Kentucky clerk refusing gay marriage has wed four times

So, let me get this straight

The moral compass of the State of Kentucky is defined by an adulteress female who has been married four times

That's what a Christian democrat does, duh.... She probably voted for that Jack ass in the White house twice also...

I did.....I've voted Democrat three times during the sixty years I've been voting. For thirty years I was a dyed in the wool Republican. You know....that's back when they actually did things for ordinary Americans. Example....Eisenhower's InterState highway system which has actually changed American culture. Beginning with Ronald Reagan and their tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations I wouldn't give them enough warm piss to take a pill.
The anti's are out in force in an attem
her personal beliefs are irrelevant to doing her job. she has to follow the court order.

why is that so difficult for religious wackjobs.

how bizarre that you think jesus represents hatred and bigotry.

Not when the Courts have become corrupt and favors one groups rights over another groups rights.
No one has said that Jesus represents hatred and bigotry
Jillian does. She has her own opinion on who all is bigots and such. i.e. Boyscouts should accept gay leaders regardless of what parents want for their children and all. If you do not go along with that agenda you are supposedly the hater and you have given away all of your rights even those that your tax paying dollars support.

that's a lie. i think jesus said great things. i think he'd hate that his name is being used to defend bigots and haters. he welcomed everyone and told the stone throwers to take a hike. i'm pretty sure he'd hate this witch in kentucky.
Jesus 'Jehovah's Salvation with us' did not approve of sodomy anywhere in the Bible. He welcomes everyone who is willing and desires to follow Him. That willingly part includes giving up their own sinful nature. Thus far all the haters such as yourself have done nothing more than attempt to slander this woman that is doing that for which she feels she is called to do. Jesus never said 'follow your own sinful nature'. He did say 'take up your cross and follow me'. Y
You just prove to the whole world online once again what a hateful person you truly are Jillian.

There is not a single sentence of evidence in the Bible that Jesus considered same sex marriage a sin.

But the old an new testament says that it is.
Jesus said a sin is forgiven but you should not sin again.
Submission to Governing Authorities...The US Constitution Rules

Romans 13 Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established.
Ibd, I believe it was Misty who said that she was a Democrat. You could fact check it.

It says She has been a Christian for four years.
How long has she been married to this last husband?
She was forgiven of her sins four years ago.

Pay no attention to my adulterous ways. My three previous marriages were the work of the devil and I have now embraced Jesus and realize that God hates Fags

Well it's obvious that you don't know the Bible.

I do know hypocricy when I see it
The anti's are out in force in an attem
Not when the Courts have become corrupt and favors one groups rights over another groups rights.
No one has said that Jesus represents hatred and bigotry
Jillian does. She has her own opinion on who all is bigots and such. i.e. Boyscouts should accept gay leaders regardless of what parents want for their children and all. If you do not go along with that agenda you are supposedly the hater and you have given away all of your rights even those that your tax paying dollars support.

that's a lie. i think jesus said great things. i think he'd hate that his name is being used to defend bigots and haters. he welcomed everyone and told the stone throwers to take a hike. i'm pretty sure he'd hate this witch in kentucky.
Jesus 'Jehovah's Salvation with us' did not approve of sodomy anywhere in the Bible. He welcomes everyone who is willing and desires to follow Him. That willingly part includes giving up their own sinful nature. Thus far all the haters such as yourself have done nothing more than attempt to slander this woman that is doing that for which she feels she is called to do. Jesus never said 'follow your own sinful nature'. He did say 'take up your cross and follow me'. Y
You just prove to the whole world online once again what a hateful person you truly are Jillian.

There is not a single sentence of evidence in the Bible that Jesus considered same sex marriage a sin.

But the old an new testament says that it is.
Jesus said a sin is forgiven but you should not sin again.

She sinned three times

Didn't seem too set on being repentant
The anti's are out in force in an attem
Not when the Courts have become corrupt and favors one groups rights over another groups rights.
No one has said that Jesus represents hatred and bigotry
Jillian does. She has her own opinion on who all is bigots and such. i.e. Boyscouts should accept gay leaders regardless of what parents want for their children and all. If you do not go along with that agenda you are supposedly the hater and you have given away all of your rights even those that your tax paying dollars support.

that's a lie. i think jesus said great things. i think he'd hate that his name is being used to defend bigots and haters. he welcomed everyone and told the stone throwers to take a hike. i'm pretty sure he'd hate this witch in kentucky.
Jesus 'Jehovah's Salvation with us' did not approve of sodomy anywhere in the Bible. He welcomes everyone who is willing and desires to follow Him. That willingly part includes giving up their own sinful nature. Thus far all the haters such as yourself have done nothing more than attempt to slander this woman that is doing that for which she feels she is called to do. Jesus never said 'follow your own sinful nature'. He did say 'take up your cross and follow me'. Y
You just prove to the whole world online once again what a hateful person you truly are Jillian.

There is not a single sentence of evidence in the Bible that Jesus considered same sex marriage a sin.

But the old an new testament says that it is.
Jesus said a sin is forgiven but you should not sin again.

No, they don't. There is no talk of civil same sex marriage in the Bible. You might as well be looking for Christ's opinion on Apple vs Windows.

IOW, it's a madeup religious belief falsely labeled as Christian.
Well it's obvious that you don't know the Bible.
Kim davis mere employment as a Kentucky county clerk stands in direct contradiction to Matthew 5:34: “But I say to you, do not take an oath at all, either by heaven, for it is the throne of God.” US county clerks must swear an oath to both God and country before entering office.

That is talking about swearing.
Again, ye have heard that it hath been said by them of old time, Thou shalt not forswear thyself, but shalt perform unto the Lord thine oaths:

5:34 But I say unto you, Swear not at all; neither by heaven; for it is God's throne:

5:35 Nor by the earth; for it is his footstool: neither by Jerusalem; for it is the city of the great King.

5:36 Neither shalt thou swear by thy head, because thou canst not make one hair white or black.

5:37 But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil.
The anti's are out in force in an attem
Jillian does. She has her own opinion on who all is bigots and such. i.e. Boyscouts should accept gay leaders regardless of what parents want for their children and all. If you do not go along with that agenda you are supposedly the hater and you have given away all of your rights even those that your tax paying dollars support.

that's a lie. i think jesus said great things. i think he'd hate that his name is being used to defend bigots and haters. he welcomed everyone and told the stone throwers to take a hike. i'm pretty sure he'd hate this witch in kentucky.
Jesus 'Jehovah's Salvation with us' did not approve of sodomy anywhere in the Bible. He welcomes everyone who is willing and desires to follow Him. That willingly part includes giving up their own sinful nature. Thus far all the haters such as yourself have done nothing more than attempt to slander this woman that is doing that for which she feels she is called to do. Jesus never said 'follow your own sinful nature'. He did say 'take up your cross and follow me'. Y
You just prove to the whole world online once again what a hateful person you truly are Jillian.

There is not a single sentence of evidence in the Bible that Jesus considered same sex marriage a sin.

But the old an new testament says that it is.
Jesus said a sin is forgiven but you should not sin again.

She sinned three times

Didn't seem too set on being repentant

Before she became a Christian.
The anti's are out in force in an attem
Jillian does. She has her own opinion on who all is bigots and such. i.e. Boyscouts should accept gay leaders regardless of what parents want for their children and all. If you do not go along with that agenda you are supposedly the hater and you have given away all of your rights even those that your tax paying dollars support.

that's a lie. i think jesus said great things. i think he'd hate that his name is being used to defend bigots and haters. he welcomed everyone and told the stone throwers to take a hike. i'm pretty sure he'd hate this witch in kentucky.
Jesus 'Jehovah's Salvation with us' did not approve of sodomy anywhere in the Bible. He welcomes everyone who is willing and desires to follow Him. That willingly part includes giving up their own sinful nature. Thus far all the haters such as yourself have done nothing more than attempt to slander this woman that is doing that for which she feels she is called to do. Jesus never said 'follow your own sinful nature'. He did say 'take up your cross and follow me'. Y
You just prove to the whole world online once again what a hateful person you truly are Jillian.

There is not a single sentence of evidence in the Bible that Jesus considered same sex marriage a sin.

But the old an new testament says that it is.
Jesus said a sin is forgiven but you should not sin again.

She sinned three times

Didn't seem too set on being repentant
This whole Christianity thing is a fantastic scam...I might get in on it...
When I was a kid I used to pray every night for a new bike. Then I realised that The Lord doesn't work that way, so I stole one and asked him to forgive me.
The anti's are out in force in an attem
Jillian does. She has her own opinion on who all is bigots and such. i.e. Boyscouts should accept gay leaders regardless of what parents want for their children and all. If you do not go along with that agenda you are supposedly the hater and you have given away all of your rights even those that your tax paying dollars support.

that's a lie. i think jesus said great things. i think he'd hate that his name is being used to defend bigots and haters. he welcomed everyone and told the stone throwers to take a hike. i'm pretty sure he'd hate this witch in kentucky.
Jesus 'Jehovah's Salvation with us' did not approve of sodomy anywhere in the Bible. He welcomes everyone who is willing and desires to follow Him. That willingly part includes giving up their own sinful nature. Thus far all the haters such as yourself have done nothing more than attempt to slander this woman that is doing that for which she feels she is called to do. Jesus never said 'follow your own sinful nature'. He did say 'take up your cross and follow me'. Y
You just prove to the whole world online once again what a hateful person you truly are Jillian.

There is not a single sentence of evidence in the Bible that Jesus considered same sex marriage a sin.

But the old an new testament says that it is.
Jesus said a sin is forgiven but you should not sin again.

No, they don't. There is no talk of civil same sex marriage in the Bible. You might as well be looking for Christ's opinion on Apple vs Windows.

IOW, it's a madeup religious belief falsely labeled as Christian.

Same sex is.
no, no, no. She could be a adultering lesbian sodomizer for all anyone cares. But, since she's holding herself out as the arbitrar of whom Christ would allow to marry, she needs to stick th HIS LAW. And, she's an adulter who could not legally remarry after divorce, according to Jesus.

How long ago did she get a divorce?
How long has she been married to the husband she has now?
She has been a Christian for four years.
Jesus never said that.
You are all spouting things that you know nothing about.

her personal beliefs are irrelevant to doing her job. she has to follow the court order.

why is that so difficult for religious wackjobs.

how bizarre that you think jesus represents hatred and bigotry.

Not when the Courts have become corrupt and favors one groups rights over another groups rights.
No one has said that Jesus represents hatred and bigotry
Jillian does. She has her own opinion on who all is bigots and such. i.e. Boyscouts should accept gay leaders regardless of what parents want for their children and all. If you do not go along with that agenda you are supposedly the hater and you have given away all of your rights even those that your tax paying dollars support.

that's a lie. i think jesus said great things. i think he'd hate that his name is being used to defend bigots and haters. he welcomed everyone and told the stone throwers to take a hike. i'm pretty sure he'd hate this witch in kentucky.

Jesus was the author of great lies. Walking on Water, Water into Wine, Feeding 5000 men plus women and children who also ate with two fish and five loaves, Curing Leprosy, Raising From The Dead....are you shittin' me?
This is the result of religious superstition being used to promote hate. Is Kim Davis a bigot and a hypocrite? Yes, she is.
All these bigots are the same...wanting to use their religion to ONLY punish gays. From the baker that will bake divorce, stem cell and atheist cakes to this divorced adulterous slut that will issue licenses to divorced people but not gays.

It's not religion they are representing, it's just plain old bigotry.
There is not punishment from another in it. You are subjecting your selves to abnormal behavior just as a druggy subjects them selves and the people who are firm in their faith want no portion of your self subjection.
I know there's English in there somewhere.
Well, rest assured, God knows what you're talking about. Maybe. What if God speaks Spanish and He has to get this read to Him through a translator? :dunno:
You are
The anti's are out in force in an attem
her personal beliefs are irrelevant to doing her job. she has to follow the court order.

why is that so difficult for religious wackjobs.

how bizarre that you think jesus represents hatred and bigotry.

Not when the Courts have become corrupt and favors one groups rights over another groups rights.
No one has said that Jesus represents hatred and bigotry
Jillian does. She has her own opinion on who all is bigots and such. i.e. Boyscouts should accept gay leaders regardless of what parents want for their children and all. If you do not go along with that agenda you are supposedly the hater and you have given away all of your rights even those that your tax paying dollars support.

that's a lie. i think jesus said great things. i think he'd hate that his name is being used to defend bigots and haters. he welcomed everyone and told the stone throwers to take a hike. i'm pretty sure he'd hate this witch in kentucky.
Jesus 'Jehovah's Salvation with us' did not approve of sodomy anywhere in the Bible. He welcomes everyone who is willing and desires to follow Him. That willingly part includes giving up their own sinful nature. Thus far all the haters such as yourself have done nothing more than attempt to slander this woman that is doing that for which she feels she is called to do. Jesus never said 'follow your own sinful nature'. He did say 'take up your cross and follow me'. Y
You just prove to the whole world online once again what a hateful person you truly are Jillian.

There is not a single sentence of evidence in the Bible that Jesus considered same sex marriage a sin.
You are correct it is not specifically identified as a sin in the translations of the old English Bible. It is definitely identified as an abomination, it does not honor the heavenly Father and that is a portion of why Sodom and Gomorrah is destroyed.
Ibd, I believe it was Misty who said that she was a Democrat. You could fact check it.

It says She has been a Christian for four years.
How long has she been married to this last husband?
She was forgiven of her sins four years ago.

Pay no attention to my adulterous ways. My three previous marriages were the work of the devil and I have now embraced Jesus and realize that God hates Fags
Good for you if you are sincere.
The anti's are out in force in an attem
that's a lie. i think jesus said great things. i think he'd hate that his name is being used to defend bigots and haters. he welcomed everyone and told the stone throwers to take a hike. i'm pretty sure he'd hate this witch in kentucky.
Jesus 'Jehovah's Salvation with us' did not approve of sodomy anywhere in the Bible. He welcomes everyone who is willing and desires to follow Him. That willingly part includes giving up their own sinful nature. Thus far all the haters such as yourself have done nothing more than attempt to slander this woman that is doing that for which she feels she is called to do. Jesus never said 'follow your own sinful nature'. He did say 'take up your cross and follow me'. Y
You just prove to the whole world online once again what a hateful person you truly are Jillian.

There is not a single sentence of evidence in the Bible that Jesus considered same sex marriage a sin.

But the old an new testament says that it is.
Jesus said a sin is forgiven but you should not sin again.

She sinned three times

Didn't seem too set on being repentant

Before she became a Christian.

She's still enabling gay marriage in Kentucky by paying her state taxes.
You are
The anti's are out in force in an attem
Not when the Courts have become corrupt and favors one groups rights over another groups rights.
No one has said that Jesus represents hatred and bigotry
Jillian does. She has her own opinion on who all is bigots and such. i.e. Boyscouts should accept gay leaders regardless of what parents want for their children and all. If you do not go along with that agenda you are supposedly the hater and you have given away all of your rights even those that your tax paying dollars support.

that's a lie. i think jesus said great things. i think he'd hate that his name is being used to defend bigots and haters. he welcomed everyone and told the stone throwers to take a hike. i'm pretty sure he'd hate this witch in kentucky.
Jesus 'Jehovah's Salvation with us' did not approve of sodomy anywhere in the Bible. He welcomes everyone who is willing and desires to follow Him. That willingly part includes giving up their own sinful nature. Thus far all the haters such as yourself have done nothing more than attempt to slander this woman that is doing that for which she feels she is called to do. Jesus never said 'follow your own sinful nature'. He did say 'take up your cross and follow me'. Y
You just prove to the whole world online once again what a hateful person you truly are Jillian.

There is not a single sentence of evidence in the Bible that Jesus considered same sex marriage a sin.
You are correct it is not specifically identified as a sin in the translations of the old English Bible. It is definitely identified as an abomination, it does not honor the heavenly Father and that is a portion of why Sodom and Gomorrah is destroyed.

Wrong, there is no reference to homosexual sex within the bonds of a gay marriage. The Bible condemns all sex outside marriage.

Gay marriage is a madeup sin, not a Christian sin.

Oh and while we are on the subject there is no evidence Jesus Christ said that which is attributed to him in the Bible. It is all hearsay.

And there is also no evidence that Jesus Christ was the son of some supernatural being.
Submission to Governing Authorities...The US Constitution Rules

Romans 13 Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established.

Except the Bible teaches we are to obey human law EXCEPT where that human law violates God's law. Nice try though.
You are
The anti's are out in force in an attem
Jillian does. She has her own opinion on who all is bigots and such. i.e. Boyscouts should accept gay leaders regardless of what parents want for their children and all. If you do not go along with that agenda you are supposedly the hater and you have given away all of your rights even those that your tax paying dollars support.

that's a lie. i think jesus said great things. i think he'd hate that his name is being used to defend bigots and haters. he welcomed everyone and told the stone throwers to take a hike. i'm pretty sure he'd hate this witch in kentucky.
Jesus 'Jehovah's Salvation with us' did not approve of sodomy anywhere in the Bible. He welcomes everyone who is willing and desires to follow Him. That willingly part includes giving up their own sinful nature. Thus far all the haters such as yourself have done nothing more than attempt to slander this woman that is doing that for which she feels she is called to do. Jesus never said 'follow your own sinful nature'. He did say 'take up your cross and follow me'. Y
You just prove to the whole world online once again what a hateful person you truly are Jillian.

There is not a single sentence of evidence in the Bible that Jesus considered same sex marriage a sin.
You are correct it is not specifically identified as a sin in the translations of the old English Bible. It is definitely identified as an abomination, it does not honor the heavenly Father and that is a portion of why Sodom and Gomorrah is destroyed.

Wrong there is no reference to homosexual sex with the bonds of a gay marriage. The Bible condemns all sex outside marriage.

Gay marriage is a madeup sin, not a Christian sin.
You are loony. Is your preacher the one that said "Two men in a bed means two men should sleep together". I still get a good laugh over that one.

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