Kentucky rally crowd behind Trump all wear 'Read the Transcript' shirts

I heard if it wasn't for them actually reading the transcript like Dumb Donnie suggested the incumbent would have won.

Attaboy Donnie!
I heard if it wasn't for them actually reading the transcript like Dumb Donnie suggested the incumbent would have won.

Attaboy Donnie!

You obviously either did not read or understand it, or you would see the huge nothingburger it is.

When I read it I found it hard to believe. Wow, not only a shakedown but a stupid one at that. I could only imagine, with great anticipation of humor, what mental gymnastic the TNC would have to go through to defend him. I have not been disappointed.
You obviously either did not read or understand it, or you would see the huge nothingburger it is.
Evidently you are the one that neither read nor understood the edited version Trump calls a 'transcript'. According to 6 officials, including the Current Ukrainian Ambassador (Taylor), the words Biden and Busima were left out of the edited copy. Your acceptance of Trump's fraudulent victimhood is the real nothingburger.

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