pretty simple, even for the simple minded
So...she couldn't do her job and be a good christian. Why didn't she resign?
Davis' lawyer, Roger Gannam, said it was the first time in history an American citizen has been jailed for believing that marriage is a union between one man and one woman. He compared her willingness to accept imprisonment to what Martin Luther King Jr. did to advance civil rights.

BINGO! Martyr for religious rights.

Nope................sorry, but to be an actual martyr, you have to follow the teachings of your religion and dogma.

She's not doing that, because Jesus said that if your right eye offends thee, pluck it out and throw it away, because it's better to enter Heaven missing an eye than to end up in Hell because you allowed your right eye to cause you to sin.

Here's the verse....................................

Matthew 5:29 If your right eye causes you to stumble, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell.

Now, in her case, it's not her right eye that is offending her, it's her job. Why? Because she feels like she's being forced to sin in issuing marriage licenses to gay couples.

So, she should pluck out her job (resign from her position), and get on with her life.

Even Jesus thinks she should resign.

Jesus would follow the Word and the Bible is clear that we are to follow human law EXCEPT when it violates God's law and the Bible is clear that homosexuality is a sin, an abomination unto the Lord. God's law trumps human law

No, because she has the ability to get another job, rather than feel like she's being forced to sin.

I guess you missed the whole meaning of what Jesus said, didn't you?

I didn't miss anything. The Bible is clear, it's a sin, the Bible is also clear we are to follow God's law over human law. You all don't care about two gaypers getting pretend married, you want blood. You're just pushing an agenda, nothing more and nothing less
so you're saying she should quit her job
She's not in jail for her beliefs, she's in jail for being in contempt of a federal court order.

She can step out anytime, by simply agreeing to issue licenses or step down, either one of the two.

Until then? Let her sit and stew.

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