Kentucky mayor pushes to remove 2 confederate statues in wake of events Virginia

Taking the statues down will do what? It's the equivalent of closing his eyes and screaming lalalalala. It isn't going to change any minds. It will make a significant number of people seriously angry and resentful. Who are they going to be resentful against? Anyone they perceive as supporting the removal of the monuments. It's another way of dividing the people.

Good. The white supremacists need to know they are not accepted. They are separate.
Segregation now. Segregation tomorrow. Segregation forever.

Yes Wallace said he would never be "out niggered again", and he wasn't. We all saw how well that worked out for him.
How long will it be before the left want the Sons and Daughters of the Confederacy arrested, punished, force them not to honor their family members who fought?

100 years ago (exactly) the Daughters of the Confederacy placed a plaque on a building in Pulaski Tennessee, commemorating it as the place the Ku Klux Klan was founded.

About 20 years ago that plaque was taken off, turned around backward and put back up so that now it says nothing. Blank.

No word on what "left", "right" or "center" had to do with it though. Other than fastening the rivets on the corners that hold it up.

Dumb shit.
The mayor of Lexington, Kentucky, says after the events in Charlottesville, Virginia, he is taking the steps to remove two Confederate-era statues from the lawn of a former courthouse. The Lexington Herald-Leader reports that Mayor Jim Gray said in a statement Saturday he will ask the Lexington-Fayette County Urban County Council at its Tuesday work session
I saw this PC-pandering sonofabitch on tv news. He is a prime example of what is wrong with too many contemporary politicians. Those who are fooled by his performance deserve what he eventually will do to them.
If he`s not supporting the ku kluxxers he`s a PC pandering SOB. Got it.
Awesome! Its about time. Ironically the Nazis have sped up the process of removing these statues. Lol!

How long will it be before the left want the Sons and Daughters of the Confederacy arrested, punished, force them not to honor their family members who fought?

You're such a Drama Queen. Calm down. Nazi symbols were removed in Germany. Why should we continue to allow hate symbols in our country.

Also people shouldn't honor confederate family members. They were traitors. You don't see people honoring Nazi family members.
The mayor of Lexington, Kentucky, says after the events in Charlottesville, Virginia, he is taking the steps to remove two Confederate-era statues from the lawn of a former courthouse. The Lexington Herald-Leader reports that Mayor Jim Gray said in a statement Saturday he will ask the Lexington-Fayette County Urban County Council at its Tuesday work session

Kentucky Mayor Pushes to Remove 2 Confederate Statues In Wake Of Events In Virginia


It is American history snowflakes, and you idiots are so fkn stupid as you strip away what Freedoms you have in America and to stupid to see that's what you are doing.

USEFUL IDIOTS doing the works .....................................of an engineered plan and you dumb fks are biting it every inch of the way.

What a surprise, a Democrat wants to bring more protests and riots to his city in order to stir up malcontent and hate.
It is American history snowflakes, and you idiots are so fkn stupid as you strip away what Freedoms you have in America and to stupid to see that's what you are doing.

And removing the statues that glorify those who tried to destroy the United States is 'stripping away' the Freedoms of who- exactly?

the only reason you think that fkd up bs is because you were indoctrinated to think that, brain washed to think that .
Because you are easy to manipulate. The stripping of this nation which is exactly what the Soros globalist elite want.

and if you think we don't need history than you are part of this Country's problem..


Knowing our own history, or the history of our culture, is important because it helps us to know who we are while molding the future. Being familiar with past events gives us the ability not only to learn from past mistakes but also from the successes. History is a general term, which includes many specialized studies such as military history, music history and film history.

The Facts
According to Edmund Burke, “People will not look forward to posterity, who never look backward to their ancestors.”

In order to comprehend why things are as they are in the present, whether technology, political systems or music, we must understand how they began and evolved into what they are today.

The Importance of Knowing History | Synonym
The Civil war will not be forgotten, but it's stupid to honor people who wanted to overthrow the United States.
It's stupid to believe anyone was trying to overthrow the United States. They were trying to leave it. Huge difference.
I love it that Republicans always try to put up monuments to traitors.

No one loses a war and then puts up statutes to traitors. Most of those statutes were put up during the 60's as a protest to racial equality. It's not like they are hundreds of years old as Republicans would have you believe.
The mayor of Lexington, Kentucky, says after the events in Charlottesville, Virginia, he is taking the steps to remove two Confederate-era statues from the lawn of a former courthouse. The Lexington Herald-Leader reports that Mayor Jim Gray said in a statement Saturday he will ask the Lexington-Fayette County Urban County Council at its Tuesday work session

Kentucky Mayor Pushes to Remove 2 Confederate Statues In Wake Of Events In Virginia


It is American history snowflakes, and you idiots are so fkn stupid as you strip away what Freedoms you have in America and to stupid to see that's what you are doing.

USEFUL IDIOTS doing the works .....................................of an engineered plan and you dumb fks are biting it every inch of the way.
Considering that white murderer schooled in late!!
I love the way these articles like to say things like "civil war era" statues. Doesn't that give the impression that they were made right after the Civil War? It would be like people creating Nazi Monuments in 1946 to commemorate the loss of the war.

Only those statues were erected the next century AFTER the war.

Republicans wouldn't let Iraqi's keep their "Shoe Monument".


But they want to keep monuments created decades after the Civil War built to celebrate racism. Why couldn't they celebrate something good. Unless, to the GOP, racism is good.
It won't be too many years from now, the left will be demanding the Washington and Jefferson memorials be torn down.
It is American history snowflakes, and you idiots are so fkn stupid as you strip away what Freedoms you have in America and to stupid to see that's what you are doing.

And removing the statues that glorify those who tried to destroy the United States is 'stripping away' the Freedoms of who- exactly?

Hopefully, there will be no statues in the future of those who are hell bent on destroying the United States in the present.

You know: Hussain Obama, Maxine Waters, Al Sharpton, Bernie Sanders, John McCain, etc. etc.
Odd that Kentucky has confederate statues.


Odd that pretty much ALL places in America have a Martin Luther King Jr. street, road, avenue, swimming pool, theater, restaurant, school, library, etc.

Even more odd that his most important message of judging people by the content of their character rather than the color of their skin is so blatantly and sadly ignored by everybody.
Odd that Kentucky has confederate statues.


Odd that pretty much ALL places in America have a Martin Luther King Jr. street, road, avenue, swimming pool, theater, restaurant, school, library, etc.

Even more odd that his most important message of judging people by the content of their character rather than the color of their skin is so blatantly and sadly ignored by everybody.
I don't see anything wrong with that.

I do find it odd that KY has confederate statues. They were a neutral commonwealth during the Civil War, and even asked the union Army to help them. So, I find it odd those statues are there.
I love it that Republicans always try to put up monuments to traitors.

No one loses a war and then puts up statutes to traitors. Most of those statutes were put up during the 60's as a protest to racial equality. It's not like they are hundreds of years old as Republicans would have you believe.

The 13 original states wanted freedom and independence from England.
Those who disagreed were called traitors.

The Confederate states wanted independence from the North.
Those who disagreed were called traitors.

Looks like a country full of traitors all around.
Odd that Kentucky has confederate statues.


Odd that pretty much ALL places in America have a Martin Luther King Jr. street, road, avenue, swimming pool, theater, restaurant, school, library, etc.

Even more odd that his most important message of judging people by the content of their character rather than the color of their skin is so blatantly and sadly ignored by everybody.
I don't see anything wrong with that.

I do find it odd that KY has confederate statues. They were a neutral commonwealth during the Civil War, and even asked the union Army to help them. So, I find it odd those statues are there.
What I am about to say may seem like odd and off topic to you, but really, it is not.

Recently I visited my old country and saw what I did not think I would see:
The statue raised to honor and celebrate the Soviet Red Army that "liberated"

But then I realized that normal people respect and do not try to change the historical and unchangeable records just to be politically correct.

I am sure there are monuments in the world of people with no historical or geographical relation, but because of the ideas they represented. Kentucky may be one of those places.
How long will it be before the left want the Sons and Daughters of the Confederacy arrested, punished, force them not to honor their family members who fought?

You're such a Drama Queen. Calm down. Nazi symbols were removed in Germany. Why should we continue to allow hate symbols in our country.

Also people shouldn't honor confederate family members. They were traitors. You don't see people honoring Nazi family members.
Ohh so pass a law and start rounding up people who honor family members who were confederates.

For all that Germany has tried to criminalize the nazis, the nazis have not diminished and have spread world wide. It didn't do much good did it.

And by the way, God bless Jefferson Davis.

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