Kentucky Kickback: McConnell sells out for 2 BILLION for a dam in KY

GP, you won't influence any vote in KY. You can't even turn your own city red:

Why is Missouri a red state outside of Saint Louis and Kansas City? - Yahoo! Answers

Why is Missouri a red state outside of Saint Louis and Kansas City?
Michael asked 5 months ago

Ya baby ya baby Obama won in our big cities... But why did he loose all over the rest of Missouri?? Why could we not get anymore blue on our state map??

All large cities are liberal. They are infested with low information low income trash. You should be proud of your voting base.
It's called 'compromise' and that is how Washington DC has always worked. You are just pissed because Kentucky got something besides screwed for a change.

No I am irritated because shit like this is part of the reason we are broke and in debt. I am irritated because votes should not be for sale. I couldn't care less about any individual state.

You must have flunked Civics class.

How Congress Works

It isn't about 'selling' votes. They do this all the time. It is called compromise.

In a compromise all sides get something. Here is a famous one:

Compromise of 1850 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The benefit to the south was later lost with Lincoln's executive order known as the Emancipation Proclamation.

This is how Washington works. So suck it

We have a smart Congressman and you don't. That's breaks.

All you're pointing out is that democracy is fundamentally corrupt. Glad you're happy with corruption. Scumbags usually are.
If the lock improvements are actually needed, and pay for themselves in commercial productivity, would anyone give this a pass?
What's interesting is how so many "conservatives" come here and bash Mitch, if only the left had this ability to do the same to their party.

I too hope the Republican party collapses, but then again the Democrat party is further along than the Rep party in their own collapse.
I just posted because bridges to nowhere and airports where there are no planes are one thing.

But they spent a lot to build a new bridge across the Miss. River by Clarksdale because the old one that was built in 1941 kept wrecking barges, which cost a lot of money and hold literally hundreds of semi-trailers. So, as barges get bigger, they need to improve the infrastructure. If this is about that ... no big deal and it'll save money in the longrun.
GP, you won't influence any vote in KY. You can't even turn your own city red:

Why is Missouri a red state outside of Saint Louis and Kansas City? - Yahoo! Answers

Why is Missouri a red state outside of Saint Louis and Kansas City?
Michael asked 5 months ago

Ya baby ya baby Obama won in our big cities... But why did he loose all over the rest of Missouri?? Why could we not get anymore blue on our state map??

All large cities are liberal. They are infested with low information low income trash. You should be proud of your voting base.

Like people who spent time in Jail?

That sort of "trash"?
Hoochie Mama?

Then EBT?

She didn't have too, Dave.

Plus..consider the source.

Sunshine makes no bones about her racism.
Why do you think only black women dress like hoochie mamas?

Man, you progs are racist.

Sallow and Dot Com are so grossly inferior that they have to turn every thread into a race thread. It's their aura. Their posts are off topic and should be removed, IMO.


Really now.

What do "hoochie mamas" and EBT have to do with this thread?

There's no doubt that the Army Corps of Engineers was incompetent with the project. The Corps was all eager to show off their brand new and improved way of doing things, an In-The-Wet construction method where they'd drop premade dam segments right into the river. That's compared to the old standard way, where you would dig a side channel, divert the river with cofferdams and build on dry riverbed.

Well, guess what? The river didn't want to cooperate with the new construction method. Instead of the planned 3-month-long construction seasons, they were getting two-week seasons. Hence the project stretched on and on, and costs mounted.

However, that has nothing to do with whether the project is worthwhile. Looking at money wasted in the past is a sunk-cost fallacy, or an issue about reforming how the Corps does business. Money wasted does not effect whether the project is still needed. It is.

So as Democrats, it's a win-win. Critical infrastructure gets funded, jobs are created, and the Republicans turn on one of their staunchest allies. Again, I wish I could say the Democrats planned it that way, but they're not that smart. It's more a happy coincidence.
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Why do you think only black women dress like hoochie mamas?

Man, you progs are racist.

Crackah Please..

1. Hoochie Mama

1. A female who dresses ghetto ho fabulous. Lots of gold, lots of weave-typically Pattie LaBelle style with red, purple, gold, or orange streaks, and long nails with lots of airbrush glitter, and color. This female's goal in life is to use her female attriibutes to obtain a male with lots of money or any money to spend on her. Weaves, rent, & diapers for her baby from another daddy included. 2. A ghetto version of a "Gold Digger".

Friday night (payday} at the club: "Ooo, girl the hoochie mamas are out trollin' tonight!"
Urban Dictionary: hoochie mama

Be real. :cool:
You live in NYC, and you ain't never seen a white hootchie mama?

You need to get out more, dood.

And you didn't click the Google Image search results link, either. The first nine returns are white girls.


You racist.

I'm 52.

When the term first was used, it was used in reference to the urban dictionary link I provided.

And considering the source?

Yeah..I am pretty spot on.

There's no doubt that the Army Corps of Engineers was incompetent with the project. The Corps was all eager to show off their brand new and improved way of doing things, an In-The-Wet construction method where they'd drop premade damn segments right into the river. That's compared to the old standard way, where you would dig a side channel, divert the river with cofferdams and build on dry riverbed.

Well, guess what? The river didn't want to cooperate with the new construction method. Instead of the planned 3-month-long construction seasons, they were getting two-week seasons. Hence the project stretched on and on, and costs mounted.

However, that has nothing to do with whether the project is worthwhile. Looking at money wasted in the past is a sunk-cost fallacy, or an issue about reforming how the Corps does business. Money wasted does not effect whether the project is still needed. It is.

So as Democrats, it's a win-win. Critical infrastructure gets funded, jobs are created, and the Republicans turn on one of their staunchest allies. Again, I wish I could say the Democrats planned it that way, but they're not that smart. It's more a happy coincidence.

This is a PERFECT example of what I was trying to explain about my business dealings with the ACOE on my projects. Yet Jake & LoneLaugher said I was in the wrong. The ACOE is a disaster to deal with on any jobsite.
What the hell does your post have to do with McConnell selling out his party and his fellow Republicans for 2 Billion dollars?

But if we are going to talk red state blue state bullshit, how do you explain away that Kentucky since 1940 has only had 5 Republican governors?

And since 1940 has had 17 Democratic Governors.

What color did you say this state was again?

Easy. In fact, this is why Republicans should have a taste of "education", which includes history.

In the middle 60's, when blacks joined the Democratic Party, conservatives fled the Democrats and joined the Republican Party. It was the Democrats who were the "southern confederate conservatives".

Now this is hilarious. USMB Republicans don't believe that. They believe they have always been on the side of Lincoln and against slavery. So when I ask them if Lincoln was a "confederate", they never, ever answer. Because it doesn't fit in with their rewritten and completely invented history. Lincoln was NEVER a "confederate". And today's Republicans used to be Democrats.

History is lost on idiots like you.

Brief synopsis.

Northern democrats always hated Southern democrats. The Northern democrats were usually in a minority in the North and the only way they could get elected as president was with the many electoral votes from the Southern States -- The 'Solid South'

Northern democrats figured out a way to turn the North from Republican to dimocrap while getting rid of the hated Southern democrats by moving MILLIONS of Blacks into the Big Cities of the North and putting them on welfare.

They did.

Now for the part you ignorant douchebags ALWAYS get wrong.....

For over two decades after the big move, democrats in the South still held power in the South.

Remember some guy named Bill (the rapist) Clinton?

Remember him? Wasn't he a Southern dimocrap? Why, yes Virginia, I believe he was.

And How about Jimmy the peanut? Wasn't he a Southern dimocrap? Again, I believe I am correct. As usual.

And ManBearPig? Wasn't he a Senator from the South? Right again, I am.

It took a long time.... A LONG time for the 'Solid South' to go from dimocrap scum to Republican.

A long time.

And race had very little to do with it. Some... To be sure, some.

But the biggest reason is that Southerners saw that the dimocrap party had been hijacked by socialists/communists and Anti-American scumbags.

In 1968. At the dimocrap national convention in Chicago. The riots, Abby Hoffman and all his socialist and (LITERALLY) communist pals.

The Black Panthers, the SLA, the Weather Underground, the Weathermen, Saul Alinsky and many, many more.... Including the Baader Meinhoff gang in Germany and the Red Brigade in Italy and all the Anti-War protests on every Campus and all the other bullshit....

Southern democrats just simply left.

The democrat party no longer represented anything they understood.

Sure, the South understood that integration was the Law and that they had to follow the law. They were okay with that. Not thrilled, but okay with it (funny how Northerners wanted to 'free' and 'lift up' Blacks but they wanted it done away from them -- In ghettos)

Southerners left the party because the party became Anti-American.

And that's the way the dimocrap party of today still is -- Anti American.

If there were people in the middle that didn't believe it before, after the SHIT that obama pulled during the shutdown, there's no longer any doubt.

Now go back to reading "Fun With Dick and Jane"

it's about all you can handle

Let me try to grasp all this.

The Southern White Democrats and Southern Baptists that represented the
Southern White Property owners did defend slavery and did defend things like
Poll Taxes and Jim Crow laws that discriminated against Blacks.

I don't know where the flux of minorities started populating the Democrat Party,
but generally when you have workers who rent instead of owners of businesses
and property making up groups, they don't make policies based on management
but based on depending on others to own and manage govt/business etc.

Conservatives who believe in limited govt, and who do want equal freedom but not
depending on govt to grant that to people, but rely on God's laws not politics
would flock to either the Libertarian or Republican parties and collect there
to get away from the dependency policies pushed by the Democrats and their base.

The people who do not use their own businesses or churches to manage their own affairs and represent themselves equally and independently
tend to be AFRAID of being bullied or oppressed by people who do own and manage and represent their own interests through businesses, schools, churches etc and don't need govt

so these anti-church type people tend to flock to the Democrats to depend on that political base to fight against bullies or oppressors associated with the business/ownership class which tends to flock to Republicans

in the meantime the real factor corrupting govt and parties are corporate interests which claim equal freedom and rights as individuals to escape check, but also impose collective influence and authority and have collective resources to act as pseudo governmental bodies that control policies but without check and balance and due process required of govt.

so that influence has skewed the political and govt system while the people remain divided between poor minorities flocking to the Democrats for protection through govt while independent business owners flock to the Republicans for protection from govt

and the whole time these corporate interests and financial dealings still run govt and party politics, so the base of neither party is protected; nor can they rise up and check against abuses because they are so divided and don't know how to organize in unison.

they are more afraid of the constituents of the other base to unify and overthrow the corruption that is selling and buying out both parties and govt. so both the tea party and the occupy rose up to stop crony capitalism but they are also divided and disempowered

as long as they are more afraid and divided from each other, than they are of the common factor causing abuse and corruption, how can people unite to demand paying back taxpayers for money misspent by govt and by politicians to sell us out and commit fraud

Obama's cousin in DC is a doctor who denounced ACA and called for Occupy and Tea Party to unite against crony capitalism. Why can't and when can we do this? How can we work together to clean up all parties and govt, and only empower and authorize leaders and laws that respect what we common agree upon as Constitutional. when we quit selling each other out to get things that aren't constitutional or consented to, where we cannot afford to pay for all these double side deals that are passed on the backs of taxpayers?
I hope this Repub internal civil war continues for a looong time :popcorn: :D

May I ask why you would ask or wish division and conflict on anyone?

Wouldn't you rather have people working and using resources cost-effectively,
on either unified or separate solutions, instead of wasted in conflict?

As a Democrat, I would like more help to fund a historic preservation restoration project, including Vet housing and a sustainable campus to replace welfare and reform public housing. One of the communities leaders is a Republican who has been asking for support for longer than I have been volunteering and funding this myself out of my own labor, at two jobs!

But over the 20 years, all the political conflict has cost millions of dollars, including enough money on Democrat candidates both running for the same office, while zero dollars have gone into saving national history including a military landmark housing complex and
Freed Slave churches that you'd think Democrats would support preserving. So these have been destroyed while millions that could have preserved them get funneled instead (by Democrat administrations and officials) into hands of private developers who profited by flipping the property back to govt after buying it at a loss to demolish the buildings first.

so I have witnessed the loss of irreplaceable national history and registered landmarks
while millions have been wasted on political gameplaying, pandering posturing and conflict.

is this really the legacy you want to leave for America and our children and posterity

that we waste billions of dollars playing political games in courts congress and media
while our national forests, historic landmarks, and even our people suffer with no funds

really? why would you want this to continue?
wouldn't you rather people resolve conflicts and come up with real solutions instead?
:lol: I told you, there are no angels......another establishment move.....this is why we need a tea party, and if you don't like the tea party pick another faction, this is crap.

reid bribed him and he took it.....:doubt:friggin cretin.

A proposal to end the government shutdown and avoid default orchestrated by Republican Leader Mitch McConnell and Democratic Leader Harry Reid includes a $2 billion earmark for a Kentucky project.

Language in a draft of the McConnell-Reid deal (see page 13, section 123) provided to WFPL News shows a provision that increases funding for the massive Olmsted Dam Lock in Louisville from $775 million to nearly $2. 9 billion.

The dam is considered an important project for the state and region in regards to water traffic along the Ohio River.

As The Courier-Journal's James Bruggers reported in 2011, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers said they needed about $2.1 billion for the locks due to "stop and go funding."

more at-

McConnell-Reid Deal Includes $2 Billion Earmark for Kentucky Project | WFPL

2 Billion to sell out your fellow Republicans. We knew this was coming but damn what a freaking dirty move .

Dear TinyDancer: Thank you for posting this topic and thread.

To make this equal, can we demand a 2 billion dollar settlement for all states to set up Constitutional corrections to ACA (so 2 billion / 50 = 40,000,000 EA for test model alternative to ACA of state choice)
and I will give Freedmen's Town as an example for Texas where exposure of this history will show Democrats destroyed a national historic district and a Civil Right landmark to Freed Slaves in order to stay in office by funneling taxpayer money to developer interests to buy, destroy or flip property for private profit.
This district is within Sheila Jackson Lee's domain and Ted Cruz office is nearby downtown. The plans Congresswoman Lee signed onto, through a federal housing reform bill, could have been funded
back in 1994 as in the subgrant agreements, instead of evicting the residents through federal court in order to censor their campus plans; so if McConnell can get his 2 billion, can we ask 40 million.
And we can show where Democrats already spent 3.4 million here, 10 million there, destroying this district with taxpayer money, so we are just asking to pay that back into correcting the damages done.

I am a Democrat who believes it is my constitutional duty to correct damages owed to taxpayers, so in order to hold the Democrat party responsible this is best done by members. Leading by example, while another community leader is Republican doing the same. If people don't listen, this will definitely separate the leaders from the followers from the corrupt abusers riding the system on the back of taxpayers.

We can ask for loans, where the point is to set up sustainable effective business plans that will work better than ACA to serve more populations while reducing costs/bureaucracy. If this guy got a handout for one state, certainly we should get a loan for that amount for people in all 50 states who want other health care options to invest in besides buying insurance through ACA which doesn't serve all people.

So this can fulfill Obama's ideas of microlending, by creating jobs and housing for Vets, and campuses for teaching people how to break out of poverty and become independent.
see Freedmen's Town Historic Churches and Vet Housing for the model for sustainable campus jobs/services


BTW my bf hosts a radio show on 1070KNTH. this is his explanation for what went down: said:
"It's not called a bribe, it's called pork barreling. Yes, he voted for the deal which I'm sure a big part of the negotiating was the extra money he got for the dam project in Kentucky. This happens all the time with establishment politicians. I put him right in there with McCain, Boehner, Graham and Mitch McConnell is no exception. In other words, he's been a sellout for some time and this is no different.

Over 2 billion dollars is a lot of pork, but not anything close to the trillion dollars over the debt ceiling that the President and Harry Reid wouldn't negotiate on... And even more concerned with the funding of Obamacare, which will climb well over 2 trillion dollars... and they wouldn't negotiate on removing their waivers from Obamacare. Once again, something the Democrats wouldn't budge on at all. By my calculations, that's over 3 trillion dollars of sweet, sweet Tyranny. Which is worse to you? Would I vote for Mitch in the midterms? Hell no, I think I'd rather have myself a little Tea Party!"
I want to organize businesses through that radio station to set up alternatives to ACA
Do you think we could sell this idea nationally, get activists and businesses together
and start setting up alternatives to the insurance that provide better care by free choice.

If we just started with small groups in key states, maybe the border states also facing immigration issues and could benefit from building Vet hospitals and bases to double as border security, we could show how this model could work for all cities and states. Just target land to organize schools/campuses combining Vet housing with health care on site provided by interns who are supervised by local programs and pay back their educational costs by work-study outreach to help Vets, elderly, disabled, low income families etc.
And argue that any individuals or businesses who invest in such co-ops should be exempted and get tax breaks for solving the health care problems by providing services.
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Still, if you run a towing company and your tugs are sitting 5 hours to get through the lock, this is going to help your business immensely.
Oh, no question.

With a quick search, I can't find any figures for the Ohio River itself, but I found this for the entire Inland Waterways Transportation System:


Living where I do, I have become aware of just how much commercial river traffic there is. I am on the Tennessee river, not the Ohio. The TN and Ohio rivers converge at the Port of Paducah. You used to be able to see it clearly, but I don't know if you can today.
Sure can. I was down at the riverfront just a few weeks ago.

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