Kentucky Kickback: McConnell sells out for 2 BILLION for a dam in KY

so, in short, (no offense meant, just telling it like it is);

you got yours, so........thats that.

the system btw has a viable, regular path for this type of outlay, and this, aint it.....

This is what 'compromise' is all about. People don't mind condemning my state for being poor, now it is being condemned because someone did something to bring jobs here which, recession or not, we need far worse than most states. Just in this area we are losing one of our largest employers. I'm happy we got it. It isn't going to be close enough to help this area much, but it will help the state and commerce in general. And look at it this way: People will be earning their money for the next few 7 years instead of getting it for nothing.

If he weren't so stupid, Obama could pick up on projects like this all over the nation, fix our bridges and other crumbling infrastructure. The money would be far better spent on the job creation than to just give it out the way he has done for 5 years. The KY Dam project is what pulled this area out of the Great Depression. And the tourism has kept this area self sustaining ever since. Oh gee, I guess that was a bad idea. Maybe everyone here should just be drawing welfare instead of working. You would like that far better.

I'm not in any mood for any BS on 'how it got done.' One Congressman did something for his constituents. Our Congressman managed to do something that would at least in a small way mitigate the effect of the ACA. The peanut gallery is green with envy.
The USEC closing is a terrible shock to the local economy. The people who've lost jobs there more than likely won't pick up work at Olmsted, but every new job is a good thing.

I agreed the dam will be a boon. I still think it's time for Mitch to go.
She didn't mention race. Why do you think the only people on public assistance are black?

Hoochie Mama?

Then EBT?

She didn't have too, Dave.

Plus..consider the source.

Sunshine makes no bones about her racism.
Why do you think only black women dress like hoochie mamas?

Man, you progs are racist.

Sallow and Dot Com are so grossly inferior that they have to turn every thread into a race thread. It's their aura. Their posts are off topic and should be removed, IMO.

I would rather we not spend that 2 billion at all, considering how far in debt we are.

If McConnell wanted money for his state then he should submit a proposal and pass it on its own right. I will never support getting money in such a slimy way as McConnell did, I don't care what it's for.

Actually the project benefits 3 states, and everyone who is the beneficiary of a product that ships on that commercial river. So, it benefits everyone in the long run. I live on a lake that is a commercial river and it is very busy. If a tug has to sit for 5 hours waiting to lock through a dam, that cost will get eaten somewhere, and it won't be by the towing company. And I certainly would never be opposed to more clean hydroelectric power.

Apparently you missed the part where I said I don't care what it's for. If it's such a wonderful thing then it should have no problem passing on it's own right, not being slipped into an irrelevant bill as a bribe.

And if that's the way you feel then the country is screwed. You condone bribing and selling of votes as long as there's a small posibility it might help your state a little. This is why we have the government we do, slimy politicians know they can buy people's votes.

The fact that you think this is the only 'deal' that ever came out of Washington shows how limited you are.
so, in short, (no offense meant, just telling it like it is);

you got yours, so........thats that.

the system btw has a viable, regular path for this type of outlay, and this, aint it.....

This is what 'compromise' is all about. People don't mind condemning my state for being poor, now it is being condemned because someone did something to bring jobs here which, recession or not, we need far worse than most states. Just in this area we are losing one of our largest employers. I'm happy we got it. It isn't going to be close enough to help this area much, but it will help the state and commerce in general. And look at it this way: People will be earning their money for the next few 7 years instead of getting it for nothing.

If he weren't so stupid, Obama could pick up on projects like this all over the nation, fix our bridges and other crumbling infrastructure. The money would be far better spent on the job creation than to just give it out the way he has done for 5 years. The KY Dam project is what pulled this area out of the Great Depression. And the tourism has kept this area self sustaining ever since. Oh gee, I guess that was a bad idea. Maybe everyone here should just be drawing welfare instead of working. You would like that far better.

I'm not in any mood for any BS on 'how it got done.' One Congressman did something for his constituents. Our Congressman managed to do something that would at least in a small way mitigate the effect of the ACA. The peanut gallery is green with envy.

Blinded by dollar signs. This ISN'T what comprimise is about. This is what ripping off taxpayers is. This is what bribery is. This is what cronyism is. This is what THEFT is. This is what political garbage is.

Comprimise in DC does not require my tax dollars be wasted in your state.
If this deal was going to Harry Reid's state, or, God forbid the two female Senators from Ca, the size of the brick that would be shit -- massive.

But instead, the far righties are happy to eat the shit sandwich handed to them by Turtle Face.
What thread are you reading? Because in this one, most of the righties are against this pork.

As much money as gets thrown at people who do nothing in life, I will NEVER be against something that helps my own state or commerce in general.
If this deal was going to Harry Reid's state, or, God forbid the two female Senators from Ca, the size of the brick that would be shit -- massive.

But instead, the far righties are happy to eat the shit sandwich handed to them by Turtle Face.
What thread are you reading? Because in this one, most of the righties are against this pork.

As much money as gets thrown at people who do nothing in life, I will NEVER be against something that helps my own state or commerce in general.

So you admit you are a person of low caliber. Sorry but thats how I see it. Bribery is bribery no matter who does it or why.
Actually the project benefits 3 states, and everyone who is the beneficiary of a product that ships on that commercial river. So, it benefits everyone in the long run. I live on a lake that is a commercial river and it is very busy. If a tug has to sit for 5 hours waiting to lock through a dam, that cost will get eaten somewhere, and it won't be by the towing company. And I certainly would never be opposed to more clean hydroelectric power.
Again: There is no plan for a hydroelectric plant on the Olmsted dam.

Still, if you run a towing company and your tugs are sitting 5 hours to get through the lock, this is going to help your business immensely.
Oh, no question.

With a quick search, I can't find any figures for the Ohio River itself, but I found this for the entire Inland Waterways Transportation System:

What thread are you reading? Because in this one, most of the righties are against this pork.

As much money as gets thrown at people who do nothing in life, I will NEVER be against something that helps my own state or commerce in general.

So you admit you are a person of low caliber. Sorry but thats how I see it. Bribery is bribery no matter who does it or why.

It's called 'compromise' and that is how Washington DC has always worked. You are just pissed because Kentucky got something besides screwed for a change.
so, in short, (no offense meant, just telling it like it is);

you got yours, so........thats that.

the system btw has a viable, regular path for this type of outlay, and this, aint it.....

This is what 'compromise' is all about. People don't mind condemning my state for being poor, now it is being condemned because someone did something to bring jobs here which, recession or not, we need far worse than most states. Just in this area we are losing one of our largest employers. I'm happy we got it. It isn't going to be close enough to help this area much, but it will help the state and commerce in general. And look at it this way: People will be earning their money for the next few 7 years instead of getting it for nothing.

If he weren't so stupid, Obama could pick up on projects like this all over the nation, fix our bridges and other crumbling infrastructure. The money would be far better spent on the job creation than to just give it out the way he has done for 5 years. The KY Dam project is what pulled this area out of the Great Depression. And the tourism has kept this area self sustaining ever since. Oh gee, I guess that was a bad idea. Maybe everyone here should just be drawing welfare instead of working. You would like that far better.

I'm not in any mood for any BS on 'how it got done.' One Congressman did something for his constituents. Our Congressman managed to do something that would at least in a small way mitigate the effect of the ACA. The peanut gallery is green with envy.

He tried that. It was called the American Jobs Act.

As I recall, the House refused to bring it up for a vote.
Again: There is no plan for a hydroelectric plant on the Olmsted dam.

Still, if you run a towing company and your tugs are sitting 5 hours to get through the lock, this is going to help your business immensely.
Oh, no question.

With a quick search, I can't find any figures for the Ohio River itself, but I found this for the entire Inland Waterways Transportation System:


Living where I do, I have become aware of just how much commercial river traffic there is. I am on the Tennessee river, not the Ohio. The TN and Ohio rivers converge at the Port of Paducah. You used to be able to see it clearly, but I don't know if you can today.
As much money as gets thrown at people who do nothing in life, I will NEVER be against something that helps my own state or commerce in general.

So you admit you are a person of low caliber. Sorry but thats how I see it. Bribery is bribery no matter who does it or why.

It's called 'compromise' and that is how Washington DC has always worked. You are just pissed because Kentucky got something besides screwed for a change.

No I am irritated because shit like this is part of the reason we are broke and in debt. I am irritated because votes should not be for sale. I couldn't care less about any individual state.
So you admit you are a person of low caliber. Sorry but thats how I see it. Bribery is bribery no matter who does it or why.

It's called 'compromise' and that is how Washington DC has always worked. You are just pissed because Kentucky got something besides screwed for a change.

No I am irritated because shit like this is part of the reason we are broke and in debt. I am irritated because votes should not be for sale. I couldn't care less about any individual state.

You must have flunked Civics class.

How Congress Works

It isn't about 'selling' votes. They do this all the time. It is called compromise.

In a compromise all sides get something. Here is a famous one:

Compromise of 1850

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Before the Compromise: Gold Rush California applies to become free state
South wanted Southern California as slave territory
Texas claims territory as far as the Rio Grande
New Mexico resists Texas, applies to be free state
Texas takes El Paso February 1850
Mormon pioneers apply to become State of Deseret

Territorial results of the Compromise: California is admitted undivided as a free state, denying Southern expansion to the Pacific
Texas trades some territorial claims for debt relief
New Mexico and Deseret are denied statehood and become New Mexico Territory and Utah Territory with slavery left to popular sovereignty

The Compromise of 1850 was a package of five bills passed in the United States in September 1850, which defused a four-year confrontation between the slave states of the South and the free states of the North regarding the status of territories acquired during the Mexican-American War (1846–1848). The compromise, drafted by Whig Senator Henry Clay of Kentucky and brokered by Clay and Democrat Stephen Douglas, avoided secession or civil war and reduced sectional conflict for four years.

Map of free and slave states c. 1856
The Compromise was greeted with relief, although each side disliked specific provisions.
Texas surrendered its claim to New Mexico, over which it had threatened war, as well as its claims north of the Missouri Compromise Line, transferred its crushing public debt to the federal government, and retained the control over El Paso that it had established earlier in 1850, with the Texas Panhandle (which earlier compromise proposals had detached from Texas) thrown in at the last moment.
California's application for admission as a free state with its current boundaries was approved and a Southern proposal to split California at parallel 35° north to provide a Southern territory was not approved.
The South avoided adoption of the symbolically significant Wilmot Proviso[1] and the new New Mexico Territory and Utah Territory could in principle decide in the future to become slave states (popular sovereignty), even though Utah and a northern fringe of New Mexico were north of the Missouri Compromise Line where slavery had previously been banned in territories. In practice, these lands were generally unsuited to plantation agriculture and their existing settlers were non-Southerners uninterested in slavery. The unsettled southern parts of New Mexico Territory, where Southern hopes for expansion had been centered, remained a part of New Mexico instead of becoming a separate territory.
The most concrete Southern gains were a stronger Fugitive Slave Act, the enforcement of which outraged Northern public opinion, and preservation of slavery (but not the slave trade) in the national capital.
The slave trade was banned in Washington D.C.

The Compromise became possible after the sudden death of President Zachary Taylor, who, although a slaveowner, had favored excluding slavery from the Southwest. Whig leader Henry Clay designed a compromise, which failed to pass in early 1850, due to opposition by both pro-slavery southern Democrats, led by John C. Calhoun, and anti-slavery northern Whigs. Upon Clay's instruction, Democratic Senator Stephen Douglas (Illinois) then divided Clay's bill into several smaller pieces and narrowly won their passage over the opposition of those with stronger views on both sides.

Compromise of 1850 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The benefit to the south was later lost with Lincoln's executive order known as the Emancipation Proclamation.

This is how Washington works. So suck it

We have a smart Congressman and you don't. That's breaks.
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Conservatives on here have been indignant that Obama hasn't 'created' any jobs. Now they are adamant that said job creation in KY is somehow wrong. LOL. What a bunch of little old ladies tsking and clucking you all turned out to be.

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