Kentucky Clerk Jailed for Contempt of Court

Ms. Davis made it known in her court filings that she would have no problem with a deputy clerk issuing the licenses so long as her name wasn't on them. The status report shows that the deputy clerks removed her name and issued the licenses. Kim Davis and her counsel said the licenses are void and not worth the paper they're written on, but they are wrong. The applicants qualified for the licenses, they paid for the licenses, they received the licenses, they will have their marriages solemnized, and their marriages will be recorded upon return of the paperwork to the clerk's office. The only people who would have standing to challenge the validity of the marriages are the parties to the marriage. Thus, the judge may release Kim Davis from jail and she has no reason to interfere with the rights of future applicants for licenses. After all, even if she attempted to enforce her "no marriage license" policy and order her deputies not to issue licenses, the judge made it clear to the deputy clerks that would be an unlawful order and they would be in contempt of his order to issue the licenses. The judge also made it clear that Kim Davis could not lawfully retaliate against them in their employment with the county.

Keeping Davis in jail is a bit like keeping a lump of plutonium in your pocket. The judge had nothing to gain and everything to lose by keeping a political prisoner locked up.

There are two types of contempt: Criminal (punitive) and Civil (remedial, i.e., coercive).

The deputy clerks were instructed by the judge that Kim Davis's "no marriage license" policy was unlawful. The judge had the deputy clerks in the courtroom to watch as he placed Kim Davis into custody and had the federal authorities escort her to jail. He put the deputy clerks on notice that he would hold them in contempt if they reinstated her unlawful policy and violated his lawful order. He also put the deputy clerks on notice that Kim Davis could not retaliate against them in their employment; it would not be a wise thing for her to attempt such a thing.

The deputy clerks removed Kim Davis's name from the marriage licenses (appeasing their boss's demands) and issued the marriage licenses. Thus, the situation has been remedied through the judge's swift action. Upon receiving official word this morning through a status report that the situation is resolved, there is no reason to continue to keep Ms. Davis in jail because it would no longer be remedial (it would be punitive). She is released and may stay released so long as she doesn't take steps to enforce an unlawful policy and thereby harm someone. For instance, if she attempts to fire her deputy clerks who agreed to follow the court's order, she will probably go back to jail until she promises not to retaliate against the employees.

Your reference to Kim Davis as a "political prisoner" only places your ignorance on display, again ... and probably for the millionth plus time you have done that.
I stopped giving this guy any credit the day he claimed Vancouver was in europe.
Her mother held that job for decades. She is holding that job. Her son is working there, and he is waiting for his turn to hold that job. I feel sorry for the other clerks there, now that she is out. There are all kinds of subtle ways that she can make her displeasure known to them.
Her mother held that job for decades. She is holding that job. Her son is working there, and he is waiting for his turn to hold that job. I feel sorry for the other clerks there, now that she is out. There are all kinds of subtle ways that she can make her displeasure known to them.

Did her mother give licenses to Homosexuals?

Why or why not?
I'm listening to crazy Huckabee speak live on CNN. What a crock of shit. The clerk lost - so what's he crowing about?

Huckabee said: "If somebody needs to go to jail, I'm willing to go in her place". Fine, I would welcome that.

Kim Davis Released From Jail Before Defiant Crowd

That would be cool. Maybe Obama can dispatch troops to round up all suspected Christians in Congress and lock them up?

You democrats need to go forward with these ideas.
Her mother held that job for decades. She is holding that job. Her son is working there, and he is waiting for his turn to hold that job. I feel sorry for the other clerks there, now that she is out. There are all kinds of subtle ways that she can make her displeasure known to them.

Yes, that office has been full of nepotism for decades.

Davis served as Rowan County chief deputy clerk, reporting to her mother, Jean W. Bailey, for 24 years.[13] Kentucky law permits elected county officials to employ their family members and to determine their compensation; it is common practice in the state.[13]

In 2011, county residents complained about Davis' compensation, an annual wage of $51,812 and an additional $11,301 in overtime and other compensation during 2011.[13] Davis earned substantially more than the county's other chief deputies, including $38,000 for the Chief Deputy Sheriff Joe Cline and $36,000 to the Deputy Judge-Executive Jerry Alderman, neither of whom receive overtime pay.[13] The County Fiscal Court reviewed the compensation of clerks in the office and voted unanimously to cut the department's salary budget by one-third for 2012.[13]

More: Kim Davis (county clerk) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The right to marry the person of your choice is a fundamental right. Two classes of persons: 1) Opposite sex couples who want to marry, and 2) same sex couples who want to marry. Both classes of persons are similarly situated. However, the state allows the first class the right to marry and forbids the second class from marrying. Because the state has no compelling reason to deprive the second class of fundamental liberty and equal protection under the law, the state law that forbids same sex couples from marrying is unconstitutional.

That is basic constitutional law.

Please educate yourself, Uncensored. The way you and others like you flaunt your ignorance is an embarrassment to this country.

I find that leftists in the desire to distort reality in favor of their agenda are the most ignorant of all creatures.

The right to marry the person of your choice is not a right. When I was young, I wanted to marry Christine Brinkley, and have her support me in opulent style. However, I had no right to marry the person of my choice, lacking a political pact that could entice the corrupt left to forgo sanity in favor of political expediency, I had no ability to force the beauty to marry me against her will.

The first ingredient is two willing adults - again given the propensity of leftists to insanity, this is subject to change at the whim of the SCOTUS. The second ingredient is that the two be of complementary sex. Now this is where you, the fakers of reality jump the shark; but marriage isn't a prize in a crackerjack box as leftists believe it to be. Marriage has a foundation in human history, yes, it predates Karl Marx and thus all of the intellectual foundation of the democratic party.

So, what is "marriage?" In a basic sense, the familial structure supported by a society to ensure that progeny is cared and nurtured for.

No wait a minute, the above doesn't really support the concept that sexual attraction is the basis, nor should it, because sexual attraction does nothing to foment a stable and solid society.

The truth of the matter is that the left is at war to dismantle the American culture - whether you have the intellect to grasp this or not. The reason that stable cultures around the globe have developed marriage is PRECISELY why you of the left attack the institution. Marriage is a stabilizing factor in a culture, where you seek to rend the culture of the nation to dust, to be replaced with one more conducive to collectivist and authoritarian rule.

First of all, this is not a “left-right issue” -not any longer. A good many prominent Republicans, business leaders and even clergy got behind the plaintiffs because they realized that discrimination is no longer sustainable and bad for business. While fewer Republicans supported same sex marriage, there numbers are growing , especially among younger people.

Your reference to wanting to marry Christie Brinkley is ridiculous on the face of it. We are talking about the right to choose who you marry from among those who will choose to marry you. Heterosexuals could do that, before Obergefell, gays did not have that same right. This has to be just more of your manipulation and game playing because I don’t

You go on to say “The first ingredient is two willing adults - again given the propensity of leftists to insanity, this is subject to change at the whim of the SCOTUS” What the fuck does that mean.?? That the next thing will be to do away with mutual consent . Who is insane??

Then you blather on about sexual attraction which you seem to think is unimportant and that, old sport, may actually be the crux of your problem. Perhaps there is not enough love in your life? Is that why you are so angry and want to deprive others of what you can take for granted…or at least could if you were able to find love yourself. Then you allude to marriage being about procreation which is just more horseshit.

The biggest bunch of bovine excrement in this is your contention that “the left” wants to destroy American culture. Are you fucking serious? Collectivism and authoritarian rule.? Right, authoritarian rule was those laws that banned gay marriage you fool!

Yes marriage is a stabilizing force-you actually got something right. That is why it must be open to all who wish to engage in it. If you broaden the base of an institution and make it more inclusive, you strengthen it.

I just can't believe that you are stupid enough to believe your own bovine excrement. This has got to be some sick game. Please give me a sign that you have a brain.
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Report: Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis Terrorized Staff

A bigot and a tyrant: Anti-gay Kentucky county clerk Kim Davis terrorized her staff and made life miserable for her employees.

Kim Davis, the Rowan County clerk who refused to issue same-sex marriage licenses, terrorized her staff, who wanted to follow the law and issue same-sex marriage licenses, but were too afraid of Davis to do so.

Yesterday a judge found Davis in contempt of court and had her placed in jail. Today, with their boss safely in jail and powerless, the county’s deputy clerks began issuing same-sex marriage licenses.

In an interview with the Kentucky Trial Court Review, Rowan County Attorney Cecil Watkins explains that the deputy clerks in Kim Davis’ office wanted to obey the law and issue same-sex marriage licenses, but they were too afraid of their boss to come forward and say so.

The following is an excerpt from a report on the interview with Watkins posted to the Kentucky Trial Court Review Facebook page:

See more at: Report: Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis Terrorized Staff

I really feel sorry for the staff in Davis' office when she returns to work.

Davis looks like she really needs a gay hairdresser!
There are two types of contempt: Criminal (punitive) and Civil (remedial, i.e., coercive).

The deputy clerks were instructed by the judge that Kim Davis's "no marriage license" policy was unlawful. The judge had the deputy clerks in the courtroom to watch as he placed Kim Davis into custody and had the federal authorities escort her to jail. He put the deputy clerks on notice that he would hold them in contempt if they reinstated her unlawful policy and violated his lawful order. He also put the deputy clerks on notice that Kim Davis could not retaliate against them in their employment; it would not be a wise thing for her to attempt such a thing.

The deputy clerks removed Kim Davis's name from the marriage licenses (appeasing their boss's demands) and issued the marriage licenses. Thus, the situation has been remedied through the judge's swift action. Upon receiving official word this morning through a status report that the situation is resolved, there is no reason to continue to keep Ms. Davis in jail because it would no longer be remedial (it would be punitive). She is released and may stay released so long as she doesn't take steps to enforce an unlawful policy and thereby harm someone. For instance, if she attempts to fire her deputy clerks who agreed to follow the court's order, she will probably go back to jail until she promises not to retaliate against the employees.

Your reference to Kim Davis as a "political prisoner" only places your ignorance on display, again ... and probably for the millionth plus time you have done that.

You should link to (cite) the hate sites that you get your words from.

Your response fails to address the content of my post.

Despite the fact that you never reciprocate, I will address the content of your one-liner.

I provided links numerous times in many threads to the legal documents, including the hearing transcript, in the case against Kim Davis. The facts are the facts ... and the law is the law ... and I retain what I have learned about those things in my brain. You, on the other hand, just pull shit out of your ass.
Your response fails to address the content of my post.

There was no content in your post. You again cut and pasted nonsense from one of the hate sites as if it were pertinent. Types of contempt are no meaningful to the strategy of political prisoners and civil disobedience.

Despite the fact that you never reciprocate, I will address the content of your one-liner.

I provided links numerous times in many threads to the legal documents, including the hearing transcript, in the case against Kim Davis. The facts are the facts ... and the law is the law ... and I retain what I have learned about those things in my brain. You, on the other hand, just pull shit out of your ass.

Davis initially outmaneuvered you of the anti-culture. Being locked up as a political prisoner made her a martyr. I believe the judge outwitted her on this round. Davis would have served her cause better by refusing to sign for her deputies to issue licenses.
So, I read the entire thread.

Whew, someone throw me a sweat towel!

Now, there were tons of interesting responses, but one response kept NOT showing up, which is why I rotor-rooted my way through this epic thread. So, I am gonna throw this original thought out there:

There are literally thousands clerks of courts in the USA who issue marriage licenses. In fact, there have to be at least 3,143 of them total, if not many more, for many counties have more than one clerk who issues marriage licenses. But either way, we are talking about THOUSANDS of public officials who issue marriage licenses every week. If Kim Davis is so right, why is she is the only clerk doing this?

Also, "Christians" now have a choice. They can either apply the tactic that Kim Davis is just so totally right and all the other other clerks, the majority of which, I bet, are also Christian, are wrong, in which case, they should be condemning those clerks with all their might, right here and now - lol -

- or, they can take the tack that there are far fewer Christians out there processing and giving out marriage licenses than they are willing to admit -

- or, they can just claim that the other many thousands of clerks are all apostates.

Either way, no matter how you look at it, this does not look good for "Christianity", n'est ce pas?

Of course, the most sane answer is that possibly ex-Clerk, currently Jailbird Kim Clark comes from a backwater, insane hillbilly church where her pastor is probably pressuring her to go through all of this shit at no cost to himself but at a massive cost to her and that this actually has precious little to do with Christianity at all. It's politics, it's publicity and at the end of the day, it's part of the "Christian" $$$$-mill. This is a cottage industry thing, nothing less and nothing more.


Luddly Neddite
Wry Catcher
Dot Com

Probably because she's batshit crazy. Why is that not one of your options. And that wasn't an original thought BTW.

Good point.

However, "batshit crazy" is no excuse for ignorance of the law, so I didn't include it.

Anything else you want on the menu, or are you now sated?

Trust me she's not ignorant of the law. She just chose to ignore it. I just look at the fact that she's been married four times as evidence of her craziness. It's certainly not conclusive in and of itself, but it is a significant bit of evidence.

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