Kerry loses Nobel Prize


Gold Member
Dec 2, 2013
That's it folks. It's over. Rack up the balls.
Kerry is not going to get the 'Peace Prize' after all.
The so-called six months of the Iranians 'running on the spot' agreeing to back off their nuclear bomb making drive while smiling and nodding at the 'Chamberlain Twins' at the same time building thousands more centrifuges underground wasn't worth the paper it was printed on.
I predicted when Kerry waved the infamous worthless piece of paper around that nothing would come of the 'non-agreement'. I predicted that not a single IAEA inspector would ever come within fifty miles of any Iranian nuclear bomb making facility. Iranians remind me of how the LIBs think:
The smartest brightest negotiators were unable to get it through the Mullahs heads that the agreement called for maintaining the existing sanctions. The Mullahs understood the agreement to mean the 'West' would remove the existing sanctions. Or perhaps they were just trying to 'play' The Chamberlain Twins? Sort of like trying to get a LIB to understand the concept of "but Billy stole some cookies too and that means because I did I shouldn't be punished." nonsense. AKA: Well Bush lied too so Obama should be able to get away with lying. Like trying to reason with a three years old.
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Iran certainly made a fool out of Kerry, that's for sure.
What could we expect from a 'poser' who awarded himself the Silver Star among other medals while being in VN for an afternoon. the overall arch of US history 'The First Affirmative Action President' was destined to make Kerry SoS. The 'Chamberlain Twins' are the perfect couple to be paddling around up to their ankles in Goe-politics.
Must make for some pretty hilarious after dinner jokes in the capitals around the world.
Who the heck cares? Even if he won the prize, that's just another discredit for the prize.

I don't think we should care who wins a peace prize that Gandhi didnt get for his years of work and that Obama was given without doing a damn thing.
Who the heck cares? Even if he won the prize, that's just another discredit for the prize.

I don't think we should care who wins a peace prize that Gandhi didnt get for his years of work and that Obama was given without doing a damn thing.

It's lost the prestige. O receiving it after only weeks as president??? And the Pope, just months into his position. :lol:

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