Kentucky Kickback: McConnell sells out for 2 BILLION for a dam in KY

Doesn't look like Mitch had anything to do with it.

Conservatives accuse Mitch McConnell of 'Kentucky kickback' in spending deal - Kevin Robillard -
The provision, which is supported by the White House and doesn’t actually spend any money, would raise the amount authorized for the Olmsted Lock and Dam project to $2.9 billion from $775 million. McConnell’s office said he had no role in securing the language, which was authored by Sens. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) and Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.). Versions of the water project measure passed both the House and Senate earlier this year.


The Olmsted project is located about 20 miles from the confluence of the Mississippi and Ohio rivers near where the borders of Kentucky, Illinois and Missouri meet. It was originally authorized a quarter-century ago and was only expected to cost $775 million. After decades of delays, engineering mistakes and cost overruns, the Army Corps of Engineers now expects to spend $2.9 billion on the project.
But Alexander, the ranking member of the appropriations subcommittee that funds water projects, said he and Feinstein, the committee’s chair, were responsible for the provision.

“According to the Army Corps of Engineers, 160 million taxpayer dollars will be wasted because of canceled contracts if this language is not included,” Alexander said in a statement. “Sen. Feinstein and I, as chairman and ranking member of the Energy and Water Appropriations Subcommittee, requested this provision. It has already been approved this year by the House and Senate.”​

I'm sure as part of the deal Mitch was allowed to was his hands of any supposed knowledge.

It's all bullshit!

In order for him to not know he would have not read the bill and voted for it anyway. Ala we have to vote for it to see what's in it.

It's like we got drunk, called a cab and they sent a fucking blind driver that didn't speak English to pick us up.

This is why we NEED THE TEA PARTY
If this deal was going to Harry Reid's state, or, God forbid the two female Senators from Ca, the size of the brick that would be shit -- massive.

But instead, the far righties are happy to eat the shit sandwich handed to them by Turtle Face.
The people whining about this would rather the money went to some hoochie mamma's EBT card. Screw jobs. Screw commerce. Screw fixing America's infrastructure.

I would rather we not spend that 2 billion at all, considering how far in debt we are.

If McConnell wanted money for his state then he should submit a proposal and pass it on its own right. I will never support getting money in such a slimy way as McConnell did, I don't care what it's for.

Actually the project benefits 3 states, and everyone who is the beneficiary of a product that ships on that commercial river. So, it benefits everyone in the long run. I live on a lake that is a commercial river and it is very busy. If a tug has to sit for 5 hours waiting to lock through a dam, that cost will get eaten somewhere, and it won't be by the towing company. And I certainly would never be opposed to more clean hydroelectric power.

Apparently you missed the part where I said I don't care what it's for. If it's such a wonderful thing then it should have no problem passing on it's own right, not being slipped into an irrelevant bill as a bribe.

And if that's the way you feel then the country is screwed. You condone bribing and selling of votes as long as there's a small posibility it might help your state a little. This is why we have the government we do, slimy politicians know they can buy people's votes.
If this deal was going to Harry Reid's state, or, God forbid the two female Senators from Ca, the size of the brick that would be shit -- massive.

But instead, the far righties are happy to eat the shit sandwich handed to them by Turtle Face.

You must be reading a different tread. All of the conservatives in this one are blasting McConnell.
She didn't mention race. Why do you think the only people on public assistance are black?

Hoochie Mama?

Then EBT?

She didn't have too, Dave.

Plus..consider the source.

Sunshine makes no bones about her racism.
Why do you think only black women dress like hoochie mamas?

Man, you progs are racist.

Crackah Please..

1. Hoochie Mama

1. A female who dresses ghetto ho fabulous. Lots of gold, lots of weave-typically Pattie LaBelle style with red, purple, gold, or orange streaks, and long nails with lots of airbrush glitter, and color. This female's goal in life is to use her female attriibutes to obtain a male with lots of money or any money to spend on her. Weaves, rent, & diapers for her baby from another daddy included. 2. A ghetto version of a "Gold Digger".

Friday night (payday} at the club: "Ooo, girl the hoochie mamas are out trollin' tonight!"
Urban Dictionary: hoochie mama

Be real. :cool:
If this deal was going to Harry Reid's state, or, God forbid the two female Senators from Ca, the size of the brick that would be shit -- massive.

But instead, the far righties are happy to eat the shit sandwich handed to them by Turtle Face.
What thread are you reading? Because in this one, most of the righties are against this pork.
Hoochie Mama?

Then EBT?

She didn't have too, Dave.

Plus..consider the source.

Sunshine makes no bones about her racism.
Why do you think only black women dress like hoochie mamas?

Man, you progs are racist.

Crackah Please..

1. Hoochie Mama

1. A female who dresses ghetto ho fabulous. Lots of gold, lots of weave-typically Pattie LaBelle style with red, purple, gold, or orange streaks, and long nails with lots of airbrush glitter, and color. This female's goal in life is to use her female attriibutes to obtain a male with lots of money or any money to spend on her. Weaves, rent, & diapers for her baby from another daddy included. 2. A ghetto version of a "Gold Digger".

Friday night (payday} at the club: "Ooo, girl the hoochie mamas are out trollin' tonight!"
Urban Dictionary: hoochie mama

Be real. :cool:
You live in NYC, and you ain't never seen a white hootchie mama?

You need to get out more, dood.

And you didn't click the Google Image search results link, either. The first nine returns are white girls.


You racist.
Kentucky is a welfare state. Just like most Red States. Without money from Blue States, what would they do? Oh, and Kentucky is more than 90% white. So you can't blame failed conservatism on blacks. Not again.

What the hell does your post have to do with McConnell selling out his party and his fellow Republicans for 2 Billion dollars?

But if we are going to talk red state blue state bullshit, how do you explain away that Kentucky since 1940 has only had 5 Republican governors?

And since 1940 has had 17 Democratic Governors.

What color did you say this state was again?

Easy. In fact, this is why Republicans should have a taste of "education", which includes history.

In the middle 60's, when blacks joined the Democratic Party, conservatives fled the Democrats and joined the Republican Party. It was the Democrats who were the "southern confederate conservatives".

Now this is hilarious. USMB Republicans don't believe that. They believe they have always been on the side of Lincoln and against slavery. So when I ask them if Lincoln was a "confederate", they never, ever answer. Because it doesn't fit in with their rewritten and completely invented history. Lincoln was NEVER a "confederate". And today's Republicans used to be Democrats.
Kentucky is a welfare state. Just like most Red States. Without money from Blue States, what would they do? Oh, and Kentucky is more than 90% white. So you can't blame failed conservatism on blacks. Not again.

What the hell does your post have to do with McConnell selling out his party and his fellow Republicans for 2 Billion dollars?

But if we are going to talk red state blue state bullshit, how do you explain away that Kentucky since 1940 has only had 5 Republican governors?

And since 1940 has had 17 Democratic Governors.

What color did you say this state was again?

Easy. In fact, this is why Republicans should have a taste of "education", which includes history.

In the middle 60's, when blacks joined the Democratic Party, conservatives fled the Democrats and joined the Republican Party. It was the Democrats who were the "southern confederate conservatives".

Now this is hilarious. USMB Republicans don't believe that. They believe they have always been on the side of Lincoln and against slavery. So when I ask them if Lincoln was a "confederate", they never, ever answer. Because it doesn't fit in with their rewritten and completely invented history. Lincoln was NEVER a "confederate". And today's Republicans used to be Democrats.
This infrastructure project is probably one of the best things McConnell has done in years.

Kentucky is a welfare state. Just like most Red States. Without money from Blue States, what would they do? Oh, and Kentucky is more than 90% white. So you can't blame failed conservatism on blacks. Not again.

What the hell does your post have to do with McConnell selling out his party and his fellow Republicans for 2 Billion dollars?

But if we are going to talk red state blue state bullshit, how do you explain away that Kentucky since 1940 has only had 5 Republican governors?

And since 1940 has had 17 Democratic Governors.

What color did you say this state was again?

Easy. In fact, this is why Republicans should have a taste of "education", which includes history.

In the middle 60's, when blacks joined the Democratic Party, conservatives fled the Democrats and joined the Republican Party. It was the Democrats who were the "southern confederate conservatives".

Now this is hilarious. USMB Republicans don't believe that. They believe they have always been on the side of Lincoln and against slavery. So when I ask them if Lincoln was a "confederate", they never, ever answer. Because it doesn't fit in with their rewritten and completely invented history. Lincoln was NEVER a "confederate". And today's Republicans used to be Democrats.

Bullshit shoveled pretty deep there rdean.

I've been in board brawls with better than you over the history of the Dixiecrats, Jim Crow laws, the KKK in all stages, and the history of political America in general.

I know all the spin progressives put on it.

Including Lincoln was a liberal, the KKK was started by conservative Democrats, ditto Jim Crow laws being enacted by conservative Democrats oh and of course the world famous progressive spin that ALL the Dixiecrats became Republicans when the Civil Rights Act was passed.

I know these false arguments so very well because there are too many ignorant progressives out there who really do believe the bullshit they spew ad nauseam.

Any time any one of you progressives want to meet me in the Bull Ring over these issues, I would be more than happy to take you on.

Back to the key point. I proved that Kentucky Governors have been Democratic 17 times versus 5 Republicans.

You were trying to claim that Kentucky was a Red state.
This infrastructure project is probably one of the best things McConnell has done in years.


You are proving yourself to be no different than a person who resides in a third world country who believes that political corruption is just par for the course and acceptable.

McConnell took a bribe to better his chances at winning his election. Plain and simple.

He is a dishonorable man. His actions should be reviled.
This infrastructure project is probably one of the best things McConnell has done in years.


You are proving yourself to be no different than a person who resides in a third world country who believes that political corruption is just par for the course and acceptable.

McConnell took a bribe to better his chances at winning his election. Plain and simple.

He is a dishonorable man. His actions should be reviled.
Spending other people's money is so much fun when it is for something you like.
Kentucky is a welfare state. Just like most Red States. Without money from Blue States, what would they do? Oh, and Kentucky is more than 90% white. So you can't blame failed conservatism on blacks. Not again.

What the hell does your post have to do with McConnell selling out his party and his fellow Republicans for 2 Billion dollars?

But if we are going to talk red state blue state bullshit, how do you explain away that Kentucky since 1940 has only had 5 Republican governors?

And since 1940 has had 17 Democratic Governors.

What color did you say this state was again?

Easy. In fact, this is why Republicans should have a taste of "education", which includes history.

In the middle 60's, when blacks joined the Democratic Party, conservatives fled the Democrats and joined the Republican Party. It was the Democrats who were the "southern confederate conservatives".

Now this is hilarious. USMB Republicans don't believe that. They believe they have always been on the side of Lincoln and against slavery. So when I ask them if Lincoln was a "confederate", they never, ever answer. Because it doesn't fit in with their rewritten and completely invented history. Lincoln was NEVER a "confederate". And today's Republicans used to be Democrats.

History is lost on idiots like you.

Brief synopsis.

Northern democrats always hated Southern democrats. The Northern democrats were usually in a minority in the North and the only way they could get elected as president was with the many electoral votes from the Southern States -- The 'Solid South'

Northern democrats figured out a way to turn the North from Republican to dimocrap while getting rid of the hated Southern democrats by moving MILLIONS of Blacks into the Big Cities of the North and putting them on welfare.

They did.

Now for the part you ignorant douchebags ALWAYS get wrong.....

For over two decades after the big move, democrats in the South still held power in the South.

Remember some guy named Bill (the rapist) Clinton?

Remember him? Wasn't he a Southern dimocrap? Why, yes Virginia, I believe he was.

And How about Jimmy the peanut? Wasn't he a Southern dimocrap? Again, I believe I am correct. As usual.

And ManBearPig? Wasn't he a Senator from the South? Right again, I am.

It took a long time.... A LONG time for the 'Solid South' to go from dimocrap scum to Republican.

A long time.

And race had very little to do with it. Some... To be sure, some.

But the biggest reason is that Southerners saw that the dimocrap party had been hijacked by socialists/communists and Anti-American scumbags.

In 1968. At the dimocrap national convention in Chicago. The riots, Abby Hoffman and all his socialist and (LITERALLY) communist pals.

The Black Panthers, the SLA, the Weather Underground, the Weathermen, Saul Alinsky and many, many more.... Including the Baader Meinhoff gang in Germany and the Red Brigade in Italy and all the Anti-War protests on every Campus and all the other bullshit....

Southern democrats just simply left.

The democrat party no longer represented anything they understood.

Sure, the South understood that integration was the Law and that they had to follow the law. They were okay with that. Not thrilled, but okay with it (funny how Northerners wanted to 'free' and 'lift up' Blacks but they wanted it done away from them -- In ghettos)

Southerners left the party because the party became Anti-American.

And that's the way the dimocrap party of today still is -- Anti American.

If there were people in the middle that didn't believe it before, after the SHIT that obama pulled during the shutdown, there's no longer any doubt.

Now go back to reading "Fun With Dick and Jane"

it's about all you can handle
so, in short, (no offense meant, just telling it like it is);

you got yours, so........thats that.

the system btw has a viable, regular path for this type of outlay, and this, aint it.....

This is what 'compromise' is all about. People don't mind condemning my state for being poor, now it is being condemned because someone did something to bring jobs here which, recession or not, we need far worse than most states. Just in this area we are losing one of our largest employers. I'm happy we got it. It isn't going to be close enough to help this area much, but it will help the state and commerce in general. And look at it this way: People will be earning their money for the next few 7 years instead of getting it for nothing.

If he weren't so stupid, Obama could pick up on projects like this all over the nation, fix our bridges and other crumbling infrastructure. The money would be far better spent on the job creation than to just give it out the way he has done for 5 years. The KY Dam project is what pulled this area out of the Great Depression. And the tourism has kept this area self sustaining ever since. Oh gee, I guess that was a bad idea. Maybe everyone here should just be drawing welfare instead of working. You would like that far better.

I'm not in any mood for any BS on 'how it got done.' One Congressman did something for his constituents. Our Congressman managed to do something that would at least in a small way mitigate the effect of the ACA. The peanut gallery is green with envy.
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ummm..... the President has talked about rebuilding our infrastructure since he was elected. Sunshine. Stop lying. :eusa_hand: That or you are seriously out of the current events loop.

What has he DONE about it?
I would rather we not spend that 2 billion at all, considering how far in debt we are.

If McConnell wanted money for his state then he should submit a proposal and pass it on its own right. I will never support getting money in such a slimy way as McConnell did, I don't care what it's for.

Actually the project benefits 3 states, and everyone who is the beneficiary of a product that ships on that commercial river. So, it benefits everyone in the long run. I live on a lake that is a commercial river and it is very busy. If a tug has to sit for 5 hours waiting to lock through a dam, that cost will get eaten somewhere, and it won't be by the towing company. And I certainly would never be opposed to more clean hydroelectric power.
Again: There is no plan for a hydroelectric plant on the Olmsted dam.

Still, if you run a towing company and your tugs are sitting 5 hours to get through the lock, this is going to help your business immensely.
^ race card. You people are obsessed w/ EBT :eusa_eh:

She didn't mention race. Why do you think the only people on public assistance are black?

Hoochie Mama?

Then EBT?

She didn't have too, Dave.

Plus..consider the source.

Sunshine makes no bones about her racism.

You are in serious need of an education:

1. Hoochie Mama

1. A female who dresses ghetto ho fabulous. Lots of gold, lots of weave-typically Pattie LaBelle style with red, purple, gold, or orange streaks, and long nails with lots of airbrush glitter, and color. This female's goal in life is to use her female attriibutes to obtain a male with lots of money or any money to spend on her. Weaves, rent, & diapers for her baby from another daddy included. 2. A ghetto version of a "Gold Digger".

2. hoochie mama

Couchie is adapted from the French word coucher for "to go to bed" (like our word "couch", which you can lie down on). And around the turn of the century in really gritty clubs and circuses (and for a long time after that) women who danced suggestively rolling their hips were "hootchie coutchie" dancers, or dancing the "hootchie coochie".
These women were not considered morally upright in the general public, so calling a woman a hootchie cooch was calling her a tramp, especially if dressed in a way that is meant to be provocative and showy. Hootchie mama is a variation on this term. (And could get you beat down if you call a woman that.)

Urban Dictionary: hoochie mama

Now go stalk someone else for a change. I'm tired of your shit.

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