Kentucky clerk refusing gay marriage has wed four times

Here it is, idb

it is written:

23 Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised.

24 And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works:

25 Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.

26 For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins,

27 But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries.

28 He that despised Moses' law died without mercy under two or three witnesses:

29 Of how much sorer punishment, suppose ye, shall he be thought worthy, who hath trodden under foot the Son of God, and hath counted the blood of the covenant, wherewith he was sanctified, an unholy thing, and hath done despite unto the Spirit of grace?

30 For we know him that hath said, Vengeance belongeth unto me, I will recompense, saith the Lord. And again, The Lord shall judge his people.

Hebrews 10: 23-30
OK, clear enough I suppose.

So, in the instance of this woman;
Some are saying here that she divorced and committed adultery before she became a Christian.
The implication being that her sins were forgiven from that point on I guess.
If she is now living with her third that a sin?

If the other two are alive? Yes. If she is a widow? No.
I have no problem with gay marriage and if its the law and the clerk is refusing then she should be made to provide for gays as well as straights. If not then she needs to lose her job. There is always someone who will do your job if you won't.

People can be such idiots.

People are not idiots for honoring God's Commands and obeying them. People are idiots for not honoring God's Commands and obeying them.
I have no problem with gay marriage and if its the law and the clerk is refusing then she should be made to provide for gays as well as straights. If not then she needs to lose her job. There is always someone who will do your job if you won't.

People can be such idiots.

People are not idiots for honoring God's Commands and obeying them. People are idiots for not honoring God's Commands and obeying them.
Making a buck serving the state is not serving God. You either follow our commandments, like do your fucking job, or you get another job.
Wrong, there is no reference to homosexual sex within the bonds of a gay marriage. The Bible condemns all sex outside marriage.

Quote the verse or verses sex is condemned outside of marriage. Word of warning, you can't, there isn't one

Fornication is condemned in I Corinthians. Funny that a heathen like myself would know that and a thumper like you would have to come to me to learn it.

Verse please

Jesus Christ, what kind of a Christian are you?

1 Corinthians 6:9 Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men

That doesn't say anything about sex being condemned outside of marriage. You're going to lose this, we just has a study course on it in Church

You are in the Catholic Church and they do not teach the Bible nor do they preach the true Gospel in their study courses. That is where you confusion has come in. Stop believing the Doctrine of Devils and start following the Doctrine of Jesus Christ. Buy a King James Version Bible, read it and do what it says.

And for the love of God, get out of the Roman Catholic anti-Christ System! Find a bible believing church and go there faithfully.
Buy a King James Version Bible, read it and do what it says.
Old or New? I have both BTW.

And do what it says, like this:

"Women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the law says." - 1 Corinthians 14:34
Quote the verse or verses sex is condemned outside of marriage. Word of warning, you can't, there isn't one

Fornication is condemned in I Corinthians. Funny that a heathen like myself would know that and a thumper like you would have to come to me to learn it.

Verse please

Jesus Christ, what kind of a Christian are you?

1 Corinthians 6:9 Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men

That doesn't say anything about sex being condemned outside of marriage. You're going to lose this, we just has a study course on it in Church

You are in the Catholic Church and they do not teach the Bible nor do they preach the true Gospel in their study courses. That is where you confusion has come in. Stop believing the Doctrine of Devils and start following the Doctrine of Jesus Christ. Buy a King James Version Bible, read it and do what it says.

And for the love of God, get out of the Roman Catholic anti-Christ System! Find a bible believing church and go there faithfully.

Cat fight!
I have no problem with gay marriage and if its the law and the clerk is refusing then she should be made to provide for gays as well as straights. If not then she needs to lose her job. There is always someone who will do your job if you won't.

People can be such idiots.

People are not idiots for honoring God's Commands and obeying them. People are idiots for not honoring God's Commands and obeying them.
Making a buck serving the state is not serving God. You either follow our commandments, like do your fucking job, or you get another job.

Then she has to quit her job. What will it profit a man or a woman to gain the whole world only to lose their own soul? Listen, $80,000.00 a year is not worth an eternity in hell. 80 trillion dollars a year would not be worth an eternity in hell. There can be no price or value placed on a single human soul. Truthfully if you spent your life preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ to see only one soul saved from hell it would be worth it all.

God loves you, PMH. In spite of your wickedness. You need to come to Jesus Christ and repent of your sins and be born again. Today is the day of Salvation. If you do not repent of your sins, if you reject the offer of salvation you will burn in hell forever! Why perish? Choose life and come to Jesus Christ today. Read Romans 10: 9,10.
I have no problem with gay marriage and if its the law and the clerk is refusing then she should be made to provide for gays as well as straights. If not then she needs to lose her job. There is always someone who will do your job if you won't.

People can be such idiots.

People are not idiots for honoring God's Commands and obeying them. People are idiots for not honoring God's Commands and obeying them.
Making a buck serving the state is not serving God. You either follow our commandments, like do your fucking job, or you get another job.

Then she has to quit her job.
Yep. And I'm so close to Jesus I asked him to stop using the baby powder deodorant, although I call him by his real name Yeshua, Yesu to his friends...
Buy a King James Version Bible, read it and do what it says.
Old or New? I have both BTW.

And do what it says, like this:

"Women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the law says." - 1 Corinthians 14:34

We're on a message board and I preached in my church last night and the people were happy including my Pastor who was right next to me. Now on the matter of your having two bibles. You must mean that you have a New Testament that is the smaller Bible and a regular King James Bible that has both the Old Testament and the New Testament. Now the New Testament you have is probably a little book. Put it in your pocket and read it when you are on the road. When you are out eating or waiting in line. It's good to carry around and read. The bigger bible is the one you should use for daily bible reading - make sure it is the Authorized King James Version and not one of those new age translations. You need to be reading the Bible that has ALL OF THE SCRIPTURES in it. The other ones have many scriptures removed from them, edited, or changed. Don't read those, PMH. I have to go now. I have chores to do. Have a nice afternoon.
Buy a King James Version Bible, read it and do what it says.
Old or New? I have both BTW.

And do what it says, like this:

"Women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the law says." - 1 Corinthians 14:34

We're on a message board and I preached in my church last night and the people were happy including my Pastor who was right next to me. Now on the matter of your having two bibles. You must mean that you have a New Testament that is the smaller Bible and a regular King James Bible that has both the Old Testament and the New Testament. Now the New Testament you have is probably a little book. Put it in your pocket and read it when you are on the road. When you are out eating or waiting in line. It's good to carry around and read. The bigger bible is the one you should use for daily bible reading - make sure it is the Authorized King James Version and not one of those new age translations. You need to be reading the Bible that has ALL OF THE SCRIPTURES in it. The other ones have many scriptures removed from them, edited, or changed. Don't read those, PMH. I have to go now. I have chores to do. Have a nice afternoon.
There is an old and a new King James, dumbass. As for the size of the OT versus the NT, the NT is tiny since the rest is a purely Jewish book.
You can't bring your religious freedoms to an elected government JOB--and use that JOB as a platform to spout off your religious freedoms.

CARLY FIORINA--states this Kentucky clerk needs to do her job or quit--LOL

Carly Fiorina says that while we need to passionately protect religious liberty, it is inappropriate for a Kentucky county clerk to continue to refuse to issue same-sex marriage licenses against a court order, because she is a government worker.

Carly says the clerk needs to do the government’s will and issue the licenses or quit and move to another job where religious liberty is more paramount. She says it inappropriate for this clerk to practice civil disobedience as a government employee.
CARLY: KY Clerk refusing to issue same-sex marriage licenses should DO HER JOB OR QUIT » The Right Scoop -

Now the right wing nut cases--are ticked at Carly for TELLING THE TRUTH--LOL
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that's low even for you. we know you people on the left don't care about anyone standing on their principles just because you all never do, so what do you do? just go drag the woman and HER LIFE through the mud and all FOR WHAT REASON? . It just shows how hateful and disgusting you all are. and that the decent homosexuals don't stand up and condemn you losers puts a stain against them too

Homosexuals don't need enemies, when they have lowlife people like you on the left speaking for them all. You create them for them. bravo
Thing is when the gay marriage became legal, she should have requested to work in another area. It was only a matter of time that a gay couple would come in.
You can't bring your religious freedoms to an elected government JOB--and use that JOB as a platform to spout off your religious freedoms.

CARLY FIORINA--states this Kentucky clerk needs to do her job or quit--LOL

Carly Fiorina says that while we need to passionately protect religious liberty, it is inappropriate for a Kentucky county clerk to continue to refuse to issue same-sex marriage licenses against a court order, because she is a government worker.

Carly says the clerk needs to do the government’s will and issue the licenses or quit and move to another job where religious liberty is more paramount. She says it inappropriate for this clerk to practice civil disobedience as a government employee.
CARLY: KY Clerk refusing to issue same-sex marriage licenses should DO HER JOB OR QUIT » The Right Scoop -

Now the right wing nut cases--are ticked at Carly for TELLING THE TRUTH--LOL

Carly is hot, quick someone post a side by side photo of her vs Hillary.
Fornication is condemned in I Corinthians. Funny that a heathen like myself would know that and a thumper like you would have to come to me to learn it.

Verse please

Jesus Christ, what kind of a Christian are you?

1 Corinthians 6:9 Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men

That doesn't say anything about sex being condemned outside of marriage. You're going to lose this, we just has a study course on it in Church

You are in the Catholic Church and they do not teach the Bible nor do they preach the true Gospel in their study courses. That is where you confusion has come in. Stop believing the Doctrine of Devils and start following the Doctrine of Jesus Christ. Buy a King James Version Bible, read it and do what it says.

And for the love of God, get out of the Roman Catholic anti-Christ System! Find a bible believing church and go there faithfully.

Cat fight!
Their posts point out how silly that whole "We are a Christian Nation" thing is. Which Christians? There are so many different kinds.

That doesn't say anything about sex being condemned outside of marriage. You're going to lose this, we just has a study course on it in Church

You are in the Catholic Church and they do not teach the Bible nor do they preach the true Gospel in their study courses. That is where you confusion has come in. Stop believing the Doctrine of Devils and start following the Doctrine of Jesus Christ. Buy a King James Version Bible, read it and do what it says.

And for the love of God, get out of the Roman Catholic anti-Christ System! Find a bible believing church and go there faithfully.

Cat fight!
Their posts point out how silly that whole "We are a Christian Nation" thing is. Which Christians? There are so many different kinds.

Don't you love it when Christians fight among themselves to show who Jesus loves best?
Wasn't particularly inclined to discuss this one on this thread focusing on divorces of the person in question. But the fact is, she's using her office for a political statement, where resigning would satisfy her personal moral objections. So the sad fact is she's made herself fair game.

I agree that public servants are sworn to uphold the law, including Supreme Court decisions. This woman is in err. If she wants to bake wedding cakes for only heterosexual couples as private business owner, I'll vigorously defend her right to do so. But she's on the public dole and she's not upholding her oath.

If she can no longer uphold that oath in good conscience, she should resign.
This can happen only in Conservative Bizarro World....

Kentucky Clerk Fighting Gay Marriage Has Wed Four Times

The Kentucky county clerk facing potentially stiff penalties for refusing to issue same-sex marriage licenses has been married four times, raising questions of hypocrisy and selective application of the Bible to her life.
The marriages are documented in court records obtained by U.S. News, which show that Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis divorced three times, first in 1994, then 2006 and again in 2008.
She gave birth to twins five months after divorcing her first husband. They were fathered by her third husband but adopted by her second. Davis worked at the clerk's office at the time of each divorce and has since remarried.
Davis has described her desire to strictly adhere to the Bible in stark terms and thus far has shown no sign of bending to court orders on same-sex marriage

Who cares?

She should not try to exercise her private views in her public office, but her divorces mean NOTHING.
So she's anti gay
She's religious
She's been married 4 times


haha fucking hysterical
She's a useless ****, what the hell does that have to do with anything when she's breaking the law and not doing what she gets paid to do?

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