Kentucky Sheriff On Suspect Shot By Deputy: 'We Are Glad That He Is White'

Should we keep turning the other cheek in the face of tyrants?

  • Yes, the tyrants will cease their depravity is we keep turning our already reddened cheeks.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, cheek turning is for slaves.

    Votes: 3 100.0%

  • Total voters
Everybody with common sense knows that Egypt is in Africa.

Yes, and? Everyone knows Egyptians aren't black, which is the claim by you loons.
Its not a claim. I posted the DNA evidence. Sorry that your pseudo scientific white boy gibberish taught you different. You guys have been trying to claim something every since Piltdown man was exposed as a hoax.

Why do I only see this DNA evidence claim coming from black power websites?

I mean consider this:
Everybody with common sense knows that Egypt is in Africa.

Yes, and? Everyone knows Egyptians aren't black, which is the claim by you loons.
Its not a claim. I posted the DNA evidence. Sorry that your pseudo scientific white boy gibberish taught you different. You guys have been trying to claim something every since Piltdown man was exposed as a hoax.

Why do I only see this DNA evidence claim coming from black power websites?
Because you are obviously retarded or lying? The links I gave you are to a DNA company owned by a white guy. I have some more links to another white owned DNA company if you need more proof. Just give me the word. I'll repost the links just in case you got confused. I love it when white boys like you have to lie when the evidence slaps you across that face and turns you red then pink as you flush with anger. :laugh:

Rameses III

Tut .
Everybody with common sense knows that Egypt is in Africa.

Yes, and? Everyone knows Egyptians aren't black, which is the claim by you loons.
Its not a claim. I posted the DNA evidence. Sorry that your pseudo scientific white boy gibberish taught you different. You guys have been trying to claim something every since Piltdown man was exposed as a hoax.

Why do I only see this DNA evidence claim coming from black power websites?
Because you are obviously retarded or lying? The links I gave you are to a DNA company owned by a white guy. I have some more links to another white owned DNA company if you need more proof. Just give me the word. I'll repost the links just in case you got confused. I love it when white boys like you have to lie when the evidence slaps you across that face and turns you red then pink as you flush with anger. :laugh:

Rameses III

Tut .

They tested on 8 parameters. That's hardly sufficient.

That's like saying we're 50% banana since we share 50% of DNA with bananas.

Egyptian hair was straight. That alone is a tremendous clue. Some of the phar even had red hair.

I don't think you can possibly look more white than this (KV35 Valley of Kings). All you have is racially twisted (junk) science making big claims for small (or false) sample sizes. We have hundreds upon hundreds of photos and paintings showing them to be more Caucasoid than Asian, and more Asian than Sub-Saharan African.

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Everybody with common sense knows that Egypt is in Africa.

Yes, and? Everyone knows Egyptians aren't black, which is the claim by you loons.
Its not a claim. I posted the DNA evidence. Sorry that your pseudo scientific white boy gibberish taught you different. You guys have been trying to claim something every since Piltdown man was exposed as a hoax.

Why do I only see this DNA evidence claim coming from black power websites?
Because you are obviously retarded or lying? The links I gave you are to a DNA company owned by a white guy. I have some more links to another white owned DNA company if you need more proof. Just give me the word. I'll repost the links just in case you got confused. I love it when white boys like you have to lie when the evidence slaps you across that face and turns you red then pink as you flush with anger. :laugh:

Rameses III

Tut .

They tested on 8 parameters. That's hardly sufficient.

That's like saying we're 50% banana since we share 50% of DNA with bananas.

Egyptian hair was straight. That alone is a tremendous clue. Some of the phar even had red hair.

I don't think you can possibly look more white than this (KV35 Valley of Kings). All you have is racially twisted (junk) science making big claims for small (or false) sample sizes. We have hundreds upon hundreds of photos and paintings showing them to be more Caucasoid than Asian, and more Asian than Sub-Saharan African.

Only one Pharoh had red hair. Rameses II. You do realize Black people can have straight hair, red hair and every feature white people have without having a drop of white admixture dont you? Where do you think you got those traits from? You are descended from someone Black. Regardless Egyptian hair was for the most part kinky just as Herodotus observed and stated when he said Egyptians were Black skinned and had hair like wool. No white person alive has hair like wool nor are they Black skinned. Where do you see any historians describing Egyptians as white and not Black?


Here is what most of the mummies from ancient egypt look like BTW. This is Queen Ahmose-Nofretari



Yeah guy. Your white boy fairytales have been exposed long ago. :laugh:
[Regardless Egyptian hair was for the most part kinky just as Herodotus observed and stated when he said Egyptians were Black skinned and had hair like wool.
Yeah guy. Your white boy fairytales have been exposed long ago. :laugh:

Remind me, how many Niger-Congo speaking peoples had invaded Egypt in the time between the Pyramids and Herodotus.

What happened to the anicnet Egyptians, they just packed up and left so the whites could take over?

HTF did this thread get hijacked into talking about ancient egypt?
Because of silly white boy fables like white egyptians. :laugh:
GTFO with your stupid black bullshit. You're such a troll trying to pretend black people are smarter than white people. That's such a laughable stance. AT MOST you could argue for equal on individual bases but as a group there isn't even an argument. They got blasted throughout history cause they're pussies.
HTF did this thread get hijacked into talking about ancient egypt?
Because of silly white boy fables like white egyptians. :laugh:
GTFO with your stupid black bullshit. You're such a troll trying to pretend black people are smarter than white people. That's such a laughable stance. AT MOST you could argue for equal on individual bases but as a group there isn't even an argument. They got blasted throughout history cause they're pussies.
Your inferiority complex is showing. Why do you think Black people are smarter than whites when I never said that? :itsok:

I love when you white boys betray your fear. Now you want us to think that having better guns means you are not a pussy. :laugh:
HTF did this thread get hijacked into talking about ancient egypt?
Because of silly white boy fables like white egyptians. :laugh:
GTFO with your stupid black bullshit. You're such a troll trying to pretend black people are smarter than white people. That's such a laughable stance. AT MOST you could argue for equal on individual bases but as a group there isn't even an argument. They got blasted throughout history cause they're pussies.
Your inferiority complex is showing. Why do you think Black people are smarter than whites when I never said that? :itsok:

I love when you white boys betray your fear. Now you want us to think that having better guns means you are not a pussy. :laugh:
When did facts become fears? It's like after you win in a game of football the sore loser denying it ever happened. You are a child.
HTF did this thread get hijacked into talking about ancient egypt?
Because of silly white boy fables like white egyptians. :laugh:
GTFO with your stupid black bullshit. You're such a troll trying to pretend black people are smarter than white people. That's such a laughable stance. AT MOST you could argue for equal on individual bases but as a group there isn't even an argument. They got blasted throughout history cause they're pussies.
Your inferiority complex is showing. Why do you think Black people are smarter than whites when I never said that? :itsok:

I love when you white boys betray your fear. Now you want us to think that having better guns means you are not a pussy. :laugh:
When did facts become fears? It's like after you win in a game of football the sore loser denying it ever happened. You are a child.
They were never facts. Thats how I found out they were simply fears. You white boys feel inadequate so you make up history. You are hypocrites. You call people savage and violent but thats the way you came to run the world. So your pseudo history doesnt fool me in the slightest. All you have left is fear. White boys like you wouldnt know a fact if it kicked you in your little tic tac sized dicks.
I do not at all understand this racist fantasy to classify ancient cultures...

The Egyptian's had an amazing civilization, so did the Chinese, the Greeks, the Romans, the Vikings, the Inca's, and the Aztec's. I see no reason at all to do other than proclaim them all as valid and important part of /human/ history, not some racial bullshit of which race is "better." What matters is that the pulled together and figured shit out, got things done for the betterment of their respective civilization's. When civilizations war against each other intent upon taking over land or resources they will always be "savage and violent" - regardless of the color of their skin. Hell everyone on this planet has "savage and violent" roots, to think otherwise is just stupid.
I do not at all understand this racist fantasy to classify ancient cultures...

The Egyptian's had an amazing civilization, so did the Chinese, the Greeks, the Romans, the Vikings, the Inca's, and the Aztec's. I see no reason at all to do other than proclaim them all as valid and important part of /human/ history, not some racial bullshit of which race is "better." What matters is that the pulled together and figured shit out, got things done for the betterment of their respective civilization's. When civilizations war against each other intent upon taking over land or resources they will always be "savage and violent" - regardless of the color of their skin. Hell everyone on this planet has "savage and violent" roots, to think otherwise is just stupid.
I understand it just fine. White men have long searched for relevance due to an inferiority complex so they lied about history. Thats why you have had so many BS stories about where man first came from. The Piltdown Man hoax they taught for decades is a great example of that. The other reason whites have lied is because they had a problem with rationalizing slavery and being a christian. In order to alleviate the hypocrisy they had to pretend Black people had never done anything. The end result of that is ridiculous stuff like the claims of white ancient Egyptians. Anyone looking at the sphinx can see its a Black person. What fools are going to build a monument and not make it look like them? That would be like Mt Rushmore having Nat Turner, Fredrick Douglass, Marcus Garvey, and Malcolm X on it. :laugh:
HTF did this thread get hijacked into talking about ancient egypt?
Because of silly white boy fables like white egyptians. :laugh:
GTFO with your stupid black bullshit. You're such a troll trying to pretend black people are smarter than white people. That's such a laughable stance. AT MOST you could argue for equal on individual bases but as a group there isn't even an argument. They got blasted throughout history cause they're pussies.
Interesting. I was raised with the "out of Africa" theory and my 16 year old was taught similar in school... I've heard there is new evidence to support the spontaneous development, I can't stay I've researched it personally so I'm kind of still going on the theory of everyone came from Africa originally. None of that changes my opinion that where we came from originally has much of anything to do with any modern human's intelligence or even their advances really. If anything civilization is merely the collaborative efforts of a people for their leader at the time (be that by choice or by force.) So to compare Ancient Egyptian's to Modern American's makes little sense to me, and likewise to claim Ancient Egyptian technological advances are based in a specific race per say is also imo... senseless... or perhaps pointless.

I guess I think of racial tension as a bit more "modern" development, that is to say African's may have indeed started a slave trade, but it was a product of their cultural methods and warfare. Not really all that much dissimilar to the "evils" put upon the defeated rivals of Aztec's being sacrificed. Or Egyptian servants being put to death with their Pharaoh's. The only real difference I specifically really see is that the 1) trade ultimately went outside the countries boundaries in the case of African slaves, and I'm not sure it's logical to read more into it than that as a whole. Anti-slavery too is a "modern" concept, brought about by human compassion. While we might argue that American slave owners were not keen to let their slaves go, there is also evidence that some did set them free even /without/ the abolishment of slavery, and I very much suspect there were some African slave traders who were also not to keen to drop the practice as well.

None of this moves us forward though... To me, it simply appears that some in this country are not ready, or willing, to move forward.
Interesting. I was raised with the "out of Africa" theory and my 16 year old was taught similar in school... I've heard there is new evidence to support the spontaneous development, I can't stay I've researched it personally so I'm kind of still going on the theory of everyone came from Africa originally. None of that changes my opinion that where we came from originally has much of anything to do with any modern human's intelligence or even their advances really. If anything civilization is merely the collaborative efforts of a people for their leader at the time (be that by choice or by force.) So to compare Ancient Egyptian's to Modern American's makes little sense to me, and likewise to claim Ancient Egyptian technological advances are based in a specific race per say is also imo... senseless... or perhaps pointless.

I guess I think of racial tension as a bit more "modern" development, that is to say African's may have indeed started a slave trade, but it was a product of their cultural methods and warfare. Not really all that much dissimilar to the "evils" put upon the defeated rivals of Aztec's being sacrificed. Or Egyptian servants being put to death with their Pharaoh's. The only real difference I specifically really see is that the 1) trade ultimately went outside the countries boundaries in the case of African slaves, and I'm not sure it's logical to read more into it than that as a whole. Anti-slavery too is a "modern" concept, brought about by human compassion. While we might argue that American slave owners were not keen to let their slaves go, there is also evidence that some did set them free even /without/ the abolishment of slavery, and I very much suspect there were some African slave traders who were also not to keen to drop the practice as well.

None of this moves us forward though... To me, it simply appears that some in this country are not ready, or willing, to move forward.
Check out the DNA mapping project. The oldest DNA traces to Africa. All others spring from it. I have heard the same rumors but no one has advanced any thing close to being credible in order to back it up.

No one is stopping white people from being racist but themselves. I emphatically disagree its a we problem. Its not up to me to make whites not be racist or to dismantle racism. The burden of taking care of that task of abolishing racism is on them alone. Black people and other people of color didnt start this system. Whites did.
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This worthless POS sheriff should be fired immediately. But nothing will be done as the War on Whites continues.

Kentucky Sheriff On Suspect Shot By Deputy We Are Glad That He Is White

may 13 2015
Police in Bardstown, Kentucky, shot a man named John Kennedy Fenwick on Sunday, following a long and destructive car chase that ended when a sheriff's deputy wrestled Fenwick out of the stolen truck he was driving. A scuffle ensued, in which authorities say Fenwick attempted to disarm the deputy and the deputy shot him. The miles-long pursuit left injured officers and mangled police cruisers in its wake. Fenwick, 25, is expected to survive his wounds.

In a press conference Monday, Nelson County Sheriff Ed Mattingly, who is white, expressed relief -- not only that the incident didn't lead to more serious injuries, but also that Fenwick's skin wasn't darker.

"We are glad that he is white, and we shouldn't have to be worried about that," Mattingly said Monday. "And we do not want any backlash or violence in this community because people have been misinformed. I think that the public needs to know how the criminal justice system works and... what officers are able to do."
Contrary to popular liberal belief whites do get killed by the cops all the time, it's just if white guy gets killed while committing a crime nobody cares.:dunno: He was breaking the law,tried to disarm the deputy like Michael Brown and got shot. Whites unlike blacks know it's what happens when you screw with a cop. You might have some outrage but I doubt there will be riots over this. HMM Wonder if Sharpton will show up for a photo op? Nah he's a racist and won't care because the dudes white.
The burden of taking care of that task of abolishing racism is on them alone. Black people and other people of color didnt start this system. Whites did.

If blacks keep aborting half their population by the millions, then racism will be solved. Blacks are their own worst enemy, they actually kill themselves en masse, self-genocide. Whites didn't start that system (wait, Margaret Sanger???)

So it seems that abolishing racism will be accomplished by blacks themselves, by eliminating their own race?!?
The burden of taking care of that task of abolishing racism is on them alone. Black people and other people of color didnt start this system. Whites did.

If blacks keep aborting half their population by the millions, then racism will be solved. Blacks are their own worst enemy, they actually kill themselves en masse, self-genocide. Whites didn't start that system (wait, Margaret Sanger???)

So it seems that abolishing racism will be accomplished by blacks themselves, by eliminating their own race?!?
dreamin' is free.

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