Kentucky Clerk Jailed for Contempt of Court

they absolutely are. she's an agent of the government, and when acting as such her religious convictions are irrelevant - but more than that your rights do not ever give you the right to infringe upon the rights of others. her religious liberty stops when it begins to infringe on equal access and service for the people she serves.
Her religious convictions are not ever irrelevant. Not if those convictions are Christian. Ever.

She is not abridging anyone's rights. And if you persist in thinking (and I use that term loosely) she is, then blame the judge, too. He removed her from her post.

And if they were Muslim?

The RWs would be screaming for her head if she were Muslim.

Yea, let's allow the Muslims to exercise their liberties in this country, Fool.

Will you be the first in line for a female circumcision and to get your driver license revoked?
lol. you should have just started out by telling us you don't care about the constitution.
It's capitalized. Constitution is capitalized. Show some respect for it, eh.

Protest the defiling of it, maybe, say from Muslims and progressives.
lol. you complain about my capitalization while arguing for tossing out one of the most basic rights enshrined in it.

you're a confused individual.
You liberals are evil in your celebration of this political prisoner's imprisonment.
It's not political, she's breaking the law, and now in jail where she belongs for doing so...
...and where Obama should be for breaking the law...and where Hillary should be for breaking the law...

Your selective application of rules to follow is understandable. Liberals are some sick people.
Unlike your other two examples, this one has actually been convicted by an actual court...
What conviction? No trial, just thrown in jail for political reasons. This gay marriage is not settled by the people. Until then she is a political prisoner.
She has been convicted of Contempt of Court:

"Contempt of court, often referred to simply as "contempt", is the offense of being disobedient to or disrespectful towards a court of law and its officers in the form of behavior that opposes or defies authority, justice, and dignity of the court.[1][2] It manifests itself in willful disregard of or disrespect for the authority of a court of law, which is often behavior that is illegal because it does not obey or respect the rules of a law court.[3][4]"
Contempt of court - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And yet again, the RWs have no understanding, not a clue.

How do these bozos get through their days without help from liberals?
This homely hog Davis is taking her cue from the SCOTUS finding in favor of defendants like Hobby Lobby. That's what happens when religion is allowed to influence laws and citizen's rights.
There is no reason to call her a hog. Is that why she should be jailed in your opinion? Stay on topic. Christians singled out for political prisioners.
she isn't in jail because of her christianity. she's in jail for defying a court order.
My best guess is that, before the Federal court adjourns today, she will have talked to God, who will have told her to resign her job, and go home.
This homely hog Davis is taking her cue from the SCOTUS finding in favor of defendants like Hobby Lobby. That's what happens when religion is allowed to influence laws and citizen's rights.
There is no reason to call her a hog. Is that why she should be jailed in your opinion? Stay on topic. Christians singled out for political prisioners.

You have been spoon fed the facts of the case and yet you continue to lie about it.

Or are you just plain stupid?

Either way, quit being such a silly drama queen. She's not a martyr or a political prisoner.

She defied the decision of the Supreme Court of The United States. She is in contempt of court.

And no - Obama had nothing to do with it so don't even go there.
i find it funny that the op believes tyranny is jailing a public servant for contempt but that same public servant unilaterally denying services to citizens she disagrees with is not tyrannical.
The tyrant is trampling on her first amendment rights. Plain and simple. If he dislikes her choices so much why has the Kentucky Legislature in 3 months not impeached and removed her? Hmmmm?
why do her first amendment rights trump the 14th amendment rights of the people? the office of county clerk has no religious convictions.
Which is why the Kentucky Legislature should impeach and remove her. SHE does have first amendment rights. Period. The judge as well can claim she is absent and have someone else sign these "marriage" licenses.
First off all folks. Gays aren't prevented from obtaining a license to marry. Let's not have You folks fainting from the vapors over this.
Well they called Lincoln a tyrant too.

NYC pins the bogometer, como siempre.

The clerk is not preventing gays from getting married; she just doesn't want to participate in the process. That doesn't keep them from getting a marriage license elsewhere or from someone else.

This is yet another instance of Tolerance not being enough. One must Accept and Participate and given up Independent Thought.

Slavery is Freedom.
Funny, I'm pretty sure I heard horseshit like that about 4 years ago, too. Except of, of course, the date the meter was supposed to start ticking was January 20, 2013. How'd that turn out again?
A lot more has happened since then, to sicken people, as evidenced by the atypical early success of people like Trump.

There's a much greater chance of such a thing materializing, this time, versus 2012.

A state of affairs that The Left has brought upon its own head... pushing America, and pushing, and pushing, and pushing, and pushing...

Until they finally run out of luck.

As they just have.
She went to jail willingly, and with a "thank you" to the Marshals taking her into custody.
She went to jail willingly, and with a "thank you" to the Marshals taking her into custody.

Ah....civil disobedience is just so sweet when it's a white person, isn't it?

it's right up there with how MLK did his, let the system arrest you to show the injustice of the system.

MLK wasn't getting paid by government for what he did, and was working to stop segregation, not enforce it like she is.

Its a comparison of methods, not of reasons or circumstances.

Don't compare that stringy-haired hogette to MLK, in any way.
She is a Rosa Parks fighting injustice to Christians.
i find it funny that the op believes tyranny is jailing a public servant for contempt but that same public servant unilaterally denying services to citizens she disagrees with is not tyrannical.
The tyrant is trampling on her first amendment rights. Plain and simple. If he dislikes her choices so much why has the Kentucky Legislature in 3 months not impeached and removed her? Hmmmm?
why do her first amendment rights trump the 14th amendment rights of the people? the office of county clerk has no religious convictions.
Which is why the Kentucky Legislature should impeach and remove her. SHE does have first amendment rights. Period. The judge as well can claim she is absent and have someone else sign these "marriage" licenses.
she has them, but her rights end where the rights of others begin. if she can't do her job, she can resign. but in no way shape or form do her religious beliefs allow her to use her office to deny rights to others.
Ah....civil disobedience is just so sweet when it's a white person, isn't it?

it's right up there with how MLK did his, let the system arrest you to show the injustice of the system.

MLK wasn't getting paid by government for what he did, and was working to stop segregation, not enforce it like she is.

Its a comparison of methods, not of reasons or circumstances.

Don't compare that stringy-haired hogette to MLK, in any way.
She is a Rosa Parks fighting injustice to Christians.

I am sure that the Westboro Baptist Church will build a shrine for her!
This Clerk is not keeping gays from getting married. They can find any one of many other Clerks that will sign the licenses. Their purpose here is make her sign the licenses just to say "We won!" again. That was the sole purpose for pushing for the redefinition of the word 'marriage'.

Insecure fucking idiots!
It's all about normalizing faggotry and forcing everyone to accept it by judicial fiat. That's no way to run a Society. We are free people and not to be forced into shit we disagree with. That is what is behind this fight. Liberal's want to force their ideology on us. There is going to be pushback.
That gal is right where she needs to be.She cannot use her office to impose her religious beliefs on others, which puts her at adds with the constitution.
...deny rights to others.
Sexual deviancy and perversion (homosexuality) should have no standing at-law, other than to be recognized as dangerous to the Republic and its People.

We (as a country) have lost our way.

The long trek back towards sanity may begin as early as January 20, 2017.
She wasn't trying to impose her beliefs on anyone. She was trying to keep other religious beliefs from being imposed on her.
This isn't "tyranny" this is hopey changey. :rolleyes:

Hey stooopid, Obama didn't make the law.

A predominately conservative SCOTUS did.

Educate yourself as to how our govt works and what the role of SCOTUS is.

You might also want to educate yourself as to what the phony christian was jailed for.

Hint: contempt of court and, though you would have not way of knowing it, Obama didn't have anything to do with that either.

Note to OP - there's already a half dozen threads on this.
The law has no importance to RWs.

They either make up shit as they go along and believe its fact - or side with this lying, hypocritical clerk for breaking the law.

And apparently, most of them have no clue what the role of the SCOTUS is.
We didn't authorize SCOTUS to persecute Christians. Set her free and let a judge sign the license without her name on the document. The judge can answer to God. Don't force Christians to accept perversion. Problem solved.
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...deny rights to others.
Sexual deviancy and perversion (homosexuality) should have no standing at-law, other than to be recognized as dangerous to the Republic and its People.

We (as a country) have lost our way.

The long trek back towards sanity may begin as early as January 20, 2017.

Tell it to the Supreme Court of the United States.

You really think they will change their decision when Obama leaves office? Why do you believe that? Or are you just another RW who doesn't understand the SCOTUS ruling has NOTHING to do with the prez?

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