Kerry vs Kadyrov who would you want at your back?

You know. This takes a lot out of me but with so many pretenders out there there has to be a way to ask people if they are real or they are not. Especially servicemen and women.

There's just so many fakers. I really don't know what to do in a Kardashian world. I really don't.

Well the Veterans Administration along with the Department of Defense will re-issuing identification cards later this year. It verifies service without having to produce a DD214 which contains a lot of personal info.
Nobody in their right mind would want Kerry watching their back. Just ask our Vietnam vets.

I'm a Vietnam vet who served in the Mekong Delta and I would have been proud to have John Kerry watching my back.

Like hell you did. And this is a throw down. Put it up. Or shut up.

Okay what do you want to see?

You missed my other post. It's hard to tell the truth anymore. There are so many fakers out there are there not? I had two more than good friends serve in Vietnam. Long story. Family vacation with only my mother and my Baba in Myrtle Beach. Biggest tick ever pulled out of my hair. Best beach. Best two guys. My mom :lmao: decided to help the kids out and bring them back to Waterdown Ontario Canada.

OK are you getting this? They were dodging the draft and none of us knew we were doing a REALLY REALLY BIG illegal thing. I don't think Doug and Arthur knew at the time what we were doing either.

Now I know their stories from a really personal perspective from that time period.

Tell me yours.
Oh and by the way, once we realized and my friends realized it was such a politicized time period, it was unreal. Both served. One came back alright. My other friend didn't.
If you got John Kerry at your back then you better be prepared to take a shanker up the ass.
Nobody in their right mind would want Kerry watching their back. Just ask our Vietnam vets.

I'm a Vietnam vet who served in the Mekong Delta and I would have been proud to have John Kerry watching my back.

Like hell you did. And this is a throw down. Put it up. Or shut up.

Okay what do you want to see?

You missed my other post. It's hard to tell the truth anymore. There are so many fakers out there are there not? I had two more than good friends serve in Vietnam. Long story. Family vacation with only my mother and my Baba in Myrtle Beach. Biggest tick ever pulled out of my hair. Best beach. Best two guys. My mom :lmao: decided to help the kids out and bring them back to Waterdown Ontario Canada.

OK are you getting this? They were dodging the draft and none of us knew we were doing a REALLY REALLY BIG illegal thing. I don't think Doug and Arthur knew at the time what we were doing either.

Now I know their stories from a really personal perspective from that time period.

Tell me yours.

I was a party boy, raised in Malibu went to UCLA but dropped out for poor grades and stayed in the neighborhood to have fun. The draft caught up with me and I went out of respect for my folks who were the greatest pair you could ever meet. I had friends who went to jail rather than serve and it was a very perplexing problem to have to face back then. I chose the route that would save me some face (or so I thought) my friends served 18 months and one of them was cellmate with Joan Baez's husband at the time.

I spent 4 months of basic training at Ft Ord and Advanced training at Ft Sill Oklahoma, came home in December just before Christmas for a 30 day leave and I was gone, a 20 hour flight on TWA with movies and good food and the last thing I remember of the old life was when the air was turned off, it got about 110 in the cabin. I remember the stewardesses all crying when we deplaned but the focus was on the future, no one had a clue what to expect.

We all survived, my friends prospered as I did. We all got through it but not without scars. I wish I could change those times, I didn't know anyone who bugged out, I did have a principled girlfriend who moved to Victoria and never looked back, but I never thought badly for any of them. My personal friends protested so that no more would die and it was a stance I couldn't argue with. I chose the path that I thought was honorable and many people do, myself included. But it was a dark adventure and for a time I was a monster.
Nobody in their right mind would want Kerry watching their back. Just ask our Vietnam vets.

I'm a Vietnam vet who served in the Mekong Delta and I would have been proud to have John Kerry watching my back.

Like hell you did. And this is a throw down. Put it up. Or shut up.

Okay what do you want to see?

You missed my other post. It's hard to tell the truth anymore. There are so many fakers out there are there not? I had two more than good friends serve in Vietnam. Long story. Family vacation with only my mother and my Baba in Myrtle Beach. Biggest tick ever pulled out of my hair. Best beach. Best two guys. My mom :lmao: decided to help the kids out and bring them back to Waterdown Ontario Canada.

OK are you getting this? They were dodging the draft and none of us knew we were doing a REALLY REALLY BIG illegal thing. I don't think Doug and Arthur knew at the time what we were doing either.

Now I know their stories from a really personal perspective from that time period.

Tell me yours.

I was a party boy, raised in Malibu went to UCLA but dropped out for poor grades and stayed in the neighborhood to have fun. The draft caught up with me and I went out of respect for my folks who were the greatest pair you could ever meet. I had friends who went to jail rather than serve and it was a very perplexing problem to have to face back then. I chose the route that would save me some face (or so I thought) my friends served 18 months and one of them was cellmate with Joan Baez's husband at the time.

I spent 4 months of basic training at Ft Ord and Advanced training at Ft Sill Oklahoma, came home in December just before Christmas for a 30 day leave and I was gone, a 20 hour flight on TWA with movies and good food and the last thing I remember of the old life was when the air was turned off, it got about 110 in the cabin. I remember the stewardesses all crying when we deplaned but the focus was on the future, no one had a clue what to expect.

We all survived, my friends prospered as I did. We all got through it but not without scars. I wish I could change those times, I didn't know anyone who bugged out, I did have a principled girlfriend who moved to Victoria and never looked back, but I never thought badly for any of them. My personal friends protested so that no more would die and it was a stance I couldn't argue with. I chose the path that I thought was honorable and many people do, myself included. But it was a dark adventure and for a time I was a monster.

Bless your soul. My friends were Arthur and Doug. One came home ok. The other didn't. I was rioting in the streets by the way protesting the war. It was a point of time no one can understand unless you've lived it.

Truly there is my mom taking two kids from Myrtle Beach back to Canada my father going "Annie what the hell have you done" and getting them jobs as ice cream guys.

Trying to figure it all out. Parents becoming best of friends with their parents. My friends going off to serve. As I said only one coming home ok. You will know what I mean.

And by the way I don't think you or my friends were ever a monster.

A monster is what you set out to be. NONE. NONE of you meant to be what you had to become to survive.

You remember this. And this is really important for your soul. You did not ever set out to be what you had to be to survive.
Thank you Annie,

I've been able to move past the ugliness, it was nothing like I expected. I had no idea what we were supposed to do, the only thing I was proficient in was using a weapon and firing a cannon, but you learn fast. We lived like pigs, bed was 4 ammo boxes covered with sand bags, meals at the beginning were rations which tasted so bad it was easier not to eat, that part of it never got better. I remember to this day my favorite meal was canned peaches and peanut butter and crackers. I think when I came home I had a 26 inch waist. You shaved in cold water and never had privacy of any kind. I remember when we march ordered from a position I dumped the ammo boxes and found I had been sleeping on a nest of centipedes, at least life was interesting.

I lost too many people to bring up, many times I should have been done for myself, but somehow fate intervened and kept me well. I can't explain how, I just know that upon reflection people or something was looking out for me.
Thank you Annie,

I've been able to move past the ugliness, it was nothing like I expected. I had no idea what we were supposed to do, the only thing I was proficient in was using a weapon and firing a cannon, but you learn fast. We lived like pigs, bed was 4 ammo boxes covered with sand bags, meals at the beginning were rations which tasted so bad it was easier not to eat, that part of it never got better. I remember to this day my favorite meal was canned peaches and peanut butter and crackers. I think when I came home I had a 26 inch waist. You shaved in cold water and never had privacy of any kind. I remember when we march ordered from a position I dumped the ammo boxes and found I had been sleeping on a nest of centipedes, at least life was interesting.

I lost too many people to bring up, many times I should have been done for myself, but somehow fate intervened and kept me well. I can't explain how, I just know that upon reflection people or something was looking out for me.

That Annie was my mother. Can you imagine a woman so horrified and upset but really wasn't sure what to do she smuggled two kids from Myrtle Beach across the border but made them call their moms as soon as we got to the house to let them know they were ok?


This was my mother. I'm Dana. But what was happening at the time was so crazy. I wasn't even against the war yet. I was against the draft. Hell's bells I was a kid but I was getting what was going on. I thought.

Like you always think when you are young.

Bless your soul though and I mean it from the bottom of my heart. I had two friends go over. Both came back but only one really did. Oh boy. I'm sure you know so many.

Because my father was such a dedicated man not sure if I told you that even though I'm dual so things sometimes get blurred on the board my grandfather served in navy in WWII.

So my father always made sure we came to Arlington to pay our respects. I was a baby watching Arlington grow. Year after year. Over Vietnam.
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I can sympathize with your mother had it happened to me I likely would have done the same thing. I think one of the traumas I experienced was the simple fact that the Vietnamese people were simple, there was no complication like we live in daily. For them, it is hard work and 3 meals. When we came along, it was get in order or die, people were forced to become lean, do with less, or improvise, a lot of young girls became prostitutes to swing money into the family and the fact they did so while deeply religious was a tragedy. If we had stayed at home they would have done just fine without us and we would have seen the same result.

The people were sweet, the government was rotten and the NVA were doctrinaire, and we were all humbled by the experience. I went back 20 years ago, and I wish I hadn't, so little was recognizable, urbanization and just covered it all up, places I recognized where people died, were homes or businesses and I realized very sadly how time moves on without us.
I can sympathize with your mother had it happened to me I likely would have done the same thing. I think one of the traumas I experienced was the simple fact that the Vietnamese people were simple, there was no complication like we live in daily. For them, it is hard work and 3 meals. When we came along, it was get in order or die, people were forced to become lean, do with less, or improvise, a lot of young girls became prostitutes to swing money into the family and the fact they did so while deeply religious was a tragedy. If we had stayed at home they would have done just fine without us and we would have seen the same result.

The people were sweet, the government was rotten and the NVA were doctrinaire, and we were all humbled by the experience. I went back 20 years ago, and I wish I hadn't, so little was recognizable, urbanization and just covered it all up, places I recognized where people died, were homes or businesses and I realized very sadly how time moves on without us.

tinydancers life part deux

Fast forward and skipping my rock years. Years later at GM Bramalea. My husbands new partner was a vietnam boat person baby called Peter. With a story like you wouldn't believe. How they made it. Oh my I can't even fit it in a post what this family made it thru to come from Vietnam to Canada.

We had just come back from Tennessee (Saturn) and there is Peter. So wonderful. My husband and I just love cooking foods of the world and into our lives walks this great man and he helped open all the doors for cuisine.

There are all these subtleties sp? to asian cuisine. Province to province. Heck road to road. :) But it seemed from what he told us to where we are now that they just lost this simple life.

This wonderful simple life where world players decided one day they were going to whack it out in all their back yards.

And I fear this is what is going on again in the middle east. I think we are hitting the same nerve here. Granted I am far more eloquent than on nyQuil I think you've caught my drift.
That was a wonderful story and I think if there is a lesson to be learned it is how precious and fragile life is. Your life is undoubtedly richer and so is the life of your husband's partner. War made it possible, yet would it have been better or worse without our involvement?

I think economic progress without death is preferable and we need to get out of the war business. Surely people can make money in more interesting ways?
I don't understand this bromance with men and Obama. To me he's all nancy boy and not a world leader.

But let's play "I'm the leader". Do you want John Kerry? Or Kadyrov? Who do you want at your back?

"If Russia’s Supreme Commander-in-Chief Vladimir Putin issues an order, we are ready already tomorrow to send world-class specialists who have no equal in the West.

We have the experience and knowledge," Kadyrov wrote on his page in a social network, according to Tass. “I’m convinced that the evil ISIS should be eliminated in its lair. We cannot wait until they come to our towns and villages.”

Russia Airstrikes In Syria: Chechen Leader Ramzan Kadyrov Commits Troops To Fight Islamic State Group On The Ground

I'm running with Ramz baby!

He is going to wait for them to come to his towns and villages? That is watching your back?

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