Kentucky Newspapers Endorse Alison Lundergan Grimes

No, it means she doesnt want to be associated with the worst president in history. She was a delegate pledged to vote for him, for pete's sake. You really think she didnt vote for him? How stupid are you?

No one is required to disclose their vote for good reasons, one being your attempt to assassinate the character of another by association. i.e. their vote.
No one is required to disclose his taxes either but that didnt prevent the Left from howling to see Romney's, and Reid from lying about it.
It speaks to Grimes' basic dishonesty and duplicity, which is of interest to the voter.

How is exercising a basic right an example of "basic dishonesty and duplicity"? Most Kentuckians (myself included) understand that she is pro-Hillary. She likely voted for her. Regardless, no one is under any obligation to reveal their choices at the polls.
she didnt vote for Hillary in the election.
No one is under any obligation to reveal their tax returns either, but the Left went batshit when Mitt wouldn't reveal his. Harry Reid even felt the need to lie about it.
It is basic dishonesty. She wont say because she does not want to be associated with Obama and his failed policies. But she must think people are idiots if they believe she didnt vote for him. Of course based on your response here she might be right.

Dingy Harry said Mitt didn't pay taxes.
Yeah that was the lie.
Another LIE by Omission. Harry Reid sets the agenda, McConnell uses the Fillibuster to obstruct the agenda, and has done so repeatedly.

'A filibuster in the United States Senate usually refers to any dilatory or obstructive tactics used to prevent a measure from being brought to a vote."

Filibuster in the United States Senate - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

This is evidence of why I believe Mudwhistle is a liar and a partisan hack.


Nothing gets through congress as long as Harry Reid is there and we have a divided congress. Once the GOP takes the Senate Obama will begin to see a lot of legislation that has been sitting on Harry Reid's desk for the last 4 years.

Indeed. Next Tuesday will be a day for rejoicing, indeed. Harry Reid and his bullshit tactics will be history. God save the United States of America!!

I'll believe it when I see it.

Well, get your bad self ready. It's about to rock the liberal world.

I don't trust the process. I know the fear and loathing for Obama is massive, but I still don't expect our elections to produce an honest result.

Frankly, that sounds like someone who is setting himself up for the inevitable. The Senate will go Republican. The House will remain Republican. Trust me when I tell you this....They Can NOT screw things up any worse than the democrats (Harry Reid in particular) have done for the last 6 years (8 years if you count Bush's last 2 years).

I can't help but gather, from democrats, that they are TERRIFIED that the Congress will actually begin to get the process moving again and will be obstructed by that clown in the White House - dooming Hillary's chances in 16. Here is the actual downside of a "working" Congress. Obama will sign NOTHING they pass, choosing instead to use his "pen" to become even more of a despot than he already is.

Nothing gets through congress as long as Harry Reid is there and we have a divided congress. Once the GOP takes the Senate Obama will begin to see a lot of legislation that has been sitting on Harry Reid's desk for the last 4 years.

Indeed. Next Tuesday will be a day for rejoicing, indeed. Harry Reid and his bullshit tactics will be history. God save the United States of America!!

I'll believe it when I see it.

Well, get your bad self ready. It's about to rock the liberal world.

I don't trust the process. I know the fear and loathing for Obama is massive, but I still don't expect our elections to produce an honest result.

Frankly, that sounds like someone who is setting himself up for the inevitable. The Senate will go Republican. The House will remain Republican. Trust me when I tell you this....They Can NOT screw things up any worse than the democrats (Harry Reid in particular) have done for the last 6 years (8 years if you count Bush's last 2 years).

I can't help but gather, from democrats, that they are TERRIFIED that the Congress will actually begin to get the process moving again and will be obstructed by that clown in the White House - dooming Hillary's chances in 16. Here is the actual downside of a "working" Congress. Obama will sign NOTHING they pass, choosing instead to use his "pen" to become even more of a despot than he already is.
Currently Harry Reid has blocked votes on thousands of bills and amendments. Even those from his own party. This way there is no record of voting yea or nay on anything that can be used against Democrats.
Once the GOP takes over that goes away. Dems will be forced to own votes on a variety of issues and Obama will be forced to explain why he is blocking the most representative part of government.
Indeed. Next Tuesday will be a day for rejoicing, indeed. Harry Reid and his bullshit tactics will be history. God save the United States of America!!

I'll believe it when I see it.

Well, get your bad self ready. It's about to rock the liberal world.

I don't trust the process. I know the fear and loathing for Obama is massive, but I still don't expect our elections to produce an honest result.

Frankly, that sounds like someone who is setting himself up for the inevitable. The Senate will go Republican. The House will remain Republican. Trust me when I tell you this....They Can NOT screw things up any worse than the democrats (Harry Reid in particular) have done for the last 6 years (8 years if you count Bush's last 2 years).

I can't help but gather, from democrats, that they are TERRIFIED that the Congress will actually begin to get the process moving again and will be obstructed by that clown in the White House - dooming Hillary's chances in 16. Here is the actual downside of a "working" Congress. Obama will sign NOTHING they pass, choosing instead to use his "pen" to become even more of a despot than he already is.
Currently Harry Reid has blocked votes on thousands of bills and amendments. Even those from his own party. This way there is no record of voting yea or nay on anything that can be used against Democrats.
Once the GOP takes over that goes away. Dems will be forced to own votes on a variety of issues and Obama will be forced to explain why he is blocking the most representative part of government.

My point exactly. Unlike Ms Lundergan.........A voting record (for a public official) is public. These liberal Nazis will have to put their votes on the record for all of America to see. Game. Set. Match.

Nothing gets through congress as long as Harry Reid is there and we have a divided congress. Once the GOP takes the Senate Obama will begin to see a lot of legislation that has been sitting on Harry Reid's desk for the last 4 years.

Indeed. Next Tuesday will be a day for rejoicing, indeed. Harry Reid and his bullshit tactics will be history. God save the United States of America!!

I'll believe it when I see it.

Well, get your bad self ready. It's about to rock the liberal world.

I don't trust the process. I know the fear and loathing for Obama is massive, but I still don't expect our elections to produce an honest result.

Frankly, that sounds like someone who is setting himself up for the inevitable. The Senate will go Republican. The House will remain Republican. Trust me when I tell you this....They Can NOT screw things up any worse than the democrats (Harry Reid in particular) have done for the last 6 years (8 years if you count Bush's last 2 years).

I can't help but gather, from democrats, that they are TERRIFIED that the Congress will actually begin to get the process moving again and will be obstructed by that clown in the White House - dooming Hillary's chances in 16. Here is the actual downside of a "working" Congress. Obama will sign NOTHING they pass, choosing instead to use his "pen" to become even more of a despot than he already is.
Or he could do the right thing and work with Congress.

Indeed. Next Tuesday will be a day for rejoicing, indeed. Harry Reid and his bullshit tactics will be history. God save the United States of America!!

I'll believe it when I see it.

Well, get your bad self ready. It's about to rock the liberal world.

I don't trust the process. I know the fear and loathing for Obama is massive, but I still don't expect our elections to produce an honest result.

Frankly, that sounds like someone who is setting himself up for the inevitable. The Senate will go Republican. The House will remain Republican. Trust me when I tell you this....They Can NOT screw things up any worse than the democrats (Harry Reid in particular) have done for the last 6 years (8 years if you count Bush's last 2 years).

I can't help but gather, from democrats, that they are TERRIFIED that the Congress will actually begin to get the process moving again and will be obstructed by that clown in the White House - dooming Hillary's chances in 16. Here is the actual downside of a "working" Congress. Obama will sign NOTHING they pass, choosing instead to use his "pen" to become even more of a despot than he already is.
Or he could do the right thing and work with Congress.

At every juncture there is speculation that Obama will need to pivot, work with the opposition, do blahblahblah. And he never does. Because you cannot work with people you believe are evil. And Obama truly believes anyone who opposes him is evil.
Indeed. Next Tuesday will be a day for rejoicing, indeed. Harry Reid and his bullshit tactics will be history. God save the United States of America!!

I'll believe it when I see it.

Well, get your bad self ready. It's about to rock the liberal world.

I don't trust the process. I know the fear and loathing for Obama is massive, but I still don't expect our elections to produce an honest result.

Frankly, that sounds like someone who is setting himself up for the inevitable. The Senate will go Republican. The House will remain Republican. Trust me when I tell you this....They Can NOT screw things up any worse than the democrats (Harry Reid in particular) have done for the last 6 years (8 years if you count Bush's last 2 years).

I can't help but gather, from democrats, that they are TERRIFIED that the Congress will actually begin to get the process moving again and will be obstructed by that clown in the White House - dooming Hillary's chances in 16. Here is the actual downside of a "working" Congress. Obama will sign NOTHING they pass, choosing instead to use his "pen" to become even more of a despot than he already is.
Or he could do the right thing and work with Congress.


Indeed. But honestly, can you HONESTLY see this "Faculty Lounge Communist" working with ANYONE - let alone Congress? :hellno:
I'll believe it when I see it.

Well, get your bad self ready. It's about to rock the liberal world.

I don't trust the process. I know the fear and loathing for Obama is massive, but I still don't expect our elections to produce an honest result.

Frankly, that sounds like someone who is setting himself up for the inevitable. The Senate will go Republican. The House will remain Republican. Trust me when I tell you this....They Can NOT screw things up any worse than the democrats (Harry Reid in particular) have done for the last 6 years (8 years if you count Bush's last 2 years).

I can't help but gather, from democrats, that they are TERRIFIED that the Congress will actually begin to get the process moving again and will be obstructed by that clown in the White House - dooming Hillary's chances in 16. Here is the actual downside of a "working" Congress. Obama will sign NOTHING they pass, choosing instead to use his "pen" to become even more of a despot than he already is.
Or he could do the right thing and work with Congress.

At every juncture there is speculation that Obama will need to pivot, work with the opposition, do blahblahblah. And he never does. Because you cannot work with people you believe are evil. And Obama truly believes anyone who opposes him is evil.

The OTHER side of that coin is that America now believes (or has come to understand) that the "evil one" here is Obama and no one other than Obama.
Has she said whether she voted for Obama or not in 2008 and 2012?

It does not matter. The fact that she hasn't said only means that she respects the privacy of the voting booth, unlike the Republicans.

You don't really believe that bullshit excuse do you?

I believe that she isn't under any more obligation to reveal her election choices any more than you are.

I believe you are correct. However, what do you think her reason is for not doing so? Just asking.

The question was iniquitous, it was not motivated by curiosity but by malice. Don't feed the trolls, and in particular those with an agenda. She did the correct thing, Gov. Christi would have insulted the questioner, she handled it rather well, I believe.

Absolutely amazing. You know what Gov Christi would say if asked who he voted for. The question was asked three times by a female MSNBC reporter and none of them are suspected of being right wingers.
I'll believe it when I see it.

Well, get your bad self ready. It's about to rock the liberal world.

I don't trust the process. I know the fear and loathing for Obama is massive, but I still don't expect our elections to produce an honest result.

Frankly, that sounds like someone who is setting himself up for the inevitable. The Senate will go Republican. The House will remain Republican. Trust me when I tell you this....They Can NOT screw things up any worse than the democrats (Harry Reid in particular) have done for the last 6 years (8 years if you count Bush's last 2 years).

I can't help but gather, from democrats, that they are TERRIFIED that the Congress will actually begin to get the process moving again and will be obstructed by that clown in the White House - dooming Hillary's chances in 16. Here is the actual downside of a "working" Congress. Obama will sign NOTHING they pass, choosing instead to use his "pen" to become even more of a despot than he already is.
Or he could do the right thing and work with Congress.


Indeed. But honestly, can you HONESTLY see this "Faculty Lounge Communist" working with ANYONE - let alone Congress? :hellno:


Clinton at least was a realist and was pragmatic enough to take advantage of the gifts Newt presented him.

Obama doesn't give a fuck.
It does not matter. The fact that she hasn't said only means that she respects the privacy of the voting booth, unlike the Republicans.
No, it means she doesnt want to be associated with the worst president in history. She was a delegate pledged to vote for him, for pete's sake. You really think she didnt vote for him? How stupid are you?

No one is required to disclose their vote for good reasons, one being your attempt to assassinate the character of another by association. i.e. their vote.
No one is required to disclose his taxes either but that didnt prevent the Left from howling to see Romney's, and Reid from lying about it.
It speaks to Grimes' basic dishonesty and duplicity, which is of interest to the voter.

How is exercising a basic right an example of "basic dishonesty and duplicity"? Most Kentuckians (myself included) understand that she is pro-Hillary. She likely voted for her. Regardless, no one is under any obligation to reveal their choices at the polls.
she didnt vote for Hillary in the election.
No one is under any obligation to reveal their tax returns either, but the Left went batshit when Mitt wouldn't reveal his. Harry Reid even felt the need to lie about it.
It is basic dishonesty. She wont say because she does not want to be associated with Obama and his failed policies. But she must think people are idiots if they believe she didnt vote for him. Of course based on your response here she might be right.
Harry Reid didn't lie about anything.
I don't trust the process. I know the fear and loathing for Obama is massive, but I still don't expect our elections to produce an honest result.
^^^ pre-game warmup of his upcoming excuses.
No, it means she doesnt want to be associated with the worst president in history. She was a delegate pledged to vote for him, for pete's sake. You really think she didnt vote for him? How stupid are you?

No one is required to disclose their vote for good reasons, one being your attempt to assassinate the character of another by association. i.e. their vote.
No one is required to disclose his taxes either but that didnt prevent the Left from howling to see Romney's, and Reid from lying about it.
It speaks to Grimes' basic dishonesty and duplicity, which is of interest to the voter.

How is exercising a basic right an example of "basic dishonesty and duplicity"? Most Kentuckians (myself included) understand that she is pro-Hillary. She likely voted for her. Regardless, no one is under any obligation to reveal their choices at the polls.
she didnt vote for Hillary in the election.
No one is under any obligation to reveal their tax returns either, but the Left went batshit when Mitt wouldn't reveal his. Harry Reid even felt the need to lie about it.
It is basic dishonesty. She wont say because she does not want to be associated with Obama and his failed policies. But she must think people are idiots if they believe she didnt vote for him. Of course based on your response here she might be right.

Dingy Harry said Mitt didn't pay taxes.
He didn't pay what he was supposed to pay.
No one is required to disclose their vote for good reasons, one being your attempt to assassinate the character of another by association. i.e. their vote.
No one is required to disclose his taxes either but that didnt prevent the Left from howling to see Romney's, and Reid from lying about it.
It speaks to Grimes' basic dishonesty and duplicity, which is of interest to the voter.

How is exercising a basic right an example of "basic dishonesty and duplicity"? Most Kentuckians (myself included) understand that she is pro-Hillary. She likely voted for her. Regardless, no one is under any obligation to reveal their choices at the polls.
she didnt vote for Hillary in the election.
No one is under any obligation to reveal their tax returns either, but the Left went batshit when Mitt wouldn't reveal his. Harry Reid even felt the need to lie about it.
It is basic dishonesty. She wont say because she does not want to be associated with Obama and his failed policies. But she must think people are idiots if they believe she didnt vote for him. Of course based on your response here she might be right.

Dingy Harry said Mitt didn't pay taxes.
He didn't pay what he was supposed to pay.

No, Mitt paid his taxes.
Harry Reid just made a false claim that was easily debunked, but offered no retraction when his lie was exposed. The entire purpose was simply to feed the low-information voter negative propaganda to tarnish his image.

Guess it worked on you.
Grimes will lose.
I, too, believe that Grimes will lose. Here's the problem (at least as I see it). The Nazi Left thrives on idiocy. They thrive on stupid people believing the lies that they put out there (Harry Reid being a good example).

Right now, today, stupid women actually BELIEVE that Congressman ________ will "Take away a woman's right to choose". They eat that shit up, hook, line and sinker.The Republican party would do well, once they retake the Congress to institute public education of the electoral and governmental processes and how they work.

The American people (in general) and ESPECIALLY women - are stupid and need to be educated.
No one is required to disclose his taxes either but that didnt prevent the Left from howling to see Romney's, and Reid from lying about it.
It speaks to Grimes' basic dishonesty and duplicity, which is of interest to the voter.

How is exercising a basic right an example of "basic dishonesty and duplicity"? Most Kentuckians (myself included) understand that she is pro-Hillary. She likely voted for her. Regardless, no one is under any obligation to reveal their choices at the polls.
she didnt vote for Hillary in the election.
No one is under any obligation to reveal their tax returns either, but the Left went batshit when Mitt wouldn't reveal his. Harry Reid even felt the need to lie about it.
It is basic dishonesty. She wont say because she does not want to be associated with Obama and his failed policies. But she must think people are idiots if they believe she didnt vote for him. Of course based on your response here she might be right.

Dingy Harry said Mitt didn't pay taxes.
He didn't pay what he was supposed to pay.

No, Mitt paid his taxes.
Harry Reid just made a false claim that was easily debunked, but offered no retraction when his lie was exposed. The entire purpose was simply to feed the low-information voter negative propaganda to tarnish his image.

Guess it worked on you.

"Although it is not apparent on his financial disclosure form, Mitt Romney has millions of dollars of his personal wealth in investment funds set up in the Cayman Islands, a notorious Caribbean tax haven.

"A spokesperson for the Romney campaign says Romney follows all tax laws and he would pay the same in taxes regardless of where the funds are based.

"As the race for the Republican nomination heats up, Mitt Romney is finding it increasingly difficult to maintain a shroud of secrecy around the details about his vast personal wealth, including, as ABC News has discovered, his investment in funds located offshore and his ability to pay a lower tax rate.

""His personal finances are a poster child of what's wrong with the American tax system,"" said Jack Blum, a Washington lawyer who is an authority on tax enforcement and offshore banking.

"On Tuesday, Romney disclosed that he has been paying a far lower percentage in taxes than most Americans, around 15 percent of his annual earnings. It has been Romney's Republican rivals who have driven the tax issue onto center stage. For weeks, Romney has cited a desire for privacy as his reason for not sharing his tax returns -- a gesture of transparency that is now expected from presidential contenders."


A little evidence, but much much more than is offered by Rabbi and Mudwhistle + the other echo chamber morons. Why do they lie? Cause the truth hurts!
Last edited:
How is exercising a basic right an example of "basic dishonesty and duplicity"? Most Kentuckians (myself included) understand that she is pro-Hillary. She likely voted for her. Regardless, no one is under any obligation to reveal their choices at the polls.
she didnt vote for Hillary in the election.
No one is under any obligation to reveal their tax returns either, but the Left went batshit when Mitt wouldn't reveal his. Harry Reid even felt the need to lie about it.
It is basic dishonesty. She wont say because she does not want to be associated with Obama and his failed policies. But she must think people are idiots if they believe she didnt vote for him. Of course based on your response here she might be right.

Dingy Harry said Mitt didn't pay taxes.
He didn't pay what he was supposed to pay.

No, Mitt paid his taxes.
Harry Reid just made a false claim that was easily debunked, but offered no retraction when his lie was exposed. The entire purpose was simply to feed the low-information voter negative propaganda to tarnish his image.

Guess it worked on you.

"Although it is not apparent on his financial disclosure form, Mitt Romney has millions of dollars of his personal wealth in investment funds set up in the Cayman Islands, a notorious Caribbean tax haven.

"A spokesperson for the Romney campaign says Romney follows all tax laws and he would pay the same in taxes regardless of where the funds are based.

"As the race for the Republican nomination heats up, Mitt Romney is finding it increasingly difficult to maintain a shroud of secrecy around the details about his vast personal wealth, including, as ABC News has discovered, his investment in funds located offshore and his ability to pay a lower tax rate.

""His personal finances are a poster child of what's wrong with the American tax system,"" said Jack Blum, a Washington lawyer who is an authority on tax enforcement and offshore banking.

"On Tuesday, Romney disclosed that he has been paying a far lower percentage in taxes than most Americans, around 15 percent of his annual earnings. It has been Romney's Republican rivals who have driven the tax issue onto center stage. For weeks, Romney has cited a desire for privacy as his reason for not sharing his tax returns -- a gesture of transparency that is now expected from presidential contenders."


A little evidence, but much much more than is offered by Rabbi and Mudwhistle. Why do they lie? Cause the truth hurts!

Do you like Apple's?

It's not against the law.:deal:

How do you like them Apple's??

she didnt vote for Hillary in the election.
No one is under any obligation to reveal their tax returns either, but the Left went batshit when Mitt wouldn't reveal his. Harry Reid even felt the need to lie about it.
It is basic dishonesty. She wont say because she does not want to be associated with Obama and his failed policies. But she must think people are idiots if they believe she didnt vote for him. Of course based on your response here she might be right.

Dingy Harry said Mitt didn't pay taxes.
He didn't pay what he was supposed to pay.

No, Mitt paid his taxes.
Harry Reid just made a false claim that was easily debunked, but offered no retraction when his lie was exposed. The entire purpose was simply to feed the low-information voter negative propaganda to tarnish his image.

Guess it worked on you.

"Although it is not apparent on his financial disclosure form, Mitt Romney has millions of dollars of his personal wealth in investment funds set up in the Cayman Islands, a notorious Caribbean tax haven.

"A spokesperson for the Romney campaign says Romney follows all tax laws and he would pay the same in taxes regardless of where the funds are based.

"As the race for the Republican nomination heats up, Mitt Romney is finding it increasingly difficult to maintain a shroud of secrecy around the details about his vast personal wealth, including, as ABC News has discovered, his investment in funds located offshore and his ability to pay a lower tax rate.

""His personal finances are a poster child of what's wrong with the American tax system,"" said Jack Blum, a Washington lawyer who is an authority on tax enforcement and offshore banking.

"On Tuesday, Romney disclosed that he has been paying a far lower percentage in taxes than most Americans, around 15 percent of his annual earnings. It has been Romney's Republican rivals who have driven the tax issue onto center stage. For weeks, Romney has cited a desire for privacy as his reason for not sharing his tax returns -- a gesture of transparency that is now expected from presidential contenders."


A little evidence, but much much more than is offered by Rabbi and Mudwhistle. Why do they lie? Cause the truth hurts!

Do you like Apple's?

It's not against the law.:deal:

How do you like them Apple's??

Romney Parks Millions in Cayman Islands - ABC News

Evidence ^^^, much much more than is offered by Mudwhistle + the other echo chamber morons. Why do they lie? I often wonder, when a thief is caught with his hand in the cookie jar, why did some claim, "my hand was not in the coookie? The answer, character flaws, basic dishonesty.
Dingy Harry said Mitt didn't pay taxes.
He didn't pay what he was supposed to pay.

No, Mitt paid his taxes.
Harry Reid just made a false claim that was easily debunked, but offered no retraction when his lie was exposed. The entire purpose was simply to feed the low-information voter negative propaganda to tarnish his image.

Guess it worked on you.

"Although it is not apparent on his financial disclosure form, Mitt Romney has millions of dollars of his personal wealth in investment funds set up in the Cayman Islands, a notorious Caribbean tax haven.

"A spokesperson for the Romney campaign says Romney follows all tax laws and he would pay the same in taxes regardless of where the funds are based.

"As the race for the Republican nomination heats up, Mitt Romney is finding it increasingly difficult to maintain a shroud of secrecy around the details about his vast personal wealth, including, as ABC News has discovered, his investment in funds located offshore and his ability to pay a lower tax rate.

""His personal finances are a poster child of what's wrong with the American tax system,"" said Jack Blum, a Washington lawyer who is an authority on tax enforcement and offshore banking.

"On Tuesday, Romney disclosed that he has been paying a far lower percentage in taxes than most Americans, around 15 percent of his annual earnings. It has been Romney's Republican rivals who have driven the tax issue onto center stage. For weeks, Romney has cited a desire for privacy as his reason for not sharing his tax returns -- a gesture of transparency that is now expected from presidential contenders."


A little evidence, but much much more than is offered by Rabbi and Mudwhistle. Why do they lie? Cause the truth hurts!

Do you like Apple's?

It's not against the law.:deal:

How do you like them Apple's??

Romney Parks Millions in Cayman Islands - ABC News

Evidence ^^^, much much more than is offered by Mudwhistle + the other echo chamber morons. Why do they lie? I often wonder, when a thief is caught with his hand in the cookie jar, why did some claim, "my hand was not in the coookie? The answer, character flaws, basic dishonesty.
Romney is doing nothing illegal. I would do the same thing.

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