Kentucky is first state to add medicaid work requirement


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
Kentucky to add Medicaid work requirement; first state to follow Trump plan

I have no problem with the work requirement because its not just work but volunteering,going to school etc but seriously getting rid of BASIC dental and vision care is just bullshit. The simple fact is A LOT of lazy ass people will be dumped from medicaid for not doing a simple volunteer work or going to class there is no reason to cut people's dental work and vision services. Tennessee does that shit and its part of the reason I left there. As it is I pay for my glasses but not the vision testing and my kids get it all for free until they are 18. Me and wife both go to school so eventually won't need medicaid but still completely disagree with that. If your goal is to make the people healthier then don't cut BASIC vision and dental!
There has been a drop in the numbers that are accepting welfare. And no one has starved to death to date. And neither have their children. The democrat Armageddon scenario has failed to materialize yet again.
No children were harmed in the making of this requirement..
It's good policy. In my world, other than YOUNG children, the TRULY disabled and the elderly work for their benefits. It improves moral and work ethic. There's always something to do, from sweeping the streets to picking up garbage to community service.

Something for nothing strikes natural law the wrong way.
There has been a drop in the numbers that are accepting welfare. And no one has starved to death to date. And neither have their children. The democrat Armageddon scenario has failed to materialize yet again.
No children were harmed in the making of this requirement..
Never said people would starve and since this has to do with medicaid no one would starve to death either way. I said its bullshit move to take the most basic dental and eye care from people who can't afford it as it is. Take it ALL away from people who refuse to get off their ass to at least do some volunteer work no need to double the punishment by eliminating the dental and vision care.
The goal is to reduce access to healthcare.
No its not you moron. I agree with the OVERALL policy that if you won't get off your ass to at least volunteer or expand your education or look for work you shouldn't get shit for free but I disagree with them cutting the basic dental and vision services only to have to earn those back. EVERYTHING should be cut for those that refuse to do any of the things you can do to keep the benefits and EVERYTHING should stay for those that will work or go to school or volunteer.
I was surprised this hasn't been posted yet. Kentucky Governor, and resident asshole, Matt Bevin made Kentucky the first state in the U.S. to have a work requirement to qualify for Medicaid. A person must work 80 hours a month, the same as the requirement for SNAP benefits, in order to qualify for Medicaid. Now I don't call Bevin an asshole for that... it's because he cut the funding for education in Kentucky, even though Kentucky lags WAY behind other states.

Kentucky becomes first U.S. state to impose Medicaid work provisions
80 x 12 = 960

960 / 365 = 2.63

3 hours a day. that might just cover 1/2 the cost.
It also requires a person to work when hospitalized or they lose coverage...
Well I have to agree, when one does not have a job, their job now is to find a job, if able-bodied .
It also requires a person to work when hospitalized or they lose coverage...
can you link where it says that?
The rules apply to those between 19 and 64 years old. Certain groups are exempt, including former foster-care youth, pregnant women, primary caregivers of a dependent, full-time students, the disabled and the medically frail. The Trump administration also said states would have to make “reasonable modifications” for those battling opioid addiction and other substance-use disorders.
It also requires a person to work when hospitalized or they lose coverage...
can you link where it says that?
The rules apply to those between 19 and 64 years old. Certain groups are exempt, including former foster-care youth, pregnant women, primary caregivers of a dependent, full-time students, the disabled and the medically frail. The Trump administration also said states would have to make “reasonable modifications” for those battling opioid addiction and other substance-use disorders.
so that's a no.

you're just making an assumption to make a false accusation.
It also requires a person to work when hospitalized or they lose coverage...
can you link where it says that?
The rules apply to those between 19 and 64 years old. Certain groups are exempt, including former foster-care youth, pregnant women, primary caregivers of a dependent, full-time students, the disabled and the medically frail. The Trump administration also said states would have to make “reasonable modifications” for those battling opioid addiction and other substance-use disorders.
so that's a no.

you're just making an assumption to make a false accusation.
You have to work since it's not in the exempted section...or lose the medical coverage...
It also requires a person to work when hospitalized or they lose coverage...
can you link where it says that?
The rules apply to those between 19 and 64 years old. Certain groups are exempt, including former foster-care youth, pregnant women, primary caregivers of a dependent, full-time students, the disabled and the medically frail. The Trump administration also said states would have to make “reasonable modifications” for those battling opioid addiction and other substance-use disorders.
so that's a no.

you're just making an assumption to make a false accusation.
You have to work since it's not in the exempted section...or lose the medical coverage...
since it's not possible, while in the hospital

I suggest you keep reading and stop making such clearly idiotic accusations.
It also requires a person to work when hospitalized or they lose coverage...
can you link where it says that?
The rules apply to those between 19 and 64 years old. Certain groups are exempt, including former foster-care youth, pregnant women, primary caregivers of a dependent, full-time students, the disabled and the medically frail. The Trump administration also said states would have to make “reasonable modifications” for those battling opioid addiction and other substance-use disorders.

The thing to do is get pregnant and have a baby, go to school full time continually, and get hooked on a substance.

Just like with the ACA mandate. everyone complaining, but there were several ways to get out of it, by merely stating its against their religion. There is a loophole for everything.

Especially for those who can afford to adopt abroad, their babies and children are automatically allowed to be citizens. Ok to import but not to come here and give birth. Anchor babies are fine as long as they have an American anchor.

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