Kentucky Clerk Jailed for Contempt of Court

The state can't meddle in church affairs regarding weddings. Church may or may not perform ceremonies as they please.

For now.
No, forever. A church doesn't have to accept members that don't follow their doctrine and doesn't have to marry non-members, period.

You can pretend all you want that this is some kind of slippery slope but it simply is not.

Nah, they will just go after their tax exempt status, and anything else than can to punish them.
They shouldn't have tax exempt status for many reasons, the main one is that it violates the 1st amendment.

How so?
Congress shall make no law....but a law was made granting them exemption.
The state can't meddle in church affairs regarding weddings. Church may or may not perform ceremonies as they please.

For now.
No, forever. A church doesn't have to accept members that don't follow their doctrine and doesn't have to marry non-members, period.

You can pretend all you want that this is some kind of slippery slope but it simply is not.

Nah, they will just go after their tax exempt status, and anything else than can to punish them.
They shouldn't have tax exempt status for many reasons, the main one is that it violates the 1st amendment.

Hate groups shouldn't have tax free status.

But they do.

You consider the Catholic Church a hate group? What about your local Mosque?
Apparently this warrior in God's army may be more flawed than the people she is choosing to moralize on. It seems she has been married four times, had adulterous relationships that resulted in children born out of wedlock. Now here she is passing judgement on those who wish to marry and is acting in violation of the law.
What an imbicile. I would hope that those supporting her would re- examine that support.

TRUE: Kim Davis Has Been Married Four Times
I have hoped the same for supporters of liberals and Marxists for years. Only a fool can think like a liberal.
You liberals are evil in your celebration of this political prisoner's imprisonment.
It's not political, she's breaking the law, and now in jail where she belongs for doing so...
...and where Obama should be for breaking the law...and where Hillary should be for breaking the law...

Your selective application of rules to follow is understandable. Liberals are some sick people.
Unlike your other two examples, this one has actually been convicted by an actual court...
What conviction? No trial, just thrown in jail for political reasons. This gay marriage is not settled by the people. Until then she is a political prisoner.
No, forever. A church doesn't have to accept members that don't follow their doctrine and doesn't have to marry non-members, period.

You can pretend all you want that this is some kind of slippery slope but it simply is not.

Nah, they will just go after their tax exempt status, and anything else than can to punish them.
They shouldn't have tax exempt status for many reasons, the main one is that it violates the 1st amendment.

How so?
Congress shall make no law....but a law was made granting them exemption.

establishing a religion, or preventing free exercise thereof, By treating them as any other non-profit, how is that treating them differently?
Easy. She gave them other options. Probably gave them directions as well. At the end of the day, they can still get married.
Doesnt work like that. If she offers anyone licenses she has to offer all. Thats why she is in the pokey now.
it doesn't really work like that either. she can't deny licenses to everyone just so gays won't get them.
Well....we want Obama to enforce immigration laws and he refuses.....So fuck it.
see, that's just ignorant. he isn't enforcing the law the way you would like him too, but it is dishonest to claim our laws aren't being enforced.
If you think Obama and Holder are enforcing the immigration laws of this country, you are a complete fool. They are thumbing their noses at the laws of the land.

Oh please. That's such a dumb thing to say.

Net zero illegals coming in, increased to more than 18,500 Border Patrol, deported more illegals than any other president.

The state can't meddle in church affairs regarding weddings. Church may or may not perform ceremonies as they please.

For now.
No, forever. A church doesn't have to accept members that don't follow their doctrine and doesn't have to marry non-members, period.

You can pretend all you want that this is some kind of slippery slope but it simply is not.

Nah, they will just go after their tax exempt status, and anything else than can to punish them.
They shouldn't have tax exempt status for many reasons, the main one is that it violates the 1st amendment.

Hate groups shouldn't have tax free status.

But they do.
Do you really want to go there? Anytime one person disagrees with another or a group, one could simply draw the "Hate" card. This would end freedom of speech. Of course, we still have out thoughts ---- but, one can only imagine what the government would do if they could tap that...
You liberals are evil in your celebration of this political prisoner's imprisonment.
It's not political, she's breaking the law, and now in jail where she belongs for doing so...
...and where Obama should be for breaking the law...and where Hillary should be for breaking the law...

Your selective application of rules to follow is understandable. Liberals are some sick people.
Unlike your other two examples, this one has actually been convicted by an actual court...
What conviction? No trial, just thrown in jail for political reasons. This gay marriage is not settled by the people. Until then she is a political prisoner.

IOW, you STILL don't understand what SCOTUS does.
No, forever. A church doesn't have to accept members that don't follow their doctrine and doesn't have to marry non-members, period.

You can pretend all you want that this is some kind of slippery slope but it simply is not.

Nah, they will just go after their tax exempt status, and anything else than can to punish them.
They shouldn't have tax exempt status for many reasons, the main one is that it violates the 1st amendment.

Hate groups shouldn't have tax free status.

But they do.
Do you really want to go there? Anytime one person disagrees with another or a group, one could simply draw the "Hate" card. This would end freedom of speech. Of course, we still have out thoughts ---- but, one can only imagine what the government would do if they could tap that...

I don't think legit religions should have tax free status either.
TYRANNY UPDATE: Judge Orders Christian Woman to Jail because She Refuses to Violate her Faith

Christians,while I am NOT one of you I respect ANYONE who stands for their faith so much they are willing to be thrown in jail rather than bend to the tyrants rule deserves respect. This is without a doubt in my mind the beginning of the assault on christianity and those that believe in it and stand by its doctrines. Now just a few quotes for you all.

There is no crueler tyranny than that which is perpetuated under the shield of law and in the name of justice.
Charles de Montesquieu

All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.
Edmund Burke

This judges ruling is PROOF that neither he nor the plaintiffs are interested in "marriage" they are interested in this martyr violating her faith by approving these "marriages" The Kentucky Legislature has had 3 months to impeach Kim Davis why haven't they? The judge can rule her to be absent since his tyrannical ass just tossed a woman in jail for following her faith he will still not rule her absent. He is ALSO threatening to throw the rest of the clerks in court for following their faith as well.Its time to march on the court and give this tyrant a tyrants just desserts.

Oh and for any CLOWNS in here. This woman may have been married 4 times but she has also only been a christian for 4 years. GET OVER IT and stop hiding your bigotry trying to destroy her religious rights.

People this is what our forefathers FOUGHT FOR! Its WHY the USA was founded! STAND! FIGHT! RESIST!
Easy. She gave them other options. Probably gave them directions as well. At the end of the day, they can still get married.
what gives her the right to decide who does and does not receive county services?
She does not keep the same sex couples from getting licenses. She just refuses to be the one that signs it.
When liberals say that gays are denied their "right" to marry, they mean that the faggots are too stupid to realize the state has more than one county.

As for this woman, she is within her rights to defy an illegitimate law.
Why would you have to leave your home county to get married? That's fascist.
She broke the law. I respect her non violent protest. Civil disobedience. But...she went too far with breaking the law.
She broke an illegitimate law. She broke a law that violated her religious liberty.
the office of county clerk does not have religious beliefs.
Uh, yea.

The rest of us are talking about a woman.
and when she's acting in the capacity of the office of county clerk her religious convictions are irrelevant
if her religious convictions pushed her to deny marriage licenses to interracial couples would you support her? if she didn't want to grant licenses to interfaith marriages, would you support her? licenses to divorced individuals? some county clerks oversee elections - if she held religious beliefs that women shouldn't vote, does she get to turn them away from the polls and claim religious persecution if anyone has a problem with that?
You liberals are evil in your celebration of this political prisoner's imprisonment.
It's not political, she's breaking the law, and now in jail where she belongs for doing so...
...and where Obama should be for breaking the law...and where Hillary should be for breaking the law...

Your selective application of rules to follow is understandable. Liberals are some sick people.
Unlike your other two examples, this one has actually been convicted by an actual court...
What conviction? No trial, just thrown in jail for political reasons. This gay marriage is not settled by the people. Until then she is a political prisoner.
how hard is it for you to understand that she was not thrown in jail for political reasons? she was thrown in jail for contempt of a court order.
what gives her the right to decide who does and does not receive county services?
She does not keep the same sex couples from getting licenses. She just refuses to be the one that signs it.
When liberals say that gays are denied their "right" to marry, they mean that the faggots are too stupid to realize the state has more than one county.

As for this woman, she is within her rights to defy an illegitimate law.
Why would you have to leave your home county to get married? That's fascist.
She broke the law. I respect her non violent protest. Civil disobedience. But...she went too far with breaking the law.
She broke an illegitimate law. She broke a law that violated her religious liberty.
the office of county clerk does not have religious beliefs.
Uh, yea.

The rest of us are talking about a woman.
and when she's acting in the capacity of the office of county clerk her religious convictions are irrelevant
No they're not.
Doesnt work like that. If she offers anyone licenses she has to offer all. Thats why she is in the pokey now.
it doesn't really work like that either. she can't deny licenses to everyone just so gays won't get them.
Well....we want Obama to enforce immigration laws and he refuses.....So fuck it.
see, that's just ignorant. he isn't enforcing the law the way you would like him too, but it is dishonest to claim our laws aren't being enforced.
If you think Obama and Holder are enforcing the immigration laws of this country, you are a complete fool. They are thumbing their noses at the laws of the land.

Oh please. That's such a dumb thing to say.

Net zero illegals coming in, increased to more than 18,500 Border Patrol, deported more illegals than any other president.
it's just partisan ignorance. some people will believe anything.
I hope their are prayer vigils outside the jail with thousands of their knees praying for the restoration our our first amendment rights to worship and practice our religion without government interference.

We seeded the grounds with fire ants.....
She does not keep the same sex couples from getting licenses. She just refuses to be the one that signs it.
When liberals say that gays are denied their "right" to marry, they mean that the faggots are too stupid to realize the state has more than one county.

As for this woman, she is within her rights to defy an illegitimate law.
Why would you have to leave your home county to get married? That's fascist.
She broke the law. I respect her non violent protest. Civil disobedience. But...she went too far with breaking the law.
She broke an illegitimate law. She broke a law that violated her religious liberty.
the office of county clerk does not have religious beliefs.
Uh, yea.

The rest of us are talking about a woman.
and when she's acting in the capacity of the office of county clerk her religious convictions are irrelevant
No they're not.
they absolutely are. she's an agent of the government, and when acting as such her religious convictions are irrelevant - but more than that your rights do not ever give you the right to infringe upon the rights of others. her religious liberty stops when it begins to infringe on equal access and service for the people she serves.

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