Kentucky Clerk Jailed for Contempt of Court

What are you blathering about now?? It's stupid to be discussing Baker at this late date. Before Obergefell, the bigots continued to cling to it as there last pathetic hope despite the questionable applicability. Then Justice Kennedy SPECIFICALLY stated in the majority opinion that Baker is overturned. If you don't know that, look it up. Get over it already

look it up?! I pointed it out to YOU, from your "list of cases cited in support"..... indicating you didnt even read your own cut and paste post, or if you did, didn't understand it.

It's lack of citation in numerous pre-obergefell lower federal court rulings however shows,....just as the Valentines Day ruling, that the lower courts were ruling out of emotion rather than law.

Equine excrement. You said
I don't recall it saying it overturned Baker v. Nelson though.............

The facts as of now

1. Obergefell rules

2. Baker is history

I have better things to do than to have this stupid ass and pointless discussion

precedent is there to keep the court in line.......perhaps in the future other courts will ignore obergefell like the lower courts ignored Baker the last few years. ...the courts attitude toward Baker shows what a joke the federal judiciary is.

my initial post here had to do with the hypocrisy of the judicial system, you led us down this "pointless discussion".

Ridiculous! They can't ignore Obergefell like they ignored Baker. Baker was not actually reviewed It was dismissed for "lack of a substantial federal question" That procedusre is not even used anymore

While it was considered a binding precedent at the time , when dealing with precedents like Baker, lower courts may have to guess at the meaning of these unexplained decisions.[18] The Supreme Court has laid out rules, however, to guide lower courts in narrowly applying these summary dispositions:[19]

  • The facts in the potentially binding case must not bear any legally significant differences to the case under consideration.[20]
  • The binding precedent encompasses only the issues presented to the Court, not the reasoning found in the lower court's decision.[21]
  • Of the issues presented, only those necessarily decided by the Court in dismissing the case control.[22]
  • Subsequent developments by the Court on the relevant doctrines may cast doubt on the continuing validity of a summary judgment.[23]

Im not sure what all the above lawyer speak means.....................but I suggest it is just a fancy way of giving an excuse for court laziness and desire for a different outcome.

the failure even to mention it in numerous lower court opinions shows however that the above guidelines weren't even considered.

The more recent rulings are more relevant. The lower courts would naturally cite the more recent rulings. With the most relevant before Obergefell being Windsor and Romer. These were actual rulings rather than merely a sentence.
look it up?! I pointed it out to YOU, from your "list of cases cited in support"..... indicating you didnt even read your own cut and paste post, or if you did, didn't understand it.

It's lack of citation in numerous pre-obergefell lower federal court rulings however shows,....just as the Valentines Day ruling, that the lower courts were ruling out of emotion rather than law.

Equine excrement. You said
I don't recall it saying it overturned Baker v. Nelson though.............

The facts as of now

1. Obergefell rules

2. Baker is history

I have better things to do than to have this stupid ass and pointless discussion

precedent is there to keep the court in line.......perhaps in the future other courts will ignore obergefell like the lower courts ignored Baker the last few years. ...the courts attitude toward Baker shows what a joke the federal judiciary is.

my initial post here had to do with the hypocrisy of the judicial system, you led us down this "pointless discussion".

Ridiculous! They can't ignore Obergefell like they ignored Baker. Baker was not actually reviewed It was dismissed for "lack of a substantial federal question" That procedusre is not even used anymore

While it was considered a binding precedent at the time , when dealing with precedents like Baker, lower courts may have to guess at the meaning of these unexplained decisions.[18] The Supreme Court has laid out rules, however, to guide lower courts in narrowly applying these summary dispositions:[19]

  • The facts in the potentially binding case must not bear any legally significant differences to the case under consideration.[20]
  • The binding precedent encompasses only the issues presented to the Court, not the reasoning found in the lower court's decision.[21]
  • Of the issues presented, only those necessarily decided by the Court in dismissing the case control.[22]
  • Subsequent developments by the Court on the relevant doctrines may cast doubt on the continuing validity of a summary judgment.[23]

Im not sure what all the above lawyer speak means.....................but I suggest it is just a fancy way of giving an excuse for court laziness and desire for a different outcome.

the failure even to mention it in numerous lower court opinions shows however that the above guidelines weren't even considered.

In many cases it was mentioned and the reasons why it was considered to be not controlling were spelled out. Give it a rest already. It is OVER

the arguments will never be the obergefell decision and those leading to it are a joke.
look it up?! I pointed it out to YOU, from your "list of cases cited in support"..... indicating you didnt even read your own cut and paste post, or if you did, didn't understand it.

It's lack of citation in numerous pre-obergefell lower federal court rulings however shows,....just as the Valentines Day ruling, that the lower courts were ruling out of emotion rather than law.

Equine excrement. You said
I don't recall it saying it overturned Baker v. Nelson though.............

The facts as of now

1. Obergefell rules

2. Baker is history

I have better things to do than to have this stupid ass and pointless discussion

precedent is there to keep the court in line.......perhaps in the future other courts will ignore obergefell like the lower courts ignored Baker the last few years. ...the courts attitude toward Baker shows what a joke the federal judiciary is.

my initial post here had to do with the hypocrisy of the judicial system, you led us down this "pointless discussion".

Ridiculous! They can't ignore Obergefell like they ignored Baker. Baker was not actually reviewed It was dismissed for "lack of a substantial federal question" That procedusre is not even used anymore

While it was considered a binding precedent at the time , when dealing with precedents like Baker, lower courts may have to guess at the meaning of these unexplained decisions.[18] The Supreme Court has laid out rules, however, to guide lower courts in narrowly applying these summary dispositions:[19]

  • The facts in the potentially binding case must not bear any legally significant differences to the case under consideration.[20]
  • The binding precedent encompasses only the issues presented to the Court, not the reasoning found in the lower court's decision.[21]
  • Of the issues presented, only those necessarily decided by the Court in dismissing the case control.[22]
  • Subsequent developments by the Court on the relevant doctrines may cast doubt on the continuing validity of a summary judgment.[23]

Im not sure what all the above lawyer speak means.....................but I suggest it is just a fancy way of giving an excuse for court laziness and desire for a different outcome.

the failure even to mention it in numerous lower court opinions shows however that the above guidelines weren't even considered.

The more recent rulings are more relevant. The lower courts would naturally cite the more recent rulings. With the most relevant before Obergefell being Windsor and Romer. These were actual rulings rather than merely a sentence.

and didn't deal directly with the question...which the Baker decision did. As I said shows to be contemptible the joke of the federal judiciary.
Equine excrement. You said The facts as of now

1. Obergefell rules

2. Baker is history

I have better things to do than to have this stupid ass and pointless discussion

precedent is there to keep the court in line.......perhaps in the future other courts will ignore obergefell like the lower courts ignored Baker the last few years. ...the courts attitude toward Baker shows what a joke the federal judiciary is.

my initial post here had to do with the hypocrisy of the judicial system, you led us down this "pointless discussion".

Ridiculous! They can't ignore Obergefell like they ignored Baker. Baker was not actually reviewed It was dismissed for "lack of a substantial federal question" That procedusre is not even used anymore

While it was considered a binding precedent at the time , when dealing with precedents like Baker, lower courts may have to guess at the meaning of these unexplained decisions.[18] The Supreme Court has laid out rules, however, to guide lower courts in narrowly applying these summary dispositions:[19]

  • The facts in the potentially binding case must not bear any legally significant differences to the case under consideration.[20]
  • The binding precedent encompasses only the issues presented to the Court, not the reasoning found in the lower court's decision.[21]
  • Of the issues presented, only those necessarily decided by the Court in dismissing the case control.[22]
  • Subsequent developments by the Court on the relevant doctrines may cast doubt on the continuing validity of a summary judgment.[23]

Im not sure what all the above lawyer speak means.....................but I suggest it is just a fancy way of giving an excuse for court laziness and desire for a different outcome.

the failure even to mention it in numerous lower court opinions shows however that the above guidelines weren't even considered.

In many cases it was mentioned and the reasons why it was considered to be not controlling were spelled out. Give it a rest already. It is OVER

the arguments will never be the obergefell decision and those leading to it are a joke.
Ten Horrific Things Kim Davis' Attorney Has Said About Gay People
Submitted by Brian Tashman on Wednesday, 9/9/2015 2:30 pm
Yesterday, anti-gay Kentucky clerk Kim Davis was released from jail and almost immediately took the stage at a campaign rally for Mike Huckabee, arm-in-arm with the GOP presidential candidate and with her attorney, Mat Staver, the head of Liberty Counsel.

This is the moment that Staver has been waiting for. The former dean of Liberty University’s School of Law has repeatedly urged public officials to break the law when it comes to gay marriage, and with Davis he finally has his test case.

Much of the public attention on Staver has focused on his bizarre, and so far unsuccessful, legal argument that Davis should be able to order her entire county clerk’s office to follow her personal religious views, even in defiance of several court orders. Staver has gone all-in on the Religious Right’s claim that LGBT rights is leading to the persecution of Christians, claiming that obeying gay marriage law is tantamount to handing over a Jewish person to Nazi enforcers and comparing Davis to victims of the Holocaust.

But it’s important to remember that when Staver is not playing the victim of LGBT rights, he is spouting virulently anti-LGBT rhetoric, going so far as to suggest that supporters of gay rights are ineligible to hold public office and defending laws criminalizing homosexuality in the U.S. and abroad.

As these 10 anti-gay comments make clear, Staver isn’t seeking a live-and-let-live world, but rather one where the government is a religious tool of conservative Christians and LGBT people are forced into the shadows.

- See more at: Ten Horrific Things Kim Davis' Attorney Has Said About Gay People
Equine excrement. You said The facts as of now

1. Obergefell rules

2. Baker is history

I have better things to do than to have this stupid ass and pointless discussion

precedent is there to keep the court in line.......perhaps in the future other courts will ignore obergefell like the lower courts ignored Baker the last few years. ...the courts attitude toward Baker shows what a joke the federal judiciary is.

my initial post here had to do with the hypocrisy of the judicial system, you led us down this "pointless discussion".

Ridiculous! They can't ignore Obergefell like they ignored Baker. Baker was not actually reviewed It was dismissed for "lack of a substantial federal question" That procedusre is not even used anymore

While it was considered a binding precedent at the time , when dealing with precedents like Baker, lower courts may have to guess at the meaning of these unexplained decisions.[18] The Supreme Court has laid out rules, however, to guide lower courts in narrowly applying these summary dispositions:[19]

  • The facts in the potentially binding case must not bear any legally significant differences to the case under consideration.[20]
  • The binding precedent encompasses only the issues presented to the Court, not the reasoning found in the lower court's decision.[21]
  • Of the issues presented, only those necessarily decided by the Court in dismissing the case control.[22]
  • Subsequent developments by the Court on the relevant doctrines may cast doubt on the continuing validity of a summary judgment.[23]

Im not sure what all the above lawyer speak means.....................but I suggest it is just a fancy way of giving an excuse for court laziness and desire for a different outcome.

the failure even to mention it in numerous lower court opinions shows however that the above guidelines weren't even considered.

In many cases it was mentioned and the reasons why it was considered to be not controlling were spelled out. Give it a rest already. It is OVER

the arguments will never be the obergefell decision and those leading to it are a joke.

The legal questions asked in Obergefell have definitely been answered. Yes, a State has to issue a marriage license for same sex couples. Yes, it has to honor marriage licenses from other states for same sex couples.
I saw it yesterday when she was let out of jail. Not only was Huckabee using her as a political point, but it was clear from the way the lawyer phrased things that he and Huckabee were going to be her spokespersons, and they're looking to make a lot of money.

It was especially funny yesterday to see one of Huckabee's staffers physically block Cruz from getting to the cameras.
It's time for those who cherish secular government to declare war on these hateful theocrats. Our founding fathers gave us a Godless Constitution - which we must protect from those who wish to transform our government into a theocracy. America needs more freedom from religion.
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the failure even to mention it in numerous lower court opinions shows however that the above guidelines weren't even considered.

As a previous post shows, "precedent" can be overcome by events as the legal landscape changes. In the early 1970's there was no Federal question for the Federal government to address because there were (a) no states that recognized SSCM and (b) no SSCM recognition at the federal level. Over the years that landscape changed. States passed SSCM, the Federal governemnt enacted DOMA to prevent federal recognition of SSCM and that was found to be unconstitutional.

Yes the guidelines were considered and found to be lacking.

If the United States Supreme Court held precedence and the lower courts were wrong, then would have remained the cases back to the lower court with instructions to apply backer but they didn't. In fact the SCOTUS said: (Obergerfell v. Hodges) "Baker v. Nelson must be and now is overruled, and the State laws challenged by Petitioners in these cases are now held invalid to the extent they exclude same-sex couples from civil marriage on the same terms and conditions as opposite sex couples."

Below is where the lower courts DID address Baker in their rulings:

2nd Circuit Marriage decision (Windsor), Baker is discussed beginning on PDF PDF Page 15 -->>

4th Circuit Marriage decision, Baker is discussed beginning on PDF PDF Page 33 -->>

5th Circuit Marriage decision, Baker is discussed beginning on PDF Page 12 -->>

7th Circuit Marriage decision, Baker is discussed beginning on PDF page 14 -->>

9th Circuit Marriage decision, Baker is discussed beginning on PDF 9 -->> opinion.pdf

Equine excrement. You said The facts as of now

1. Obergefell rules

2. Baker is history

I have better things to do than to have this stupid ass and pointless discussion

precedent is there to keep the court in line.......perhaps in the future other courts will ignore obergefell like the lower courts ignored Baker the last few years. ...the courts attitude toward Baker shows what a joke the federal judiciary is.

my initial post here had to do with the hypocrisy of the judicial system, you led us down this "pointless discussion".

Ridiculous! They can't ignore Obergefell like they ignored Baker. Baker was not actually reviewed It was dismissed for "lack of a substantial federal question" That procedusre is not even used anymore

While it was considered a binding precedent at the time , when dealing with precedents like Baker, lower courts may have to guess at the meaning of these unexplained decisions.[18] The Supreme Court has laid out rules, however, to guide lower courts in narrowly applying these summary dispositions:[19]

  • The facts in the potentially binding case must not bear any legally significant differences to the case under consideration.[20]
  • The binding precedent encompasses only the issues presented to the Court, not the reasoning found in the lower court's decision.[21]
  • Of the issues presented, only those necessarily decided by the Court in dismissing the case control.[22]
  • Subsequent developments by the Court on the relevant doctrines may cast doubt on the continuing validity of a summary judgment.[23]

Im not sure what all the above lawyer speak means.....................but I suggest it is just a fancy way of giving an excuse for court laziness and desire for a different outcome.

the failure even to mention it in numerous lower court opinions shows however that the above guidelines weren't even considered.

In many cases it was mentioned and the reasons why it was considered to be not controlling were spelled out. Give it a rest already. It is OVER

the arguments will never be the obergefell decision and those leading to it are a joke.

.... meaning, you simply disagree that people you dislike should have the same rights and protection under the law that you enjoy.
...Again -- she IS the government. The government does not act out in civil disobedience, which is an act against the government. That's why you're wrong and she sits in a cell.
And there, apparently, is the gist of the difference in positions.

You (apparently) believe that it is impossible for a member of the government to engage in Civil Disobedience while on-duty.

I believe that is it possible for a member of the government to refuse to conform to an immoral law, while on-duty, and that, in doing so, she is engaged in an act of Civil Disobedience.

I believe that Davis is in jail because - member of the government or no - she is engaged in an act of Civil Disobedience.

Doesn't mean she's right.

Doesn't mean that she can't be charged with a failure to execute or for contempt.

It's just the label that we hang on her actions.

You (and others less sympathetic) label it as Simple Lawbreaking.

I (and others more sympathetic) label it as Civil Disobedience - which has much the same effect, at-law, but which suggests a nobler purpose and self-sacrifice.

An appellation that you-and-yours are desperate to try to suppress, for fear that it will gain enough traction to become irreversible in the collective public psyche.

And, if that's the case, I think you're already too late.

She's already been awarded the mantle of hero and martyr.

Sucks, eh?
Kim Davis's office is obligated to perform the state function of issuing marriage licenses. She disagrees that marriage can exist between two people of the same sex. However, the state of Kentucky has little choice other than to respect the ruling of the Supreme Court. Davis's opinion is completely irrelevant to performance of her job. If she will not allow her office to preform their function, then she has to go just like any employee who finds their conscience will not allow them to do their job.

The State of Kentucky has every choice to reject the irrational, irrefutably unconstitutional decree by the newly formed Supreme Legislature.

Davis's Job is to follow Kentucky law.

Kentucky Law defines Marriage as the Joining of One Man and One Woman.
The State of Kentucky has every choice to reject the irrational, irrefutably unconstitutional decree by the newly formed Supreme Legislature.

Davis's Job is to follow Kentucky law.

Kentucky Law defines Marriage as the Joining of One Man and One Woman.

Kentucky doesn't have a valid law that defines marriage as only a man and a woman.

It was unconstitutional and Kentucky recognized that and is not issuing them licenses across the state.

the failure even to mention it in numerous lower court opinions shows however that the above guidelines weren't even considered.

As a previous post shows, "precedent" can be overcome by events as the legal landscape changes. In the early 1970's there was no Federal question for the Federal government to address because there were (a) no states that recognized SSCM and (b) no SSCM recognition at the federal level. Over the years that landscape changed. States passed SSCM, the Federal governemnt enacted DOMA to prevent federal recognition of SSCM and that was found to be unconstitutional.

And that would-be 'finding' was on hysterically specious basis. The finding was NOT set upon the letter of the US Constitution, the principles on which the Constitution rests or any sense of reason which would provide that DOMA was unconstitutional.

The degenerates are simply making it up out of whole cloth. And no American is IN ANY WAY obligated to so much as recognize these decisions, let alone obey any sense of law that arises out of them.
The State of Kentucky has every choice to reject the irrational, irrefutably unconstitutional decree by the newly formed Supreme Legislature.

Davis's Job is to follow Kentucky law.

Kentucky Law defines Marriage as the Joining of One Man and One Woman.

Kentucky doesn't have a valid law that defines marriage as only a man and a woman.

Kentucky exists in reality. In reality, Marriage is the joining of One Man and One Woman... as God created humanity with two distinct, but complimenting genders; each designed SPECIFICALLY to JOIN WITH the OTHER... Forming ONE SUSTAINABLE BODY... from two... and Kentucky's CONSTITUTION recognizes the right of the citizen to exercise their religion, ABOVE ALL OTHER CONSIDERATION... INCLUDING: THE LAW!
Last edited:
precedent is there to keep the court in line.......perhaps in the future other courts will ignore obergefell like the lower courts ignored Baker the last few years. ...the courts attitude toward Baker shows what a joke the federal judiciary is.

my initial post here had to do with the hypocrisy of the judicial system, you led us down this "pointless discussion".

Ridiculous! They can't ignore Obergefell like they ignored Baker. Baker was not actually reviewed It was dismissed for "lack of a substantial federal question" That procedusre is not even used anymore

While it was considered a binding precedent at the time , when dealing with precedents like Baker, lower courts may have to guess at the meaning of these unexplained decisions.[18] The Supreme Court has laid out rules, however, to guide lower courts in narrowly applying these summary dispositions:[19]

  • The facts in the potentially binding case must not bear any legally significant differences to the case under consideration.[20]
  • The binding precedent encompasses only the issues presented to the Court, not the reasoning found in the lower court's decision.[21]
  • Of the issues presented, only those necessarily decided by the Court in dismissing the case control.[22]
  • Subsequent developments by the Court on the relevant doctrines may cast doubt on the continuing validity of a summary judgment.[23]

Im not sure what all the above lawyer speak means.....................but I suggest it is just a fancy way of giving an excuse for court laziness and desire for a different outcome.

the failure even to mention it in numerous lower court opinions shows however that the above guidelines weren't even considered.

In many cases it was mentioned and the reasons why it was considered to be not controlling were spelled out. Give it a rest already. It is OVER

the arguments will never be the obergefell decision and those leading to it are a joke.

.... meaning, you simply disagree that people you dislike should have the same rights and protection under the law that you enjoy.

It is really interesting that some people are so distraught and freaked out about this that they will create a whole alternate reality so that they can believe that it is wrong and unjust. Yet 99% of these people are completely unaffected by it in their personal lives. If they didn't read the news or seek out these threads to troll, they would not even notice the change. There is something really sick about their obsession with it.
Kentucky exists in reality. In reality, Marriage is the joining of One Man and One Woman... as God created humanity with two distinct, but complimenting genders; each designed SPECIFICALLY to JOIN WITH the OTHER... Forming ONE SUSTAINABLE BODY... from two... and Kentucky's CONSTITUTION recognizes the right of the citizen to exercise their religion, ABOVE ALL OTHER CONSIDERATION... INCLUDING: THE LAW!

Reality is that same-sex couple can enter into Civil Marriage just like the rest of us.

Reality is that same-sex couples can enter into Religious Marriage and the number of Churches and religious organizations accepting them is growing.

That is reality.


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