Kentucky Sheriff On Suspect Shot By Deputy: 'We Are Glad That He Is White'

Should we keep turning the other cheek in the face of tyrants?

  • Yes, the tyrants will cease their depravity is we keep turning our already reddened cheeks.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, cheek turning is for slaves.

    Votes: 3 100.0%

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I just had a thought. Maybe the white boy mumbo jumbo method of classification is mixing you up. Afro would indicate African origins. Asiatic would mean just that. West Asian origins. None of that is related to white boys.

Yes, geographically, not racially. Those Egyptians sure had some white features, even red hair on occasion.


A picture says a thousand words! The old chain gang!

Who the fuck are your people?

The ones that built modern civilization.

Wait, let me one up myself.

The ones that built classical, medieval and modern civilization.
Whites have no classical civilization. You werent even sentient when Blacks had civilzations. You have a lock on medieval and modern though but only because Blacks and Arabs re educated you to end the Dark Ages..
You're dreaming. If Africans were so advanced then what happened? They should be living like the Jetsons. Instead they live in grass huts and die of disease or carried off by lions.
I just had a thought. Maybe the white boy mumbo jumbo method of classification is mixing you up. Afro would indicate African origins. Asiatic would mean just that. West Asian origins. None of that is related to white boys.

Yes, geographically, not racially. Those Egyptians sure had some white features, even red hair on occasion.


A picture says a thousand words! The old chain gang!

No they had Black features. White people were the last to develop. You must be one of those white boys that think If a Black person has blonde hair or blue eyes or a slim nose they are white.

Pictures only say a thousand words if they are accurate. Didnt I tell you your white boy sources have to be credible? Like for instance DNA testing of the pharohs?

Rameses III

Tut .

Or maybe the quotes of people that actually laid eyes on them like Herodotus or Aristotle?

"the people of Colchis must be Egyptians because like them they are black-skinned and wooly-haired."
(History, Book II.) -Herodotus

The Greek philosopher Aristotle writes in the 4th century B.C. in Physiognomonica that the "Egyptians and Ethiopians were very black."
Who the fuck are your people?

The ones that built modern civilization.

Wait, let me one up myself.

The ones that built classical, medieval and modern civilization.
Whites have no classical civilization. You werent even sentient when Blacks had civilzations. You have a lock on medieval and modern though but only because Blacks and Arabs re educated you to end the Dark Ages..
You're dreaming. If Africans were so advanced then what happened? They should be living like the Jetsons. Instead they live in grass huts and die of disease or carried off by lions.
No white boy you are dreaming and in denial. Nothing happened. White peoples version of civilization is based on fear of dying. Black people dont sweat that since there is not much you can do about it. Why should they live like the Jetsons? Can you explain why living like the Jetsons is better?
No white boy you are dreaming and in denial. Nothing happened. White peoples version of civilization is based on fear of dying.

By any chance, are your sources also the same people that say the most unscientific shit imaginable, such as:
Since the second half of the 20th century, most anthropologists have rejected the notion of race as having any validity in the study of human biology.[2][3] Stuart Tyson Smith writes in the 2001 Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt that "Any characterization of race of the ancient Egyptians depends on modern cultural definitions, not on scientific study. Thus, by modern American standards it is reasonable to characterize the Egyptians as 'black'

Let it be known that these are the loons masquerading as scientists from which Asclepias is drawing his information. Before political correctness came about (when professors didn't have to worry about being sued/fired/losing pension for not confirming with Marxists and race-is-a-social-construct morons), it was well established that Egyptians were not black. Mind the most modern translations of Artistole's writings compared to Pre-Political-Correctness translations.
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No white boy you are dreaming and in denial. Nothing happened. White peoples version of civilization is based on fear of dying. Black people dont sweat that since there is not much you can do about it. Why should they live like the Jetsons? Can you explain why living like the Jetsons is better?

HAHAHA. So blacks don't care about modern technology???!!! They actually like living in the stone age???

I got news for you pal. 99.99% of african blacks would love to come to america and go on welfare and live off the white man.
No white boy you are dreaming and in denial. Nothing happened. White peoples version of civilization is based on fear of dying.

By any chance, are your sources also the same people that say the most unscientific shit imaginable, such as:
Since the second half of the 20th century, most anthropologists have rejected the notion of race as having any validity in the study of human biology.[2][3] Stuart Tyson Smith writes in the 2001 Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt that "Any characterization of race of the ancient Egyptians depends on modern cultural definitions, not on scientific study. Thus, by modern American standards it is reasonable to characterize the Egyptians as 'black'

Let it be known that these are the loons masquerading as scientists from which Asclepias is drawing his information. Before political correctness came about (when professors didn't have to worry about being sued/fired/losing pension for not confirming with Marxists and race-is-a-social-construct morons), it was well established that Egyptians were not black. Mind the most modern translations of Artistole's writings compared to Pre-Political-Correctness translations.
Dont be mad I dont believe that white boy bullshit. :itsok:

Everybody with common sense knows that Egypt is in Africa.
Who the fuck are your people?

The ones that built modern civilization.
False. Modern civilization would not have been possible if not for the labor of millions of people of all races.
In fact"your people" held back science and engineering and medical advances for centuries due to attitudes and religious dogma just like the shit you are spewing here.

And the others did what during the Dark Ages? Oh nothing, as they always did.

And fun fact, my Indo-an peoples did continue advancing in science and engineering and medicine in the Middle East.
aren't you the guy who yammers on about medieval accomplishments.
medieval Europe was the dark ages.(5th to 15th centuries CE), particularly:
Europeans made no significant contributions to science and engineering and medicine during that time IT was not till the Renaissance 14th to the 17th century. that Europe made any real advances in those areas.

Whites have no classical civilization. You werent even sentient when Blacks had civilzations. You have a lock on medieval and modern though but only because Blacks and Arabs re educated you to end the Dark Ages..

So your claim is that Indo-Europeans didn't build classical civilization? So the Greeks were africans or asians? lol rofl lol

Btw, Arabs are Indo-European. So were the ancient Egyptians. Have fun.
Greeks were babies. It may be classical only if you ignore the African civilizations that existed for thousands of years prior. You do realize thats who taught the Greeks right?

No the Egyptians werent Indo European. Stop with the hilarious white Egyptian jokes. :laugh:

Even Arabs speak an Afro-Asiatic language. You have nothing in common. Stop trying to claim something you werent part of silly.

Links from credible sources, and multiple. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
Then start providing some links to your incredible claim that the Egyptians were white people in Africa. Make sure you adhere to the credible standard you assigned to me.

I guess you expect me to believe white people traveled to Africa from europe and built pyramids and other things that dont exist in europe anywhere....without suntan lotion. :rofl:

It's across the sea. Not that hard for a seafaring people to do. Also, the hieroglyphs certainly don't look like blacks. Also, the Proto-Indo-European homeland is pretty much adjacent to Egypt.

Hail Isis. Hail Ma'at. Hail Dyeus, Zeus, Iesus, Jesus, Christ, Kristos, Krishna.

Hare Krishna.
Hail Christ.

And you made the claim.
bullshit the Egyptians were about as African As you get .
gee do white south Africans look like blacks?
they are African just the same .
M'kay. Obviously the Sheriff is being facetious, because he thinks people would be more upset over the incident because of race. People like him are idiots who become blinded to all context as soon as race is an issue. From the details of the chase, it seems likely that force was justified.
Who the fuck are your people?

The ones that built modern civilization.

Wait, let me one up myself.

The ones that built classical, medieval and modern civilization.
Whites have no classical civilization. You werent even sentient when Blacks had civilzations. You have a lock on medieval and modern though but only because Blacks and Arabs re educated you to end the Dark Ages..
You're dreaming. If Africans were so advanced then what happened? They should be living like the Jetsons. Instead they live in grass huts and die of disease or carried off by lions.
No white boy you are dreaming and in denial. Nothing happened. White peoples version of civilization is based on fear of dying. Black people dont sweat that since there is not much you can do about it. Why should they live like the Jetsons? Can you explain why living like the Jetsons is better?

Would you have rather evolved along with the tribe where the white Europeans plucked your great great great grandaddy from ?
Right now, you and the rest of your family would probably be busy sitting around the fire sharpening the spearheads for tomorrows hunt.
Who the fuck are your people?

The ones that built modern civilization.

Wait, let me one up myself.

The ones that built classical, medieval and modern civilization.
Whites have no classical civilization. You werent even sentient when Blacks had civilzations. You have a lock on medieval and modern though but only because Blacks and Arabs re educated you to end the Dark Ages..

Your people had many centuries of a head start, yet they managed to be completely outsmarted, outclassed, outpaced, overwhelmed, and overran by the Europeans. The superior western culture with it's superior technology completely owned your homeys.
Yes, mostly nice guys in the US are willing to do their part, simply for the sake of gender relations.
Everybody with common sense knows that Egypt is in Africa.

Yes, and? Everyone knows Egyptians aren't black, which is the claim by you loons.
Its not a claim. I posted the DNA evidence. Sorry that your pseudo scientific white boy gibberish taught you different. You guys have been trying to claim something every since Piltdown man was exposed as a hoax.
Who the fuck are your people?

The ones that built modern civilization.

Wait, let me one up myself.

The ones that built classical, medieval and modern civilization.
Whites have no classical civilization. You werent even sentient when Blacks had civilzations. You have a lock on medieval and modern though but only because Blacks and Arabs re educated you to end the Dark Ages..

Your people had many centuries of a head start, yet they managed to be completely outsmarted, outclassed, outpaced, overwhelmed, and overran by the Europeans. The superior western culture with it's superior technology completely owned your homeys.
Revisionist history from white boys dot com. Shooting someone with a gun requires no intelligence. White boys simply used their savagery to kill people. That lets you know they arent too intelligent at all. Humans that are intelligent are about peace and education instead of war, oppression, and mayhem. Look at history, real history not white boy history, and you will find there is no more violent race on the face of the earth than the men of the white race.
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This worthless POS sheriff should be fired immediately. But nothing will be done as the War on Whites continues.

Kentucky Sheriff On Suspect Shot By Deputy We Are Glad That He Is White

may 13 2015
Police in Bardstown, Kentucky, shot a man named John Kennedy Fenwick on Sunday, following a long and destructive car chase that ended when a sheriff's deputy wrestled Fenwick out of the stolen truck he was driving. A scuffle ensued, in which authorities say Fenwick attempted to disarm the deputy and the deputy shot him. The miles-long pursuit left injured officers and mangled police cruisers in its wake. Fenwick, 25, is expected to survive his wounds.

In a press conference Monday, Nelson County Sheriff Ed Mattingly, who is white, expressed relief -- not only that the incident didn't lead to more serious injuries, but also that Fenwick's skin wasn't darker.

"We are glad that he is white, and we shouldn't have to be worried about that," Mattingly said Monday. "And we do not want any backlash or violence in this community because people have been misinformed. I think that the public needs to know how the criminal justice system works and... what officers are able to do."
I said the solution to cops shooting black fools that resist arrest is to shoot more white fools who do the same. If you know you could get shot you would comply. Cops have always had one hand on the trigger with me. I'm a big guy. They shouldn't have to be tougher than the person they are commanding.

I always assumed the gun is why I put my hands behind my back when they tell me to. That and the judge.

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