Kentucky clerk refusing gay marriage has wed four times

If clerks like Kim Davis Stopped stopped handing out marriage licenses to biblically defined adulterers, maybe the divorce rate would plummet and save the institution of marriage.

Homos are not the ones destroying the institution. Adulterers like Kim Davis and all the people she gives licenses to every day have already finished it off.

And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.
Very true

Those who jump in and out of marriage and get pregnant by another man while married are defiling the institution of marriage

Same sex couples are destroying the institution of marriage but Kim Davis didn't?

Why didn't someone deny her a license ?
She wasn't a Christian when she committed all those acts.

Do we execute the children of men who decide to become women? Women can't father children.
She committed adultery the last time (and the two prior times) she got a post-divorce marriage license. And, as a self-processed follower she is currently living in an adulterous marriage. There were no grounds but marriage but for unchastity, pretty much by a woman, but men probably shouldn't have been fooling around either. Unless her three previous marriages ended because of her husbands' adultry she is currently an adulter. And, she had no problem with issuing licenses to fellow adulterers. And she can't claim she's repented and should be forgiven, because every time she does the nasty with her hubby, she's committing adultry.
She wasn't a Christian when she committed all those acts.

She's a Christian now, and handing out marriage licenses to adulterers every single day. The bible forbids remarrying, and says those who remarry are adulterers.

She is making adultery the norm every time she hands a license over the counter to someone who has been divorced. She is destroying the institution of marriage.

She is a deceiver and should be vilified for putting a stain on marriage and Christianity, and for working daily to make adultery the norm in exchange for money. Her anti-gay stance has absolutely nothing to do with religion.
This can happen only in Conservative Bizarro World....

Kentucky Clerk Fighting Gay Marriage Has Wed Four Times

The Kentucky county clerk facing potentially stiff penalties for refusing to issue same-sex marriage licenses has been married four times, raising questions of hypocrisy and selective application of the Bible to her life.
The marriages are documented in court records obtained by U.S. News, which show that Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis divorced three times, first in 1994, then 2006 and again in 2008.
She gave birth to twins five months after divorcing her first husband. They were fathered by her third husband but adopted by her second. Davis worked at the clerk's office at the time of each divorce and has since remarried.
Davis has described her desire to strictly adhere to the Bible in stark terms and thus far has shown no sign of bending to court orders on same-sex marriage

Only in Kentucky can a dyed in the wool idiot find four dumbasses to marry.

Weeeaalll...maybe W. Virginia.
All these bigots are the same...wanting to use their religion to ONLY punish gays. From the baker that will bake divorce, stem cell and atheist cakes to this divorced adulterous slut that will issue licenses to divorced people but not gays.

It's not religion they are representing, it's just plain old bigotry.
There is not punishment from another in it. You are subjecting your selves to abnormal behavior just as a druggy subjects them selves and the people who are firm in their faith want no portion of your self subjection.
That'd be fine so long as she wasn't a public servant refusing to do that which she is obligated to do because she ran for election promising to do it, and even as a private citizen, you sort of lose your moral highground when you ignore adultry and not sodomy.
You must have a literacy problem, she is not the sodomite here.
As far as "high moral ground" goes God will be her judge and she appears to understand that.

You on the other hand have failed to answer the question posed earlier, Do you believe on the Word of the Bible? Yes or no will suffice.
All these bigots are the same...wanting to use their religion to ONLY punish gays. From the baker that will bake divorce, stem cell and atheist cakes to this divorced adulterous slut that will issue licenses to divorced people but not gays.

It's not religion they are representing, it's just plain old bigotry.
There is not punishment from another in it. You are subjecting your selves to abnormal behavior just as a druggy subjects them selves and the people who are firm in their faith want no portion of your self subjection.
That'd be fine so long as she wasn't a public servant refusing to do that which she is obligated to do because she ran for election promising to do it, and even as a private citizen, you sort of lose your moral highground when you ignore adultry and not sodomy.
You must have a literacy problem, she is not the sodomite here.
As far as "high moral ground" goes God will be her judge and she appears to understand that.

You on the other hand have failed to answer the question posed earlier, Do you believe on the Word of the Bible? Yes or no will suffice.
She's picking one sin to be ok, adultery, and trying to block another, sodomy. And she herself is living in sin, yet setting herself above the sodomites. I think that'd be hubris.
All these bigots are the same...wanting to use their religion to ONLY punish gays. From the baker that will bake divorce, stem cell and atheist cakes to this divorced adulterous slut that will issue licenses to divorced people but not gays.

It's not religion they are representing, it's just plain old bigotry.
There is not punishment from another in it. You are subjecting your selves to abnormal behavior just as a druggy subjects them selves and the people who are firm in their faith want no portion of your self subjection.
That'd be fine so long as she wasn't a public servant refusing to do that which she is obligated to do because she ran for election promising to do it, and even as a private citizen, you sort of lose your moral highground when you ignore adultry and not sodomy.
You must have a literacy problem, she is not the sodomite here.
As far as "high moral ground" goes God will be her judge and she appears to understand that.

You on the other hand have failed to answer the question posed earlier, Do you believe on the Word of the Bible? Yes or no will suffice.
She's picking one sin to be ok, adultery, and trying to block another, sodomy. And she herself is living in sin, yet setting herself above the sodomites. I think that'd be hubris.

How is she living in sin?
They had the dissenting votes and wrote the statement about the ruling.
They lost and voiced their opinion.
The key word....LOST!
Very few SCOTUS votes are unanimous.


NO! They are asking for the same rights that the Constitution guarantees everyone else.
One day it will come to light for you.

She can stand on her principles all she wants, she doesn't have the right to impose them on anyone.
No one stopped her from marrying 4 times.
She needs to be fired.

Yet gays are forcing their on Christians.

Feds should not have a say on it period.

Because you are seeing what is happening right now.
Ignoring the Court, which is what 4 on the Supreme Court feared.
National Journal
Roberts’s argument centered around the need to preserve states’ rights rather than follow the turn of public opinion. In ruling in favor of gay marriage, he said, “Five lawyers have closed the debate and enacted their own vision of marriage as a matter of constitutional law.”

Justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas joined him in his dissent.

While Roberts said he did not “begrudge” any of the celebrations that would follow the Court ruling, he had serious concerns that the Court had extended its role from constitutional enforcer to activist.
All these bigots are the same...wanting to use their religion to ONLY punish gays. From the baker that will bake divorce, stem cell and atheist cakes to this divorced adulterous slut that will issue licenses to divorced people but not gays.

It's not religion they are representing, it's just plain old bigotry.
There is not punishment from another in it. You are subjecting your selves to abnormal behavior just as a druggy subjects them selves and the people who are firm in their faith want no portion of your self subjection.
That'd be fine so long as she wasn't a public servant refusing to do that which she is obligated to do because she ran for election promising to do it, and even as a private citizen, you sort of lose your moral highground when you ignore adultry and not sodomy.
You must have a literacy problem, she is not the sodomite here.
As far as "high moral ground" goes God will be her judge and she appears to understand that.

You on the other hand have failed to answer the question posed earlier, Do you believe on the Word of the Bible? Yes or no will suffice.

Anybody who believes that 2000 year old fairy tale written by camel and sheep herders who believed in witches, thought the earth was flat, shit on the ground and wiped on their hands really needs to get a grip!
What is funny is how the right seems to view it okay to someone like the clerk to spout moral values.
All these bigots are the same...wanting to use their religion to ONLY punish gays. From the baker that will bake divorce, stem cell and atheist cakes to this divorced adulterous slut that will issue licenses to divorced people but not gays.

It's not religion they are representing, it's just plain old bigotry.
There is not punishment from another in it. You are subjecting your selves to abnormal behavior just as a druggy subjects them selves and the people who are firm in their faith want no portion of your self subjection.
That'd be fine so long as she wasn't a public servant refusing to do that which she is obligated to do because she ran for election promising to do it, and even as a private citizen, you sort of lose your moral highground when you ignore adultry and not sodomy.
You must have a literacy problem, she is not the sodomite here.
As far as "high moral ground" goes God will be her judge and she appears to understand that.

You on the other hand have failed to answer the question posed earlier, Do you believe on the Word of the Bible? Yes or no will suffice.

Anybody who believes that 2000 year old fairy tale written by camel and sheep herders who believed in witches, thought the earth was flat, shit on the ground and wiped on their hands really needs to get a grip!

There is no proof that God does not exist.
Anyone who has a relationship with God knows that he exists and is real.
If you believe, fine!
No one is saying you cannot.

All these bigots are the same...wanting to use their religion to ONLY punish gays. From the baker that will bake divorce, stem cell and atheist cakes to this divorced adulterous slut that will issue licenses to divorced people but not gays.

It's not religion they are representing, it's just plain old bigotry.
There is not punishment from another in it. You are subjecting your selves to abnormal behavior just as a druggy subjects them selves and the people who are firm in their faith want no portion of your self subjection.
That'd be fine so long as she wasn't a public servant refusing to do that which she is obligated to do because she ran for election promising to do it, and even as a private citizen, you sort of lose your moral highground when you ignore adultry and not sodomy.
You must have a literacy problem, she is not the sodomite here.
As far as "high moral ground" goes God will be her judge and she appears to understand that.

You on the other hand have failed to answer the question posed earlier, Do you believe on the Word of the Bible? Yes or no will suffice.

Anybody who believes that 2000 year old fairy tale written by camel and sheep herders who believed in witches, thought the earth was flat, shit on the ground and wiped on their hands really needs to get a grip!

There is no proof that God does not exist.
Anyone who has a relationship with God knows that he exists and is real.
If you believe, fine!
No one is saying you cannot.

There is not punishment from another in it. You are subjecting your selves to abnormal behavior just as a druggy subjects them selves and the people who are firm in their faith want no portion of your self subjection.
That'd be fine so long as she wasn't a public servant refusing to do that which she is obligated to do because she ran for election promising to do it, and even as a private citizen, you sort of lose your moral highground when you ignore adultry and not sodomy.
You must have a literacy problem, she is not the sodomite here.
As far as "high moral ground" goes God will be her judge and she appears to understand that.

You on the other hand have failed to answer the question posed earlier, Do you believe on the Word of the Bible? Yes or no will suffice.

Anybody who believes that 2000 year old fairy tale written by camel and sheep herders who believed in witches, thought the earth was flat, shit on the ground and wiped on their hands really needs to get a grip!

There is no proof that God does not exist.
Anyone who has a relationship with God knows that he exists and is real.

That has nothing to do with what I answered Campbell about.
All these bigots are the same...wanting to use their religion to ONLY punish gays. From the baker that will bake divorce, stem cell and atheist cakes to this divorced adulterous slut that will issue licenses to divorced people but not gays.

It's not religion they are representing, it's just plain old bigotry.
There is not punishment from another in it. You are subjecting your selves to abnormal behavior just as a druggy subjects them selves and the people who are firm in their faith want no portion of your self subjection.
That'd be fine so long as she wasn't a public servant refusing to do that which she is obligated to do because she ran for election promising to do it, and even as a private citizen, you sort of lose your moral highground when you ignore adultry and not sodomy.
You must have a literacy problem, she is not the sodomite here.
As far as "high moral ground" goes God will be her judge and she appears to understand that.

You on the other hand have failed to answer the question posed earlier, Do you believe on the Word of the Bible? Yes or no will suffice.
She's picking one sin to be ok, adultery, and trying to block another, sodomy. And she herself is living in sin, yet setting herself above the sodomites. I think that'd be hubris.

How is she living in sin?
Biblically, the only gound for divorce was unchastity, which I doubt the had three times previously. Even if she married the fourth time before adopting her view of religion, her current marriage is adulterous, because she could not remarry, yet she remains in the marriage apparantly enjoying the fruit thereof, which is itself adultery.

But G5000 is correct. While she could simply be a sinner who cannot repent, she grants licenses to fellow adulters, and thus she's participating in further their sins. One might note it's hypocritial to single out only one sin to deny marriage licenses, but the fact that she's a hypocrite isn't really it. Rather the fact is she's using her official office to enable people to commit adultery.
There is not punishment from another in it. You are subjecting your selves to abnormal behavior just as a druggy subjects them selves and the people who are firm in their faith want no portion of your self subjection.
That'd be fine so long as she wasn't a public servant refusing to do that which she is obligated to do because she ran for election promising to do it, and even as a private citizen, you sort of lose your moral highground when you ignore adultry and not sodomy.
You must have a literacy problem, she is not the sodomite here.
As far as "high moral ground" goes God will be her judge and she appears to understand that.

You on the other hand have failed to answer the question posed earlier, Do you believe on the Word of the Bible? Yes or no will suffice.
She's picking one sin to be ok, adultery, and trying to block another, sodomy. And she herself is living in sin, yet setting herself above the sodomites. I think that'd be hubris.

How is she living in sin?
Biblically, the only gound for divorce was unchastity, which I doubt the had three times previously. Even if she married the fourth time before adopting her view of religion, her current marriage is adulterous, because she could not remarry, yet she remains in the marriage apparantly enjoying the fruit thereof, which is itself adultery.

But G5000 is correct. While she could simply be a sinner who cannot repent, she grants licenses to fellow adulters, and thus she's participating in further their sins. One might note it's hypocritial to single out only one sin to deny marriage licenses, but the fact that she's a hypocrite isn't really it. Rather the fact is she's using her official office to enable people to commit adultery.

If she asked for forgiveness and was truly repentant her sin is forgiven. This is fun smacking you Biblical illiterates around
All these bigots are the same...wanting to use their religion to ONLY punish gays. From the baker that will bake divorce, stem cell and atheist cakes to this divorced adulterous slut that will issue licenses to divorced people but not gays.

It's not religion they are representing, it's just plain old bigotry.
There is not punishment from another in it. You are subjecting your selves to abnormal behavior just as a druggy subjects them selves and the people who are firm in their faith want no portion of your self subjection.
That'd be fine so long as she wasn't a public servant refusing to do that which she is obligated to do because she ran for election promising to do it, and even as a private citizen, you sort of lose your moral highground when you ignore adultry and not sodomy.
You must have a literacy problem, she is not the sodomite here.
As far as "high moral ground" goes God will be her judge and she appears to understand that.

You on the other hand have failed to answer the question posed earlier, Do you believe on the Word of the Bible? Yes or no will suffice.

Anybody who believes that 2000 year old fairy tale written by camel and sheep herders who believed in witches, thought the earth was flat, shit on the ground and wiped on their hands really needs to get a grip!

There is no proof that God does not exist.
Anyone who has a relationship with God knows that he exists and is real.

Oh he exists alright.....IN YOUR MIND!!
The rubes are worshipping at the feet of a deceiver and hypocrite.

Probably because her bigotry harmonizes with their own.

"You've already been married once? Well, I'm only bible-compliant on odd numbered days."

Jesus forgave the woman at the well after having been married FIVE TIMES and living with a 6th man. Who are you to judge this woman whom God has forgiven? Do you not know the scriptures? God warns you not to trouble his children!

God's promise to his own children:
Seeing it is a righteous thing with God to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you;
II Thessalonians 1:6
She's judging every person she refuses to issue a marriage licence to.
This can happen only in Conservative Bizarro World....

Kentucky Clerk Fighting Gay Marriage Has Wed Four Times

The Kentucky county clerk facing potentially stiff penalties for refusing to issue same-sex marriage licenses has been married four times, raising questions of hypocrisy and selective application of the Bible to her life.
The marriages are documented in court records obtained by U.S. News, which show that Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis divorced three times, first in 1994, then 2006 and again in 2008.
She gave birth to twins five months after divorcing her first husband. They were fathered by her third husband but adopted by her second. Davis worked at the clerk's office at the time of each divorce and has since remarried.
Davis has described her desire to strictly adhere to the Bible in stark terms and thus far has shown no sign of bending to court orders on same-sex marriage

If she had been married in a Sodomite - same sex marriage and still believed it was alright, it would be hypocrisy. As it stands? It isn't. She wasn't married to women. She was married to men. As to how many times she was married? The woman at the well which Jesus spoke to in John Chapter 4 told her she had been married to 5 men and the one she was living with when Christ encountered her at the well was not her husband! Five! How many people have you married or lived with outside of marriage in your life? How many people have you had relations with outside of marriage? Do not answer the question but rather examine your own heart and quit accusing this woman in order to justify your own wickedness. You too can be forgiven by doing what Romans 10;9,10 says to do.

It is written:

13 Jesus answered and said unto her, Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again:

14 But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.

15 The woman saith unto him, Sir, give me this water, that I thirst not, neither come hither to draw.

16 Jesus saith unto her, Go, call thy husband, and come hither.

17 The woman answered and said, I have no husband. Jesus said unto her, Thou hast well said, I have no husband:

18 For thou hast had five husbands; and he whom thou now hast is not thy husband: in that saidst thou truly.

John 5:13-18

This woman became a Christian, she serves the LORD and is doing her best to follow Jesus Christ and the Word of God. Drop the stones in your hands and repent of your own sins and follow Christ.

RW, you should know that Jimmy Carter is dying of brain cancer right now because he chose to tell the world that Jesus Christ approved homosexual marriage while claiming to be a follower of Jesus Christ. This woman would surely rather suffer the scorn of mockers than the judgment of God upon her own body. How about you? Would you rather have the judgment of God fall on you than to speak the truth about Jesus Christ and his condemnation of such sins?

Jeremiah ...I have defended you in the past but you are a hateful bitch and I truly hope that you will rot in hell

RW, you should know that Jimmy Carter is dying of brain cancer right now because he chose to tell the world that Jesus Christ approved homosexual marriage while claiming to be a follower of Jesus Christ

Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks, RW. I would rather you be honest than to lie and deceive yourself and others. You are upset because you do not want to accept that there are consequences for sin. I can understand that. Until now you've been sailing along thinking you could do whatever you wish and that you would not face a day of accounting. As you can see? That is not true. You are going to face a day of accounting just as Jimmy Carter is right now.

The truth is the truth. I make no apologies for it.
My deepest hope is that you do not rot in hell but rather that you repent of your wickedness, turn from your sins and receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. I would not want to see my worst enemy in hell. It is a most terrible place and hell has no exits. If you end up going there you'll find that out. You should do the right thing and repent now while you have the breath in you to do it. Why go to sleep tonight not having the matter of your sins settled with Jesus Christ? TODAY is the day of Salvation. TODAY.
If she asked for forgiveness and was truly repentant her sin is forgiven. This is fun smacking you Biblical illiterates around

She is not repentant in the slightest. She continues to serve adultery every single day, in exchange for lucre.

She is destroying the institution of marriage. Every. Single. Day. For 30 pieces of silver.

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