Kerry Warns of Israeli ‘Apartheid’


Gold Member
Feb 26, 2012
Because Israel keeps peace off the table and the result is more Islamic frustration, the result, more tension and war, America is turning away slowly from the Zionist entity.

Kerry Warns of Israeli ?Apartheid?

If there’s no two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict soon, Israel risks becoming “an apartheid state,” Secretary of State John Kerry told a room of influential world leaders in a closed-door meeting Friday.

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Senior American officials have rarely, if ever, used the term "apartheid" in reference to Israel, and President Obama has previously rejected the idea that the word should apply to Jewish State. Kerry's use of the loaded term is already rankling Jewish leaders in America—and almost certain to Israeli leaders abroad.
Because Israel keeps peace off the table and the result is more Islamic frustration, the result, more tension and war, America is turning away slowly from the Zionist entity.

Kerry Warns of Israeli ?Apartheid?

If there’s no two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict soon, Israel risks becoming “an apartheid state,” Secretary of State John Kerry told a room of influential world leaders in a closed-door meeting Friday.

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How John Kerry can find success in the ashes of Middle East peace The Week (RSS)
'Pause' perhaps needed in Israeli-Palestinian talks: Obama Reuters
For Washington, Palestinian pact not the end of Middle East peace hopes Reuters
US in 'holding period' in Mideast peace talks AFP
Troubled Mideast peace effort compounds U.S. policy woes in region Reuters

Senior American officials have rarely, if ever, used the term "apartheid" in reference to Israel, and President Obama has previously rejected the idea that the word should apply to Jewish State. Kerry's use of the loaded term is already rankling Jewish leaders in America—and almost certain to Israeli leaders abroad.

When you read the report he does not actually say what you are posting does he, what is actually said is this

" Because a unitary state winds up either being an apartheid state with second class citizens—or it ends up being a state that destroys the capacity of Israel to be a Jewish state,”

He also said that " that a failure of Middle East peace talks could lead to a resumption of Palestinian violence against Israeli citizens."


"And Kerry said that both Israeli and Palestinian leaders share the blame for the current impasse in the talks. "

So not as one sided as you are trying to make out, and he said that the unitary state would be apartheid meaning that it could be an Islamic one.

I have no dog in the battles going on in the Middle East but I have a couple of troubling questions:

1) Why is there concern over a nation's capacity to be a "Jewish State" when it's against global rules to have a strictly Christian state?

2) If apartheid is wrong in South Africa and the United States why would it be acceptable in Israel?
I have no dog in the battles going on in the Middle East but I have a couple of troubling questions:

1) Why is there concern over a nation's capacity to be a "Jewish State" when it's against global rules to have a strictly Christian state?

2) If apartheid is wrong in South Africa and the United States why would it be acceptable in Israel?

There is no apartheid in Israel. Plenty of proof of that all around.
I have no dog in the battles going on in the Middle East but I have a couple of troubling questions:

1) Why is there concern over a nation's capacity to be a "Jewish State" when it's against global rules to have a strictly Christian state?

2) If apartheid is wrong in South Africa and the United States why would it be acceptable in Israel?

There is no apartheid in Israel. Plenty of proof of that all around.

I didn't say there was. I was questioning Kerry's use of the term and his concern over the possibility.
I have no dog in the battles going on in the Middle East but I have a couple of troubling questions:

1) Why is there concern over a nation's capacity to be a "Jewish State" when it's against global rules to have a strictly Christian state?

2) If apartheid is wrong in South Africa and the United States why would it be acceptable in Israel?

What you appear to have - as evinced by your 'questions' above - is no FACTS.
But but but I thought Israel was already an apartheid state. Will you guys get your BS straight. Like I said before, with all the fuckups this administration has had before, Obama and his crowd have zero credibility both domestically and internationally.
I have no dog in the battles going on in the Middle East but I have a couple of troubling questions:

1) Why is there concern over a nation's capacity to be a "Jewish State" when it's against global rules to have a strictly Christian state?

2) If apartheid is wrong in South Africa and the United States why would it be acceptable in Israel?

There is no apartheid in Israel. Plenty of proof of that all around.

Of course there is Apartheid in Israel. Only silly partisans believe otherwise.
Because Israel keeps peace off the table and the result is more Islamic frustration, the result, more tension and war, America is turning away slowly from the Zionist entity.

Kerry Warns of Israeli ?Apartheid?

If there’s no two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict soon, Israel risks becoming “an apartheid state,” Secretary of State John Kerry told a room of influential world leaders in a closed-door meeting Friday.

Related Stories

How John Kerry can find success in the ashes of Middle East peace The Week (RSS)
'Pause' perhaps needed in Israeli-Palestinian talks: Obama Reuters
For Washington, Palestinian pact not the end of Middle East peace hopes Reuters
US in 'holding period' in Mideast peace talks AFP
Troubled Mideast peace effort compounds U.S. policy woes in region Reuters

Senior American officials have rarely, if ever, used the term "apartheid" in reference to Israel, and President Obama has previously rejected the idea that the word should apply to Jewish State. Kerry's use of the loaded term is already rankling Jewish leaders in America—and almost certain to Israeli leaders abroad.

Again with the 'America is slowly turning away from Israel??'

Some of you people are living in a fantasy world.

And how ironic that you start to use the term Zionist Entity after your hero Nazi Joe started using it :lol:
I have no dog in the battles going on in the Middle East but I have a couple of troubling questions:

1) Why is there concern over a nation's capacity to be a "Jewish State" when it's against global rules to have a strictly Christian state?

2) If apartheid is wrong in South Africa and the United States why would it be acceptable in Israel?

What you appear to have - as evinced by your 'questions' above - is no FACTS.

That's why they're called "questions." Do you know the difference between a question and a fact? Apparently not!
I have no dog in the battles going on in the Middle East but I have a couple of troubling questions:

1) Why is there concern over a nation's capacity to be a "Jewish State" when it's against global rules to have a strictly Christian state?

2) If apartheid is wrong in South Africa and the United States why would it be acceptable in Israel?

There is no apartheid in Israel. Plenty of proof of that all around.

Of course there is Apartheid in Israel. Only silly partisans believe otherwise.

Where is there apartheid in Israel proper?
How many folks know what the term "idolatry" means? Is it possible to literally worship a nation? I'm beginning to think that it is.
Right on. Israel is so damn apartheid it is the only country in the entire Middle East to have citizens of most races, religions & ethnicities including Palestinians with equal voting rights in the Knesset. Wouldn't it be wonderful if only the Arab countries were so apartheid?

I have no dog in the battles going on in the Middle East but I have a couple of troubling questions:

1) Why is there concern over a nation's capacity to be a "Jewish State" when it's against global rules to have a strictly Christian state?

2) If apartheid is wrong in South Africa and the United States why would it be acceptable in Israel?

There is no apartheid in Israel. Plenty of proof of that all around.

Of course there is Apartheid in Israel. Only silly partisans believe otherwise.
I have no dog in the battles going on in the Middle East but I have a couple of troubling questions:

1) Why is there concern over a nation's capacity to be a "Jewish State" when it's against global rules to have a strictly Christian state?

2) If apartheid is wrong in South Africa and the United States why would it be acceptable in Israel?

What you appear to have - as evinced by your 'questions' above - is no FACTS.

Marg I'm pretty sure he was just asking questions and not stating facts..
But but but I thought Israel was already an apartheid state. Will you guys get your BS straight. Like I said before, with all the fuckups this administration has had before, Obama and his crowd have zero credibility both domestically and internationally.

For the U.S. to even imply the possibility is a tremendous reality check.
How many folks know what the term "idolatry" means? Is it possible to literally worship a nation? I'm beginning to think that it is.
Maybe it has something to do with my current sig, Just sayin'.

Let's also "never forget" the Christians who were thrown to the lions or burned as the stake. Let's not forget the USS Liberty. Let's not forget the Christians who were massacred by the Bosheviks during the Russian revolution. Let's not forget the Apostles who were tortured or nailed to crosses. Let's not forget Jesus Christ!!!!!!!!!!!
How many folks know what the term "idolatry" means? Is it possible to literally worship a nation? I'm beginning to think that it is.

The word actually means different things to different cultures - as does 'salvation' and 'prophet' and 'prophesy'.

There are ALREADY several nations with 'official' religions: Israel is not one of those.

There are ALREADY several nations which restrict immigration and citizenship to a specific religion: Israel is not one of those.
How many folks know what the term "idolatry" means? Is it possible to literally worship a nation? I'm beginning to think that it is.
Maybe it has something to do with my current sig, Just sayin'.

Let's also "never forget" the Christians who were thrown to the lions or burned as the stake. Let's not forget the USS Liberty. Let's not forget the Christians who were massacred by the Bosheviks during the Russian revolution. Let's not forget the Apostles who were tortured or nailed to crosses. Let's not forget Jesus Christ!!!!!!!!!!!

What about Reb Yehoshua ben Yosef v' Mariam? What is it you wish everyone to 'not forget'?
How many folks know what the term "idolatry" means? Is it possible to literally worship a nation? I'm beginning to think that it is.
Maybe it has something to do with my current sig, Just sayin'.

Let's also "never forget" the Christians who were thrown to the lions or burned as the stake. Let's not forget the USS Liberty. Let's not forget the Christians who were massacred by the Bosheviks during the Russian revolution. Let's not forget the Apostles who were tortured or nailed to crosses. Let's not forget Jesus Christ!!!!!!!!!!!
And that relates to apartheid in what manner? Or nation worshipping? What is your agenda?

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