Kentucky Newspapers Endorse Alison Lundergan Grimes

Obama must want a GOP controlled Congress.

That's actually one of the theories. He knows that Democratic control of the Senate means gridlock for the next two years, while a GOP Senate takes away every excuse for not doing anything for the American people - the GOP would own the mess, and wouldn't be able to lie about Harry Reid any longer.


Obama would still own it.

Because we're already in gridlock the one thing that hasn't changed is Obama. And a GOP congress won't change that. If Obama vetoes everything he will own it.

Now, if the GOP Congress decides to send him good legislation, and Obama signs it, he can assure a lasting legacy of accomplishment. But I don't think he will.
What if they don't send him anything except culture war bullshit like defunding Planned Parenthood? No jobs bill, no infrastructure bill, no immigration bill?

Then he will probably veto them and there goes his legacy down the tubes.
If he vetoes a bill to defund Planned Parenthood how would that tarnish his legacy?

On the contrary, it would only help to write the commercials for 2016 and the GOP War On Women.

So, vetoes matter more when it's some ridiculous imaginary war on women?

Yeah, I'm sure he can lie and make up some excuse rather than try to work with congress to fix things.

After all, that's just about the only thing he seems to be expert at, lying, making up excuses you guys will buy, and giving a speech rather than actually doing something.
That's actually one of the theories. He knows that Democratic control of the Senate means gridlock for the next two years, while a GOP Senate takes away every excuse for not doing anything for the American people - the GOP would own the mess, and wouldn't be able to lie about Harry Reid any longer.


Obama would still own it.

Because we're already in gridlock the one thing that hasn't changed is Obama. And a GOP congress won't change that. If Obama vetoes everything he will own it.

Now, if the GOP Congress decides to send him good legislation, and Obama signs it, he can assure a lasting legacy of accomplishment. But I don't think he will.
What if they don't send him anything except culture war bullshit like defunding Planned Parenthood? No jobs bill, no infrastructure bill, no immigration bill?

Then he will probably veto them and there goes his legacy down the tubes.
If he vetoes a bill to defund Planned Parenthood how would that tarnish his legacy?

On the contrary, it would only help to write the commercials for 2016 and the GOP War On Women.

So, vetoes matter more when it's some ridiculous imaginary war on women?

Yeah, I'm sure he can lie and make up some excuse rather than try to work with congress to fix things.

After all, that's just about the only thing he seems to be expert at, lying, making up excuses you guys will buy, and giving a speech rather than actually doing something.
Is defunding PP going to create jobs? Fix the infrastructure? Solve the immigration problem?

If you asked the public, where would defunding PP fall on the list of crucial Congressional actions?
Obama must want a GOP controlled Congress.

That's actually one of the theories. He knows that Democratic control of the Senate means gridlock for the next two years, while a GOP Senate takes away every excuse for not doing anything for the American people - the GOP would own the mess, and wouldn't be able to lie about Harry Reid any longer.

If the Repubs get the majority in the Senate, they might be able to pass some of the 282 bills that Reid has in his in basket and wait for Obama to veto them. Or, President dipshit could come to his senses and negotiate with the leadership of both parties and get some of what they both want. Clinton did exactly that with Gingrich and the result was a balanced budget. Just some hope and change there.
Is that what Boehner and McConnell are doing? Are they negotiating with Obama to get things done? No. They could have been doing that all along.

And do you think Harry Reid isn't going to follow McConnell's lead on filibusters?

You reap what you sow.

The President should initiate the conversation instead of merely telling Harry Reid what bills he doesn't like. Reid is what is known as a pocket veto.
Failed at what?
Pretty much everything outside of "getting bin Laden" and the Nobel Peace Prize.
And ObamaCare. And the 50 attempts at repeals.

And Dodd-Frank.

And the NDAA.
I was referring to his successes, not his failures.
Wall Street went from 6000 to 17000.
Gays can serve in the military - it's been a complete success.
Obamacare has also been a success.

Now name the legislative success stories of Republicans since 2009.
Failed at what?
Pretty much everything outside of "getting bin Laden" and the Nobel Peace Prize.
And ObamaCare. And the 50 attempts at repeals.

And Dodd-Frank.

And the NDAA.
I was referring to his successes, not his failures.
Wall Street went from 6000 to 17000.
Gays can serve in the military - it's been a complete success.
Obamacare has also been a success.

Now name the legislative success stories of Republicans since 2009.

What horse pucky!!!

Gays have always served. They served when I was in way back in 1975. Obama simply refuses to enforce military regulations.

And the DOW is way up because Obama has put a couple of trillion in there to prop it up. Once he stops buying bonds it's gonna tank.
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Failed at what?
Pretty much everything outside of "getting bin Laden" and the Nobel Peace Prize.
And ObamaCare. And the 50 attempts at repeals.

And Dodd-Frank.

And the NDAA.
I was referring to his successes, not his failures.
Wall Street went from 6000 to 17000.
Gays can serve in the military - it's been a complete success.
Obamacare has also been a success.

Now name the legislative success stories of Republicans since 2009.
Bradley Manning, the gay poster boy for the military? Obamacare?! Seriouosly. The Obama administration has been a series of clusterfucks, one after the other.

Please tell us again how unpopular Reagan was with a 63% approval rating at the end of his second term. Then maybe you'll be better able to explain Obama's success and popularity with his 38%.
Has she said whether she voted for Obama or not in 2008 and 2012?

It does not matter. The fact that she hasn't said only means that she respects the privacy of the voting booth, unlike the Republicans.
No, it means she doesnt want to be associated with the worst president in history. She was a delegate pledged to vote for him, for pete's sake. You really think she didnt vote for him? How stupid are you?

Except that it is clear to me, based on who came to her rally and endorsed her, that it wasn't Obama that she voted for. And it still doesn't negate the fact she is under no obligation to reveal her choices at the polls.
Has she said whether she voted for Obama or not in 2008 and 2012?

It does not matter. The fact that she hasn't said only means that she respects the privacy of the voting booth, unlike the Republicans.
No, it means she doesnt want to be associated with the worst president in history. She was a delegate pledged to vote for him, for pete's sake. You really think she didnt vote for him? How stupid are you?

No one is required to disclose their vote for good reasons, one being your attempt to assassinate the character of another by association. i.e. their vote.
No one is required to disclose his taxes either but that didnt prevent the Left from howling to see Romney's, and Reid from lying about it.
It speaks to Grimes' basic dishonesty and duplicity, which is of interest to the voter.

How is exercising a basic right an example of "basic dishonesty and duplicity"? Most Kentuckians (myself included) understand that she is pro-Hillary. She likely voted for her. Regardless, no one is under any obligation to reveal their choices at the polls.
Give it up. There is a "Red" wave in the making. Senate 54-45+1 and Republicans increase the House +6. Ferguson, radicalism, corruption and incompetence have not gone unnoticed even by a demographic shift. Eventually jobs and law & order are trumped by common sense.

Funny, here in Ohio, Governor Kasich is running on a record of economic growth over the past four years, which is true. Ohio has fared quite well, and for that Kasich deserves some credit, but it's not just all John Kasich. It's difficult to try and convince people that we should re-elect a Republican governor because the economy is doing great while telling us how bad the economy is. The right has done a great job at brainwashing people into believing the economy is in terrible shape. I do blame Dems for not coming out and running on their record. In 2009, the economy was in shambles. Since then, it has been getting better and better, under the leadership of a president who has actually done a decent job. If Americans wake up on Tuesday morning and realize this, then Dems will do okay, but it's not likely to happen because they have allowed the right to dictated the conversation.
Has she said whether she voted for Obama or not in 2008 and 2012?

It does not matter. The fact that she hasn't said only means that she respects the privacy of the voting booth, unlike the Republicans.
No, it means she doesnt want to be associated with the worst president in history. She was a delegate pledged to vote for him, for pete's sake. You really think she didnt vote for him? How stupid are you?

No one is required to disclose their vote for good reasons, one being your attempt to assassinate the character of another by association. i.e. their vote.
No one is required to disclose his taxes either but that didnt prevent the Left from howling to see Romney's, and Reid from lying about it.
It speaks to Grimes' basic dishonesty and duplicity, which is of interest to the voter.

How is exercising a basic right an example of "basic dishonesty and duplicity"? Most Kentuckians (myself included) understand that she is pro-Hillary. She likely voted for her. Regardless, no one is under any obligation to reveal their choices at the polls.
she didnt vote for Hillary in the election.
No one is under any obligation to reveal their tax returns either, but the Left went batshit when Mitt wouldn't reveal his. Harry Reid even felt the need to lie about it.
It is basic dishonesty. She wont say because she does not want to be associated with Obama and his failed policies. But she must think people are idiots if they believe she didnt vote for him. Of course based on your response here she might be right.
Give it up. There is a "Red" wave in the making. Senate 54-45+1 and Republicans increase the House +6. Ferguson, radicalism, corruption and incompetence have not gone unnoticed even by a demographic shift. Eventually jobs and law & order are trumped by common sense.

Funny, here in Ohio, Governor Kasich is running on a record of economic growth over the past four years, which is true. Ohio has fared quite well, and for that Kasich deserves some credit, but it's not just all John Kasich. It's difficult to try and convince people that we should re-elect a Republican governor because the economy is doing great while telling us how bad the economy is. The right has done a great job at brainwashing people into believing the economy is in terrible shape. I do blame Dems for not coming out and running on their record. In 2009, the economy was in shambles. Since then, it has been getting better and better, under the leadership of a president who has actually done a decent job. If Americans wake up on Tuesday morning and realize this, then Dems will do okay, but it's not likely to happen because they have allowed the right to dictated the conversation.
A drop doesn't make the bucket half full no matter how partisan you are.
Has she said whether she voted for Obama or not in 2008 and 2012?

It does not matter. The fact that she hasn't said only means that she respects the privacy of the voting booth, unlike the Republicans.

You don't really believe that bullshit excuse do you?

I believe that she isn't under any more obligation to reveal her election choices any more than you are.

I believe you are correct. However, what do you think her reason is for not doing so? Just asking.
Has she said whether she voted for Obama or not in 2008 and 2012?

It does not matter. The fact that she hasn't said only means that she respects the privacy of the voting booth, unlike the Republicans.

You don't really believe that bullshit excuse do you?

I believe that she isn't under any more obligation to reveal her election choices any more than you are.

I believe you are correct. However, what do you think her reason is for not doing so? Just asking.

The question was iniquitous, it was not motivated by curiosity but by malice. Don't feed the trolls, and in particular those with an agenda. She did the correct thing, Gov. Christi would have insulted the questioner, she handled it rather well, I believe.
"[McConnell] lost his way to the point where he now is identified largely as the master of obstruction and gridlock in Washington[.]"



Harry Reid runs the Senate FYI.

Another LIE by Omission. Harry Reid sets the agenda, McConnell uses the Fillibuster to obstruct the agenda, and has done so repeatedly.

'A filibuster in the United States Senate usually refers to any dilatory or obstructive tactics used to prevent a measure from being brought to a vote."

Filibuster in the United States Senate - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

This is evidence of why I believe Mudwhistle is a liar and a partisan hack.


Nothing gets through congress as long as Harry Reid is there and we have a divided congress. Once the GOP takes the Senate Obama will begin to see a lot of legislation that has been sitting on Harry Reid's desk for the last 4 years.

Indeed. Next Tuesday will be a day for rejoicing, indeed. Harry Reid and his bullshit tactics will be history. God save the United States of America!!

I'll believe it when I see it.

Well, get your bad self ready. It's about to rock the liberal world.

Harry Reid runs the Senate FYI.

Another LIE by Omission. Harry Reid sets the agenda, McConnell uses the Fillibuster to obstruct the agenda, and has done so repeatedly.

'A filibuster in the United States Senate usually refers to any dilatory or obstructive tactics used to prevent a measure from being brought to a vote."

Filibuster in the United States Senate - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

This is evidence of why I believe Mudwhistle is a liar and a partisan hack.


Nothing gets through congress as long as Harry Reid is there and we have a divided congress. Once the GOP takes the Senate Obama will begin to see a lot of legislation that has been sitting on Harry Reid's desk for the last 4 years.

Indeed. Next Tuesday will be a day for rejoicing, indeed. Harry Reid and his bullshit tactics will be history. God save the United States of America!!

I'll believe it when I see it.

Well, get your bad self ready. It's about to rock the liberal world.

I don't trust the process. I know the fear and loathing for Obama is massive, but I still don't expect our elections to produce an honest result.
It does not matter. The fact that she hasn't said only means that she respects the privacy of the voting booth, unlike the Republicans.
No, it means she doesnt want to be associated with the worst president in history. She was a delegate pledged to vote for him, for pete's sake. You really think she didnt vote for him? How stupid are you?

No one is required to disclose their vote for good reasons, one being your attempt to assassinate the character of another by association. i.e. their vote.
No one is required to disclose his taxes either but that didnt prevent the Left from howling to see Romney's, and Reid from lying about it.
It speaks to Grimes' basic dishonesty and duplicity, which is of interest to the voter.

How is exercising a basic right an example of "basic dishonesty and duplicity"? Most Kentuckians (myself included) understand that she is pro-Hillary. She likely voted for her. Regardless, no one is under any obligation to reveal their choices at the polls.
she didnt vote for Hillary in the election.
No one is under any obligation to reveal their tax returns either, but the Left went batshit when Mitt wouldn't reveal his. Harry Reid even felt the need to lie about it.
It is basic dishonesty. She wont say because she does not want to be associated with Obama and his failed policies. But she must think people are idiots if they believe she didnt vote for him. Of course based on your response here she might be right.

Dingy Harry said Mitt didn't pay taxes.

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