Kentucky rally crowd behind Trump all wear 'Read the Transcript' shirts

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
A group of audience members gathered behind President Trump at a campaign rally in Kentucky on Monday night all sported T-shirts featuring the phrase “Read the Transcript.”

The line echoes a message Trump has repeated numerous times in recent days as he pushes back against the House Democrats' impeachment inquiry into him and his administration's dealings with Ukraine.

"Read the transcript!" Trump tweeted earlier Monday, referring to a White House memorandum of the president's July 25 phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.


(Excerpt) Read more at ...

President Trump in Lexington, KY
just ended



I love the “read the transcript” shirts, everybody should. It doesn’t make Trump look good.
Read the transcript well all he has to do is release the call and there should be no arguments as to what was said.

So my T shirt says "Release the original Call"

so that we can hear what was said and draw are own conclusions

So simple yet I guess he believes a secret state must have secrets

Open government to trump is him standing at the door with his foot holding the door shut with his minions standing in front.

Yes Dorthy, he has minions.

Nothing to see here but if there was I would tell you what there is to see
You realize that no matter which party, the people behind any of the candidates is selected then asked to wear things like those shirts.
It wasn't a bunch of people who just showed up wearing them and they just happened to all gather there together. :)
Read the transcript well all he has to do is release the call and there should be no arguments as to what was said.

So my T shirt says "Release the original Call"

so that we can hear what was said and draw are own conclusions

So simple yet I guess he believes a secret state must have secrets

Open government to trump is him standing at the door with his foot holding the door shut with his minions standing in front.

Yes Dorthy, he has minions.

Nothing to see here but if there was I would tell you what there is to see
So I suppose all the transcript testimony that is now coming out of the CLOSED DOOR IMPEACHMENT HEARINNGS should be word for word and not summarized as it is now!....All the classified info should be put before the public..... if that is so, why then have a CLOSED HEARING at all except to cover the Schitt's own lies. ...And who is responsible for the Trump transcript?...It was a group of INTEL PEOPLE, that released it, not like Schitt's transcript where only DemonRATS and their lawyerd wrote them up.....and as we have been apprised of with the saboteur Lt. Col. who wanted to change Trumps transcript to wording that would appear to make Trump guilty of some unknown crime, (You on the left have a history of changing wording, ie. Comey's indictment of the Beasty to EXTREMELY CARELESS, so it didn't fit the VERY DEFINITION of a felony!!!)

Ah, but I waste my time on trying to explain things to a radical who even when hit between the eyes with a 2x4, says, you still don't have my attention!
You realize that no matter which party, the people behind any of the candidates is selected then asked to wear things like those shirts.
It wasn't a bunch of people who just showed up wearing them and they just happened to all gather there together. :)

Not to mention an almost perfectly diverse group just in that small camera shot. :lol:
I love the “read the transcript” shirts, everybody should. It doesn’t make Trump look good.
Nor does it make him look bad.

It all depends on whether you believe that last administration was corrupt.

If you believe the corporate media, you think it is about influencing the next election. If you are a critical thinker, you understand that it is more than likely an attempt at trying to sort out what was going on in the last election.

Americans really are tired of the partisan politics.

It certainly doesn't rise to the level of impeachment. That is for sure.
I love the “read the transcript” shirts, everybody should. It doesn’t make Trump look good.
Nor does it make him look bad.

It all depends on whether you believe that last administration was corrupt.

If you believe the corporate media, you think it is about influencing the next election. If you are a critical thinker, you understand that it is more than likely an attempt at trying to sort out what was going on in the last election.

Americans really are tired of the partisan politics.

It certainly doesn't rise to the level of impeachment. That is for sure.
I don't support impeachment but what Trump did was shady and wrong and he deserves to be called out and scrutinized. You don’t actually think he cared about corruption in Ukraine do you?! He is setting up his enemy, it’s what he does... “lock her up” ring any bells?
A group of audience members gathered behind President Trump at a campaign rally in Kentucky on Monday night all sported T-shirts featuring the phrase “Read the Transcript.”

The line echoes a message Trump has repeated numerous times in recent days as he pushes back against the House Democrats' impeachment inquiry into him and his administration's dealings with Ukraine.

"Read the transcript!" Trump tweeted earlier Monday, referring to a White House memorandum of the president's July 25 phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.


(Excerpt) Read more at ...

President Trump in Lexington, KY
just ended




If only they could read.
I love the “read the transcript” shirts, everybody should. It doesn’t make Trump look good.
Only to a demented leftist like yourself....not a quid pro quo in site except for...


No wonder we have to export our "way of life" via endless war, all we have to offer is everyone is corrupt.

Don Jr and Hammity are very upset someone could skate through life on his father's name.
I love the “read the transcript” shirts, everybody should. It doesn’t make Trump look good.
Nor does it make him look bad.

It all depends on whether you believe that last administration was corrupt.

If you believe the corporate media, you think it is about influencing the next election. If you are a critical thinker, you understand that it is more than likely an attempt at trying to sort out what was going on in the last election.

Americans really are tired of the partisan politics.

It certainly doesn't rise to the level of impeachment. That is for sure.
I don't support impeachment but what Trump did was shady and wrong and he deserves to be called out and scrutinized. You don’t actually think he cared about corruption in Ukraine do you?! He is setting up his enemy, it’s what he does... “lock her up” ring any bells?

In fact, I do. I think he is more concerned about the UN-elected intel. and bureaucracy being a danger to both the DNC and the GOP.

Have we learned nothing from the Church Committee Hearings?

I am thinking that the establishment is focused on the call, but there is more to it than that.

What is more important, the will of the voters, or the will of the security establishment to exert it's desires on the world stage? Do we want these three lettered agencies continually choosing our presidents from here on out?

You do know that George Bush the elder was head of the CIA, right? Do you know about the Bush/Clinton crime syndicate? Did you know that Obama worked for a CIA company, Business International? His family was all in on foundation owned and run intel intertwined business with spooks?

We have essentially been run by CIA stooges since Carter. Seriously. Aren't you sick of it by now? :dunno: We slag on Putin for being an intel spook of Russia, but that is all we have had. . .

Trump is the first guy that hasn't been. . . .

And now he is doing some snooping around, getting to the bottom of how the three lettered agencies are always choosing our presidents, and all you can do is parrot the spook own media? Really?

CrowdStrike Revises Russian Hack Into Ukrainian Artillery

Cyber Firm Rewrites Part of Disputed Russian Hacking Report

Think Tank: Cyber Firm at Center of Russian Hacking Charges Misread Data
Anyone that can't see that these three lettered agencies were in the tank for the Clintons. . . honestly doesn't understand what is going on, or understand the people that ran Crowd-strike or their allegiances.

It is all about FORENSIC PROOF.
Read the transcript well all he has to do is release the call and there should be no arguments as to what was said.

So my T shirt says "Release the original Call"

so that we can hear what was said and draw are own conclusions

So simple yet I guess he believes a secret state must have secrets

Open government to trump is him standing at the door with his foot holding the door shut with his minions standing in front.

Yes Dorthy, he has minions.

Nothing to see here but if there was I would tell you what there is to see

What original call? The transcript has been verified by numerous witnesses before Congress as being accurate. Only Vindman didn't like the fact that his edits were overruled by the others listening to the call.
I love the “read the transcript” shirts, everybody should. It doesn’t make Trump look good.
Nor does it make him look bad.

It all depends on whether you believe that last administration was corrupt.

If you believe the corporate media, you think it is about influencing the next election. If you are a critical thinker, you understand that it is more than likely an attempt at trying to sort out what was going on in the last election.

Americans really are tired of the partisan politics.

It certainly doesn't rise to the level of impeachment. That is for sure.
I don't support impeachment but what Trump did was shady and wrong and he deserves to be called out and scrutinized. You don’t actually think he cared about corruption in Ukraine do you?! He is setting up his enemy, it’s what he does... “lock her up” ring any bells?

In fact, I do. I think he is more concerned about the UN-elected intel. and bureaucracy being a danger to both the DNC and the GOP.

Have we learned nothing from the Church Committee Hearings?

I am thinking that the establishment is focused on the call, but there is more to it than that.

What is more important, the will of the voters, or the will of the security establishment to exert it's desires on the world stage? Do we want these three lettered agencies continually choosing our presidents from here on out?

You do know that George Bush the elder was head of the CIA, right? Do you know about the Bush/Clinton crime syndicate? Did you know that Obama worked for a CIA company, Business International? His family was all in on foundation owned and run intel intertwined business with spooks?

We have essentially been run by CIA stooges since Carter. Seriously. Aren't you sick of it by now? :dunno: We slag on Putin for being an intel spook of Russia, but that is all we have had. . .

Trump is the first guy that hasn't been. . . .

And now he is doing some snooping around, getting to the bottom of how the three lettered agencies are always choosing our presidents, and all you can do is parrot the spook own media? Really?

CrowdStrike Revises Russian Hack Into Ukrainian Artillery

Cyber Firm Rewrites Part of Disputed Russian Hacking Report

Think Tank: Cyber Firm at Center of Russian Hacking Charges Misread Data
Wow man, you’re in deep!
I love the “read the transcript” shirts, everybody should. It doesn’t make Trump look good.
Nor does it make him look bad.

It all depends on whether you believe that last administration was corrupt.

If you believe the corporate media, you think it is about influencing the next election. If you are a critical thinker, you understand that it is more than likely an attempt at trying to sort out what was going on in the last election.

Americans really are tired of the partisan politics.

It certainly doesn't rise to the level of impeachment. That is for sure.
I don't support impeachment but what Trump did was shady and wrong and he deserves to be called out and scrutinized. You don’t actually think he cared about corruption in Ukraine do you?! He is setting up his enemy, it’s what he does... “lock her up” ring any bells?

In fact, I do. I think he is more concerned about the UN-elected intel. and bureaucracy being a danger to both the DNC and the GOP.

Have we learned nothing from the Church Committee Hearings?

I am thinking that the establishment is focused on the call, but there is more to it than that.

What is more important, the will of the voters, or the will of the security establishment to exert it's desires on the world stage? Do we want these three lettered agencies continually choosing our presidents from here on out?

You do know that George Bush the elder was head of the CIA, right? Do you know about the Bush/Clinton crime syndicate? Did you know that Obama worked for a CIA company, Business International? His family was all in on foundation owned and run intel intertwined business with spooks?

We have essentially been run by CIA stooges since Carter. Seriously. Aren't you sick of it by now? :dunno: We slag on Putin for being an intel spook of Russia, but that is all we have had. . .

Trump is the first guy that hasn't been. . . .

And now he is doing some snooping around, getting to the bottom of how the three lettered agencies are always choosing our presidents, and all you can do is parrot the spook own media? Really?

CrowdStrike Revises Russian Hack Into Ukrainian Artillery

Cyber Firm Rewrites Part of Disputed Russian Hacking Report

Think Tank: Cyber Firm at Center of Russian Hacking Charges Misread Data
Wow man, you’re in deep!

meh. . not really.

I've just had an awful lot of Poli. Sci classes at two different Universities, and done a lot of independent research. I am un-burdened with partisan loyalties or illusions about what government can do.

I have also had many many philosophy, anthropology and social science classes. I have been taught Plato's Dialogs & Republic from so many different political and academic points of view, I do not have any illusions about any "utopian dreams," just dystopian nightmares.

Every expert has their own truth, just like every person has their own opinion.

Can't say mine is right either. Take it with a grain of salt. ;)
Is it a transcript or a "call summary"? Or a confession?
After Nixon, all presidents, of both parties quit recording conversations and started having note takers transcribe conversations in short hand.

Any slang, coarse language, "ums" and "ahs" are excluded from the conversations to make the historical record look clean.
A group of audience members gathered behind President Trump at a campaign rally in Kentucky on Monday night all sported T-shirts featuring the phrase “Read the Transcript.”

The line echoes a message Trump has repeated numerous times in recent days as he pushes back against the House Democrats' impeachment inquiry into him and his administration's dealings with Ukraine.

"Read the transcript!" Trump tweeted earlier Monday, referring to a White House memorandum of the president's July 25 phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.


(Excerpt) Read more at ...

President Trump in Lexington, KY
just ended




If only they could read.

If only you didn't lie!

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