Kentucky Clerk Jailed for Contempt of Court

I don't give a rat's ass what happens to her, as long as she is not free to harass and threaten her employees for following a federal court order.
Religious tyranny is coming to an end. This is just one grumpy dinosaur pitching a fit. I don't agree with jail, but if she refuses to do her job she should be fired.

The couples wanting to be married didn't want her jailed. They wanted her fined. The judge figured RW nuts would pay her fines with a "FundMyBigotry" account and said "nuh uh".

Interestingly, I saw some of the reporters discussing this earlier today, and guess what? She's INELIGIBLE for a GoFundMe campaign, because in the rules of the site, they refuse to be used for bigoted or racist reasons.

In this womans case, she's clearly a bigot.

Then the Liberty Counsel would have paid. She wouldn't have. With jail, she does.
BTW, the others who defied the law were not elected and should be fired.

Don't do the job you were hired to do?

Go find a different job.
You want to kill their first born no doubt. Are you a homo, per chance? You're taking objections quite personally.

Nah...Christians would have stoned her for adultery back in the day. Gays just want her to issue licenses.
lol. you keep fighting the civil war. those traitors believed as you do

they were patriots fighting an the patriots in 1776 I said, though...all three branches are irredeemably corrupt and only work for minorities and special interests...
you really don't understand the word patriot if you think it describes traitors.

Who is a traitor? the confederates? They tried to peacefully withdraw from the union...How were they "traitors"?

Were the colonists in 1776 "traitors"?
yes. people who decide that they will rebel against their own country are traitors, not patriots.
and you need a country in order to be a patriot. so our founders were not patriots prior to the adoption of the articles of confederation.

LMAO..word games. So the colonists were traitors?..ok...fine..Knowing that tells me a lot about you..

Once again, the south didn't rebel...They tried to peacefully withdraw. The north sent troops and ships to invade and blockade the port.
Patriots always fight to repel invaders.
Again, you don't understand the meaning of the word patriot. You keep applying it to traitors. You should probably stop using it
Sure they can. Laws like that are passed all of the time. She can not be made to violate her religious beliefs, however, as she is a ELECTED OFFICIAL, she is bound to FOLLOW the LAW. That is the oath she swore.

If she can't reconcile her beliefs with the oath she swore then her only option is to resign in protest. Generals and business executives do it all the time and so should she.
Except it only works that way in a dictatorial tyranny....

She held the position BEFORE the law was passed. This means that the law intentionally targets people of faith.....I hope that she appeals to the SCOTUS......

And to be honest.....I really don't care what anyone on this or any forum thinks regarding this.....The day this country can pass a law that requires ME to have to alter My beliefs or behaviors is the day that that government needs to be abolished.

It spells the death of liberty.
she held her position prior to the ratification of the 14th amendment?
It is NOT the 14th Amendment that is in jail for.....This reply of yours is completely inane.....

BTW...the 14th does NOT predate the 1st.....
she's in jail for violation of a court order. that court order is based on her denial of equal treatment under the law - a right guaranteed in the 14th amendment.
her first amendment rights do not allow her to violate the rights of others - and it especially doesn't give her the right to use her office to violate the rights of others.
You cannot be denied equal treatment when that treatment can be had everywhere....Every clerk in every county BUT hers provides the licenses.....

The Judge is out of order. The people of Kentucky need to fight to have him removed from the bench and the case appealed up.
so she's denying the citizens of her county equal treatment.
and you forget - if she's allowed to discriminate what stops every other county?
I don't want anything other than for her to show she's truly a Christian who follows the teachings of Christ and steps down from this job she's clearly incapable of holding.
She is not the one offended you are.
Davis' lawyer, Roger Gannam, said it was the first time in history an American citizen has been jailed for believing that marriage is a union between one man and one woman. He compared her willingness to accept imprisonment to what Martin Luther King Jr. did to advance civil rights.

BINGO! Martyr for religious rights.
Davis' lawyer, Roger Gannam, said it was the first time in history an American citizen has been jailed for believing that marriage is a union between one man and one woman. He compared her willingness to accept imprisonment to what Martin Luther King Jr. did to advance civil rights.

BINGO! Martyr for religious rights.
davis's lawyer is a liar. she is jailed for contempt of court.
and as i said before, mlk went to jail to protest injustice and oppression. she's going to jail to protest justice and equal rights.
Davis' lawyer, Roger Gannam, said it was the first time in history an American citizen has been jailed for believing that marriage is a union between one man and one woman. He compared her willingness to accept imprisonment to what Martin Luther King Jr. did to advance civil rights.

BINGO! Martyr for religious rights.

Nope................sorry, but to be an actual martyr, you have to follow the teachings of your religion and dogma.

She's not doing that, because Jesus said that if your right eye offends thee, pluck it out and throw it away, because it's better to enter Heaven missing an eye than to end up in Hell because you allowed your right eye to cause you to sin.

Here's the verse....................................

Matthew 5:29 If your right eye causes you to stumble, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell.

Now, in her case, it's not her right eye that is offending her, it's her job. Why? Because she feels like she's being forced to sin in issuing marriage licenses to gay couples.

So, she should pluck out her job (resign from her position), and get on with her life.

Even Jesus thinks she should resign.
Davis' lawyer, Roger Gannam, said it was the first time in history an American citizen has been jailed for believing that marriage is a union between one man and one woman. He compared her willingness to accept imprisonment to what Martin Luther King Jr. did to advance civil rights.

BINGO! Martyr for religious rights.

Nope................sorry, but to be an actual martyr, you have to follow the teachings of your religion and dogma.

She's not doing that, because Jesus said that if your right eye offends thee, pluck it out and throw it away, because it's better to enter Heaven missing an eye than to end up in Hell because you allowed your right eye to cause you to sin.

Here's the verse....................................

Matthew 5:29 If your right eye causes you to stumble, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell.

Now, in her case, it's not her right eye that is offending her, it's her job. Why? Because she feels like she's being forced to sin in issuing marriage licenses to gay couples.

So, she should pluck out her job (resign from her position), and get on with her life.

Even Jesus thinks she should resign.

Jesus would follow the Word and the Bible is clear that we are to follow human law EXCEPT when it violates God's law and the Bible is clear that homosexuality is a sin, an abomination unto the Lord. God's law trumps human law
they were patriots fighting an the patriots in 1776 I said, though...all three branches are irredeemably corrupt and only work for minorities and special interests...
you really don't understand the word patriot if you think it describes traitors.

Who is a traitor? the confederates? They tried to peacefully withdraw from the union...How were they "traitors"?

Were the colonists in 1776 "traitors"?
yes. people who decide that they will rebel against their own country are traitors, not patriots.
and you need a country in order to be a patriot. so our founders were not patriots prior to the adoption of the articles of confederation.

LMAO..word games. So the colonists were traitors?..ok...fine..Knowing that tells me a lot about you..

Once again, the south didn't rebel...They tried to peacefully withdraw. The north sent troops and ships to invade and blockade the port.
Patriots always fight to repel invaders.
Again, you don't understand the meaning of the word patriot. You keep applying it to traitors. You should probably stop using it

I know what I'm talking can say "nuh uh" all you want. Won't change a thing. The truth is large.
It's already true that Christians are being killed, enslaved, and persecuted in countries like China, Cuba, and the Middle East.

Now the United States can join the club of gangster nations.
Davis' lawyer, Roger Gannam, said it was the first time in history an American citizen has been jailed for believing that marriage is a union between one man and one woman. He compared her willingness to accept imprisonment to what Martin Luther King Jr. did to advance civil rights.

BINGO! Martyr for religious rights.
davis's lawyer is a liar. she is jailed for contempt of court.
and as i said before, mlk went to jail to protest injustice and oppression. she's going to jail to protest justice and equal rights.
Wrong again.

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