Kentucky Kickback: McConnell sells out for 2 BILLION for a dam in KY

Ahahaha....Riiiight, you believe McConnell, you got caught believing whatever you're spoon fed. I called you on it.

You say change McConnell to Obama and pretend your actions are mine

Try harder man
I don't have to try at all. You're no challenge at all, bootlicker.

Here it is once again, for the progressivism-impaired:

McConnell needs to be primaried out.

Get it now, retard?

*points and laughs*
It looks like you DON'T get it, but I already explained why.

You're a retard.
Democrats didn't win. Republicans lost.

And not for lack of trying on the part of the good and honest men and women who tried to live up to their election promises to try to defund or delay Obamacare.

Republicans lost because one more time a powerful RINO sold his soul again for pork.

And sold honorable R's down the river again. At least the old whore charged a high price for being a slut for Reid.

McConnell faced new criticism after the bill's full text was released at dinnertime Wednesday. A little-noticed earmark, in the legislation will increase federal funding for the Olmsted Lock, a dam in his home state of Kentucky, from $775 million to nearly $3 billion.

'In exchange for funding Obamacare and raising the debt limit, Mitch McConnell has secured a $2 billion earmark,' the Senate Conservatives Fund griped, calling it the 'Kentucky kickback.'

BOEHNER CRIES 'UNCLE': House Republican opposition folds | Mail Online

Good for him. I'm glad he got something for my state that will be useful and good for Kentucky. It will also help facilitate trade and commerce, lowering the cost of transporting items on one of the commercial rivers of my state, and likely lower cost for consumers as well. Go Mitch!!

Olmsted Locks and Dam

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Olmsted Locks and Dam

OlmstedRendering08 2012.jpg

Rendering of Olmsted Locks and Dam.

Flag of the United States.svg Pulaski County, Illinois / Ballard County, Kentucky USA

37.1838°N 89.0635°WCoordinates: 37.1838°N 89.0635°W

Construction began
December 1995

Opening date
2020 (Scheduled)

Construction cost
Estimated $2.918 billion

Dam and spillways

62 feet (19 m)

2,596 feet (791 m)

Ohio River

The Olmsted Locks and Dam is a locks and concrete dam project currently under construction on the Ohio River at river mile 964.4 to replace Locks and Dam 52 and 53 to greatly reduce tow and barge delays. The locks are located about 17 miles upstream from the confluence of the Ohio and Mississippi rivers at Olmsted, Illinois. The lock chambers, completed in 2002, are 110 feet (34 m) wide and 1,200 feet (370 m) long.[1]

According to the US Army Corp of Engineers, the new dam and locks will reduce passage time from 5 hours currently to under 1 hour with the new system.
:lol: I told you, there are no angels......another establishment move.....this is why we need a tea party, and if you don't like the tea party pick another faction, this is crap.

reid bribed him and he took it.....:doubt:friggin cretin.

A proposal to end the government shutdown and avoid default orchestrated by Republican Leader Mitch McConnell and Democratic Leader Harry Reid includes a $2 billion earmark for a Kentucky project.

Language in a draft of the McConnell-Reid deal (see page 13, section 123) provided to WFPL News shows a provision that increases funding for the massive Olmsted Dam Lock in Louisville from $775 million to nearly $2. 9 billion.

The dam is considered an important project for the state and region in regards to water traffic along the Ohio River.

As The Courier-Journal's James Bruggers reported in 2011, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers said they needed about $2.1 billion for the locks due to "stop and go funding."

more at-

McConnell-Reid Deal Includes $2 Billion Earmark for Kentucky Project | WFPL

I'll be damned, Mitch was on the take for his state! Left Boehner holding a pile of shit while he made out. Politics can be cruel, but that's too much.

Now you see why we elected him.
It's business as usual, kick the can down the road, raise the debt ceiling, borrow and spend, fuck the debt, republicans cave... and we are so fucked because Washington is broken, and they'll continue with this bull shit until there is a true, massive, implosion, and it's not a matter of if, it's a matter of when.

But, in the meantime, the gimme-gimme-gimme, where's-my-freebie leftards are just happy as shit. The welfare checks, obama phones and EBT cards will all be good for awhile longer.

Well a new lock and dam which will improve the functioning of a commercial river beats the hell out of giving unlimited EBT use to welfare queens.
you beat me by 4 minutes TD :lol:


hehehe It would have been by 10 minutes. :) But when I found out I ran outside and let out a primordial scream and scared the crap out of any deer or coyotes.

Honest to goodness Trajan the Republican Party is broken. It is Humpty Dumpty. No one can put it back together again.

Third Party Conservative Party. We did it up here. You have to do this. America needs you to do this.

We send them to DC to help our own states. If your Congressmen aren't helping your state you should be on their backs. When you look at the purpose of this dam, you will see the expenditure is good for us all. It replaces two old crappy dams, and what have libs been screeching about the crumbling infrastructure. Well hot damn! We are getting some of our crumbling infrastructure fixed. Bout time.
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The people whining about this would rather the money went to some hoochie mamma's EBT card. Screw jobs. Screw commerce. Screw fixing America's infrastructure.
We're spending less now on infrastructure, science and tech then we did under Clinton. AT a time that our budget was balanced.

Funny how you attack things that are good.

WTF? Who are you talking to. I'm all for this.
You guys really should pick up a book before posting.

This is politics 101.

It's been going on in this country since the revolution..and before.

It's wrong unjust and crooked as hell but! it's been this way for so long we must accept it as....the way it is....spoken like a true ObamaBot...:clap2::clap2::clap2:


Wrong and unjust? Perhaps..who knows?

But in reality, it's been around since the beginning of the country.

Slavery is a prime example. Many of the founders thought it was wrong, but signed on to it because some states would have never joined the Union without it.

Horse trading's been the norm ever since. It's how things actually get done.

Seems to me that's something most of you conservatives know nothing about. Getting things done.

And that someone is you.

Explain to me how this makes money for Kentucky....

Explain it.

Who's doing the Construction?

Since you're too stupid to breathe without help, I'll tell you.....

The United States Army.

Who will run it? I suspect the Federal Government. In fact, I'm 99.9% sure it's the Feds (Army Corps of Engineers) who will run it.

Tell me, how does the Federal gubmint getting off their asses and doing their job for a fucking change qualify as 'pork'?

Tell me that. The Corps of Engineers is going to do the work, they're in charge of it, they'll run it....

Here, stop being a mouth-breather and THINK for a fucking change..

From two years ago....

You're a liar. And a douchebag.

Know why? Because you don't care whether something is true or not. You only care if you can make the lie stick. You just follow the leader, spread the lie without ever checking to see if there's a word of truth...

I hate dimocraps. scum of the earth. ALL of them

And this post should put to rest, for all to see, that you really have no idea what you are talking about in regards to the government, politics or life in general.

I don't even like Mitch McConnell, but this was done so well that I really am taken aback.

It's a "stimulus" in terms of building the President will sign on.
He mapped it to opening the government, so Reid makes the deal.
And it's a huge gift to Kentucky's economy and will boost his chances of getting re-elected by a huge factor.

He took a shit situation and turned it in to gold.


Stupid bitch. Know why it's called the "Olmstead Dam"?

Because its location is in Olmstead ILLINOIS!!!! And we all know how 'Republican' Illinois is, right? :lmao:

Not only does the dam help Olmstead Il, and Paducah Kentucky, it helps St Louis Missouri, Lousiville, Cincinnati Ohio, Pittsburgh PA and dozens of smaller towns in between. Not to mention the entire Mississippi River basin and all the States therein.

It needed to be done and McConnell got it done. It not only benefits Kentucky, it benefits EVERY STATE on the Ohio River.

Nobody has told me yet how this qualifies as 'pork'. Especially since they're rebuilding locks and a dam that needed rebuilding 20 years ago.



Stupid bitch?

I am not you. Quit projecting.


Pick up a book.
Time for McConnell to go. He sold out the American people for his own state. Lack of integrity.

Not so, Mitch stood up to those extremist Tea Baggers who want to balance budgets. Voters in Kentucky should turn out in droves to keep moderates like McConnell in place.

you call people "tea baggers" show's you are the extremist and one ugly intolerant person...not them
you should make a shrine to McConnell and bow to it every night
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You think Mitch wants to take a chance in his next election? He's an Establ Repub and has grown used to being pampered in Washington. No way is he going back to 'tucky just to watch paint dry. Of course he's going to take the pork that Reid offered :)
What is so wrong with buildig a dam for electricy?

Oh I forgot you're against infrastructure.

That too! The OP is mad that McConnell is looking out for home instead of ignoring his state and doing what Heritage tells him to do

I love it, so now its time to , once again ala obamacare via the cornhusker kickback, Louisiana purchase, to defend bribes via earmarks and the like.....well, at least you're consistent.

and why we need a tea party or someone like them, this is BS, it was a bribe, and just more of the same, apparently you love it becasue it allows you to pull in the est. gopers and make common cause, while you spend on what you want, hell, let them too and you all close ranks and fall into each others arms....what hackage, which is why there is a revolt in the gop, at least theres a sect of the populace that knows we are being jobbed....ergo- as long as you get yours, who cares? let the rest raid the till as well...

obama gives congress and their staffers an out of the obamacare mess and all is well, nope nothing to see here, let the kings and queens of congress avoid eating what they cooked up...unreal.

man, for folks who claim to be on the side of the 'little guy', ranting against big biz screwing everyone over, crony capitalism etc etc etc ... trashing DC and the 'establishment 'becasue they run over everything in their paths etc. the 60, 70's dem party wanting to change what was, is now, what is ( where all that love for Occupy Wall st....oh wait the markets uip and the dems can take credit, so there goers that, no more axe to grind) Just another party loving the power, there is little to no difference between the 2 anymore.

just another party of wall st, ( lauding the fed. res. blowing up the $ so the market will stay up), big pharma/big insurance ( see obamas cutting deals with them for obamacare), and raiding the public fisc...wonderful, you have now become in affect, what you hated, give yourselves a round of applause...:clap2:,

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