Kentucky Clerk Jailed for Contempt of Court

Judge David Bunning's office number.
Give him a call. (859) 392-7907

Have fun sane thinking people! :) To bad we don't have the numbers or enough angry people fed up with activist swine tyrants to march on his office.
Really, she was the wrong woman to do this, as her history brought out by the FAGERAL media shows her to be a hypocrite...BUT, if all the other clerks around the country refused to do it, were arrested, and held onto their religious convictions, what would THOUSANDS of these people be sending a message to the majority of Americans....that our culture has been usurped by a bunch of perverted scumbags that, at most are 2% of the population, and have lesbians in the SCOTUS that made another horrible decision!
...deny rights to others.
Sexual deviancy and perversion (homosexuality) should have no standing at-law, other than to be recognized as dangerous to the Republic and its People.

We (as a country) have lost our way.

The long trek back towards sanity may begin as early as January 20, 2017.
nice opinion. now back to reality...
Au contraire... I show you an entirely plausible future, after January 20, 2017.. but, please continue to believe that you recent victory(ies) are final and irreversible.
This homely hog Davis is taking her cue from the SCOTUS finding in favor of defendants like Hobby Lobby. That's what happens when religion is allowed to influence laws and citizen's rights.
There is no reason to call her a hog. Is that why she should be jailed in your opinion? Stay on topic. Christians singled out for political prisioners.

You have been spoon fed the facts of the case and yet you continue to lie about it.

Or are you just plain stupid?

Either way, quit being such a silly drama queen. She's not a martyr or a political prisoner.

She defied the decision of the Supreme Court of The United States. She is in contempt of court.

And no - Obama had nothing to do with it so don't even go there.
Don't call me stupid fuckwad. How do you like this getting personal? My opinion is just as valid if not more so. Half the country was against this court decision. That doesn't settle anything when God is concerned. Makes no difference is you believe in God or not.


You saying that she is a martyr or political prisoner is indeed the words of an ignorant drama queen.

If you don't like the law, work to change it. Until then, neither you nor she are above the laws of the land.

If you want to live by the laws of some "god", Iraq has a spot for you.
Your response is proof this is all about religious persecution and creation of a new class of political prisoners in this country. Next yoo people will line up the boxcars to haul us off to prisoner camps for extermination. You did it once before. You are capable of it again.
Judge David Bunning's office number.
Give him a call. (859) 392-7907

Have fun sane thinking people! :) To bad we don't have the numbers or enough angry people fed up with activist swine tyrants to march on his office.
yeah. it's sad that insanity just isn't as popular as you'd like
...Oh my fucking god, you really are a drama queen...
Just serving-up the Rally Cry. Like it? It's yours. I'll even toss-in the black keys for free.

...Question for you fundies who work for a living ... If you refuse to do your job, what happens? Hmmm? :rolleyes:
Depends on whether or not doing one's job includes defying God's Law and committing a Wicked Act.

More drama.

No, that's not what it "depends on".

This is actually very simple.

1. If you don't do your job, get fired.
2. If you don't want to do your job, find a different job.
3. If you don't like the law, work to change it.
4. Believing in a god does not make you immune from the law.
5. Know and accept that you WILL suffer the consequences of breaking the law.
...deny rights to others.
Sexual deviancy and perversion (homosexuality) should have no standing at-law, other than to be recognized as dangerous to the Republic and its People.

We (as a country) have lost our way.

The long trek back towards sanity may begin as early as January 20, 2017.
nice opinion. now back to reality...
Au contraire... I show you an entirely plausible future, after January 20, 2017.. but, please continue to believe that you recent victory(ies) are final and irreversible.
what happens on jan 20, 2017 that would cause the supreme court to go back on their decision?
This homely hog Davis is taking her cue from the SCOTUS finding in favor of defendants like Hobby Lobby. That's what happens when religion is allowed to influence laws and citizen's rights.
There is no reason to call her a hog. Is that why she should be jailed in your opinion? Stay on topic. Christians singled out for political prisioners.

You have been spoon fed the facts of the case and yet you continue to lie about it.

Or are you just plain stupid?

Either way, quit being such a silly drama queen. She's not a martyr or a political prisoner.

She defied the decision of the Supreme Court of The United States. She is in contempt of court.

And no - Obama had nothing to do with it so don't even go there.
Don't call me stupid fuckwad. How do you like this getting personal? My opinion is just as valid if not more so. Half the country was against this court decision. That doesn't settle anything when God is concerned. Makes no difference is you believe in God or not.


You saying that she is a martyr or political prisoner is indeed the words of an ignorant drama queen.

If you don't like the law, work to change it. Until then, neither you nor she are above the laws of the land.

If you want to live by the laws of some "god", Iraq has a spot for you.
Your response is proof this is all about religious persecution and creation of a new class of political prisoners in this country. Next yoo people will line up the boxcars to haul us off to prisoner camps for extermination. You did it once before. You are capable of it again.
wow. you really do go all in on the crazy, don't you?
she does not have the right to deny services to the people of her county. her first amendment rights do not trump their 14th amendment rights. if her convictions prevent her from fulfilling her oath of office she can find new work.
This homely hog Davis is taking her cue from the SCOTUS finding in favor of defendants like Hobby Lobby. That's what happens when religion is allowed to influence laws and citizen's rights.
There is no reason to call her a hog. Is that why she should be jailed in your opinion? Stay on topic. Christians singled out for political prisioners.

You have been spoon fed the facts of the case and yet you continue to lie about it.

Or are you just plain stupid?

Either way, quit being such a silly drama queen. She's not a martyr or a political prisoner.

She defied the decision of the Supreme Court of The United States. She is in contempt of court.

And no - Obama had nothing to do with it so don't even go there.
Don't call me stupid fuckwad. How do you like this getting personal? My opinion is just as valid if not more so. Half the country was against this court decision. That doesn't settle anything when God is concerned. Makes no difference is you believe in God or not.


You saying that she is a martyr or political prisoner is indeed the words of an ignorant drama queen.

If you don't like the law, work to change it. Until then, neither you nor she are above the laws of the land.

If you want to live by the laws of some "god", Iraq has a spot for you.
Your response is proof this is all about religious persecution and creation of a new class of political prisoners in this country. Next yoo people will line up the boxcars to haul us off to prisoner camps for extermination. You did it once before. You are capable of it again.

Comparing the Supreme Court of the United States to nazis?

That's downright stupid.
what happens on jan 20, 2017 that would cause the supreme court to go back on their decision?
Conservatives regain control of the Executive, as well as the Legislative, and begin to strong-arm the Judicial.

All it takes is one Justice, to change his-or-her mind, or to retire, or to expire - in order to stand the whole thing back on its ear again.

The present state of affairs is far more fragile than you are allowing yourself to believe.

The war isn't over.

It's only just begun.

You won the last round.

The American People are likely to win the next.
Really, she was the wrong woman to do this, as her history brought out by the FAGERAL media shows her to be a hypocrite...BUT, if all the other clerks around the country refused to do it, were arrested, and held onto their religious convictions, what would THOUSANDS of these people be sending a message to the majority of Americans....that our culture has been usurped by a bunch of perverted scumbags that, at most are 2% of the population, and have lesbians in the SCOTUS that made another horrible decision!
She wasn't a Christian while committing those indiscretions. If she was, Christians would abandon her. We aren't.
...4. Believing in a god does not make you immune from the law.
When the Law forces you to engage in Wickedness, then the Law must be changed.

The Constitution is not a suicide pact.

Then change the law.

And if you don't like the Constitution of the US, leave or join the other anti-America RWs and work to overthrow it.

Meanwhile, you DO have to abide by the law or suffer the consequences.
They now officially have a martyr.

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