Kentucky Clerk Jailed for Contempt of Court

Well they called Lincoln a tyrant too.
While this is NOT about Lincoln I will leave a tad bit of facts with you,you can check for yourself.

In his first four months, he

  1. Failed to call Congress into session after the South fired upon Fort Sumter, in direct violation of the Constitution.
  2. Called up an army of 75,000 men, bypassing the Congressional authority in direct violation of the Constitution.
  3. Unilaterally suspended the writ of habeas corpus, a function of Congress, violating the Constitution. This gave him the power, as he saw it, to arrest civilians without charge and imprison them indefinitely without trial—which he did.
  4. Ignored a Supreme Court order to restore the right of habeas corpus, thus violating the Constitution again and ignoring the Separation of Powers which the Founders put in place exactly for the purpose of preventing one man’s using tyrannical powers in the executive.
  5. When the Chief Justice forwarded a copy of the Supreme Court’s decision to Lincoln, he wrote out an order for the arrest of the Chief Justice and gave it to a U.S. Marshall for expedition, in violation of the Constitution.
  6. Unilaterally ordered a naval blockade of southern ports, an act of war, and a responsibility of Congress, in violation of the Constitution.
  7. Commandeered and closed over 300 newspapers in the North, because of editorials against his war policy and his illegal military invasion of the South. This clearly violated the First Amendment freedom of speech and press clauses.
  8. Sent in Army forces to destroy the printing presses and other machinery at those newspapers, in violation of the Constitution.
  9. Arrested the publishers, editors and owners of those newspapers, and imprisoned them without charge and without trial for the remainder of the war, all in direct violation of both the Constitution and the Supreme Court order aforementioned.
  10. Arrested and imprisoned, without charge or trial, another 15,000-20,000 U.S. citizens who dared to speak out against the war, his policies, or were suspected of anti-war feelings. (Relative to the population at the time, this would be equivalent to President G.W. Bush arresting and imprisoning roughly 150,000-200,000 Americans without trial for “disagreeing” with the Iraq war; can you imagine?)
  11. Sent the Army to arrest the entire legislature of Maryland to keep them from meeting legally, because they were debating a bill of secession; they were all imprisoned without charge or trial, in direct violation of the Constitution.
  12. Unilaterally created the state of West Virginia in direct violation of the Constitution.
  13. Sent 350,000 Northern men to their deaths to kill 350,000 Southern men in order to force the free and sovereign states of the South to remain in the Union they, the people, legally voted to peacefully withdraw from, all in order to continue the South’s revenue flow into the North.
The Terrible Truth About Abraham Lincoln and the Confederate War
Once rebellion starts, a US President can do almost anything under his power as Commander in Chief.

There was no rebellion. The south tried to peacefully withdraw..the north invaded and sent troops and ships to fort sumter.
As all patriots would, the south fired on the invaders.

Just like the patriots did when they declared independence in 1776 and the british invaded.
No need to continue talking to idiots. They have no common sense and are just trying to derail a serious thread.

I know it.This is anger management therapy for most of calling and cursing..LMAO.....comical

...but other people wander across these boards and if one sticks to the facts, hopefully some of them will be curious enough to do some research on their own and see what the truth is...
The South did not withdraw peacably, the started the fight when they attacked Fort Sumter.

Battle of Fort Sumter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You can't blame Lincoln for Reconstruction. This happened after Lincoln was shot by a Southerner.

Assassination of Abraham Lincoln - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

General Sherman's march through Georgia was to break the South and force them to surrender. The United States also bombed civilians during World War II, causing hundreds of thousands of casualties.

If you want to live a long and prosperous life, don't declare war against the United States of America.
and when she's acting in the capacity of the office of county clerk her religious convictions are irrelevant
No they're not.
they absolutely are. she's an agent of the government, and when acting as such her religious convictions are irrelevant - but more than that your rights do not ever give you the right to infringe upon the rights of others. her religious liberty stops when it begins to infringe on equal access and service for the people she serves.
Her religious convictions are not ever irrelevant. Not if those convictions are Christian. Ever.

She is not abridging anyone's rights. And if you persist in thinking (and I use that term loosely) she is, then blame the judge, too. He removed her from her post.

And if they were Muslim?

The RWs would be screaming for her head if she were Muslim.

Yea, let's allow the Muslims to exercise their liberties in this country, Fool.

Will you be the first in line for a female circumcision and to get your driver license revoked?
lol. you should have just started out by telling us you don't care about the constitution.
What happened to all that gloating we saw from the OP in that other thread?

I am still gloating because this just put the nail in the coffin of the demonazi party. You have become the party of intolerance for anyone who REFUSES to think,act,believe like you. Thanks! I said MANY times throwing her in jail would just make her a martyr and symbol of 21st century religious freedom.

Nah, nutbags like you have lost this one. Those other counties across the Bible-thumper belt are gonna fall in line eventually, too.

Why The Kentucky Clerk's Last Stand Won't Make Her A Right-Wing Hero
Keep dreaming. We ALL look forward to the day we get to exact revenge...I for one have one hell of a imagination when it comes how to best get revenge for destroying society like you sick fucks have done.
If there is anger, it is misplaced to direct it against the city offices. Direct that anger against the ones who deserve it. The gay couples themselves.
The South did not withdraw peacably, the started the fight when they attacked Fort Sumter.

Battle of Fort Sumter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You can't blame Lincoln for Reconstruction. This happened after Lincoln was shot by a Southerner.

Assassination of Abraham Lincoln - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

General Sherman's march through Georgia was to break the South and force them to surrender. The United States also bombed civilians during World War II, causing hundreds of thousands of casualties.

If you want to live a long and prosperous life, don't declare war against the United States of America.
Take it to another thread please.
What happened to all that gloating we saw from the OP in that other thread?

I am still gloating because this just put the nail in the coffin of the demonazi party. You have become the party of intolerance for anyone who REFUSES to think,act,believe like you. Thanks! I said MANY times throwing her in jail would just make her a martyr and symbol of 21st century religious freedom.

Nah, nutbags like you have lost this one. Those other counties across the Bible-thumper belt are gonna fall in line eventually, too.

Why The Kentucky Clerk's Last Stand Won't Make Her A Right-Wing Hero
Keep dreaming. We ALL look forward to the day we get to exact revenge...I for one have one hell of a imagination when it comes how to best get revenge for destroying society like you sick fucks have done.

What are you going to do? Burn your couch?
i find it funny that the op believes tyranny is jailing a public servant for contempt but that same public servant unilaterally denying services to citizens she disagrees with is not tyrannical.
What happened to all that gloating we saw from the OP in that other thread?

I am still gloating because this just put the nail in the coffin of the demonazi party. You have become the party of intolerance for anyone who REFUSES to think,act,believe like you. Thanks! I said MANY times throwing her in jail would just make her a martyr and symbol of 21st century religious freedom.

Nah, nutbags like you have lost this one. Those other counties across the Bible-thumper belt are gonna fall in line eventually, too.

Why The Kentucky Clerk's Last Stand Won't Make Her A Right-Wing Hero
Keep dreaming. We ALL look forward to the day we get to exact revenge...I for one have one hell of a imagination when it comes how to best get revenge for destroying society like you sick fucks have done.

What are you going to do? Burn your couch?
Its going to be fun...and hell no I love my couch!
What happened to all that gloating we saw from the OP in that other thread?

I am still gloating because this just put the nail in the coffin of the demonazi party. You have become the party of intolerance for anyone who REFUSES to think,act,believe like you. Thanks! I said MANY times throwing her in jail would just make her a martyr and symbol of 21st century religious freedom.

Nah, nutbags like you have lost this one. Those other counties across the Bible-thumper belt are gonna fall in line eventually, too.

Why The Kentucky Clerk's Last Stand Won't Make Her A Right-Wing Hero
Keep dreaming. We ALL look forward to the day we get to exact revenge...I for one have one hell of a imagination when it comes how to best get revenge for destroying society like you sick fucks have done.

Nope, you're just a shit-talking troll. Shouldn't even be feeding you, really, but you present a pretty good target.
...What are you planning to do, bust her out of Federal prison?
No need.

There is no reason why the split-decision opinion of five lawyers should be left standing for much longer.

Things like this are pushing Middle America over the edge.

In 2016, America leaves the House and Senate in Republican control, and gives them the White House, as well.

In 2017, the new regime takes over, and sets to reversing much of the Looney Left's phyrric victories of the past couple of years.


Constitutional Amendments, making the changes SCOTUS-Activism -proof.

Retiring a Justice or two and packing the Court with Better People.

It'll take a couple of years, but the meter can start ticking on that, come January 20, 2017.

The three (3%) percent of America that identifies as sexual deviants and perverts (homosexuals) cannot hold the ninety-seven (97%) percent in thrall forever.

Judgment Day's a-comin'.

There will be a great and tremendous earth-shaking cheer, when it does.

We're all gonna laugh, while you(r side) wails and gnashes its teeth.

This could be fun.
Well they called Lincoln a tyrant too.
While this is NOT about Lincoln I will leave a tad bit of facts with you,you can check for yourself.

In his first four months, he

  1. Failed to call Congress into session after the South fired upon Fort Sumter, in direct violation of the Constitution.
  2. Called up an army of 75,000 men, bypassing the Congressional authority in direct violation of the Constitution.
  3. Unilaterally suspended the writ of habeas corpus, a function of Congress, violating the Constitution. This gave him the power, as he saw it, to arrest civilians without charge and imprison them indefinitely without trial—which he did.
  4. Ignored a Supreme Court order to restore the right of habeas corpus, thus violating the Constitution again and ignoring the Separation of Powers which the Founders put in place exactly for the purpose of preventing one man’s using tyrannical powers in the executive.
  5. When the Chief Justice forwarded a copy of the Supreme Court’s decision to Lincoln, he wrote out an order for the arrest of the Chief Justice and gave it to a U.S. Marshall for expedition, in violation of the Constitution.
  6. Unilaterally ordered a naval blockade of southern ports, an act of war, and a responsibility of Congress, in violation of the Constitution.
  7. Commandeered and closed over 300 newspapers in the North, because of editorials against his war policy and his illegal military invasion of the South. This clearly violated the First Amendment freedom of speech and press clauses.
  8. Sent in Army forces to destroy the printing presses and other machinery at those newspapers, in violation of the Constitution.
  9. Arrested the publishers, editors and owners of those newspapers, and imprisoned them without charge and without trial for the remainder of the war, all in direct violation of both the Constitution and the Supreme Court order aforementioned.
  10. Arrested and imprisoned, without charge or trial, another 15,000-20,000 U.S. citizens who dared to speak out against the war, his policies, or were suspected of anti-war feelings. (Relative to the population at the time, this would be equivalent to President G.W. Bush arresting and imprisoning roughly 150,000-200,000 Americans without trial for “disagreeing” with the Iraq war; can you imagine?)
  11. Sent the Army to arrest the entire legislature of Maryland to keep them from meeting legally, because they were debating a bill of secession; they were all imprisoned without charge or trial, in direct violation of the Constitution.
  12. Unilaterally created the state of West Virginia in direct violation of the Constitution.
  13. Sent 350,000 Northern men to their deaths to kill 350,000 Southern men in order to force the free and sovereign states of the South to remain in the Union they, the people, legally voted to peacefully withdraw from, all in order to continue the South’s revenue flow into the North.
The Terrible Truth About Abraham Lincoln and the Confederate War
Once rebellion starts, a US President can do almost anything under his power as Commander in Chief.

There was no rebellion. The south tried to peacefully withdraw..the north invaded and sent troops and ships to fort sumter.
As all patriots would, the south fired on the invaders.

Just like the patriots did when they declared independence in 1776 and the british invaded.
you just love your delusions, don't you?
why you can't see those traitors for what they were astounds me.
Looks like Obama finally has a shovel ready project building Gulags for those commit Thought Crimes.


Obama family did not pass the law.
The phony christian woman is not "thinking".
Unless you're in the wrong thread, this is just plain dumb.

How it is that the RWs are so ignorant about how our govt works as well as the role of SCOTUS?


I didn't say that he passed the law. But the Social Justice Snowflake mentality that he has promoted and which insists that anyone who disagrees with the Prog Agenda be DESTROYED is at the bottom of this.

So, he finally has the GUILTY to put in the Gulags. What an appropriate legacy for him.
i find it funny that the op believes tyranny is jailing a public servant for contempt but that same public servant unilaterally denying services to citizens she disagrees with is not tyrannical.
The tyrant is trampling on her first amendment rights. Plain and simple. If he dislikes her choices so much why has the Kentucky Legislature in 3 months not impeached and removed her? Hmmmm?
No they're not.
they absolutely are. she's an agent of the government, and when acting as such her religious convictions are irrelevant - but more than that your rights do not ever give you the right to infringe upon the rights of others. her religious liberty stops when it begins to infringe on equal access and service for the people she serves.
Her religious convictions are not ever irrelevant. Not if those convictions are Christian. Ever.

She is not abridging anyone's rights. And if you persist in thinking (and I use that term loosely) she is, then blame the judge, too. He removed her from her post.

And if they were Muslim?

The RWs would be screaming for her head if she were Muslim.

Yea, let's allow the Muslims to exercise their liberties in this country, Fool.

Will you be the first in line for a female circumcision and to get your driver license revoked?
lol. you should have just started out by telling us you don't care about the constitution.
It's capitalized. Constitution is capitalized. Show some respect for it, eh.

Protest the defiling of it, maybe, say from Muslims and progressives.
i find it funny that the op believes tyranny is jailing a public servant for contempt but that same public servant unilaterally denying services to citizens she disagrees with is not tyrannical.
The tyrant is trampling on her first amendment rights. Plain and simple. If he dislikes her choices so much why has the Kentucky Legislature in 3 months not impeached and removed her? Hmmmm?
why do her first amendment rights trump the 14th amendment rights of the people? the office of county clerk has no religious convictions.
This homely hog Davis is taking her cue from the SCOTUS finding in favor of defendants like Hobby Lobby. That's what happens when religion is allowed to influence laws and citizen's rights.
There is no reason to call her a hog. Is that why she should be jailed in your opinion? Stay on topic. Christians singled out for political prisioners.
...What are you planning to do, bust her out of Federal prison?
No need.

There is no reason why the split-decision opinion of five lawyers should be left standing for much longer.

Things like this are pushing Middle America over the edge.

In 2016, America leaves the House and Senate in Republican control, and gives them the White House, as well.

In 2017, the new regime takes over, and sets to reversing much of the Looney Left's phyrric victories of the past couple of years.


Constitutional Amendments, making the changes SCOTUS-Activism -proof.

Retiring a Justice or two and packing the Court with Better People.

It'll take a couple of years, but the meter can start ticking on that, come January 20, 2017.

The three (3%) percent of America that identifies as sexual deviants and perverts (homosexuals) cannot hold the ninety-seven (97%) percent in thrall forever.

Judgment Day's a-comin'.

There will be a great and tremendous earth-shaking cheer, when it does.

We're all gonna laugh, while you(r side) wails and gnashes its teeth.

This could be fun.

Funny, I'm pretty sure I heard horseshit like that about 4 years ago, too. Except of, of course, the date the meter was supposed to start ticking was January 20, 2013.

How'd that turn out again?

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