Kentucky Clerk Jailed for Contempt of Court

She is a fucking CLERK! Part of her fucking JOB is to comply with the laws. And THAT's the thing she has decided she cannot do?

Solution to this pressing problem jumps off the page. Get a different job.

Instead of jailing her, how about firing her?
She's an elected official. She has to be impeached.

Good point. I didn't realize she was an elected official.

Interestingly, in the ABSENCE of a County Clerk, judges or county executives in Kentucky may issue marriage licenses. See,

The County Clerk is now ABSENT!
Good news :thup:
...for failure to obey court order of issuing marraige licenses to gay couples.

News from The Associated Press
She has only herself to blame.

“The judge later tried to keep Davis out of jail after all, saying she could go free if her staff agreed to comply with the law and she agreed not to interfere.

But Kim Davis rejected the offer, choosing jail instead.”

She need only allow her staff to issue the licenses, where her religious beliefs will in no way be 'compromised.'

Oh, what a beautiful sight. She looks like a deranged Bible thumper - maybe an LDS type.
This is her religion. Very unforgiving for a church.

Apostolic Christian Church of America
The church she belongs to is a crazy Christian religion.

Please don't lump all Christians together. Many Christian don't care about gay marriage.

This religion is particular strict and crazy.
...for failure to obey court order of issuing marraige licenses to gay couples.

News from The Associated Press
She has only herself to blame.

“The judge later tried to keep Davis out of jail after all, saying she could go free if her staff agreed to comply with the law and she agreed not to interfere.

But Kim Davis rejected the offer, choosing jail instead.”

She need only allow her staff to issue the licenses, where her religious beliefs will in no way be 'compromised.'
I knew someone had brainwashed this woman. Her pastor claims that if she had given in she would've been kicked out of the church.
...for failure to obey court order of issuing marraige licenses to gay couples.

News from The Associated Press
She has only herself to blame.

“The judge later tried to keep Davis out of jail after all, saying she could go free if her staff agreed to comply with the law and she agreed not to interfere.

But Kim Davis rejected the offer, choosing jail instead.”

She need only allow her staff to issue the licenses, where her religious beliefs will in no way be 'compromised.'

Her religious beliefs are 'comprimised' if she can't use the State to force other people to follow them.
This woman should stay in jail until either (a) she agrees to issue licenses to gay couples to marry, or (b) she agrees to step down out of her office.

She's clearly incapable of doing her job by her outright refusal to do so, and therefore is a burden on the U.S. taxpayer because we're paying her for nothing.

She's also not a very good Christian, as she really doesn't understand some of the things that Jesus told us in the Bible......................

Matthew 5:29 If your right eye causes you to stumble, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell.

Now, in the discussion of this verse, Jesus was metaphorically telling us that is is better to arrive in Heaven missing an eye, than to allow that eye to continue to draw us into sin, therefore assuring us that our whole being will go to Hell.

In this woman's case, the part of her that is telling her to sin (according to her dogma), is her job where she is REQUIRED to issue marriage licenses to gay couples, so if her job is offending her, she should pluck it out of her life (resign from her post), so that she will not be caused to sin any longer.

In this case, the federal government and Jesus agree.
I don't want anything other than for her to show she's truly a Christian who follows the teachings of Christ and steps down from this job she's clearly incapable of holding.
Religious tyranny is coming to an end. This is just one grumpy dinosaur pitching a fit. I don't agree with jail, but if she refuses to do her job she should be fired.

The couples wanting to be married didn't want her jailed. They wanted her fined. The judge figured RW nuts would pay her fines with a "FundMyBigotry" account and said "nuh uh".
Religious tyranny is coming to an end. This is just one grumpy dinosaur pitching a fit. I don't agree with jail, but if she refuses to do her job she should be fired.

The couples wanting to be married didn't want her jailed. They wanted her fined. The judge figured RW nuts would pay her fines with a "FundMyBigotry" account and said "nuh uh".

Interestingly, I saw some of the reporters discussing this earlier today, and guess what? She's INELIGIBLE for a GoFundMe campaign, because in the rules of the site, they refuse to be used for bigoted or racist reasons.

In this womans case, she's clearly a bigot.

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