Kentucky clerk refusing gay marriage has wed four times

So, let me get this straight

The moral compass of the State of Kentucky is defined by an adulteress female who has been married four times

That's what a Christian democrat does, duh.... She probably voted for that Jack ass in the White house twice also...
Ibd, I believe it was Misty who said that she was a Democrat. You could fact check it.

It says She has been a Christian for four years.
How long has she been married to this last husband?
She was forgiven of her sins four years ago.
Ok, I'm sorry I called Jeremiah a bitch, and honestly thought at the time, she was a he. But saying, let alone thinking, God gives anybody cancer for doing anything, let alone supporting gay marriage, is sick. As a Christian you can say you cannot discern why God allows evil and pain to exist, but you accept that this is part of his plan, and he is with the afflicted as they suffer.
Ibd, I believe it was Misty who said that she was a Democrat. You could fact check it.

It says She has been a Christian for four years.
How long has she been married to this last husband?
She was forgiven of her sins four years ago.
And what about giving marriage licenses to adulterers but not gays? Adulterers are doing more to destroy marriage than gays. And she is accepting money to help them do it.

Multiple marriages are very common in Kentucky, and she is taking money to make it so. Do you honestly think she is being bible-compliant and all holy-like? In your heart of hearts, I think you know the answer.
Jesus on hypocrites: But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach. They tie up heavy, cumbersome loads and put them on other people’s shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to lift a finger to move them. Everything they do is done for people to see.

Yes, Jesus told the Pharisees and Saduccees who were the Jewish religious leaders these things because they were hypocrites. But to the woman caught in adultery - he forgave her - to the woman at the well who was married 5 times and living with a 6th man he invited her to drink from the living waters and receive eternal life. You see, in this story? You and RW are acting like the religious Pharisees. Your both acting as her judge and yet God has forgiven her already of her past. So who are you to remind her of it?

Do not trouble Christians you'll have to answer to God for it.

God's promise to his own children:

Seeing it is a righteous thing with God to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you;
II Thessalonians 1:6
She hands out licenses to adulterers. This is what exposes her as a deceiver, a hypocrite, and a showboating bigot.

You are a fool for defending her as she mars Christianity.

She is also not performing her duty to uphold the law.
I'm sure she never eats shellfish nor wears clothing of mixed fabrics...I'm sure of it know...The Bible an' all...

G5000, brought up a valid point on the matter of issuing a license to someone who is an adulterer and you are helping them get a license. I wouldn't do it but that is me. What God would expect from me He might not expect from another person - I cannot say. To me it is an appearance of evil. I would not drive in a car with a man who was not my husband (without my husband being in the car too) I wouldn't work in a marriage license office for a $200,000.00 salary never mind an $80,000.00 salary. My Christianity isn't for sale.
Thank you, Jeremiah. It took open-mindedness and guts for you to see my point after we were at loggerheads earlier today.

I just am not buying this woman's claim her motives are based on the Bible. Her actions speak to the contrary.

We have to be very careful who we hold up as Christian role models.

Jesus on hypocrites: But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach. They tie up heavy, cumbersome loads and put them on other people’s shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to lift a finger to move them. Everything they do is done for people to see.

Yes, Jesus told the Pharisees and Saduccees who were the Jewish religious leaders these things because they were hypocrites. But to the woman caught in adultery - he forgave her - to the woman at the well who was married 5 times and living with a 6th man he invited her to drink from the living waters and receive eternal life. You see, in this story? You and RW are acting like the religious Pharisees. Your both acting as her judge and yet God has forgiven her already of her past. So who are you to remind her of it?

Do not trouble Christians you'll have to answer to God for it.

God's promise to his own children:

Seeing it is a righteous thing with God to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you;
II Thessalonians 1:6
She hands out licenses to adulterers. This is what exposes her as a deceiver, a hypocrite, and a showboating bigot.

You are a fool for defending her as she mars Christianity.

She is also not performing her duty to uphold the law.
I'm sure she never eats shellfish nor wears clothing of mixed fabrics...I'm sure of it know...The Bible an' all...

G5000, brought up a valid point on the matter of issuing a license to someone who is an adulterer and you are helping them get a license. I wouldn't do it but that is me. What God would expect from me He might not expect from another person - I cannot say. To me it is an appearance of evil. I would not drive in a car with a man who was not my husband (without my husband being in the car too) I wouldn't work in a marriage license office for a $200,000.00 salary never mind an $80,000.00 salary. My Christianity isn't for sale.
Thank you, Jeremiah. It took open-mindedness and guts for you to see my point after we were at loggerheads earlier today.

I just am not buying this woman's claim her motives are based on the Bible. Her actions speak to the contrary.

We have to be very careful who we hold up to God and ourselves.

I agree with you that we do have to be careful, G5000. I should not have joined this discussion and commented - because first - I do not know the woman. Second - I cannot speak to her character or even to know for certain that she is a Christian. Third - if she is a Christian and marries another man while her former husband is alive? That is adultery. Fourth - I didn't think about issuing licenses to couples who have been married multiple times until you mentioned it- that is something I could not in good conscience have any part of.

I have to get dressed for church! Goodnight and have a nice evening.
If she had been married in a Sodomite - same sex marriage and still believed it was alright, it would be hypocrisy. As it stands? It isn't. She wasn't married to women. She was married to men. As to how many times she was married? The woman at the well which Jesus spoke to in John Chapter 4 told her she had been married to 5 men and the one she was living with when Christ encountered her at the well was not her husband! Five! How many people have you married or lived with outside of marriage in your life? How many people have you had relations with outside of marriage? Do not answer the question but rather examine your own heart and quit accusing this woman in order to justify your own wickedness. You too can be forgiven by doing what Romans 10;9,10 says to do.

It is written:

13 Jesus answered and said unto her, Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again:

14 But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.

15 The woman saith unto him, Sir, give me this water, that I thirst not, neither come hither to draw.

16 Jesus saith unto her, Go, call thy husband, and come hither.

17 The woman answered and said, I have no husband. Jesus said unto her, Thou hast well said, I have no husband:

18 For thou hast had five husbands; and he whom thou now hast is not thy husband: in that saidst thou truly.

John 5:13-18

This woman became a Christian, she serves the LORD and is doing her best to follow Jesus Christ and the Word of God. Drop the stones in your hands and repent of your own sins and follow Christ.

RW, you should know that Jimmy Carter is dying of brain cancer right now because he chose to tell the world that Jesus Christ approved homosexual marriage while claiming to be a follower of Jesus Christ. This woman would surely rather suffer the scorn of mockers than the judgment of God upon her own body. How about you? Would you rather have the judgment of God fall on you than to speak the truth about Jesus Christ and his condemnation of such sins?

Jeremiah ...I have defended you in the past but you are a hateful bitch and I truly hope that you will rot in hell

RW, you should know that Jimmy Carter is dying of brain cancer right now because he chose to tell the world that Jesus Christ approved homosexual marriage while claiming to be a follower of Jesus Christ

Didn't you know that the vengeful God of the Bible routinely kills people in their nineties?

Jimmy Carter has brought the judgment of God down upon his own head (literally). God avenges His own servants and His Own Word. If you do not want trouble with God - you do not lie about His Word or trouble His children. It's very simple.

Then why the fck are cheney and W alive. DIE bitch.
I can't believe this idiot is saying Jimmy carter caused himself to have cancer.

What a twisted mind huh
I agree with you that we do have to be careful, G5000. I should not have joined this discussion and commented - because first - I do not know the woman. Second - I cannot speak to her character or even to know for certain that she is a Christian. Third - if she is a Christian and marries another man while her former husband is alive? That is adultery. Fourth - I didn't think about issuing licenses to couples who have been married multiple times until you mentioned it- that is something I could not in good conscience have any part of.

I have to get dressed for church! Goodnight and have a nice evening.

Well, I am very glad you partook of this conversation. I feel hopeful when I was feeling pretty depressed for a while.
Ok, I'm sorry I called Jeremiah a bitch, and honestly thought at the time, she was a he. But saying, let alone thinking, God gives anybody cancer for doing anything, let alone supporting gay marriage, is sick. As a Christian you can say you cannot discern why God allows evil and pain to exist, but you accept that this is part of his plan, and he is with the afflicted as they suffer.

I didn't know you did but it's alright, Ben. I am sorry for posting what I believe happened to Carter and as it upsets you, I do apologize to you for saying it. I cannot tell you that I don't believe sin caused it but I can apologize for upsetting you. Good night.
Jesus on hypocrites: But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach. They tie up heavy, cumbersome loads and put them on other people’s shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to lift a finger to move them. Everything they do is done for people to see.

Yes, Jesus told the Pharisees and Saduccees who were the Jewish religious leaders these things because they were hypocrites. But to the woman caught in adultery - he forgave her - to the woman at the well who was married 5 times and living with a 6th man he invited her to drink from the living waters and receive eternal life. You see, in this story? You and RW are acting like the religious Pharisees. Your both acting as her judge and yet God has forgiven her already of her past. So who are you to remind her of it?

Do not trouble Christians you'll have to answer to God for it.

God's promise to his own children:

Seeing it is a righteous thing with God to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you;
II Thessalonians 1:6
She hands out licenses to adulterers. This is what exposes her as a deceiver, a hypocrite, and a showboating bigot.

You are a fool for defending her as she mars Christianity.

She is also not performing her duty to uphold the law.

Typical hypocritical judgemental Christian

More reason why their views should not be allowed in government

Yet it was Christians who wrote the Constituion and signed it.
Religion of the Founding Fathers of America
Deists are not christers
Ibd, I believe it was Misty who said that she was a Democrat. You could fact check it.

It says She has been a Christian for four years.
How long has she been married to this last husband?
She was forgiven of her sins four years ago.

The crimes on credit religion and if she lived and raise in gooberland of Kentucky were she was born and inbred into that fundy Christianity
Jesus on hypocrites: But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach. They tie up heavy, cumbersome loads and put them on other people’s shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to lift a finger to move them. Everything they do is done for people to see.

Yes, Jesus told the Pharisees and Saduccees who were the Jewish religious leaders these things because they were hypocrites. But to the woman caught in adultery - he forgave her - to the woman at the well who was married 5 times and living with a 6th man he invited her to drink from the living waters and receive eternal life. You see, in this story? You and RW are acting like the religious Pharisees. Your both acting as her judge and yet God has forgiven her already of her past. So who are you to remind her of it?

Do not trouble Christians you'll have to answer to God for it.

God's promise to his own children:

Seeing it is a righteous thing with God to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you;
II Thessalonians 1:6
She hands out licenses to adulterers. This is what exposes her as a deceiver, a hypocrite, and a showboating bigot.

You are a fool for defending her as she mars Christianity.

She is also not performing her duty to uphold the law.
I'm sure she never eats shellfish nor wears clothing of mixed fabrics...I'm sure of it know...The Bible an' all...

G5000, brought up a valid point on the matter of issuing a license to someone who is an adulterer and you are helping them get a license. I wouldn't do it but that is me. What God would expect from me He might not expect from another person - I cannot say. To me it is an appearance of evil. I would not drive in a car with a man who was not my husband (without my husband being in the car too) I wouldn't work in a marriage license office for a $200,000.00 salary never mind an $80,000.00 salary. My Christianity isn't for sale.
OK, so I suppose the questions is; "Is it alright for a Christian to pick which parts of the Scriptures they want to adhere to and those that they don't?"
Are there any teachings about selectively applying God's Law?

Isn't their standing to be able to claim that they are applying divine law to others diminished when they ignore other divine laws for themselves?
By this post you have made are you telling the world that you believe in the Bible and all of the Words in it?
no, no, no. She could be a adultering lesbian sodomizer for all anyone cares. But, since she's holding herself out as the arbitrar of whom Christ would allow to marry, she needs to stick th HIS LAW. And, she's an adulter who could not legally remarry after divorce, according to Jesus.

How long ago did she get a divorce?
How long has she been married to the husband she has now?
She has been a Christian for four years.
Jesus never said that.
You are all spouting things that you know nothing about.

her personal beliefs are irrelevant to doing her job. she has to follow the court order.

why is that so difficult for religious wackjobs.

how bizarre that you think jesus represents hatred and bigotry.

Not when the Courts have become corrupt and favors one groups rights over another groups rights.
No one has said that Jesus represents hatred and bigotry
Jillian does. She has her own opinion on who all is bigots and such. i.e. Boyscouts should accept gay leaders regardless of what parents want for their children and all. If you do not go along with that agenda you are supposedly the hater and you have given away all of your rights even those that your tax paying dollars support.

that's a lie. i think jesus said great things. i think he'd hate that his name is being used to defend bigots and haters. he welcomed everyone and told the stone throwers to take a hike. i'm pretty sure he'd hate this witch in kentucky.
Jesus on hypocrites: But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach. They tie up heavy, cumbersome loads and put them on other people’s shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to lift a finger to move them. Everything they do is done for people to see.

Yes, Jesus told the Pharisees and Saduccees who were the Jewish religious leaders these things because they were hypocrites. But to the woman caught in adultery - he forgave her - to the woman at the well who was married 5 times and living with a 6th man he invited her to drink from the living waters and receive eternal life. You see, in this story? You and RW are acting like the religious Pharisees. Your both acting as her judge and yet God has forgiven her already of her past. So who are you to remind her of it?

Do not trouble Christians you'll have to answer to God for it.

God's promise to his own children:

Seeing it is a righteous thing with God to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you;
II Thessalonians 1:6
She hands out licenses to adulterers. This is what exposes her as a deceiver, a hypocrite, and a showboating bigot.

You are a fool for defending her as she mars Christianity.

She is also not performing her duty to uphold the law.
I'm sure she never eats shellfish nor wears clothing of mixed fabrics...I'm sure of it know...The Bible an' all...

G5000, brought up a valid point on the matter of issuing a license to someone who is an adulterer and you are helping them get a license. I wouldn't do it but that is me. What God would expect from me He might not expect from another person - I cannot say. To me it is an appearance of evil. I would not drive in a car with a man who was not my husband (without my husband being in the car too) I wouldn't work in a marriage license office for a $200,000.00 salary never mind an $80,000.00 salary. My Christianity isn't for sale.
OK, so I suppose the questions is; "Is it alright for a Christian to pick which parts of the Scriptures they want to adhere to and those that they don't?"
Are there any teachings about selectively applying God's Law?

Isn't their standing to be able to claim that they are applying divine law to others diminished when they ignore other divine laws for themselves?

In their private lives they can willfully and gleefully pick which parts of the bible they "listen" to. As a public servant, she serves all tax paying citizens regardless of her personal beliefs.

You would not be defending a civil servant that refused to marry an interracial couple because of their religious beliefs. Why are you defending this public servant?
Yes, Jesus told the Pharisees and Saduccees who were the Jewish religious leaders these things because they were hypocrites. But to the woman caught in adultery - he forgave her - to the woman at the well who was married 5 times and living with a 6th man he invited her to drink from the living waters and receive eternal life. You see, in this story? You and RW are acting like the religious Pharisees. Your both acting as her judge and yet God has forgiven her already of her past. So who are you to remind her of it?

Do not trouble Christians you'll have to answer to God for it.

God's promise to his own children:

Seeing it is a righteous thing with God to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you;
II Thessalonians 1:6
She hands out licenses to adulterers. This is what exposes her as a deceiver, a hypocrite, and a showboating bigot.

You are a fool for defending her as she mars Christianity.

She is also not performing her duty to uphold the law.
I'm sure she never eats shellfish nor wears clothing of mixed fabrics...I'm sure of it know...The Bible an' all...

G5000, brought up a valid point on the matter of issuing a license to someone who is an adulterer and you are helping them get a license. I wouldn't do it but that is me. What God would expect from me He might not expect from another person - I cannot say. To me it is an appearance of evil. I would not drive in a car with a man who was not my husband (without my husband being in the car too) I wouldn't work in a marriage license office for a $200,000.00 salary never mind an $80,000.00 salary. My Christianity isn't for sale.
OK, so I suppose the questions is; "Is it alright for a Christian to pick which parts of the Scriptures they want to adhere to and those that they don't?"
Are there any teachings about selectively applying God's Law?

Isn't their standing to be able to claim that they are applying divine law to others diminished when they ignore other divine laws for themselves?

In their private lives they can willfully and gleefully pick which parts of the bible they "listen" to. As a public servant, she serves all tax paying citizens regardless of her personal beliefs.

You would not be defending a civil servant that refused to marry an interracial couple because of their religious beliefs. Why are you defending this public servant?
Ooohhh...I don't know really.
The anti's are out in force in an attem
no, no, no. She could be a adultering lesbian sodomizer for all anyone cares. But, since she's holding herself out as the arbitrar of whom Christ would allow to marry, she needs to stick th HIS LAW. And, she's an adulter who could not legally remarry after divorce, according to Jesus.

How long ago did she get a divorce?
How long has she been married to the husband she has now?
She has been a Christian for four years.
Jesus never said that.
You are all spouting things that you know nothing about.

her personal beliefs are irrelevant to doing her job. she has to follow the court order.

why is that so difficult for religious wackjobs.

how bizarre that you think jesus represents hatred and bigotry.

Not when the Courts have become corrupt and favors one groups rights over another groups rights.
No one has said that Jesus represents hatred and bigotry
Jillian does. She has her own opinion on who all is bigots and such. i.e. Boyscouts should accept gay leaders regardless of what parents want for their children and all. If you do not go along with that agenda you are supposedly the hater and you have given away all of your rights even those that your tax paying dollars support.

that's a lie. i think jesus said great things. i think he'd hate that his name is being used to defend bigots and haters. he welcomed everyone and told the stone throwers to take a hike. i'm pretty sure he'd hate this witch in kentucky.
Jesus 'Jehovah's Salvation with us' did not approve of sodomy anywhere in the Bible. He welcomes everyone who is willing and desires to follow Him. That willingly part includes giving up their own sinful nature. Thus far all the haters such as yourself have done nothing more than attempt to slander this woman that is doing that for which she feels she is called to do. Jesus never said 'follow your own sinful nature'. He did say 'take up your cross and follow me'. You just prove to the whole world online once again what a hateful person you truly are Jillian.
Ibd, I believe it was Misty who said that she was a Democrat. You could fact check it.

It says She has been a Christian for four years.
How long has she been married to this last husband?
She was forgiven of her sins four years ago.

Pay no attention to my adulterous ways. My three previous marriages were the work of the devil and I have now embraced Jesus and realize that God hates Fags
Who was her first husband? Pa Kettle?

What is it to you? You need to follow Jesus Christ and confess your own sins not hers.


Why doesn't God reveal himself to us?

Why does your God, if he exists, have a thing about remaining unknown and in the process demand that people against all evidence to the contrary convince themselves that He exists?
The anti's are out in force in an attem
How long ago did she get a divorce?
How long has she been married to the husband she has now?
She has been a Christian for four years.
Jesus never said that.
You are all spouting things that you know nothing about.

her personal beliefs are irrelevant to doing her job. she has to follow the court order.

why is that so difficult for religious wackjobs.

how bizarre that you think jesus represents hatred and bigotry.

Not when the Courts have become corrupt and favors one groups rights over another groups rights.
No one has said that Jesus represents hatred and bigotry
Jillian does. She has her own opinion on who all is bigots and such. i.e. Boyscouts should accept gay leaders regardless of what parents want for their children and all. If you do not go along with that agenda you are supposedly the hater and you have given away all of your rights even those that your tax paying dollars support.

that's a lie. i think jesus said great things. i think he'd hate that his name is being used to defend bigots and haters. he welcomed everyone and told the stone throwers to take a hike. i'm pretty sure he'd hate this witch in kentucky.
Jesus 'Jehovah's Salvation with us' did not approve of sodomy anywhere in the Bible. He welcomes everyone who is willing and desires to follow Him. That willingly part includes giving up their own sinful nature. Thus far all the haters such as yourself have done nothing more than attempt to slander this woman that is doing that for which she feels she is called to do. Jesus never said 'follow your own sinful nature'. He did say 'take up your cross and follow me'. Y
You just prove to the whole world online once again what a hateful person you truly are Jillian.

There is not a single sentence of evidence in the Bible that Jesus considered same sex marriage a sin.
Ibd, I believe it was Misty who said that she was a Democrat. You could fact check it.

It says She has been a Christian for four years.
How long has she been married to this last husband?
She was forgiven of her sins four years ago.

Pay no attention to my adulterous ways. My three previous marriages were the work of the devil and I have now embraced Jesus and realize that God hates Fags

Well it's obvious that you don't know the Bible.

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