Kentucky rally crowd behind Trump all wear 'Read the Transcript' shirts

I love the “read the transcript” shirts, everybody should. It doesn’t make Trump look good.
what doesn't look good. which part?
Where he lied and claimed that the transcript was verbatim, every word of his conversation was contained and that is a demonstrative lie, IF you read the transcript.
Id bet that Trump hasn’t read the transcript.
you'd lose. imagine that. the irony huh?
Trump got his lying ass on national television and claimed that the transcript that was put out was verbatim with every period, pause and inference included.


1. This key notation indicates that this memo is NOT a verbatim transcript. This document compiles notes from a number of White House staff members who were listening. It was unclear if interpreters were included. The call is listed as lasting 30 minutes, but this document includes only about 11 minutes of conversation, as determined by a PBS NewsHour analysis. The reason for the discrepancy is unclear.

His idiot supporters are either too stupid to know what verbatim means or as usual just wallow in stupidity like a pig in slop.
too funny, perhaps you should understand why that is. it isn't recorded. hmmmm
I love the “read the transcript” shirts, everybody should. It doesn’t make Trump look good.
what doesn't look good. which part?
Where he lied and claimed that the transcript was verbatim, every word of his conversation was contained and that is a demonstrative lie, IF you read the transcript.
it is verbatim, again, you don't know what the word means. it isn't a recording, so periods and commas aren't included. someone does that.
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ver·ba·tim | \ (ˌ)vər-ˈbā-təm \
Definition of verbatim
(Entry 1 of 2)

: in the exact words : word for wordquoted the speech verbatim

It's quite clear that YOU don't know the meaning of the
Trump got his lying ass on national television and claimed that the transcript that was put out was verbatim with every period, pause and inference included.


1. This key notation indicates that this memo is NOT a verbatim transcript. This document compiles notes from a number of White House staff members who were listening. It was unclear if interpreters were included. The call is listed as lasting 30 minutes, but this document includes only about 11 minutes of conversation, as determined by a PBS NewsHour analysis. The reason for the discrepancy is unclear.

His idiot supporters are either too stupid to know what verbatim means or as usual just wallow in stupidity like a pig in slop.
too funny, perhaps you should understand why that is. it isn't recorded. hmmmm
I love the “read the transcript” shirts, everybody should. It doesn’t make Trump look good.
what doesn't look good. which part?
Where he lied and claimed that the transcript was verbatim, every word of his conversation was contained and that is a demonstrative lie, IF you read the transcript.
it is verbatim, again, you don't know what the word means. it isn't a recording, so periods and commas aren't included. someone does that.
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ver·ba·tim | \ (ˌ)vər-ˈbā-təm \
Definition of verbatim
(Entry 1 of 2)

: in the exact words : word for wordquoted the speech verbatim

It's quite clear that YOU don't know the meaning of the
we don't speak in periods and commas on phone calls and as such were added. so it isn't verbatim.
Trump got his lying ass on national television and claimed that the transcript that was put out was verbatim with every period, pause and inference included.


1. This key notation indicates that this memo is NOT a verbatim transcript. This document compiles notes from a number of White House staff members who were listening. It was unclear if interpreters were included. The call is listed as lasting 30 minutes, but this document includes only about 11 minutes of conversation, as determined by a PBS NewsHour analysis. The reason for the discrepancy is unclear.

His idiot supporters are either too stupid to know what verbatim means or as usual just wallow in stupidity like a pig in slop.
too funny, perhaps you should understand why that is. it isn't recorded. hmmmm
I love the “read the transcript” shirts, everybody should. It doesn’t make Trump look good.
what doesn't look good. which part?
Where he lied and claimed that the transcript was verbatim, every word of his conversation was contained and that is a demonstrative lie, IF you read the transcript.
it is verbatim, again, you don't know what the word means. it isn't a recording, so periods and commas aren't included. someone does that.
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ver·ba·tim | \ (ˌ)vər-ˈbā-təm \
Definition of verbatim
(Entry 1 of 2)

: in the exact words : word for wordquoted the speech verbatim

It's quite clear that YOU don't know the meaning of the
we don't speak in periods and commas on phone calls and as such were added. so it isn't verbatim.
Yet that's part of the lie President Trump told, so thanks for proving my point.
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These stupid TDS afficted Moon Bats have no idea of the strength of Trump's support.
30 percent. That's the strength. Trump did not get the majority of the citizen vote. You're weak.
I love the “read the transcript” shirts, everybody should. It doesn’t make Trump look good.
what doesn't look good. which part?
Where he lied and claimed that the transcript was verbatim, every word of his conversation was contained and that is a demonstrative lie, IF you read the transcript.
it is verbatim, again, you don't know what the word means. it isn't a recording, so periods and commas aren't included. someone does that.

Trump got his lying ass on national television and claimed that the transcript that was put out was verbatim with every period, pause and inference included.


1. This key notation indicates that this memo is NOT a verbatim transcript. This document compiles notes from a number of White House staff members who were listening. It was unclear if interpreters were included. The call is listed as lasting 30 minutes, but this document includes only about 11 minutes of conversation, as determined by a PBS NewsHour analysis. The reason for the discrepancy is unclear.

His idiot supporters are either too stupid to know what verbatim means or as usual just wallow in stupidity like a pig in slop.
too funny, perhaps you should understand why that is. it isn't recorded. hmmmm
I love the “read the transcript” shirts, everybody should. It doesn’t make Trump look good.
what doesn't look good. which part?
Where he lied and claimed that the transcript was verbatim, every word of his conversation was contained and that is a demonstrative lie, IF you read the transcript.
it is verbatim, again, you don't know what the word means. it isn't a recording, so periods and commas aren't included. someone does that.
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ver·ba·tim | \ (ˌ)vər-ˈbā-təm \
Definition of verbatim
(Entry 1 of 2)

: in the exact words : word for wordquoted the speech verbatim

It's quite clear that YOU don't know the meaning of the
we don't speak in periods and commas on phone calls and as such were added. so it isn't verbatim.

You really should read the released summary. It clearly states at the bottom of the first page that it is not a word for word transcript, and that parts could be left out.
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I love the “read the transcript” shirts, everybody should. It doesn’t make Trump look good.
Nor does it make him look bad.

It all depends on whether you believe that last administration was corrupt.

If you believe the corporate media, you think it is about influencing the next election. If you are a critical thinker, you understand that it is more than likely an attempt at trying to sort out what was going on in the last election.

Americans really are tired of the partisan politics.

It certainly doesn't rise to the level of impeachment. That is for sure.
It rises to the level of impeachment. The question is does it rise to the level of conviction. In general society extortion, when it's proven, does rise to the level of conviction. And Trump committed extortion.

You can't be a critical thinker and believe Trump demanding information on a mans family who did not run in the last election is about sorting out what was going on in the last election.
IM2, Trump supporters are not ignorant. They know he suckers them daily. But they pretend ignorance because they prefer criminality to the Constitution. They place the man above the Constitution and the courts. The T-shirts are an example of denying truth. I expect soon Republicans will drop the term 'President' and adopt the more descriptive term 'Godfather'.

Or Chairman Trump.
Transcripts Released- Sonland revises his testimony and admits to Quid Pro Quo
His former statement was a lie.

Turn on your news channel
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Read the transcript well all he has to do is release the call and there should be no arguments as to what was said.

So my T shirt says "Release the original Call"

so that we can hear what was said and draw are own conclusions

So simple yet I guess he believes a secret state must have secrets

Open government to trump is him standing at the door with his foot holding the door shut with his minions standing in front.

Yes Dorthy, he has minions.

Nothing to see here but if there was I would tell you what there is to see
So I suppose all the transcript testimony that is now coming out of the CLOSED DOOR IMPEACHMENT HEARINNGS should be word for word and not summarized as it is now!....All the classified info should be put before the public..... if that is so, why then have a CLOSED HEARING at all except to cover the Schitt's own lies. ...And who is responsible for the Trump transcript?...It was a group of INTEL PEOPLE, that released it, not like Schitt's transcript where only DemonRATS and their lawyerd wrote them up.....and as we have been apprised of with the saboteur Lt. Col. who wanted to change Trumps transcript to wording that would appear to make Trump guilty of some unknown crime, (You on the left have a history of changing wording, ie. Comey's indictment of the Beasty to EXTREMELY CARELESS, so it didn't fit the VERY DEFINITION of a felony!!!)

Ah, but I waste my time on trying to explain things to a radical who even when hit between the eyes with a 2x4, says, you still don't have my attention!

Yes it should be word for word

Some people prefer word for word vs a transcript

I do not have a qualm about if the information is classified

In order to get testimony then it is best to protect the witness privacy

There are those who will drag the witness name thru the mud for political reasons

Whistle blowers are protected by law

If there is a legitimate reason for classification then so be it

Yet it was Trump associates who classified the original call

And Trump has the power to remove that classification

Trump released the transcript

Saying the left changes wording well what about the right

Fine example is the Nunes memo which clearly show using chosen words to support the right in their beliefs yet ignoring other words which contradicts the rights beliefs

cherry picking

Rep. Trey Gowdy contradicted President Donald Trump by saying he did not believe the memo spearheaded by Rep. Devin Nunes has any impact on the Russia investigation

This from the rights very own who says that Nunes memo was irrelevant and cherry picking yet many on the right use it as proof that the investigation is tainted

Nunes (a repub) memo clearly cherry picks in order to choose wording to make Trump look innocent
Guy is not a whistleblower, he is a leaker of classified info and as such should have a felony arrest.....only a week or so before made public, SOMEONE, YET TO BE DISCOVERED CHANGED THE WHISTLEBLOWER STATUESCTO INCLUDE SECOND HAND INFO WHICH WAS NEVER THERE BEFORE....seems might suspicions and should be thoroughly investigated!
Whatever..whistleblower or leaker. But he sure leaked a lot of stuff that's been confirmed by a lot of people. Lord Plushbottom and his bevy of buffoons duly slander any witnesses, but honest folk know better than to believe a confirmed liar or his laughable hit squads.
And what in that transcript is your problem....ask to do him a favor instead of giving him 6bhours or he would not give him money?....quote it!!!
Nate silver had the democrat govt having polls up that showed the democrat for governor of ky winning by 19 points

Last real election in NC the fake polls had the democrat winning by 15 points but the republican won by 2 points

So are polls being crooked by 17 points to increase the turnout of the democrats ???
I love the “read the transcript” shirts, everybody should. It doesn’t make Trump look good.
what doesn't look good. which part?
Where he lied and claimed that the transcript was verbatim, every word of his conversation was contained and that is a demonstrative lie, IF you read the transcript.
Id bet that Trump hasn’t read the transcript.
His aides had a hard time showing him pictures of the transcript.
I love the “read the transcript” shirts, everybody should. It doesn’t make Trump look good.
what doesn't look good. which part?
Where he lied and claimed that the transcript was verbatim, every word of his conversation was contained and that is a demonstrative lie, IF you read the transcript.
Id bet that Trump hasn’t read the transcript.
His aides had a hard time showing him pictures of the transcript.

especially after HIS STAFF told him his ukraIne/biden conspiracy had been TOTALLY DEBUNKED before he started spreading LIES.
A group of audience members gathered behind President Trump at a campaign rally in Kentucky on Monday night all sported T-shirts featuring the phrase “Read the Transcript.”

The line echoes a message Trump has repeated numerous times in recent days as he pushes back against the House Democrats' impeachment inquiry into him and his administration's dealings with Ukraine.

"Read the transcript!" Trump tweeted earlier Monday, referring to a White House memorandum of the president's July 25 phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.


(Excerpt) Read more at ...

President Trump in Lexington, KY
just ended




That was a great rally, huh?

Read the transcript well all he has to do is release the call and there should be no arguments as to what was said.

So my T shirt says "Release the original Call"

so that we can hear what was said and draw are own conclusions

So simple yet I guess he believes a secret state must have secrets

Open government to trump is him standing at the door with his foot holding the door shut with his minions standing in front.

Yes Dorthy, he has minions.

Nothing to see here but if there was I would tell you what there is to see
So I suppose all the transcript testimony that is now coming out of the CLOSED DOOR IMPEACHMENT HEARINNGS should be word for word and not summarized as it is now!....All the classified info should be put before the public..... if that is so, why then have a CLOSED HEARING at all except to cover the Schitt's own lies. ...And who is responsible for the Trump transcript?...It was a group of INTEL PEOPLE, that released it, not like Schitt's transcript where only DemonRATS and their lawyerd wrote them up.....and as we have been apprised of with the saboteur Lt. Col. who wanted to change Trumps transcript to wording that would appear to make Trump guilty of some unknown crime, (You on the left have a history of changing wording, ie. Comey's indictment of the Beasty to EXTREMELY CARELESS, so it didn't fit the VERY DEFINITION of a felony!!!)

Ah, but I waste my time on trying to explain things to a radical who even when hit between the eyes with a 2x4, says, you still don't have my attention!

Yes it should be word for word

Some people prefer word for word vs a transcript

I do not have a qualm about if the information is classified

In order to get testimony then it is best to protect the witness privacy

There are those who will drag the witness name thru the mud for political reasons

Whistle blowers are protected by law

If there is a legitimate reason for classification then so be it

Yet it was Trump associates who classified the original call

And Trump has the power to remove that classification

Trump released the transcript

Saying the left changes wording well what about the right

Fine example is the Nunes memo which clearly show using chosen words to support the right in their beliefs yet ignoring other words which contradicts the rights beliefs

cherry picking

Rep. Trey Gowdy contradicted President Donald Trump by saying he did not believe the memo spearheaded by Rep. Devin Nunes has any impact on the Russia investigation

This from the rights very own who says that Nunes memo was irrelevant and cherry picking yet many on the right use it as proof that the investigation is tainted

Nunes (a repub) memo clearly cherry picks in order to choose wording to make Trump look innocent

Are you so stupid that you don't know what a transcript is?


  1. a written or printed version of material originally presented in another medium.
There is a silver lining to the Kentucky Governer's election results that should scare the hell out of DemonRATS and give new hope to Bluegrass Republicans. 1. Bevin had a bad case of foot in mouth disease. However, he wasn't any worse than any other non-politician. What made it so bad was the fact that ALL major TV and news papers in the Commonwealth are virulently liberal. When Bevin did good things the media would turn it around and trash him. When he slipped up they made seem like he was the second coming of Hitler, and then they plain made up stuff about him. Overcoming massive media bias in an entire state is a difficult task.

2. Two months ago USA Today called Bevin the most unpopular gov. in America with 30% approval. With that in mind it's amazing that the election is ONLY 5000 VOTES APART

3. The Rest of the Republicans on the ballot won easily.

4. Beshear, had several major advantages. firstly, the media was on his side and propped him up and attacked Bevin mercilessly, secondly, Beshear used his office to attack Bevin at every opportunity and he began right after Bevin was elected and took him to court on every issue, although Bevin won most of those court challenges. lastly, Beshears daddy was a two term gov whom the media loved and still do considering that he ransacked the people of Kentucky. With all of this in mind, the election should have been a walk away for Beshear but it was too close to call (I suspect DemonRAT shenanigans in Fayette and Jefferson Co). that this election was too close to call proves that Trump has a very strong following and broad support in the Bluegrass state and Republicans in the state legislature need to realize this and deal with dimocrats from a position of strength. Kentucky will re-elect Trump in 2020 and if we can find a decent candidate we can take the Governor's Office next time around.

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