Kentucky Clerk Jailed for Contempt of Court

I wonder what will happen when a priest refuses to marry gays? As for this gal, I tend to agree, you work for the government, this is your job... what happens thought when they try this in the private sector? And they will, bet your ass that's next up. I wonder if the "separation of church and state" nutters will be crying when the state meddles in the affairs of the church?
The state can't meddle in church affairs regarding weddings. Church may or may not perform ceremonies as they please.

Well, I agree. But this issue will be pushed, trust me.
You liberals are evil in your celebration of this political prisoner's imprisonment.
It's not political, she's breaking the law, and now in jail where she belongs for doing so...
...and where Obama should be for breaking the law...and where Hillary should be for breaking the law...

Your selective application of rules to follow is understandable. Liberals are some sick people.
Unlike your other two examples, this one has actually been convicted by an actual court...
What conviction? No trial, just thrown in jail for political reasons. This gay marriage is not settled by the people. Until then she is a political prisoner.
The "people" don't, and never should have been, given a say. It isn't up to them.
No, forever. A church doesn't have to accept members that don't follow their doctrine and doesn't have to marry non-members, period.

You can pretend all you want that this is some kind of slippery slope but it simply is not.

Nah, they will just go after their tax exempt status, and anything else than can to punish them.
They shouldn't have tax exempt status for many reasons, the main one is that it violates the 1st amendment.

Hate groups shouldn't have tax free status.

But they do.
Do you really want to go there? Anytime one person disagrees with another or a group, one could simply draw the "Hate" card. This would end freedom of speech. Of course, we still have out thoughts ---- but, one can only imagine what the government would do if they could tap that...

I don't think legit religions should have tax free status either.
The Church does for the soul what a hospital does for the body. In fact, very often once the soul has been healed the body also benefits. So my guess is that you feel that hospitals should not be tax exempt. With what they charge for a room, perhaps that is logical at that!!!!!
Well they called Lincoln a tyrant too.
While this is NOT about Lincoln I will leave a tad bit of facts with you,you can check for yourself.

In his first four months, he

  1. Failed to call Congress into session after the South fired upon Fort Sumter, in direct violation of the Constitution.
  2. Called up an army of 75,000 men, bypassing the Congressional authority in direct violation of the Constitution.
  3. Unilaterally suspended the writ of habeas corpus, a function of Congress, violating the Constitution. This gave him the power, as he saw it, to arrest civilians without charge and imprison them indefinitely without trial—which he did.
  4. Ignored a Supreme Court order to restore the right of habeas corpus, thus violating the Constitution again and ignoring the Separation of Powers which the Founders put in place exactly for the purpose of preventing one man’s using tyrannical powers in the executive.
  5. When the Chief Justice forwarded a copy of the Supreme Court’s decision to Lincoln, he wrote out an order for the arrest of the Chief Justice and gave it to a U.S. Marshall for expedition, in violation of the Constitution.
  6. Unilaterally ordered a naval blockade of southern ports, an act of war, and a responsibility of Congress, in violation of the Constitution.
  7. Commandeered and closed over 300 newspapers in the North, because of editorials against his war policy and his illegal military invasion of the South. This clearly violated the First Amendment freedom of speech and press clauses.
  8. Sent in Army forces to destroy the printing presses and other machinery at those newspapers, in violation of the Constitution.
  9. Arrested the publishers, editors and owners of those newspapers, and imprisoned them without charge and without trial for the remainder of the war, all in direct violation of both the Constitution and the Supreme Court order aforementioned.
  10. Arrested and imprisoned, without charge or trial, another 15,000-20,000 U.S. citizens who dared to speak out against the war, his policies, or were suspected of anti-war feelings. (Relative to the population at the time, this would be equivalent to President G.W. Bush arresting and imprisoning roughly 150,000-200,000 Americans without trial for “disagreeing” with the Iraq war; can you imagine?)
  11. Sent the Army to arrest the entire legislature of Maryland to keep them from meeting legally, because they were debating a bill of secession; they were all imprisoned without charge or trial, in direct violation of the Constitution.
  12. Unilaterally created the state of West Virginia in direct violation of the Constitution.
  13. Sent 350,000 Northern men to their deaths to kill 350,000 Southern men in order to force the free and sovereign states of the South to remain in the Union they, the people, legally voted to peacefully withdraw from, all in order to continue the South’s revenue flow into the North.
The Terrible Truth About Abraham Lincoln and the Confederate War
You liberals are evil in your celebration of this political prisoner's imprisonment.
It's not political, she's breaking the law, and now in jail where she belongs for doing so...
...and where Obama should be for breaking the law...and where Hillary should be for breaking the law...

Your selective application of rules to follow is understandable. Liberals are some sick people.
Unlike your other two examples, this one has actually been convicted by an actual court...
What conviction? No trial, just thrown in jail for political reasons. This gay marriage is not settled by the people. Until then she is a political prisoner.
She has been convicted of Contempt of Court:

"Contempt of court, often referred to simply as "contempt", is the offense of being disobedient to or disrespectful towards a court of law and its officers in the form of behavior that opposes or defies authority, justice, and dignity of the court.[1][2] It manifests itself in willful disregard of or disrespect for the authority of a court of law, which is often behavior that is illegal because it does not obey or respect the rules of a law court.[3][4]"
Contempt of court - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Deputy clerks are now saying they will issue the licenses.

Nah, they will just go after their tax exempt status, and anything else than can to punish them.
They shouldn't have tax exempt status for many reasons, the main one is that it violates the 1st amendment.

Hate groups shouldn't have tax free status.

But they do.
Do you really want to go there? Anytime one person disagrees with another or a group, one could simply draw the "Hate" card. This would end freedom of speech. Of course, we still have out thoughts ---- but, one can only imagine what the government would do if they could tap that...

I don't think legit religions should have tax free status either.
The Church does for the soul what a hospital does for the body. So my guess is that you feel that hospitals should not be tax exempt. With what they charge for a room, perhaps that is logical at that!!!!!

Well, the last time I was in a hospital, they gave me a colonoscopy for my body. What will the church do for my soul?
Well they called Lincoln a tyrant too.
While this is NOT about Lincoln I will leave a tad bit of facts with you,you can check for yourself.

In his first four months, he

  1. Failed to call Congress into session after the South fired upon Fort Sumter, in direct violation of the Constitution.
  2. Called up an army of 75,000 men, bypassing the Congressional authority in direct violation of the Constitution.
  3. Unilaterally suspended the writ of habeas corpus, a function of Congress, violating the Constitution. This gave him the power, as he saw it, to arrest civilians without charge and imprison them indefinitely without trial—which he did.
  4. Ignored a Supreme Court order to restore the right of habeas corpus, thus violating the Constitution again and ignoring the Separation of Powers which the Founders put in place exactly for the purpose of preventing one man’s using tyrannical powers in the executive.
  5. When the Chief Justice forwarded a copy of the Supreme Court’s decision to Lincoln, he wrote out an order for the arrest of the Chief Justice and gave it to a U.S. Marshall for expedition, in violation of the Constitution.
  6. Unilaterally ordered a naval blockade of southern ports, an act of war, and a responsibility of Congress, in violation of the Constitution.
  7. Commandeered and closed over 300 newspapers in the North, because of editorials against his war policy and his illegal military invasion of the South. This clearly violated the First Amendment freedom of speech and press clauses.
  8. Sent in Army forces to destroy the printing presses and other machinery at those newspapers, in violation of the Constitution.
  9. Arrested the publishers, editors and owners of those newspapers, and imprisoned them without charge and without trial for the remainder of the war, all in direct violation of both the Constitution and the Supreme Court order aforementioned.
  10. Arrested and imprisoned, without charge or trial, another 15,000-20,000 U.S. citizens who dared to speak out against the war, his policies, or were suspected of anti-war feelings. (Relative to the population at the time, this would be equivalent to President G.W. Bush arresting and imprisoning roughly 150,000-200,000 Americans without trial for “disagreeing” with the Iraq war; can you imagine?)
  11. Sent the Army to arrest the entire legislature of Maryland to keep them from meeting legally, because they were debating a bill of secession; they were all imprisoned without charge or trial, in direct violation of the Constitution.
  12. Unilaterally created the state of West Virginia in direct violation of the Constitution.
  13. Sent 350,000 Northern men to their deaths to kill 350,000 Southern men in order to force the free and sovereign states of the South to remain in the Union they, the people, legally voted to peacefully withdraw from, all in order to continue the South’s revenue flow into the North.
The Terrible Truth About Abraham Lincoln and the Confederate War

You lost and you lost your slaves. Get over it.
Looks like Obama finally has a shovel ready project building Gulags for those commit Thought Crimes.

When liberals say that gays are denied their "right" to marry, they mean that the faggots are too stupid to realize the state has more than one county.

As for this woman, she is within her rights to defy an illegitimate law.
Why would you have to leave your home county to get married? That's fascist.
She broke an illegitimate law. She broke a law that violated her religious liberty.
the office of county clerk does not have religious beliefs.
Uh, yea.

The rest of us are talking about a woman.
and when she's acting in the capacity of the office of county clerk her religious convictions are irrelevant
No they're not.
they absolutely are. she's an agent of the government, and when acting as such her religious convictions are irrelevant - but more than that your rights do not ever give you the right to infringe upon the rights of others. her religious liberty stops when it begins to infringe on equal access and service for the people she serves.
Her religious convictions are not ever irrelevant. Not if those convictions are Christian. Ever.

She is not abridging anyone's rights. And if you persist in thinking (and I use that term loosely) she is, then blame the judge, too. He removed her from her post.
Ah yes, tyranny...

"Let us rise to the call of freedom-loving blood that is in us, and send our answer to the tyranny that clanks its chains upon the South. In the name of the greatest people that have ever trod this earth, I draw a line in the dust and toss the gauntlet before the feet of tyranny, and I say, segregation now, segregation tomorrow and segregation forever."

George Wallace.
So glad that **** is behind bars, where she belongs. Now if only the rest of her life falls as much apart.

Good luck, bitch, you'll need it a lot more than that God of yours if there is any justice left in the world...
The hate within Kim Davis is the same hate that got Jesus Christ crucified. A County Clerk has no business deciding who gets married, end of story. What if she was a Muslim and denied a permit based on something from the Koran? What if she were a Jew and denied a permit to a food establishment because it was not Kosher? What if she was Wiccan and denied a permit for a religious statue? Get it? An elected county clerk was put into office by a bunch of fellow religious people and decided that she was going to take the responsibility of interpreting the law the way she sees fit, not what the courts dictate or anyone else.

I recall Sandra Day O' Connor saying something relevant and I will quote it loosely: "Those that would debate the boundary between church and state must ask themselves a question "Why would we trade a system of government that has served us so well for one that has served others so badly?" This isn't an assault on Christianity, it is an assault on secular Democracy.
Why would you have to leave your home county to get married? That's fascist.
the office of county clerk does not have religious beliefs.
Uh, yea.

The rest of us are talking about a woman.
and when she's acting in the capacity of the office of county clerk her religious convictions are irrelevant
No they're not.
they absolutely are. she's an agent of the government, and when acting as such her religious convictions are irrelevant - but more than that your rights do not ever give you the right to infringe upon the rights of others. her religious liberty stops when it begins to infringe on equal access and service for the people she serves.
Her religious convictions are not ever irrelevant. Not if those convictions are Christian. Ever.

She is not abridging anyone's rights. And if you persist in thinking (and I use that term loosely) she is, then blame the judge, too. He removed her from her post.
her religious convictions only matter if she is a christian?

she is infringing on the rights of the people of her county - she's refusing to issue marriage licenses, a service they have a right to

again, i'll ask, if her convictions kept her from issuing licenses to interfaith or interracial couples would you support those convictions? if she didnt allow women to vote, would you support those religious convictions?

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