Kerry Liberates Palestine


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
In pretty much the same way the former Democratic presidential candidate "counted every vote" in 2004.

Recently rhymes-with-rich John Kerry has "waved the possibility of $4 billion investments in the Palestinian economy, from a world wide conglomerate of investors, over a period of three years."

Ready for the bad news?

"Of course, he hasn’t specified who these investors would be. It was reported that '… Kerry did not identify specific companies with plans to set up shop in the West Bank or how he hoped to remove obstacles to Palestinian commerce.'”

What possible "obstacles to Palestinian commerce," you might ask?

"Israel has established countless checkpoints all over the West Bank.

"Customers wanting to get to stores that may be a few blocks from their home may have to travel miles to get to them, because IDF (Israel Defense Forces) soldiers arbitrarily close checkpoints whenever the mood so strikes them.

"Or, they might leave a checkpoint open, but prevent people from passing through by asking countless questions, demanding assorted identification, or simply telling them they have to wait until the soldiers are good and ready to speak to them.

"That could be today, or possibly, tomorrow.

"Or maybe the day after.

"And if a potential customer decides to try a different route, through a different checkpoint, there is no guarantee the response there will be any different.

"Merchants attempting to get to their own stores face the same checkpoints and challenges."

CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Always remember it's 3.15 billion US taxpayer dollars flowing every year to the "Only Democracy in the Middle East" that makes the checkpoint and challenges possible, and rich whores like Kerry's posturing predictably self-serving and doomed to failure.
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It's a virtual state in limbo.

Good that it weighs so little because he's still a lightweight. I'm waiting to see if he can really effect his and President Obama's kind of changes with regards to Israel and the Palestinian conflict.

So far, there is no boat rocking. As a matter of a fact, in the last few months, the quid pro quo relationship between Israel & America has been restarted. In that case it seems rather a bit like twenty years ago.

I like it and Sec. State Kerry doesn't seem to have a choice. (so far)

Interesting times.
It's a virtual state in limbo.

Good that it weighs so little because he's still a lightweight. I'm waiting to see if he can really effect his and President Obama's kind of changes with regards to Israel and the Palestinian conflict.

So far, there is no boat rocking. As a matter of a fact, in the last few months, the quid pro quo relationship between Israel & America has been restarted. In that case it seems rather a bit like twenty years ago.

I like it and Sec. State Kerry doesn't seem to have a choice. (so far)

Interesting times.
Is "lightweight" the latest in little hasbara talking points?

"Internet giant Google took a symbolic step last week, changing the tagline on the homepage of its Palestinian edition from 'Palestinian territories' to 'Palestine.'

"The move marks another victory for the PLO, after it won an upgrade at the United Nations General Assembly in November, gaining the status of non-member observer state. Following the vote, the Palestinian Authority officially changed its name to the 'State of Palestine,' with stamps, signs and letterheads reflecting the decision. The PA is an organ of the PLO.

Racist Jews are going the way of White South Africa; that's the new status quo.
Lightweight as in he's doing nothing. :)
Lightweight as in he's doing nothing. :)
Kerry is definitely a lightweight going through his pre-retirement motions.
If a Free Kurdistan is carved by heavyweights from Syria, Iraq, Turkey, and Iran, then maybe the borders of Israel and Free Palestine will come into focus?

I think we will see quite a bit of border changing within the next decade or two.

The West and US are hoping that they can keep the main borders and partition sectarian claims within newly created sectarian 'soft' borders.

There could end up being soft borders within the countries and possibly all over the Arab Middle East and although Turkey is clearly against such a thing. Iraq is softening. (no pun intended)

It could well be that another deal will include Israel-Palestinian borders. I wouldn't hold any breath as Syria and especially Lebanon are looking rather amorphous.

Jordan is a powder keg that's been growing for a decade and Egypt has a few decades long of growing pains to deal with.
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so, lets cut to the chase, how much $$ is he promising them?

and of course, the larger question, who's swiss account will it wind up in?
Lightweight as in he's doing nothing. :)
Kerry is definitely a lightweight going through his pre-retirement motions.
If a Free Kurdistan is carved by heavyweights from Syria, Iraq, Turkey, and Iran, then maybe the borders of Israel and Free Palestine will come into focus?

I think we will see quite a bit of border changing within the next decade or two.

The West and US are hoping that they can keep the main borders and partition sectarian claims within newly created sectarian 'soft' borders.

There could end up being soft borders within the countries and possibly all over the Arab Middle East and although Turkey is clearly against such a thing. Iraq is softening. (no pun intended)

It could well be that another deal will include Israel-Palestinian borders. I wouldn't hold any breath as Syria and especially Lebanon are looking rather amorphous.

Jordan is a powder keg that's been growing for a decade and Egypt has a few decades long of growing pains to deal with.
The West and US continue to hallucinate a "Clash of Civilizations" in the Middle East and formulate their foreign policies around stoking conflict between religions or competing sects of one religion. Central governments in Arab states have long suppressed tribal communities on their periphery, and groups from al-Qa'ida to CENTCOM exploit that violence for their own ends.

"The United States, however, has failed to understand not only the nature of tribal society but also the dimensions of this simmering conflict between the center and the periphery.

"As a result, Americans have never been clear as to where al Qaeda ends and where the tribe begins and why they resort to violence.

"Instead they have viewed central governments as the only legitimate source of authority and force, while ignoring all reports of the loutish and sadistic behavior of the center’s soldiers, preferring to deal with Hosni Mubarak as representing all of Egypt and Pervez Musharraf all of Pakistan.

"Anyone opposed to these leaders was automatically seen as a foe of the United States."

?How America?s war on terror became a global war on tribal Islam? - Guest Voices - The Washington Post
During the recently held World-economic Forum in Amman , U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry revealed that the U.S. would offer the Palestinian Authority (PA) $4 billion dollars for reactivating the Palestinian economy.

However, Kerry made it unmistakably clear that the implementation of the American inducement package was dependent on the resumption of the stalled peace process between an imperial Israel, armed to the teeth and in tight control of the American government. And the PA, a vanquished supplicant whose very survival depends on Israeli good will as well as western handouts.

Some gullible observers have hailed the American "gesture," ignoring the poisoned chalice the Palestinians are being urged to drink as part of the deal. The PA has denied that it would sacrifice Palestinian rights in return for some transient economic benefits. However, from early Palestinian reactions it is noticed that a majority of Palestinians have deep suspicions as to whether Abbas will be able to withstand and resist America's bullying.

It is vital we make things amply clear for our people. The U.S. simply wants to bribe the easy-going easy-coming PA leadership into giving up the paramount right of return for Palestinian refugees, East Jerusalem and accept a deformed state-let on parts of the West Bank, all in order to enable the resumption of the so-called peace process.

Kerry bullies Abbas to cede right of return for 4b. dollars
During the recently held World-economic Forum in Amman , U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry revealed that the U.S. would offer the Palestinian Authority (PA) $4 billion dollars for reactivating the Palestinian economy.

However, Kerry made it unmistakably clear that the implementation of the American inducement package was dependent on the resumption of the stalled peace process between an imperial Israel, armed to the teeth and in tight control of the American government. And the PA, a vanquished supplicant whose very survival depends on Israeli good will as well as western handouts.

Some gullible observers have hailed the American "gesture," ignoring the poisoned chalice the Palestinians are being urged to drink as part of the deal. The PA has denied that it would sacrifice Palestinian rights in return for some transient economic benefits. However, from early Palestinian reactions it is noticed that a majority of Palestinians have deep suspicions as to whether Abbas will be able to withstand and resist America's bullying.

It is vital we make things amply clear for our people. The U.S. simply wants to bribe the easy-going easy-coming PA leadership into giving up the paramount right of return for Palestinian refugees, East Jerusalem and accept a deformed state-let on parts of the West Bank, all in order to enable the resumption of the so-called peace process.

Kerry bullies Abbas to cede right of return for 4b. dollars
"It would be a huge disaster if the Palestinian leadership were to relate seriously to the American proposal..."

"In fact, one could claim that the very American offer carries with it a great deal of naivety if only because everyone knows that economic prosperity is impossible under a sinister foreign military occupation.

"Indeed, one doesn't have to be a great economic expert to realize that in the absence of sovereignty and freedom of movement, there is a little chance for sustained economic development. It would be lamentable if the PA failed to realize this point after all the lessons of the past 20 years."

Of course, the greedy whores in the PA are just as complicit as their Jewish and US counterparts in the colonization of Palestine. Kerry fits right into that paradigm.

Kerry bullies Abbas to cede right of return for 4b. dollars
Lets invest billions in Chechnya next.
How about reparations for Fallujah and prosecutions for the war criminals who made it all possible?

"The Iraqi city of Fallujah continues to suffer the ghastly consequences of a US military onslaught in late 2004.

"According to the authors of a new study, 'Cancer, Infant Mortality and Birth Sex-Ratio in Fallujah, Iraq 2005–2009,' the people of Fallujah are experiencing higher rates of cancer, leukemia, infant mortality, and sexual mutations than those recorded among survivors in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the years after those Japanese cities were incinerated by US atomic bomb strikes in 1945.

"The epidemiological study, published in the International Journal of Environmental Studies and Public Health (IJERPH), also finds the prevalence of these conditions in Fallujah to be many times greater than in nearby nations."

US War Crimes: Cancer Rate in Fallujah Worse than Hiroshima | Global Research
Yeah lets invest $4 billion dollars into a country that mourned the loss of Usama Bin Laden, god we are so fucking stupid.
'Think Dick and Halliburton are more deserving of US tax dollars?

"Cheney's Halliburton Made $39.5 Billion on Iraq War."

The people who push for war always get rich over it. Funny how it always works out like that.

It must be that military industrial complex that Eisenhower warned us about.

And then there is the prison industrial complex, and the homeland security industrial complex.

They are all just phony scams to pack their pockets with our tax money.
Yeah lets invest $4 billion dollars into a country that mourned the loss of Usama Bin Laden, god we are so fucking stupid.
'Think Dick and Halliburton are more deserving of US tax dollars?

"Cheney's Halliburton Made $39.5 Billion on Iraq War."

The people who push for war always get rich over it. Funny how it always works out like that.

It must be that military industrial complex that Eisenhower warned us about.

And then there is the prison industrial complex, and the homeland security industrial complex.

They are all just phony scams to pack their pockets with our tax money.
It's always those who don't get close to the killing that make the big financial "killing."

"Even though the military has largely pulled out of Iraq, private contractors remain on the ground and continue to reap U.S. government contracts. For example, the U.S. State Department estimates that taxpayers will dole out $3 billion to private guards for the government's sprawling embassy in Baghdad.

"The costs of paying private and publicly listed war profiteers seem miniscule in light of the total bill for the war.

"Last week, the Costs of War Project by the Watson Institute for International Studies at Brown University said the war in Iraq cost $1.7 trillion dollars, not including the $490 billion in immediate benefits owed to veterans of the war and the lifetime benefits that will be owed to them or their next of kin."
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'Think Dick and Halliburton are more deserving of US tax dollars?

"Cheney's Halliburton Made $39.5 Billion on Iraq War."

The people who push for war always get rich over it. Funny how it always works out like that.

It must be that military industrial complex that Eisenhower warned us about.

And then there is the prison industrial complex, and the homeland security industrial complex.

They are all just phony scams to pack their pockets with our tax money.
It's always those who don't get close to the killing that make the big financial "killing."

"Even though the military has largely pulled out of Iraq, private contractors remain on the ground and continue to reap U.S. government contracts. For example, the U.S. State Department estimates that taxpayers will dole out $3 billion to private guards for the government's sprawling embassy in Baghdad.

"The costs of paying private and publicly listed war profiteers seem miniscule in light of the total bill for the war.

"Last week, the Costs of War Project by the Watson Institute for International Studies at Brown University said the war in Iraq cost $1.7 trillion dollars, not including the $490 billion in immediate benefits owed to veterans of the war and the lifetime benefits that will be owed to them or their next of kin."

ZCommunications | Cheney's Halliburton Made $39.5 Billion on Iraq War by Angelo Young | ZNet Article

Then there are those who think someone getting a few hundred bucks in food stamps is killing our economy.
Yeah lets invest $4 billion dollars into a country that mourned the loss of Usama Bin Laden, god we are so fucking stupid.
'Think Dick and Halliburton are more deserving of US tax dollars?

"Cheney's Halliburton Made $39.5 Billion on Iraq War."

Instead of giving $4 billion to a bunch of American hating Allah Akbar screaming Jihadis, lets keep the money at home. Or at least give it to a country that doesn't hate us, just saying.
Yeah lets invest $4 billion dollars into a country that mourned the loss of Usama Bin Laden, god we are so fucking stupid.
'Think Dick and Halliburton are more deserving of US tax dollars?

"Cheney's Halliburton Made $39.5 Billion on Iraq War."

Instead of giving $4 billion to a bunch of American hating Allah Akbar screaming Jihadis, lets keep the money at home. Or at least give it to a country that doesn't hate us, just saying.

It is just a bribe. I don't see that money going anywhere.

Where are the billions promised by Clinton after Cast Lead. None of it has been handed out yet. This is all just mouth.

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