Kentucky Clerk Jailed for Contempt of Court

No law can be made that violates a persons conscious.....Any law becomes un-Constititutional that requires a person to give up their deeply held beliefs...

Sure they can. Laws like that are passed all of the time. She can not be made to violate her religious beliefs, however, as she is a ELECTED OFFICIAL, she is bound to FOLLOW the LAW. That is the oath she swore.

If she can't reconcile her beliefs with the oath she swore then her only option is to resign in protest. Generals and business executives do it all the time and so should she.
Except it only works that way in a dictatorial tyranny....

She held the position BEFORE the law was passed. This means that the law intentionally targets people of faith.....I hope that she appeals to the SCOTUS......

And to be honest.....I really don't care what anyone on this or any forum thinks regarding this.....The day this country can pass a law that requires ME to have to alter My beliefs or behaviors is the day that that government needs to be abolished.

It spells the death of liberty.
she held her position prior to the ratification of the 14th amendment?
It is NOT the 14th Amendment that is in jail for.....This reply of yours is completely inane.....

BTW...the 14th does NOT predate the 1st.....
she's in jail for violation of a court order. that court order is based on her denial of equal treatment under the law - a right guaranteed in the 14th amendment.
her first amendment rights do not allow her to violate the rights of others - and it especially doesn't give her the right to use her office to violate the rights of others.
You cannot be denied equal treatment when that treatment can be had everywhere....Every clerk in every county BUT hers provides the licenses.....

The Judge is out of order. The people of Kentucky need to fight to have him removed from the bench and the case appealed up.
She is a fucking CLERK! Part of her fucking JOB is to comply with the laws. And THAT's the thing she has decided she cannot do?

Solution to this pressing problem jumps off the page. Get a different job.

Instead of jailing her, how about firing her?
Hopefully they still fine her too. To recoup some of the taxpayer's money she's still receiving despite refusing to do her job.
No fines, so far. The Judge didn't want the little Jesus-freaks paying up for her, so he had that dumb **** arrested. Love it!

I love it even more, you will never break her bitch.....
That's fine. Let's just get someone in there who actually believes in doing their job.

Oh, what a beautiful sight. She looks like a deranged Bible thumper - maybe an LDS type.
She looks like a deranged Bible thumper -

Aren't they all
WASHINGTON, Sept. 3, 2015 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Family Research Council President Tony Perkins released the following statement after a federal judge ordered the jailing of Kentucky County Clerk Kim Davis because she declined to issue same-sex marriage licenses:

"Today we are witnessing what the four dissenting Supreme Court Justices warned of in the Obergefell decision: religious liberty in America is in grave danger.

"While five justices on the Supreme Court created this dilemma, it is incumbent upon Congress, and in this case legislatures, to ensure orthodox religious beliefs are accommodated. Kentucky Governor Steve Beshear could solve this court-created conflict by immediately calling for a special legislative session and establishing statutory accommodations for clerks like Kim Davis.

"Ultimately, this is about more than same-sex marriage licenses in Kentucky. It is about the ability of Christians and other religious people to serve in positions of public trust. If this is not resolved in a manner that accommodates the orthodox religious beliefs of Clerk Davis, this will, in effect, establish a reverse religious test barring those who hold biblical views of marriage from positions of public service. Such a religious test by proclamation or practice is wrong.

"Now a court is jailing someone over this because the governor failed to act. How hard is it to change a simple form to remove her name from it? Isn't that worth doing to keep someone out of jail because of what they believe? Governor Beshear must call for a special session of the legislature and grant an accommodation to Kim Davis.

"If governors and legislatures thought this threat to religious freedom would go away – the jailing of Kim Davis proves them wrong. The time to protect and accommodate religious liberty is now," concluded Perkins.
Exactly right. Except I submit that a religious test has already been established. In direct violation of the free exercise clause of the First Amendment.
She is a fucking CLERK! Part of her fucking JOB is to comply with the laws. And THAT's the thing she has decided she cannot do?

Solution to this pressing problem jumps off the page. Get a different job.

Instead of jailing her, how about firing her?
She's an elected official. She has to be impeached.
She is a fucking CLERK! Part of her fucking JOB is to comply with the laws. And THAT's the thing she has decided she cannot do?

Solution to this pressing problem jumps off the page. Get a different job.

Instead of jailing her, how about firing her?
a unionized government employee?..fired??...yeah, right...
By the bible's definition, the woman hands out marriage licenses to adulterers every single day.

In exchange for money.

This little tyrant is not being bible-compliant in the slightest. It's all a fucking ruse by a bigot using the Bible as cover. What kind of shit storm do you think Jesus is going to bring down on this hypocrite's head on Judgment Day?


So go ahead and send your money to this deceiver at whose feet you are worshipping. You idiots have been led astray.
One option, they say, would be to change the marriage license form to remove the name of the county clerk.

Another would be to have the state, not counties, issue marriage licenses.

Such a proposal was offered in July by 57 of Kentucky's 120 county clerks, who urged Gov. Steve Beshear to call the legislature into a special session to make the change.

Beshear said Tuesday that the legislature can address the issue, if it chooses, when it convenes next year. "I see no need to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars of taxpayer money calling a special session of the General Assembly when 117 of 120 county clerks are doing their jobs."

Two other county clerks, like Davis, are also declining to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples.

Jesus christ Kentucky you got one incompetent mother fucker for Governor.
I wonder what will happen when a priest refuses to marry gays? As for this gal, I tend to agree, you work for the government, this is your job... what happens thought when they try this in the private sector? And they will, bet your ass that's next up. I wonder if the "separation of church and state" nutters will be crying when the state meddles in the affairs of the church?
The state can't meddle in church affairs regarding weddings. Church may or may not perform ceremonies as they please.

For now.
No, forever. A church doesn't have to accept members that don't follow their doctrine and doesn't have to marry non-members, period.

You can pretend all you want that this is some kind of slippery slope but it simply is not.

Nah, they will just go after their tax exempt status, and anything else than can to punish them.
Yep....using the IRS like the Gestapo.
There is no reason to call her a hog. Is that why she should be jailed in your opinion? Stay on topic. Christians singled out for political prisioners.

You have been spoon fed the facts of the case and yet you continue to lie about it.

Or are you just plain stupid?

Either way, quit being such a silly drama queen. She's not a martyr or a political prisoner.

She defied the decision of the Supreme Court of The United States. She is in contempt of court.

And no - Obama had nothing to do with it so don't even go there.
Don't call me stupid fuckwad. How do you like this getting personal? My opinion is just as valid if not more so. Half the country was against this court decision. That doesn't settle anything when God is concerned. Makes no difference is you believe in God or not.


You saying that she is a martyr or political prisoner is indeed the words of an ignorant drama queen.

If you don't like the law, work to change it. Until then, neither you nor she are above the laws of the land.

If you want to live by the laws of some "god", Iraq has a spot for you.
Your response is proof this is all about religious persecution and creation of a new class of political prisoners in this country. Next yoo people will line up the boxcars to haul us off to prisoner camps for extermination. You did it once before. You are capable of it again.
wow. you really do go all in on the crazy, don't you?
she does not have the right to deny services to the people of her county. her first amendment rights do not trump their 14th amendment rights. if her convictions prevent her from fulfilling her oath of office she can find new work.

Wrong. Nobody has the right to force another to commit s
Hopefully they still fine her too. To recoup some of the taxpayer's money she's still receiving despite refusing to do her job.
No fines, so far. The Judge didn't want the little Jesus-freaks paying up for her, so he had that dumb **** arrested. Love it!

I love it even more, you will never break her bitch.....
That's fine. Let's just get someone in there who actually believes in doing their job.

The people elected her.

And the people support her. That's why they aren't going to impeach her. Wasted effort.
You have been spoon fed the facts of the case and yet you continue to lie about it.

Or are you just plain stupid?

Either way, quit being such a silly drama queen. She's not a martyr or a political prisoner.

She defied the decision of the Supreme Court of The United States. She is in contempt of court.

And no - Obama had nothing to do with it so don't even go there.
Don't call me stupid fuckwad. How do you like this getting personal? My opinion is just as valid if not more so. Half the country was against this court decision. That doesn't settle anything when God is concerned. Makes no difference is you believe in God or not.


You saying that she is a martyr or political prisoner is indeed the words of an ignorant drama queen.

If you don't like the law, work to change it. Until then, neither you nor she are above the laws of the land.

If you want to live by the laws of some "god", Iraq has a spot for you.
Your response is proof this is all about religious persecution and creation of a new class of political prisoners in this country. Next yoo people will line up the boxcars to haul us off to prisoner camps for extermination. You did it once before. You are capable of it again.
wow. you really do go all in on the crazy, don't you?
she does not have the right to deny services to the people of her county. her first amendment rights do not trump their 14th amendment rights. if her convictions prevent her from fulfilling her oath of office she can find new work.

Wrong. Nobody has the right to force another to commit s
Hopefully they still fine her too. To recoup some of the taxpayer's money she's still receiving despite refusing to do her job.
No fines, so far. The Judge didn't want the little Jesus-freaks paying up for her, so he had that dumb **** arrested. Love it!

I love it even more, you will never break her bitch.....
That's fine. Let's just get someone in there who actually believes in doing their job.

The people elected her.

And the people support her. That's why they aren't going to impeach her. Wasted effort.
Then I hope she can adapt to prison life.
She is a fucking CLERK! Part of her fucking JOB is to comply with the laws. And THAT's the thing she has decided she cannot do?

Solution to this pressing problem jumps off the page. Get a different job.

Instead of jailing her, how about firing her?
She's an elected official. She has to be impeached.

Good point. I didn't realize she was an elected official.

Interestingly, in the ABSENCE of a County Clerk, judges or county executives in Kentucky may issue marriage licenses. See,

The County Clerk is now ABSENT!

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