Kentucky Clerk Jailed for Contempt of Court

TYRANNY UPDATE: Judge Orders Christian Woman to Jail because She Refuses to Violate her Faith

Christians,while I am NOT one of you I respect ANYONE who stands for their faith so much they are willing to be thrown in jail rather than bend to the tyrants rule deserves respect. This is without a doubt in my mind the beginning of the assault on christianity and those that believe in it and stand by its doctrines. Now just a few quotes for you all.

There is no crueler tyranny than that which is perpetuated under the shield of law and in the name of justice.
Charles de Montesquieu

All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.
Edmund Burke

This judges ruling is PROOF that neither he nor the plaintiffs are interested in "marriage" they are interested in this martyr violating her faith by approving these "marriages" The Kentucky Legislature has had 3 months to impeach Kim Davis why haven't they? The judge can rule her to be absent since his tyrannical ass just tossed a woman in jail for following her faith he will still not rule her absent. He is ALSO threatening to throw the rest of the clerks in court for following their faith as well.Its time to march on the court and give this tyrant a tyrants just desserts.

Oh and for any CLOWNS in here. This woman may have been married 4 times but she has also only been a christian for 4 years. GET OVER IT and stop hiding your bigotry trying to destroy her religious rights.

People this is what our forefathers FOUGHT FOR! Its WHY the USA was founded! STAND! FIGHT! RESIST!

ummm, she's the one who is being tyrannical. She is defying the rule of law and thus she should resign her position if she can't find a way to reconcile her beliefs with the law. Period end of story.
No law can be made that violates a persons conscious.....Any law becomes un-Constititutional that requires a person to give up their deeply held beliefs...

Sure they can. Laws like that are passed all of the time. She can not be made to violate her religious beliefs, however, as she is a ELECTED OFFICIAL, she is bound to FOLLOW the LAW. That is the oath she swore.

If she can't reconcile her beliefs with the oath she swore then her only option is to resign in protest. Generals and business executives do it all the time and so should she.
Except it only works that way in a dictatorial tyranny....

She held the position BEFORE the law was passed. This means that the law intentionally targets people of faith.....I hope that she appeals to the SCOTUS......

And to be honest.....I really don't care what anyone on this or any forum thinks regarding this.....The day this country can pass a law that requires ME to have to alter My beliefs or behaviors is the day that that government needs to be abolished.

It spells the death of liberty.
she held her position prior to the ratification of the 14th amendment?
Those supporting religious freedom are the sane.

You have the freedom to believe in what ever mythology suits you. Just stop imposing those superstitious beliefs on the rest of us.
TYRANNY UPDATE: Judge Orders Christian Woman to Jail because She Refuses to Violate her Faith

Christians,while I am NOT one of you I respect ANYONE who stands for their faith so much they are willing to be thrown in jail rather than bend to the tyrants rule deserves respect. This is without a doubt in my mind the beginning of the assault on christianity and those that believe in it and stand by its doctrines. Now just a few quotes for you all.

There is no crueler tyranny than that which is perpetuated under the shield of law and in the name of justice.
Charles de Montesquieu

All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.
Edmund Burke

This judges ruling is PROOF that neither he nor the plaintiffs are interested in "marriage" they are interested in this martyr violating her faith by approving these "marriages" The Kentucky Legislature has had 3 months to impeach Kim Davis why haven't they? The judge can rule her to be absent since his tyrannical ass just tossed a woman in jail for following her faith he will still not rule her absent. He is ALSO threatening to throw the rest of the clerks in court for following their faith as well.Its time to march on the court and give this tyrant a tyrants just desserts.

Oh and for any CLOWNS in here. This woman may have been married 4 times but she has also only been a christian for 4 years. GET OVER IT and stop hiding your bigotry trying to destroy her religious rights.

People this is what our forefathers FOUGHT FOR! Its WHY the USA was founded! STAND! FIGHT! RESIST!

ummm, she's the one who is being tyrannical. She is defying the rule of law and thus she should resign her position if she can't find a way to reconcile her beliefs with the law. Period end of story.
No law can be made that violates a persons conscious.....Any law becomes un-Constititutional that requires a person to give up their deeply held beliefs...

Sure they can. Laws like that are passed all of the time. She can not be made to violate her religious beliefs, however, as she is a ELECTED OFFICIAL, she is bound to FOLLOW the LAW. That is the oath she swore.

If she can't reconcile her beliefs with the oath she swore then her only option is to resign in protest. Generals and business executives do it all the time and so should she.
She was elected before the Supreme Court became activist and supposedly changed the law with an erroneous ruling that now claims a right to rule over her religious beliefs. Judges rulings are not law. Only Legislators can create law.

The way I see it, a hypocritical bigoted tyrant has finally been dislodged.

But don't you worry, pants shitter. She's going to be rich when you rubes send her your money. That's what she is in this for.

"First time I've donated to a Democrat!"
She is still in power. You moron. That's my entire fucking point. He could have ordered her absent and then ANY Kentucky legislator could have brought up impeachment against her....why is no one willing to do so? You telling me in entire state of Kentucky there ain't one fucking person that doesn't like what she is doing?
could it be that the kentucky legislatures is full of ignorant republicans that don't want to piss off their ignorant base?

Current composition of the Kentucky Senate (2013)[8]
Affiliation Members
Republican Party 23
Democratic Party 14
Independent 1
Total 38

Current composition of the Kentucky House of Representatives (2013)[10]
Affiliation Members
Democratic Party 54
Republican Party 46
Vacant seat 0
Total 100

House is democrat run by democrats just like Kim Davis :)
good to know that you don't believe in an independent judicial branch like our founders did.

all three branches are irredeemably corrupt and only work for minorities and special interests...
lol. you keep fighting the civil war. those traitors believed as you do

they were patriots fighting an the patriots in 1776 I said, though...all three branches are irredeemably corrupt and only work for minorities and special interests...
you really don't understand the word patriot if you think it describes traitors.

Who is a traitor? the confederates? They tried to peacefully withdraw from the union...How were they "traitors"?

Were the colonists in 1776 "traitors"?
yes. people who decide that they will rebel against their own country are traitors, not patriots.
and you need a country in order to be a patriot. so our founders were not patriots prior to the adoption of the articles of confederation.

The way I see it, a hypocritical bigoted tyrant has finally been dislodged.

But don't you worry, pants shitter. She's going to be rich when you rubes send her your money. That's what she is in this for.

"First time I've donated to a Democrat!"
She is still in power. You moron. That's my entire fucking point. He could have ordered her absent and then ANY Kentucky legislator could have brought up impeachment against her....why is no one willing to do so? You telling me in entire state of Kentucky there ain't one fucking person that doesn't like what she is doing?
Could it be because the Kentucky General Assembly is not in session and you are too retarded to know this?


They only meet in even numbered years, for 60 days.
TYRANNY UPDATE: Judge Orders Christian Woman to Jail because She Refuses to Violate her Faith

Christians,while I am NOT one of you I respect ANYONE who stands for their faith so much they are willing to be thrown in jail rather than bend to the tyrants rule deserves respect. This is without a doubt in my mind the beginning of the assault on christianity and those that believe in it and stand by its doctrines. Now just a few quotes for you all.

There is no crueler tyranny than that which is perpetuated under the shield of law and in the name of justice.
Charles de Montesquieu

All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.
Edmund Burke

This judges ruling is PROOF that neither he nor the plaintiffs are interested in "marriage" they are interested in this martyr violating her faith by approving these "marriages" The Kentucky Legislature has had 3 months to impeach Kim Davis why haven't they? The judge can rule her to be absent since his tyrannical ass just tossed a woman in jail for following her faith he will still not rule her absent. He is ALSO threatening to throw the rest of the clerks in court for following their faith as well.Its time to march on the court and give this tyrant a tyrants just desserts.

Oh and for any CLOWNS in here. This woman may have been married 4 times but she has also only been a christian for 4 years. GET OVER IT and stop hiding your bigotry trying to destroy her religious rights.

People this is what our forefathers FOUGHT FOR! Its WHY the USA was founded! STAND! FIGHT! RESIST!

ummm, she's the one who is being tyrannical. She is defying the rule of law and thus she should resign her position if she can't find a way to reconcile her beliefs with the law. Period end of story.
No law can be made that violates a persons conscious.....Any law becomes un-Constititutional that requires a person to give up their deeply held beliefs...

Sure they can. Laws like that are passed all of the time. She can not be made to violate her religious beliefs, however, as she is a ELECTED OFFICIAL, she is bound to FOLLOW the LAW. That is the oath she swore.

If she can't reconcile her beliefs with the oath she swore then her only option is to resign in protest. Generals and business executives do it all the time and so should she.
Except it only works that way in a dictatorial tyranny....

She held the position BEFORE the law was passed. This means that the law intentionally targets people of faith.....I hope that she appeals to the SCOTUS......

And to be honest.....I really don't care what anyone on this or any forum thinks regarding this.....The day this country can pass a law that requires ME to have to alter My beliefs or behaviors is the day that that government needs to be abolished.

It spells the death of liberty.
she held her position prior to the ratification of the 14th amendment?
It is NOT the 14th Amendment that is in jail for.....This reply of yours is completely inane.....

BTW...the 14th does NOT predate the 1st.....

The way I see it, a hypocritical bigoted tyrant has finally been dislodged.

But don't you worry, pants shitter. She's going to be rich when you rubes send her your money. That's what she is in this for.

"First time I've donated to a Democrat!"
She is still in power. You moron. That's my entire fucking point. He could have ordered her absent and then ANY Kentucky legislator could have brought up impeachment against her....why is no one willing to do so? You telling me in entire state of Kentucky there ain't one fucking person that doesn't like what she is doing?
could it be that the kentucky legislatures is full of ignorant republicans that don't want to piss off their ignorant base?

Current composition of the Kentucky Senate (2013)[8]
Affiliation Members
Republican Party 23
Democratic Party 14
Independent 1
Total 38

Current composition of the Kentucky House of Representatives (2013)[10]
Affiliation Members
Democratic Party 54
Republican Party 46
Vacant seat 0
Total 100

House is democrat run by democrats just like Kim Davis :)
super. so the kentucky legislature is full of ignorant fucks just like kim davis.
TYRANNY UPDATE: Judge Orders Christian Woman to Jail because She Refuses to Violate her Faith

Christians,while I am NOT one of you I respect ANYONE who stands for their faith so much they are willing to be thrown in jail rather than bend to the tyrants rule deserves respect. This is without a doubt in my mind the beginning of the assault on christianity and those that believe in it and stand by its doctrines. Now just a few quotes for you all.

There is no crueler tyranny than that which is perpetuated under the shield of law and in the name of justice.
Charles de Montesquieu

All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.
Edmund Burke

This judges ruling is PROOF that neither he nor the plaintiffs are interested in "marriage" they are interested in this martyr violating her faith by approving these "marriages" The Kentucky Legislature has had 3 months to impeach Kim Davis why haven't they? The judge can rule her to be absent since his tyrannical ass just tossed a woman in jail for following her faith he will still not rule her absent. He is ALSO threatening to throw the rest of the clerks in court for following their faith as well.Its time to march on the court and give this tyrant a tyrants just desserts.

Oh and for any CLOWNS in here. This woman may have been married 4 times but she has also only been a christian for 4 years. GET OVER IT and stop hiding your bigotry trying to destroy her religious rights.

People this is what our forefathers FOUGHT FOR! Its WHY the USA was founded! STAND! FIGHT! RESIST!

ummm, she's the one who is being tyrannical. She is defying the rule of law and thus she should resign her position if she can't find a way to reconcile her beliefs with the law. Period end of story.
No law can be made that violates a persons conscious.....Any law becomes un-Constititutional that requires a person to give up their deeply held beliefs...

Sure they can. Laws like that are passed all of the time. She can not be made to violate her religious beliefs, however, as she is a ELECTED OFFICIAL, she is bound to FOLLOW the LAW. That is the oath she swore.

If she can't reconcile her beliefs with the oath she swore then her only option is to resign in protest. Generals and business executives do it all the time and so should she.
Except it only works that way in a dictatorial tyranny....

She held the position BEFORE the law was passed. This means that the law intentionally targets people of faith.....I hope that she appeals to the SCOTUS......

And to be honest.....I really don't care what anyone on this or any forum thinks regarding this.....The day this country can pass a law that requires ME to have to alter My beliefs or behaviors is the day that that government needs to be abolished.

It spells the death of liberty.

It doesn't matter. If the judges rule in a way you think is wrong, or immoral, you resign your position and fight the fight in a legal way. You don't assume you have all the power and ignore judicial rulings. SHE was the one being dictatorial.
Those supporting religious freedom are the sane.

You have the freedom to believe in what ever mythology suits you. Just stop imposing those superstitious beliefs on the rest of us.
It is NOT being imposed on anyone....People who wanted licenses could get them anywhere but from her....They do not have the right to force someone else to provide them with something they already have access to.

Oh, what a beautiful sight. She looks like a deranged Bible thumper.
She doesn't look any different than most people do today. When your college kid is approached for a good time I hope you've provided him or her with a few fundamentals, and the will to say NO!.
ummm, she's the one who is being tyrannical. She is defying the rule of law and thus she should resign her position if she can't find a way to reconcile her beliefs with the law. Period end of story.
No law can be made that violates a persons conscious.....Any law becomes un-Constititutional that requires a person to give up their deeply held beliefs...

Sure they can. Laws like that are passed all of the time. She can not be made to violate her religious beliefs, however, as she is a ELECTED OFFICIAL, she is bound to FOLLOW the LAW. That is the oath she swore.

If she can't reconcile her beliefs with the oath she swore then her only option is to resign in protest. Generals and business executives do it all the time and so should she.
Except it only works that way in a dictatorial tyranny....

She held the position BEFORE the law was passed. This means that the law intentionally targets people of faith.....I hope that she appeals to the SCOTUS......

And to be honest.....I really don't care what anyone on this or any forum thinks regarding this.....The day this country can pass a law that requires ME to have to alter My beliefs or behaviors is the day that that government needs to be abolished.

It spells the death of liberty.
she held her position prior to the ratification of the 14th amendment?
It is NOT the 14th Amendment that is in jail for.....This reply of yours is completely inane.....

BTW...the 14th does NOT predate the 1st.....
she's in jail for violation of a court order. that court order is based on her denial of equal treatment under the law - a right guaranteed in the 14th amendment.
her first amendment rights do not allow her to violate the rights of others - and it especially doesn't give her the right to use her office to violate the rights of others.
all three branches are irredeemably corrupt and only work for minorities and special interests...
lol. you keep fighting the civil war. those traitors believed as you do

they were patriots fighting an the patriots in 1776 I said, though...all three branches are irredeemably corrupt and only work for minorities and special interests...
you really don't understand the word patriot if you think it describes traitors.

Who is a traitor? the confederates? They tried to peacefully withdraw from the union...How were they "traitors"?

Were the colonists in 1776 "traitors"?
yes. people who decide that they will rebel against their own country are traitors, not patriots.
and you need a country in order to be a patriot. so our founders were not patriots prior to the adoption of the articles of confederation.

LMAO..word games. So the colonists were traitors?..ok...fine..Knowing that tells me a lot about you..

Once again, the south didn't rebel...They tried to peacefully withdraw. The north sent troops and ships to invade and blockade the port.
Patriots always fight to repel invaders.
TYRANNY UPDATE: Judge Orders Christian Woman to Jail because She Refuses to Violate her Faith

Christians,while I am NOT one of you I respect ANYONE who stands for their faith so much they are willing to be thrown in jail rather than bend to the tyrants rule deserves respect. This is without a doubt in my mind the beginning of the assault on christianity and those that believe in it and stand by its doctrines. Now just a few quotes for you all.

There is no crueler tyranny than that which is perpetuated under the shield of law and in the name of justice.
Charles de Montesquieu

All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.
Edmund Burke

This judges ruling is PROOF that neither he nor the plaintiffs are interested in "marriage" they are interested in this martyr violating her faith by approving these "marriages" The Kentucky Legislature has had 3 months to impeach Kim Davis why haven't they? The judge can rule her to be absent since his tyrannical ass just tossed a woman in jail for following her faith he will still not rule her absent. He is ALSO threatening to throw the rest of the clerks in court for following their faith as well.Its time to march on the court and give this tyrant a tyrants just desserts.

Oh and for any CLOWNS in here. This woman may have been married 4 times but she has also only been a christian for 4 years. GET OVER IT and stop hiding your bigotry trying to destroy her religious rights.

People this is what our forefathers FOUGHT FOR! Its WHY the USA was founded! STAND! FIGHT! RESIST!

ummm, she's the one who is being tyrannical. She is defying the rule of law and thus she should resign her position if she can't find a way to reconcile her beliefs with the law. Period end of story.
No law can be made that violates a persons conscious.....Any law becomes un-Constititutional that requires a person to give up their deeply held beliefs...

Sure they can. Laws like that are passed all of the time. She can not be made to violate her religious beliefs, however, as she is a ELECTED OFFICIAL, she is bound to FOLLOW the LAW. That is the oath she swore.

If she can't reconcile her beliefs with the oath she swore then her only option is to resign in protest. Generals and business executives do it all the time and so should she.
Except it only works that way in a dictatorial tyranny....

She held the position BEFORE the law was passed. This means that the law intentionally targets people of faith.....I hope that she appeals to the SCOTUS......

And to be honest.....I really don't care what anyone on this or any forum thinks regarding this.....The day this country can pass a law that requires ME to have to alter My beliefs or behaviors is the day that that government needs to be abolished.

It spells the death of liberty.

It doesn't matter. If the judges rule in a way you think is wrong, or immoral, you resign your position and fight the fight in a legal way. You don't assume you have all the power and ignore judicial rulings. SHE was the one being dictatorial.
No you do not.

NEVER GIVE GROUND to tyranny. She is doing it the right way...

Now a Go Fund Me account needs to be set up to fund a fight to the SCOTUS...
TYRANNY UPDATE: Judge Orders Christian Woman to Jail because She Refuses to Violate her Faith

Christians,while I am NOT one of you I respect ANYONE who stands for their faith so much they are willing to be thrown in jail rather than bend to the tyrants rule deserves respect. This is without a doubt in my mind the beginning of the assault on christianity and those that believe in it and stand by its doctrines. Now just a few quotes for you all.

There is no crueler tyranny than that which is perpetuated under the shield of law and in the name of justice.
Charles de Montesquieu

All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.
Edmund Burke

This judges ruling is PROOF that neither he nor the plaintiffs are interested in "marriage" they are interested in this martyr violating her faith by approving these "marriages" The Kentucky Legislature has had 3 months to impeach Kim Davis why haven't they? The judge can rule her to be absent since his tyrannical ass just tossed a woman in jail for following her faith he will still not rule her absent. He is ALSO threatening to throw the rest of the clerks in court for following their faith as well.Its time to march on the court and give this tyrant a tyrants just desserts.

Oh and for any CLOWNS in here. This woman may have been married 4 times but she has also only been a christian for 4 years. GET OVER IT and stop hiding your bigotry trying to destroy her religious rights.

People this is what our forefathers FOUGHT FOR! Its WHY the USA was founded! STAND! FIGHT! RESIST!

ummm, she's the one who is being tyrannical. She is defying the rule of law and thus she should resign her position if she can't find a way to reconcile her beliefs with the law. Period end of story.
No law can be made that violates a persons conscious.....Any law becomes un-Constititutional that requires a person to give up their deeply held beliefs...

Sure they can. Laws like that are passed all of the time. She can not be made to violate her religious beliefs, however, as she is a ELECTED OFFICIAL, she is bound to FOLLOW the LAW. That is the oath she swore.

If she can't reconcile her beliefs with the oath she swore then her only option is to resign in protest. Generals and business executives do it all the time and so should she.
Except it only works that way in a dictatorial tyranny....

She held the position BEFORE the law was passed. This means that the law intentionally targets people of faith.....I hope that she appeals to the SCOTUS......

And to be honest.....I really don't care what anyone on this or any forum thinks regarding this.....The day this country can pass a law that requires ME to have to alter My beliefs or behaviors is the day that that government needs to be abolished.

It spells the death of liberty.

It doesn't matter. If the judges rule in a way you think is wrong, or immoral, you resign your position and fight the fight in a legal way. You don't assume you have all the power and ignore judicial rulings. SHE was the one being dictatorial.
It appears that what you are now saying is that anyone who stands on their faith cannot be in an elected positon?
Hey, tards.

They Kentucky General Assembly is only in session for 30 days in odd numbered years. And only for 60 days in even numbered years.

The next session begins in January.

The way I see it, a hypocritical bigoted tyrant has finally been dislodged.

But don't you worry, pants shitter. She's going to be rich when you rubes send her your money. That's what she is in this for.

"First time I've donated to a Democrat!"
She is still in power. You moron. That's my entire fucking point. He could have ordered her absent and then ANY Kentucky legislator could have brought up impeachment against her....why is no one willing to do so? You telling me in entire state of Kentucky there ain't one fucking person that doesn't like what she is doing?
Could it be because the Kentucky General Assembly is not in session and you are too retarded to know this?

The legislature adjourned for the year in April. Only the governor can call them back in session.

Get to calling sparky. That useless fuck ain't doing his job.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 3, 2015 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Family Research Council President Tony Perkins released the following statement after a federal judge ordered the jailing of Kentucky County Clerk Kim Davis because she declined to issue same-sex marriage licenses:

"Today we are witnessing what the four dissenting Supreme Court Justices warned of in the Obergefell decision: religious liberty in America is in grave danger.

"While five justices on the Supreme Court created this dilemma, it is incumbent upon Congress, and in this case legislatures, to ensure orthodox religious beliefs are accommodated. Kentucky Governor Steve Beshear could solve this court-created conflict by immediately calling for a special legislative session and establishing statutory accommodations for clerks like Kim Davis.

"Ultimately, this is about more than same-sex marriage licenses in Kentucky. It is about the ability of Christians and other religious people to serve in positions of public trust. If this is not resolved in a manner that accommodates the orthodox religious beliefs of Clerk Davis, this will, in effect, establish a reverse religious test barring those who hold biblical views of marriage from positions of public service. Such a religious test by proclamation or practice is wrong.

"Now a court is jailing someone over this because the governor failed to act. How hard is it to change a simple form to remove her name from it? Isn't that worth doing to keep someone out of jail because of what they believe? Governor Beshear must call for a special session of the legislature and grant an accommodation to Kim Davis.

"If governors and legislatures thought this threat to religious freedom would go away – the jailing of Kim Davis proves them wrong. The time to protect and accommodate religious liberty is now," concluded Perkins.

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