Kentucky Newspapers Endorse Alison Lundergan Grimes

The issue should be is Romney's effort to shelter his income and resources from the voting public something we want in a President of the United States; why is it important for him to shelter a vast (we assume) wealth,where it is invested and how it was earned from the voting public?

I've been accused of hypocrisy, and yet, the candidate for Senate in Kentucky is being attacked by the same sources who attack me on this forum for not telling a reporter how she voted in the last election.

Which matters most? Ones source of wealth and how they use it, or how one voted?

One need not ask Romney who he voted for, since it's clear he is a Plutocrat and supports the party which represents Plutocrats. Since the candidate running for McConnell seat is a Democrat, isn't it obvious to all but partisan hacks; those like Rabbi and Mudwhistle who need to attack someone because their candidate is a horse's ass?
The issue should be is Romney's effort to shelter his income and resources from the voting public something we want in a President of the United States; why is it important for him to shelter a vast (we assume) wealth,where it is invested and how it was earned from the voting public?

I've been accused of hypocrisy, and yet, the candidate for Senate in Kentucky is being attacked by the same sources who attack me on this forum for not telling a reporter how she voted in the last election.

Which matters most? Ones source of wealth and how they use it, or how one voted?

One need not ask Romney who he voted for, since it's clear he is a Plutocrat and supports the party which represents Plutocrats. Since the candidate running for McConnell seat is a Democrat, isn't it obvious to all but partisan hacks; those like Rabbi and Mudwhistle who need to attack someone because their candidate is a horse's ass?
Romney isnt running for anything. THe issue isn't Romney at all. The issue was Harry Reid lying about Romney's return. I realize your ADHD makes it hard for you to pay attention but maybe the VA can give you something for that.
The issue should be is Romney's effort to shelter his income and resources from the voting public something we want in a President of the United States; why is it important for him to shelter a vast (we assume) wealth,where it is invested and how it was earned from the voting public?

I've been accused of hypocrisy, and yet, the candidate for Senate in Kentucky is being attacked by the same sources who attack me on this forum for not telling a reporter how she voted in the last election.

Which matters most? Ones source of wealth and how they use it, or how one voted?

One need not ask Romney who he voted for, since it's clear he is a Plutocrat and supports the party which represents Plutocrats. Since the candidate running for McConnell seat is a Democrat, isn't it obvious to all but partisan hacks; those like Rabbi and Mudwhistle who need to attack someone because their candidate is a horse's ass?
Romney isnt running for anything. THe issue isn't Romney at all. The issue was Harry Reid lying about Romney's return. I realize your ADHD makes it hard for you to pay attention but maybe the VA can give you something for that.

The issue should be is Romney's effort to shelter his income and resources from the voting public something we want in a President of the United States; why is it important for him to shelter a vast (we assume) wealth,where it is invested and how it was earned from the voting public?

I've been accused of hypocrisy, and yet, the candidate for Senate in Kentucky is being attacked by the same sources who attack me on this forum for not telling a reporter how she voted in the last election.

Which matters most? Ones source of wealth and how they use it, or how one voted?

One need not ask Romney who he voted for, since it's clear he is a Plutocrat and supports the party which represents Plutocrats. Since the candidate running for McConnell seat is a Democrat, isn't it obvious to all but partisan hacks; those like Rabbi and Mudwhistle who need to attack someone because their candidate is a horse's ass?
Romney isnt running for anything. THe issue isn't Romney at all. The issue was Harry Reid lying about Romney's return. I realize your ADHD makes it hard for you to pay attention but maybe the VA can give you something for that.[/QUOTE]


It's amazing stuff. Couldn't make it up!
The issue should be is Romney's effort to shelter his income and resources from the voting public something we want in a President of the United States; why is it important for him to shelter a vast (we assume) wealth,where it is invested and how it was earned from the voting public?

I've been accused of hypocrisy, and yet, the candidate for Senate in Kentucky is being attacked by the same sources who attack me on this forum for not telling a reporter how she voted in the last election.

Which matters most? Ones source of wealth and how they use it, or how one voted?

One need not ask Romney who he voted for, since it's clear he is a Plutocrat and supports the party which represents Plutocrats. Since the candidate running for McConnell seat is a Democrat, isn't it obvious to all but partisan hacks; those like Rabbi and Mudwhistle who need to attack someone because their candidate is a horse's ass?
Romney isnt running for anything. THe issue isn't Romney at all. The issue was Harry Reid lying about Romney's return. I realize your ADHD makes it hard for you to pay attention but maybe the VA can give you something for that.


It's amazing stuff. Couldn't make it up![/QUOTE]

An ambiguous comment, but, given your history I suppose that's not to be unexpected. The thread title is:

Kentucky Newspapers Endorse Alison Lundergan

Mehopes this dispells any inference that your post had any substance.
The issue should be is Romney's effort to shelter his income and resources from the voting public something we want in a President of the United States; why is it important for him to shelter a vast (we assume) wealth,where it is invested and how it was earned from the voting public?

I've been accused of hypocrisy, and yet, the candidate for Senate in Kentucky is being attacked by the same sources who attack me on this forum for not telling a reporter how she voted in the last election.

Which matters most? Ones source of wealth and how they use it, or how one voted?

One need not ask Romney who he voted for, since it's clear he is a Plutocrat and supports the party which represents Plutocrats. Since the candidate running for McConnell seat is a Democrat, isn't it obvious to all but partisan hacks; those like Rabbi and Mudwhistle who need to attack someone because their candidate is a horse's ass?
Romney isnt running for anything. THe issue isn't Romney at all. The issue was Harry Reid lying about Romney's return. I realize your ADHD makes it hard for you to pay attention but maybe the VA can give you something for that.


It's amazing stuff. Couldn't make it up![/QUOTE]

An ambiguous comment, but, given your history I suppose that's not to be unexpected. The thread title is:

Kentucky Newspapers Endorse Alison Lundergan

Mehopes this dispells any inference that your post had any substance.[/QUOTE]

The issue was the inanity of your posts! First the issue was Romney's "effort to shelter his income", Then it became "THE ISSUE YOU IDIOT IS THE SENATE ELECTION IN KENTUCKY!!!".

Your quotes idiot!
The issue should be is Romney's effort to shelter his income and resources from the voting public something we want in a President of the United States; why is it important for him to shelter a vast (we assume) wealth,where it is invested and how it was earned from the voting public?

I've been accused of hypocrisy, and yet, the candidate for Senate in Kentucky is being attacked by the same sources who attack me on this forum for not telling a reporter how she voted in the last election.

Which matters most? Ones source of wealth and how they use it, or how one voted?

One need not ask Romney who he voted for, since it's clear he is a Plutocrat and supports the party which represents Plutocrats. Since the candidate running for McConnell seat is a Democrat, isn't it obvious to all but partisan hacks; those like Rabbi and Mudwhistle who need to attack someone because their candidate is a horse's ass?
Romney isnt running for anything. THe issue isn't Romney at all. The issue was Harry Reid lying about Romney's return. I realize your ADHD makes it hard for you to pay attention but maybe the VA can give you something for that.


It's amazing stuff. Couldn't make it up!

An ambiguous comment, but, given your history I suppose that's not to be unexpected. The thread title is:

Kentucky Newspapers Endorse Alison Lundergan

Mehopes this dispells any inference that your post had any substance.[/QUOTE]

The issue was the inanity of your posts! First the issue was Romney's "effort to shelter his income", Then it became "THE ISSUE YOU IDIOT IS THE SENATE ELECTION IN KENTUCKY!!!".

Your quotes idiot!

You're not very bright, or very dishonest - or both. Read in context, without bias, an argument was made; one that you and the others of your ilk (partisan hacks) cannot fathom nor refute.
The issue should be is Romney's effort to shelter his income and resources from the voting public something we want in a President of the United States; why is it important for him to shelter a vast (we assume) wealth,where it is invested and how it was earned from the voting public?

I've been accused of hypocrisy, and yet, the candidate for Senate in Kentucky is being attacked by the same sources who attack me on this forum for not telling a reporter how she voted in the last election.

Which matters most? Ones source of wealth and how they use it, or how one voted?

One need not ask Romney who he voted for, since it's clear he is a Plutocrat and supports the party which represents Plutocrats. Since the candidate running for McConnell seat is a Democrat, isn't it obvious to all but partisan hacks; those like Rabbi and Mudwhistle who need to attack someone because their candidate is a horse's ass?
Romney isnt running for anything. THe issue isn't Romney at all. The issue was Harry Reid lying about Romney's return. I realize your ADHD makes it hard for you to pay attention but maybe the VA can give you something for that.


It's amazing stuff. Couldn't make it up!

An ambiguous comment, but, given your history I suppose that's not to be unexpected. The thread title is:

Kentucky Newspapers Endorse Alison Lundergan

Mehopes this dispells any inference that your post had any substance.

The issue was the inanity of your posts! First the issue was Romney's "effort to shelter his income", Then it became "THE ISSUE YOU IDIOT IS THE SENATE ELECTION IN KENTUCKY!!!".

Your quotes idiot!

You're not very bright, or very dishonest - or both. Read in context, without bias, an argument was made; one that you and the others of your ilk (partisan hacks) cannot fathom nor refute.[/QUOTE]

Stop squirming. Keep you ditzy posts straight.
The issue should be is Romney's effort to shelter his income and resources from the voting public something we want in a President of the United States; why is it important for him to shelter a vast (we assume) wealth,where it is invested and how it was earned from the voting public?

I've been accused of hypocrisy, and yet, the candidate for Senate in Kentucky is being attacked by the same sources who attack me on this forum for not telling a reporter how she voted in the last election.

Which matters most? Ones source of wealth and how they use it, or how one voted?

One need not ask Romney who he voted for, since it's clear he is a Plutocrat and supports the party which represents Plutocrats. Since the candidate running for McConnell seat is a Democrat, isn't it obvious to all but partisan hacks; those like Rabbi and Mudwhistle who need to attack someone because their candidate is a horse's ass?
Romney isnt running for anything. THe issue isn't Romney at all. The issue was Harry Reid lying about Romney's return. I realize your ADHD makes it hard for you to pay attention but maybe the VA can give you something for that.


It's amazing stuff. Couldn't make it up![/QUOTE]

An ambiguous comment, but, given your history I suppose that's not to be unexpected. The thread title is:

Kentucky Newspapers Endorse Alison Lundergan

Mehopes this dispells any inference that your post had any substance.[/QUOTE]

Surprise, surprise as Gomer Pyle says. When was the last time the Louisville Courier and Journal endorsed anyone BUT a Democrat for any elected office.

Two major Kentucky newspapers have endorsed Alison Lundergan Grimes for Senate over incumbent Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R).

The Courier-Journal and the Lexington Herald-Leader both ran editorials Sunday in support of the Democrat, who currently serves as Kentucky's Secretary of State.

In its endorsement, the Courier-Journal's editorial board praised Grimes' stance on issues like the minimum wage and early childhood education, while accusing McConnell of "lacking a vision for Kentucky."

"[McConnell] lost his way to the point where he now is identified largely as the master of obstruction and gridlock in Washington," reads theendorsement. "Kentucky needs a U.S. senator who sees a higher calling than personal ambition and a greater goal than self-aggrandizement."

The endorsement also addressed Grimes' recent interview with the editorial board, during which sherepeatedly refused to say whether or not she voted for President Barack Obama in 2012.

"Ms. Grimes, to her credit, was willing to appear before this newspaper's editorial board," reads the editorial. "She did this fully aware that Mr. McConnell's campaign could — and did — seize on snippets to use in political attacks."

McConnell, the editorial board says, did not accept their invitation for a similar interview.

The Lexington Herald-Leader's endorsement strongly rebukes McConnell, who the editorial board says has "repeatedly hurt the country to advance his political strategy."

"The Senate may never recover from the bitter paralysis McConnell has inflicted through record filibusters that allow his minority to rule by obstruction," reads the editorial. "He poses as a champion of the right to criticize the government, but it's really his rich buddies' right to buy the government that he champions."

"If McConnell had a better record, he would not have to argue for six more years by obsessively linking Grimes to Obama, who will be gone in two years no matter what," the editorial continues.

More: Kentucky Newspapers Endorse Alison Lundergan Grimes

It would be better for Kentucky and the nation if Grimes can defeat McConnell. I wish her good luck.

Take the Lexington phone book... drop it to the ground... wherever it opens, turn it over and lay it on those two open pages and drop a dart on it. Who ever it lands on would be a better choice than Mitch McConnel.
Give it up. There is a "Red" wave in the making. Senate 54-45+1 and Republicans increase the House +6. Ferguson, radicalism, corruption and incompetence have not gone unnoticed even by a demographic shift. Eventually jobs and law & order are trumped by common sense.

Funny, here in Ohio, Governor Kasich is running on a record of economic growth over the past four years, which is true. Ohio has fared quite well, and for that Kasich deserves some credit, but it's not just all John Kasich. It's difficult to try and convince people that we should re-elect a Republican governor because the economy is doing great while telling us how bad the economy is. The right has done a great job at brainwashing people into believing the economy is in terrible shape. I do blame Dems for not coming out and running on their record. In 2009, the economy was in shambles. Since then, it has been getting better and better, under the leadership of a president who has actually done a decent job. If Americans wake up on Tuesday morning and realize this, then Dems will do okay, but it's not likely to happen because they have allowed the right to dictated the conversation.
A drop doesn't make the bucket half full no matter how partisan you are.

The unemployment rate in my county was 12.1% in 2009. It is now 5.6%. But, but, but, but, the economy is terrible.

Two major Kentucky newspapers have endorsed Alison Lundergan Grimes for Senate over incumbent Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R).

The Courier-Journal and the Lexington Herald-Leader both ran editorials Sunday in support of the Democrat, who currently serves as Kentucky's Secretary of State.

In its endorsement, the Courier-Journal's editorial board praised Grimes' stance on issues like the minimum wage and early childhood education, while accusing McConnell of "lacking a vision for Kentucky."

"[McConnell] lost his way to the point where he now is identified largely as the master of obstruction and gridlock in Washington," reads theendorsement. "Kentucky needs a U.S. senator who sees a higher calling than personal ambition and a greater goal than self-aggrandizement."

The endorsement also addressed Grimes' recent interview with the editorial board, during which sherepeatedly refused to say whether or not she voted for President Barack Obama in 2012.

"Ms. Grimes, to her credit, was willing to appear before this newspaper's editorial board," reads the editorial. "She did this fully aware that Mr. McConnell's campaign could — and did — seize on snippets to use in political attacks."

McConnell, the editorial board says, did not accept their invitation for a similar interview.

The Lexington Herald-Leader's endorsement strongly rebukes McConnell, who the editorial board says has "repeatedly hurt the country to advance his political strategy."

"The Senate may never recover from the bitter paralysis McConnell has inflicted through record filibusters that allow his minority to rule by obstruction," reads the editorial. "He poses as a champion of the right to criticize the government, but it's really his rich buddies' right to buy the government that he champions."

"If McConnell had a better record, he would not have to argue for six more years by obsessively linking Grimes to Obama, who will be gone in two years no matter what," the editorial continues.

More: Kentucky Newspapers Endorse Alison Lundergan Grimes

It would be better for Kentucky and the nation if Grimes can defeat McConnell. I wish her good luck.
What the fuck do tyou expect. Most newspapers are owned by publishing companies that have a left wing editorial bias.
Why don't you do some research to see when the last time either of these dailies endorsed a GOP candidate for House or Senate
Mc Clatchy owns the major daily here. The editorial board endorsed the Democrat candidate for governor here in NC even though that person had only a slim chance of victory.

Two major Kentucky newspapers have endorsed Alison Lundergan Grimes for Senate over incumbent Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R).

The Courier-Journal and the Lexington Herald-Leader both ran editorials Sunday in support of the Democrat, who currently serves as Kentucky's Secretary of State.

In its endorsement, the Courier-Journal's editorial board praised Grimes' stance on issues like the minimum wage and early childhood education, while accusing McConnell of "lacking a vision for Kentucky."

"[McConnell] lost his way to the point where he now is identified largely as the master of obstruction and gridlock in Washington," reads theendorsement. "Kentucky needs a U.S. senator who sees a higher calling than personal ambition and a greater goal than self-aggrandizement."

The endorsement also addressed Grimes' recent interview with the editorial board, during which sherepeatedly refused to say whether or not she voted for President Barack Obama in 2012.

"Ms. Grimes, to her credit, was willing to appear before this newspaper's editorial board," reads the editorial. "She did this fully aware that Mr. McConnell's campaign could — and did — seize on snippets to use in political attacks."

McConnell, the editorial board says, did not accept their invitation for a similar interview.

The Lexington Herald-Leader's endorsement strongly rebukes McConnell, who the editorial board says has "repeatedly hurt the country to advance his political strategy."

"The Senate may never recover from the bitter paralysis McConnell has inflicted through record filibusters that allow his minority to rule by obstruction," reads the editorial. "He poses as a champion of the right to criticize the government, but it's really his rich buddies' right to buy the government that he champions."

"If McConnell had a better record, he would not have to argue for six more years by obsessively linking Grimes to Obama, who will be gone in two years no matter what," the editorial continues.

More: Kentucky Newspapers Endorse Alison Lundergan Grimes

It would be better for Kentucky and the nation if Grimes can defeat McConnell. I wish her good luck.

Take the Lexington phone book... drop it to the ground... wherever it opens, turn it over and lay it on those two open pages and drop a dart on it. Who ever it lands on would be a better choice than Mitch McConnel.
Take that same phone book and try to find a GOP voter. Lexington and Louisville are college towns. Colege towns are packed full of democrat voters. Do you really expect the largest newspaper in each city to endorse any GOP candidate?
Is playing stupid somewhere in the liberal play book?
"[McConnell] lost his way to the point where he now is identified largely as the master of obstruction and gridlock in Washington[.]"

You don't get it.. Gridlock is GOOD...It keeps Congress from passing legislation which is absolutely of no benefit to the country while said legislation ends up costing the taxpayers more money and sends us further into debt.
Give it up. There is a "Red" wave in the making. Senate 54-45+1 and Republicans increase the House +6. Ferguson, radicalism, corruption and incompetence have not gone unnoticed even by a demographic shift. Eventually jobs and law & order are trumped by common sense.

Funny, here in Ohio, Governor Kasich is running on a record of economic growth over the past four years, which is true. Ohio has fared quite well, and for that Kasich deserves some credit, but it's not just all John Kasich. It's difficult to try and convince people that we should re-elect a Republican governor because the economy is doing great while telling us how bad the economy is. The right has done a great job at brainwashing people into believing the economy is in terrible shape. I do blame Dems for not coming out and running on their record. In 2009, the economy was in shambles. Since then, it has been getting better and better, under the leadership of a president who has actually done a decent job. If Americans wake up on Tuesday morning and realize this, then Dems will do okay, but it's not likely to happen because they have allowed the right to dictated the conversation.
A drop doesn't make the bucket half full no matter how partisan you are.

The unemployment rate in my county was 12.1% in 2009. It is now 5.6%. But, but, but, but, the economy is terrible.
Typical of the idiots here to seize on one or two metrics and make conclusions based on it.
How many of those people are working part time because that's all they can get?
Is the average household income more or less than 2009?
Is the average household wealth more or less?
How many people believe the recession never ended?
McConnell and Republicans have done many things to piss me off since Obama became president - but nothing has pissed me off more than how they behaved over Obamacare. Republicans had many years in power when they could have reformed heathcare - but they did nothing. Then, when a black Democrat finally gets something done on healthcare - they went apeshit and refused to participate to help make it better. Obamacare is certainly better than nothing - but it could have been so much better if Republicans had helped instead of obstructing.
The democrats in the US Senate have rejected every GOP sponsored proposal to modify ACA.
Race card? Please.
Identity politics are OVER,. They SUCK....You no longer get to use identity.
The issue should be is Romney's effort to shelter his income and resources from the voting public something we want in a President of the United States; why is it important for him to shelter a vast (we assume) wealth,where it is invested and how it was earned from the voting public?

I've been accused of hypocrisy, and yet, the candidate for Senate in Kentucky is being attacked by the same sources who attack me on this forum for not telling a reporter how she voted in the last election.

Which matters most? Ones source of wealth and how they use it, or how one voted?

One need not ask Romney who he voted for, since it's clear he is a Plutocrat and supports the party which represents Plutocrats. Since the candidate running for McConnell seat is a Democrat, isn't it obvious to all but partisan hacks; those like Rabbi and Mudwhistle who need to attack someone because their candidate is a horse's ass?
Romney isnt running for anything. THe issue isn't Romney at all. The issue was Harry Reid lying about Romney's return. I realize your ADHD makes it hard for you to pay attention but maybe the VA can give you something for that.


It's amazing stuff. Couldn't make it up!

An ambiguous comment, but, given your history I suppose that's not to be unexpected. The thread title is:

Kentucky Newspapers Endorse Alison Lundergan

Mehopes this dispells any inference that your post had any substance.[/QUOTE]

Surprise, surprise as Gomer Pyle says. When was the last time the Louisville Courier and Journal endorsed anyone BUT a Democrat for any elected office.[/QUOTE]

I have no idea. I've only been to Louisville once, c 1973; Wasn't a lot to see but we ended up in "The Cave", a bar near the river which had a killer Blue Grass Band.

Two major Kentucky newspapers have endorsed Alison Lundergan Grimes for Senate over incumbent Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R).

The Courier-Journal and the Lexington Herald-Leader both ran editorials Sunday in support of the Democrat, who currently serves as Kentucky's Secretary of State.

In its endorsement, the Courier-Journal's editorial board praised Grimes' stance on issues like the minimum wage and early childhood education, while accusing McConnell of "lacking a vision for Kentucky."

"[McConnell] lost his way to the point where he now is identified largely as the master of obstruction and gridlock in Washington," reads theendorsement. "Kentucky needs a U.S. senator who sees a higher calling than personal ambition and a greater goal than self-aggrandizement."

The endorsement also addressed Grimes' recent interview with the editorial board, during which sherepeatedly refused to say whether or not she voted for President Barack Obama in 2012.

"Ms. Grimes, to her credit, was willing to appear before this newspaper's editorial board," reads the editorial. "She did this fully aware that Mr. McConnell's campaign could — and did — seize on snippets to use in political attacks."

McConnell, the editorial board says, did not accept their invitation for a similar interview.

The Lexington Herald-Leader's endorsement strongly rebukes McConnell, who the editorial board says has "repeatedly hurt the country to advance his political strategy."

"The Senate may never recover from the bitter paralysis McConnell has inflicted through record filibusters that allow his minority to rule by obstruction," reads the editorial. "He poses as a champion of the right to criticize the government, but it's really his rich buddies' right to buy the government that he champions."

"If McConnell had a better record, he would not have to argue for six more years by obsessively linking Grimes to Obama, who will be gone in two years no matter what," the editorial continues.

More: Kentucky Newspapers Endorse Alison Lundergan Grimes

It would be better for Kentucky and the nation if Grimes can defeat McConnell. I wish her good luck.

Take the Lexington phone book... drop it to the ground... wherever it opens, turn it over and lay it on those two open pages and drop a dart on it. Who ever it lands on would be a better choice than Mitch McConnel.
Take that same phone book and try to find a GOP voter. Lexington and Louisville are college towns. Colege towns are packed full of democrat voters. Do you really expect the largest newspaper in each city to endorse any GOP candidate?
Is playing stupid somewhere in the liberal play book?

Why do you think (excuse the expression, why do you believe) higher education students vote for Democrats? Think real hard now.

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