Kentucky Clerk Jailed for Contempt of Court

Jindal and Cruz are on board with Huckabee. This is going to be a clown car extravaganza!
Public officials have to obey the law and exercise their powers accordingly.

If we allowed every employee to use his religious objections as an excuse not to do their job, we would have total chaos.
You have been spoon fed the facts of the case and yet you continue to lie about it.

Or are you just plain stupid?

Either way, quit being such a silly drama queen. She's not a martyr or a political prisoner.

She defied the decision of the Supreme Court of The United States. She is in contempt of court.

And no - Obama had nothing to do with it so don't even go there.
Don't call me stupid fuckwad. How do you like this getting personal? My opinion is just as valid if not more so. Half the country was against this court decision. That doesn't settle anything when God is concerned. Makes no difference is you believe in God or not.


You saying that she is a martyr or political prisoner is indeed the words of an ignorant drama queen.

If you don't like the law, work to change it. Until then, neither you nor she are above the laws of the land.

If you want to live by the laws of some "god", Iraq has a spot for you.
Your response is proof this is all about religious persecution and creation of a new class of political prisoners in this country. Next yoo people will line up the boxcars to haul us off to prisoner camps for extermination. You did it once before. You are capable of it again.

Comparing the Supreme Court of the United States to nazis?

That's downright stupid.
Bullshit. Your side are the Nazis.
says the guy supporting a woman who uses her government office to deny rights to people she disagrees with
...4. Believing in a god does not make you immune from the law.
When the Law forces you to engage in Wickedness, then the Law must be changed.

The Constitution is not a suicide pact.

How many LAWS has the obomanation REFUSED to prosecute?

You are either a liar, or stupid...I vote for both!

DOJ Refuses to Prosecute IRS Cases | Politics
Jul 19, 2013 · DOJ Refuses to Prosecute IRS Cases. Friday, July 19, 2013 3:46 % of readers think this story is Fact. Add your two cents. ... (an Obama appointee).

  • Need more, I have them!:ahole-1:
nice sources. now do you have something legitimate?

Here, for you with the BULLSHIT answers is another 114,000 LINKS.... Sucks to be a fucking RETARDED FAGERAL!

how many laws has obama refused to prosecute - Bing
You have been spoon fed the facts of the case and yet you continue to lie about it.

Or are you just plain stupid?

Either way, quit being such a silly drama queen. She's not a martyr or a political prisoner.

She defied the decision of the Supreme Court of The United States. She is in contempt of court.

And no - Obama had nothing to do with it so don't even go there.
Don't call me stupid fuckwad. How do you like this getting personal? My opinion is just as valid if not more so. Half the country was against this court decision. That doesn't settle anything when God is concerned. Makes no difference is you believe in God or not.


You saying that she is a martyr or political prisoner is indeed the words of an ignorant drama queen.

If you don't like the law, work to change it. Until then, neither you nor she are above the laws of the land.

If you want to live by the laws of some "god", Iraq has a spot for you.
Your response is proof this is all about religious persecution and creation of a new class of political prisoners in this country. Next yoo people will line up the boxcars to haul us off to prisoner camps for extermination. You did it once before. You are capable of it again.

Comparing the Supreme Court of the United States to nazis?

That's downright stupid.
Bullshit. Your side are the Nazis.

Why don't you know and understand that this law was passed by a CONSERVATIVE Supreme Court?
Don't call me stupid fuckwad. How do you like this getting personal? My opinion is just as valid if not more so. Half the country was against this court decision. That doesn't settle anything when God is concerned. Makes no difference is you believe in God or not.


You saying that she is a martyr or political prisoner is indeed the words of an ignorant drama queen.

If you don't like the law, work to change it. Until then, neither you nor she are above the laws of the land.

If you want to live by the laws of some "god", Iraq has a spot for you.
Your response is proof this is all about religious persecution and creation of a new class of political prisoners in this country. Next yoo people will line up the boxcars to haul us off to prisoner camps for extermination. You did it once before. You are capable of it again.

Comparing the Supreme Court of the United States to nazis?

That's downright stupid.
Bullshit. Your side are the Nazis.
says the guy supporting a woman who uses her government office to deny rights to people she disagrees with

Yep. He would indeed force others to conform to his beliefs and the expense of their own rights.

You don't get much more "nazi" than that.
Its a comparison of methods, not of reasons or circumstances.
when mlk was arrested it was showing the injustice in the system. she's getting arrested because she's denying people their rights - she is the injustice

If marriage is a right, then anyone can marry.


same sex couples have the right to get married. she's denying them that right.
what you said, as incoherent as it was, does not change that.
She isn't denying them anything other than a license from her. They can always get one.....They just have to get into their cars and drive to another county.
That doesn't force gay marriage acceptance on the rest us us.

There is nothing that forces you to accept marriage equality.


Indeed, what you think and believe is of no importance at all.

The law, however, is.
Judge David Bunning's office number.
Give him a call. (859) 392-7907

Have fun sane thinking people! :) To bad we don't have the numbers or enough angry people fed up with activist swine tyrants to march on his office.
yeah. it's sad that insanity just isn't as popular as you'd like
Those supporting religious freedom are the sane. YOUR KIND are the insane. Criminally so.
Break the law, suffer the consequences. That's tyranny?
Get lost dyke bitch.

Ooh, cogent argument. I'm slain. :lol:
No need for me to waste my time or energy on a disgusting homosexual
Religious tyranny is coming to an end. This is just one grumpy dinosaur pitching a fit. I don't agree with jail, but if she refuses to do her job she should be fired.
Tell that to the Kentucky Legislature they have had 3 months to do that.
when mlk was arrested it was showing the injustice in the system. she's getting arrested because she's denying people their rights - she is the injustice

If marriage is a right, then anyone can marry.


same sex couples have the right to get married. she's denying them that right.
what you said, as incoherent as it was, does not change that.
She isn't denying them anything other than a license from her. They can always get one.....They just have to get into their cars and drive to another county.
That doesn't force gay marriage acceptance on the rest us us.

There is nothing that forces you to accept marriage equality.


Indeed, what you think and believe is of no importance at all.

The law, however, is.

That's true. Even if a person doesn't like it the Supreme Court rulings are the LAW and must be accepted.

Just like Graham v. Connor. And Tennessee v. Garner. And Maryland v. Wilson. ALL laws regarding police use of force. ALL major reason why cops are so often justified in shootings.

You libs may not LIKE it. But it's the law you must accept.
And now Lindsey Graham, Kasich, Rand Paul.

Paul was just on and actually lied about it.

Repubs believe they have to abide by only the laws with which they agree.

Well they called Lincoln a tyrant too.

NYC pins the bogometer, como siempre.

The clerk is not preventing gays from getting married; she just doesn't want to participate in the process. That doesn't keep them from getting a marriage license elsewhere or from someone else.

This is yet another instance of Tolerance not being enough. One must Accept and Participate and given up Independent Thought.

Slavery is Freedom.

Yeah, well turning black people away from your restaurant doesn't keep them from going to another neighborhood either.

Tyranny is when you abandon the democratic system you have in place and start letting one person make up their own set of laws. In this case, this clerk is the one person.
Well they called Lincoln a tyrant too.

NYC pins the bogometer, como siempre.

The clerk is not preventing gays from getting married; she just doesn't want to participate in the process. That doesn't keep them from getting a marriage license elsewhere or from someone else.

This is yet another instance of Tolerance not being enough. One must Accept and Participate and given up Independent Thought.

Slavery is Freedom.

Yeah, well turning black people away from your restaurant doesn't keep them from going to another neighborhood either.

Tyranny is when you abandon the democratic system you have in place and start letting one person make up their own set of laws. In this case, this clerk is the one person.
My business my choice. Just like no pets,no shirt no shoes etc means no service.I want a safe quiet establishment not something out of a jungle scene between chimps playing out in my eatery.
Don't call me stupid fuckwad. How do you like this getting personal? My opinion is just as valid if not more so. Half the country was against this court decision. That doesn't settle anything when God is concerned. Makes no difference is you believe in God or not.


You saying that she is a martyr or political prisoner is indeed the words of an ignorant drama queen.

If you don't like the law, work to change it. Until then, neither you nor she are above the laws of the land.

If you want to live by the laws of some "god", Iraq has a spot for you.
Your response is proof this is all about religious persecution and creation of a new class of political prisoners in this country. Next yoo people will line up the boxcars to haul us off to prisoner camps for extermination. You did it once before. You are capable of it again.

Comparing the Supreme Court of the United States to nazis?

That's downright stupid.
Bullshit. Your side are the Nazis.

Why don't you know and understand that this law was passed by a CONSERVATIVE Supreme Court?

Lying Fugly TRIES to slip another one through! TALK about your LIBERAL COURT!


Well they called Lincoln a tyrant too.

NYC pins the bogometer, como siempre.

The clerk is not preventing gays from getting married; she just doesn't want to participate in the process. That doesn't keep them from getting a marriage license elsewhere or from someone else.

This is yet another instance of Tolerance not being enough. One must Accept and Participate and given up Independent Thought.

Slavery is Freedom.

Yeah, well turning black people away from your restaurant doesn't keep them from going to another neighborhood either.

Tyranny is when you abandon the democratic system you have in place and start letting one person make up their own set of laws. In this case, this clerk is the one person.
My business my choice. Just like no pets,no shirt no shoes etc means no service.I want a safe quiet establishment not something out of a jungle scene between chimps playing out in my eatery.

You can throw any color of person out of your restaurant for being disruptive.

You cannot refuse service based on skin color. I'm not surprised you don't understand that.
BTW, the others who defied the law were not elected and should be fired.

Don't do the job you were hired to do?

Go find a different job.
Same actress plays "Kim Davis, Kentucky clerk still Refusing to Issue Same-Sex Marriage Licenses" and "Prison Seamstress Joyce Mitchell, who pleaded guilty to helping two inmates escape".
Reductionism: Simulated reality:
All headlines now stated with actors, the reverse of the 1998 movie "Truman show".
Reductionism: elapsed time between roles:
Contrast the actor playing Chris Stevens, who stepped again on stage in another role a decade later, with actors now stepping on stage in other roles weeks later.

Joyce Mitchell
Sex & Drugs: Prison Seamstress Joyce Mitchell's Escape Confession Revealed

Kim Davis
Kentucky Clerk Still Won't Issue Same-Sex Marriage Licenses

How fake folks are created:
Chris Stevens played by the same actor who played long time Rep. Gary Condit from the Chandra Levy hoax murder.
"Dead" US ambassador in Libya lived less than 2 years:
Part of Obama's detonation to let terninator Hiitlery Clinton finish the job:
Illuminati Actors: Chris Stevens Libya ambassador lived only 2 years

Reductionism in End Times - KEY to conspiracies. In fact nothing escapes its Laws.: Kentucky clerk Prison Seamstress Same actress
Last edited:
Well they called Lincoln a tyrant too.

NYC pins the bogometer, como siempre.

The clerk is not preventing gays from getting married; she just doesn't want to participate in the process. That doesn't keep them from getting a marriage license elsewhere or from someone else.

This is yet another instance of Tolerance not being enough. One must Accept and Participate and given up Independent Thought.

Slavery is Freedom.

Yeah, well turning black people away from your restaurant doesn't keep them from going to another neighborhood either.

Tyranny is when you abandon the democratic system you have in place and start letting one person make up their own set of laws. In this case, this clerk is the one person.
My business my choice. Just like no pets,no shirt no shoes etc means no service.I want a safe quiet establishment not something out of a jungle scene between chimps playing out in my eatery.

You can throw any color of person out of your restaurant for being disruptive.

You cannot refuse service based on skin color. I'm not surprised you don't understand that.
Oh I understand tyranny says I can't. Its why I would never own a public business.I put my money into it I will choose who is allowed in or maybe I could make it a private club :D
i find it funny that the op believes tyranny is jailing a public servant for contempt but that same public servant unilaterally denying services to citizens she disagrees with is not tyrannical.
The tyrant is trampling on her first amendment rights. Plain and simple. If he dislikes her choices so much why has the Kentucky Legislature in 3 months not impeached and removed her? Hmmmm?

Requiring equal treatment of all citizens is not tyranny. She should have resigned in protest.
From the comments section of the above link.

In the United States, same-sex marriage has been legal nationwide since June 26, 2015, when the United States Supreme Court ruled in Obergefell v. Hodges that state-level bans on same-sex marriage are unconstitutional. The court ruled that the denial of marriage licenses to same-sex couples and the refusal to recognize those marriages performed in other jurisdictions violates the Due Process and the Equal Protection clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution. The ruling overturned a precedent, Baker v. Nelson.

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