Kentucky clerk refusing gay marriage has wed four times

Bye bye, bitch...

Go seek your God now, behind bars...

She can learn a lot about same sex marriage in a women's prison lol.
Who was her first husband? Pa Kettle?

What is it to you? You need to follow Jesus Christ and confess your own sins not hers.


Why doesn't God reveal himself to us?

Why does your God, if he exists, have a thing about remaining unknown and in the process demand that people against all evidence to the contrary convince themselves that He exists?

NYcarbineer, what do you mean why doesn't God reveal himself to you? He has revealed himself through His Son, Jesus Christ, through His Word, through his servants that are preaching his word. I do not understand how you could find any evidence that would be contrary to believing he exists. Haven't you ever had a close call before with disaster and felt that God saved your life? Have you ever come close to death? It was God who kept you, Carbineer. Why did God do that? Because he loves you!
Without faith, it is impossible to please God. God desires that we come to Him by faith. That we believe Him and take Him at His Word. God desires for us to trust Him. Carbineer, how can you trust someone you do not know? You must read the Bible and ask the LORD to reveal Himself to you. Tell God that you desire to know what His will is and that once you know it you will be willing to do it no matter the cost.

When you seek the LORD with your whole heart you shall find him.

This is not a matter of your mind, but your heart. You need to open your heart to Jesus Christ and invite Him to come in and become your Lord and Savior. But first? You need to understand that apart from Christ you can do nothing. You need a new nature - the nature of Christ in exchange for your old one. You must be born again. John 3:16, Romans 10:9,10. In Christ you will become a new creation, God will give you a new heart and new desires to obey Him. He did it for me. Why wouldn't he do it for you? Of course he will. He loves you.
Dude if that weird Ky Clerk is an example of someone "with Christ in their Heart" ...then leave me off the list ......that is a freak.......

Someone should find an abandoned building she can fly a plane into.

Now that the county clerk is in jail, who becomes acting clerk in her absence?

Will that person be subject to jail?
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You can't bring your religious freedoms to an elected government JOB--and use that JOB as a platform to spout off your religious freedoms.

CARLY FIORINA--states this Kentucky clerk needs to do her job or quit--LOL

Carly Fiorina says that while we need to passionately protect religious liberty, it is inappropriate for a Kentucky county clerk to continue to refuse to issue same-sex marriage licenses against a court order, because she is a government worker.

Carly says the clerk needs to do the government’s will and issue the licenses or quit and move to another job where religious liberty is more paramount. She says it inappropriate for this clerk to practice civil disobedience as a government employee.
CARLY: KY Clerk refusing to issue same-sex marriage licenses should DO HER JOB OR QUIT » The Right Scoop -

Now the right wing nut cases--are ticked at Carly for TELLING THE TRUTH--LOL

Carly is hot, quick someone post a side by side photo of her vs Hillary.
Because, to you, a Presidential race is a beauty contest? Which man running in 2012 was more beautiful to you?

You have no sense of humor lib, plus you seem gay not a good combination.
Not in the context she has chosen to exercise her right.
No one is taking her right to worship away.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
She can worship any religion she needs to or wants to on her time. Not on government time.

What is funny is how the right seems to view it okay to someone like the clerk to spout moral values.

She is standing up for her Constitutional right.
It does.

If you believe, fine!
No one is saying you cannot.

That'd be fine so long as she wasn't a public servant refusing to do that which she is obligated to do because she ran for election promising to do it, and even as a private citizen, you sort of lose your moral highground when you ignore adultry and not sodomy.
You must have a literacy problem, she is not the sodomite here.
As far as "high moral ground" goes God will be her judge and she appears to understand that.

You on the other hand have failed to answer the question posed earlier, Do you believe on the Word of the Bible? Yes or no will suffice.

Anybody who believes that 2000 year old fairy tale written by camel and sheep herders who believed in witches, thought the earth was flat, shit on the ground and wiped on their hands really needs to get a grip!

There is no proof that God does not exist.
Anyone who has a relationship with God knows that he exists and is real.

That has nothing to do with what I answered Campbell about.
The Bible specifically tells Christians that they will be persecuted for their beliefs.

She refused to take the sin of these gays as her own. She refused to participate, accommodate or condone which is a sin for her to do.
The Bible specifically tells Christians that they will be persecuted for their beliefs.

She refused to take the sin of these gays as her own. She refused to participate, accommodate or condone which is a sin for her to do.
She refused to resign, as she should have when she "discovered" she couldn't serve two masters but tried anyway, the stupid bitch.
I love it when bad things happen to stupid people
So she's anti gay
She's religious
She's been married 4 times


haha fucking hysterical

And i still don't care. Biggoted dem goes to jail.
Where she belongs
Whatever assface. You jerks love to judge others.
I could easily see her being fired but the unions & government ensure that the worst among us are protected despite doing our jobs poorly.
Bye bye, bitch...

Go seek your God now, behind bars...

She can learn a lot about same sex marriage in a women's prison lol.
Hopefully she'll learn humility before God, as in, You don't know My Fucking Will, ****, so STFU...

This is one more hammer blow to all those types out there who try to claim that belief in a God is essential to being a moral and decent person.

There is no question that people can be moral and decent without a belief in God, NYCarbineer. I have never claimed otherwise. But they cannot enter the kingdom of heaven unless they are born again. (see John Chapter 3).
Who will watch her trailer house when she is in Jail? The baby jebus?

Ibd, I believe it was Misty who said that she was a Democrat. You could fact check it.

It says She has been a Christian for four years.
How long has she been married to this last husband?
She was forgiven of her sins four years ago.

Pay no attention to my adulterous ways. My three previous marriages were the work of the devil and I have now embraced Jesus and realize that God hates Fags

Well it's obvious that you don't know the Bible.

And the Constitution is the law of the land not the big book of the goyim
So she's anti gay
She's religious
She's been married 4 times


haha fucking hysterical

And i still don't care. Biggoted dem goes to jail.
Where she belongs
Whatever assface. You jerks love to judge others.
I could easily see her being fired but the unions & government ensure that the worst among us are protected despite doing our jobs poorly.

Guess who is in jail for judging others?

She can't be fired. She is in an elected position. She can be impeached or resign
Hope she has the sense to resign and let someone who wants the job do it

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