Kentucky Clerk Jailed for Contempt of Court

It is really interesting that some people are so distraught and freaked out about this that they will create a whole alternate reality so that they can believe that it is wrong and unjust. Yet 99% of these people are completely unaffected by it in their personal lives. ... .

Reader, what you witnessed in the above trail of drivel, is what is known as "R E L A T I V I S M".

Relativism is the doctrine which holds that "knowledge, truth, and morality exist only in relation to one's cultural, societal, historical and personal context and, as such, can never be the result of soundly reasoned absolutes".

Such is a presentation of mental disorder; a perversion of human reasoning.

Through this perversion of reason the relativist axiomatically rejects the very existence of objectivity; which is essential to truth, that we find that such precludes the means for Left-think to serve justice.

With truth being essential to trust and, both: truth and trust being critical to the establishment of a soundly reasoned morality and, because a soundly reasoned morality is essential to Justice... it becomes clear to reasonable people, that Relativism can never serve justice.

And the above twaddle is a perfect example of just that.
Ten Horrific Things Kim Davis' Attorney Has Said About Gay People
Submitted by Brian Tashman on Wednesday, 9/9/2015 2:30 pm
Yesterday, anti-gay Kentucky clerk Kim Davis was released from jail and almost immediately took the stage at a campaign rally for Mike Huckabee, arm-in-arm with the GOP presidential candidate and with her attorney, Mat Staver, the head of Liberty Counsel.

This is the moment that Staver has been waiting for. The former dean of Liberty University’s School of Law has repeatedly urged public officials to break the law when it comes to gay marriage, and with Davis he finally has his test case.

Much of the public attention on Staver has focused on his bizarre, and so far unsuccessful, legal argument that Davis should be able to order her entire county clerk’s office to follow her personal religious views, even in defiance of several court orders. Staver has gone all-in on the Religious Right’s claim that LGBT rights is leading to the persecution of Christians, claiming that obeying gay marriage law is tantamount to handing over a Jewish person to Nazi enforcers and comparing Davis to victims of the Holocaust.

But it’s important to remember that when Staver is not playing the victim of LGBT rights, he is spouting virulently anti-LGBT rhetoric, going so far as to suggest that supporters of gay rights are ineligible to hold public office and defending laws criminalizing homosexuality in the U.S. and abroad.

As these 10 anti-gay comments make clear, Staver isn’t seeking a live-and-let-live world, but rather one where the government is a religious tool of conservative Christians and LGBT people are forced into the shadows.

- See more at: Ten Horrific Things Kim Davis' Attorney Has Said About Gay People

Fascists always view the truth as "horrific"..which it is..what they fail to grasp is that their actions induce horror in normal people.
Kentucky exists in reality. In reality, Marriage is the joining of One Man and One Woman... as God created humanity with two distinct, but complimenting genders; each designed SPECIFICALLY to JOIN WITH the OTHER... Forming ONE SUSTAINABLE BODY... from two... and Kentucky's CONSTITUTION recognizes the right of the citizen to exercise their religion, ABOVE ALL OTHER CONSIDERATION... INCLUDING: THE LAW!

Reality is that same-sex couple can enter into Civil Marriage just like the rest of us.

Reality is that same-sex couples can enter into Religious Marriage and the number of Churches and religious organizations accepting them is growing.

That is reality.

It is indeed. And the queers' ability to get married is in no way hampered by leaving off the name of the people who don't care to endorse their revolting, depraved and sacrilegious coupling.
Kentucky exists in reality. In reality, Marriage is the joining of One Man and One Woman... as God created humanity with two distinct, but complimenting genders; each designed SPECIFICALLY to JOIN WITH the OTHER... Forming ONE SUSTAINABLE BODY... from two... and Kentucky's CONSTITUTION recognizes the right of the citizen to exercise their religion, ABOVE ALL OTHER CONSIDERATION... INCLUDING: THE LAW!

Reality is that same-sex couple can enter into Civil Marriage just like the rest of us.

No... The Reality is that a severe degeneracy has now been found to exist in the highest elements of the US Federal Government, which has caused the US Federal Government to federally license degeneracy; literally making it legal to promote the decay and overall moral deterioration of the US Culture, that which is unjust and overtly harmful to the individuals they represent, thus severely injurious to the culture on the whole.

That such is legal, does not make it real; which is to say that something is legal does not make it morally sound... thus it exists outside the scope of human viability, therefore such is a fiction being played out as reality.

We saw the same thing in Europe, during the 1930s and 40s... . The consequences were catastrophic.

Such will be no less so in the here and now.

The Reality is that Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman. And all the pretense, by the lowest common denominators, cannot alter reality.
This just in:
"Although a federal judge ordered she not interfere with the issuance of marriage licenses, her legal team said her mind "has not changed," and she intends to block gay couples from getting licenses once again."

Kentucky Clerk Kim Davis Plans To Go Back To Work On Monday

Toldja so.

She's a Gawd Warrior, with the cross on her back and ready to push to have the nails of Geezuz pushed through her wrists to fight this thing to the Bigot Bucks end.

What happened this past week is only Act 1.
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Kentucky exists in reality. In reality, Marriage is the joining of One Man and One Woman... as God created humanity with two distinct, but complimenting genders; each designed SPECIFICALLY to JOIN WITH the OTHER... Forming ONE SUSTAINABLE BODY... from two... and Kentucky's CONSTITUTION recognizes the right of the citizen to exercise their religion, ABOVE ALL OTHER CONSIDERATION... INCLUDING: THE LAW!

Reality is that same-sex couple can enter into Civil Marriage just like the rest of us.

Reality is that same-sex couples can enter into Religious Marriage and the number of Churches and religious organizations accepting them is growing.

That is reality.

It is indeed. And the queers' ability to get married is in no way hampered by leaving off the name of the people who don't care to endorse their revolting, depraved and sacrilegious coupling.
Her name IS off the licenses.

That's not good enough for her.
This just in:
"Although a federal judge ordered she not interfere with the issuance of marriage licenses, her legal team said her mind "has not changed," and she intends to block gay couples from getting licenses once again."

Kentucky Clerk Kim Davis Plans To Go Back To Work On Monday

Toldja so.

She's a Gawd Warrior, with the cross on her back and ready to push to have the nails of Geezuz pushed through her wrists to fight this thing to to the Bigot Bucks end.

What happened this past week is only Act 1.

Of course she will. She's an American and to BE an American you must first recognize, respect, defend and adhere to the principles that define America. "Degeneracy" and the purveyance of such, is not such a principle.

"No... The Reality is that a severe degeneracy has now been found to exist in the highest elements of the US Federal Government..."

No, the reality is that you and most others on the social right are ridiculous and delusional, contriving inane lies about 'severe degeneracy' existing in the highest elements of the Federal government.
Kentucky exists in reality. In reality, Marriage is the joining of One Man and One Woman... as God created humanity with two distinct, but complimenting genders; each designed SPECIFICALLY to JOIN WITH the OTHER... Forming ONE SUSTAINABLE BODY... from two... and Kentucky's CONSTITUTION recognizes the right of the citizen to exercise their religion, ABOVE ALL OTHER CONSIDERATION... INCLUDING: THE LAW!

Reality is that same-sex couple can enter into Civil Marriage just like the rest of us.

Reality is that same-sex couples can enter into Religious Marriage and the number of Churches and religious organizations accepting them is growing.

That is reality.

It is indeed. And the queers' ability to get married is in no way hampered by leaving off the name of the people who don't care to endorse their revolting, depraved and sacrilegious coupling.
Her name IS off the licenses.

That's not good enough for her.

Her name is not off the licenses.

She is the Clerk of the Court... The Clerk's office issues the licenses... therefore everything that the Clerks office does, bears her name.
Kentucky exists in reality. In reality, Marriage is the joining of One Man and One Woman... as God created humanity with two distinct, but complimenting genders; each designed SPECIFICALLY to JOIN WITH the OTHER... Forming ONE SUSTAINABLE BODY... from two... and Kentucky's CONSTITUTION recognizes the right of the citizen to exercise their religion, ABOVE ALL OTHER CONSIDERATION... INCLUDING: THE LAW!

Reality is that same-sex couple can enter into Civil Marriage just like the rest of us.

Reality is that same-sex couples can enter into Religious Marriage and the number of Churches and religious organizations accepting them is growing.

That is reality.

It is indeed. And the queers' ability to get married is in no way hampered by leaving off the name of the people who don't care to endorse their revolting, depraved and sacrilegious coupling.
Her name IS off the licenses.

That's not good enough for her.

Her name is not off the licenses.

She is the Clerk of the Court... The Clerk's office issues the licenses... therefore everything that the Clerks office does, bears her name.

Her name is Satan!
Kentucky exists in reality. In reality, Marriage is the joining of One Man and One Woman... as God created humanity with two distinct, but complimenting genders; each designed SPECIFICALLY to JOIN WITH the OTHER... Forming ONE SUSTAINABLE BODY... from two... and Kentucky's CONSTITUTION recognizes the right of the citizen to exercise their religion, ABOVE ALL OTHER CONSIDERATION... INCLUDING: THE LAW!

Reality is that same-sex couple can enter into Civil Marriage just like the rest of us.

Reality is that same-sex couples can enter into Religious Marriage and the number of Churches and religious organizations accepting them is growing.

That is reality.

It is indeed. And the queers' ability to get married is in no way hampered by leaving off the name of the people who don't care to endorse their revolting, depraved and sacrilegious coupling.
Her name IS off the licenses.

That's not good enough for her.

Her name is not off the licenses.

She is the Clerk of the Court... The Clerk's office issues the licenses... therefore everything that the Clerks office does, bears her name.

Her name is Satan!

Yes... Satan is standing up for God's law.

You've clearly given this a lot of thought.

LOL! Folks you can NOT hide the anti-theist (Douchebags)... they simply will not allow it.
...Again -- she IS the government. The government does not act out in civil disobedience, which is an act against the government. That's why you're wrong and she sits in a cell.
And there, apparently, is the gist of the difference in positions.

You (apparently) believe that it is impossible for a member of the government to engage in Civil Disobedience while on-duty.

I believe that is it possible for a member of the government to refuse to conform to an immoral law, while on-duty, and that, in doing so, she is engaged in an act of Civil Disobedience.

I believe that Davis is in jail because - member of the government or no - she is engaged in an act of Civil Disobedience.

Doesn't mean she's right.

Doesn't mean that she can't be charged with a failure to execute or for contempt.

It's just the label that we hang on her actions.

You (and others less sympathetic) label it as Simple Lawbreaking.

I (and others more sympathetic) label it as Civil Disobedience - which has much the same effect, at-law, but which suggests a nobler purpose and self-sacrifice.

An appellation that you-and-yours are desperate to try to suppress, for fear that it will gain enough traction to become irreversible in the collective public psyche.

And, if that's the case, I think you're already too late.

She's already been awarded the mantle of hero and martyr.

Sucks, eh?
Kim Davis's office is obligated to perform the state function of issuing marriage licenses. She disagrees that marriage can exist between two people of the same sex. However, the state of Kentucky has little choice other than to respect the ruling of the Supreme Court. Davis's opinion is completely irrelevant to performance of her job. If she will not allow her office to preform their function, then she has to go just like any employee who finds their conscience will not allow them to do their job.

The State of Kentucky has every choice to reject the irrational, irrefutably unconstitutional decree by the newly formed Supreme Legislature.

Davis's Job is to follow Kentucky law.

Kentucky Law defines Marriage as the Joining of One Man and One Woman.

In this matter Davis' job is to acknowledge the Constitution, Article VI in particular, obey the Supreme Court, and follow the rule of law, where by doing so in no way 'violates' her religious liberty.

Federal laws, the rulings of the Supreme Court, and Constitutional jurisprudence are the supreme law of the land, where state and local laws are subordinate to that.
This just in:
"Although a federal judge ordered she not interfere with the issuance of marriage licenses, her legal team said her mind "has not changed," and she intends to block gay couples from getting licenses once again."

Kentucky Clerk Kim Davis Plans To Go Back To Work On Monday

Toldja so.

She's a Gawd Warrior, with the cross on her back and ready to push to have the nails of Geezuz pushed through her wrists to fight this thing to the Bigot Bucks end.

What happened this past week is only Act 1.
Good. They can put her back in the pokey. This time they should make it a month.
It is really interesting that some people are so distraught and freaked out about this that they will create a whole alternate reality so that they can believe that it is wrong and unjust. Yet 99% of these people are completely unaffected by it in their personal lives. ... .

Reader, what you witnessed in the above trail of drivel, is what is known as "R E L A T I V I S M".

Relativism is the doctrine which holds that "knowledge, truth, and morality exist only in relation to one's cultural, societal, historical and personal context and, as such, can never be the result of soundly reasoned absolutes".

Such is a presentation of mental disorder; a perversion of human reasoning.

Through this perversion of reason the relativist axiomatically rejects the very existence of objectivity; which is essential to truth, that we find that such precludes the means for Left-think to serve justice.

With truth being essential to trust and, both: truth and trust being critical to the establishment of a soundly reasoned morality and, because a soundly reasoned morality is essential to Justice... it becomes clear to reasonable people, that Relativism can never serve justice.

And the above twaddle is a perfect example of just that.

Horseshit! Who the hell are you, and who the hell is Kim Davis to decide that your truth, your morality is the only truth and superior to others?. Who the hell are you people to declare that discrimination and hatred are supported by your contrived objectivism? There is nothing objective at all about your delusional , inane ranting. Your views are in stark contrast to the evolving standards of human decency and human rights. Relativism and Objectivity are not at odds when you apply a rational thought process to a cultural and historical context. However, you are clearly not capable of rational thought.

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