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Kerry warns of revolution if Trump is reelected

Well, now you got me all interested in doing my part to reelect him! Not because I like him because I don't but because I would love to see a damn revolution!

So all Dems have to say is the election was "not fair" and they will take up arms to overturn the election??
Republicans will be doing their best to reduce the vote in Dem areas Long lines because of not enough or broken voting machines ,denying write in votes etc etc etc Repubs know big numbers mean they lose
You won't like it.
LMAO....do me a favor and yourself, go google WHO owns the most weapons in this country and WHERE they are located...seeing how you neo communists have shit on the military and the cops and are pushing sane whites into the right side. You soy boys with your dildo's and bricks aren't gonna do shit against armed rednecks pal. But it will be fun to watch.
Son, owning a gun doesn't make you a fighter. Conservatives are cowards. Afraid of everyone who isn't like them, terrified of change. We see right through your blustering schoolyard bully tactics, sitting in your basement, stroking your expensive security blanket, we know you for the scared little children you are.

Take it from me, you won't like it.
Cowards are found in packs...packs like Antifa and Black Lives Matter. They pick on those weaker than they are while hiding behind masks to avoid prosecution. I don't know if I've seen a liberal win a one on one fair fight yet, Crepitus! They're usually assaulting the elderly...or a woman...or someone completely outnumbered!

They beat up on the elderly, women, children. This is what communists/marxists do. BLM, antifa are pushing to overthrow the govt. They are communist/marxists domestic enemies.
You won't like it.
LMAO....do me a favor and yourself, go google WHO owns the most weapons in this country and WHERE they are located...seeing how you neo communists have shit on the military and the cops and are pushing sane whites into the right side. You soy boys with your dildo's and bricks aren't gonna do shit against armed rednecks pal. But it will be fun to watch.
I'm neutral but the cons are the bad guys and the liberals are the better guys. Evil always loses at the end. You guys are just big assholes (racists, poorly educated, dumb in most cases, clueless about other cultures and the world, regressives...) I'll root for the liberals.
Being a conservative makes me a "bad guy"? Really? I'm not a racist. I've got an MBA. I've lived in quite a few countries around the world. Gee, Issa...it would appear that YOU'RE the person who is "clueless" when it comes to "cons".
As for who wins a battle in the streets between conservatives and liberals? I hate to be blunt...but unless you liberals are in a mob that outnumbers your victim by a lot...you generally get your asses handed to you. The only thing that's kept you from really getting hurt is the Police...and now you intellectual giants want to remove them from the equation!
Yes, you're a bad guy.

Yes, you're a racist.

American hating racist can still go to college, it's a free country. For now, at least until tRump get his way.

Conservatives don't fight for what they believe in, they sit at home and complain on the internet.

Well, now you got me all interested in doing my part to reelect him! Not because I like him because I don't but because I would love to see a damn revolution!

So all Dems have to say is the election was "not fair" and they will take up arms to overturn the election??
More than likely it will end up like all their bitching about leaving America if Trump won in 2016 did. 99% of them stayed.

After a week of fighting the few surviving Dem traitors would flee for their lives to Canada.

Well, now you got me all interested in doing my part to reelect him! Not because I like him because I don't but because I would love to see a damn revolution!

So all Dems have to say is the election was "not fair" and they will take up arms to overturn the election??
Isn't that what tRump has been threatening for months?

Well, now you got me all interested in doing my part to reelect him! Not because I like him because I don't but because I would love to see a damn revolution!

So all Dems have to say is the election was "not fair" and they will take up arms to overturn the election??
Republicans will be doing their best to reduce the vote in Dem areas Long lines because of not enough or broken voting machines ,denying write in votes etc etc etc Repubs know big numbers mean they lose

Republicans are not in charge of Dem areas you halfwit.
All this talk of revolution by both sides is pure bull$hit...

The general election of November 3, 2020 will decide the Presidency and on January 20, 2021 the winner will peaceably assume executive power.

If Rump wins and the Left chooses violence nationwide on a large scale, they will be put down by police and/or military force.

If Biden wins and the Right chooses violence nationwide on a large scale, they will be put down by police and/or military force.

Both ends of the spectrum have their share of tough and brave souls, and both have their share of pu$$ie$ and big-talking cowards.

This nation is ruled by The People and their Constitution, not by political parties nor Orange Baboon-Gods nor Basement Bandits.

This is not a Political $hithole like Russia or China or Iran or North Korea.

Once The People have spoken, that's the end of it.

Well, now you got me all interested in doing my part to reelect him! Not because I like him because I don't but because I would love to see a damn revolution!

So all Dems have to say is the election was "not fair" and they will take up arms to overturn the election??
Isn't that what tRump has been threatening for months?

No. Wait are you fake news minions making shit up again?
All this talk of revolution by both sides is pure bull$hit...

The general election of November 3, 2020 will decide the Presidency and on January 20, 2021 the winner will peaceably assume executive power.

If Rump wins and the Left chooses violence nationwide on a large scale, they will be put down by police and/or military force.

If Biden wins and the Right chooses violence nationwide on a large scale, they will be put down by police and/or military force.

This nation is ruled by The People and their Constitution, not by political parties nor Orange Baboon-Gods nor Basement Bandits.

This is not a Political $hithole like Russia or China or Iran or North Korea.

Once The People have spoken, that's the end of it.
And you don't think Trump is trying for that, making a mockery of our constitution and laws?
You won't like it.
You gonna cry everyone to death?
Yeah yeah Mikey, we all know how tough you are now that you went back into the closet.

Hey creep, eddiew is here to help you, Beijing has your back Comrade! :thup:
your paranoid fantasies about china are not real.

wake up.

Right, China is our friend.


CCP democrats nearly destroyed this country, bought and paid for by Communist China. Traitors, every fucking one of you. (unless you're a Chinese national, which is highly possible.) Nazi Piloshiti - over $100 million in contracts from Chinese firms. Known Chinese spy Dianne Feinstein, $300 million in contracts in China. Rapey old Quid Pro Joe, $1 billion grafted to his soon Hoover.

The democrat party, a wholly owned subsidiary of Communist China Inc.
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...And you don't think Trump is trying for that, making a mockery of our constitution and laws?
Now that you ask... actually... no... I think he's a grave threat, alright... but I think that risk is a result of ignorance and incompetence, not by design.

Mind you, I could very well be wrong, but it doesn't "feel" like that, when I give it a second thought.
Lol, typical tRumpling. Attempting to present your lies as facts.

There's that sub-70 IQ at work. :thup:

Say creep, do they have doctors who don't practice medicine over there in China? See, we have all kinds of doctors, some in philosophy, some in science the way I am..

More china babble?

Get back to me when you rejoin reality, moron.

I'm just being sensitive to the cultural differences in your country. We Americans are often accused of not realizing that those like you come from a different culture. I mean, y'all eat bats, snakes, and dogs..
You won't like it.
You gonna cry everyone to death?
Yeah yeah Mikey, we all know how tough you are now that you went back into the closet.

Hey creep, eddiew is here to help you, Beijing has your back Comrade! :thup:
your paranoid fantasies about china are not real.

wake up.

Right, China is our friend.


CCP democrats nearly destroyed this country, bout and paid for by Communist China. Traitors, every fucking one of you. (unless you're a Chinese national, which is highly possible.) Nazi Piloshiti - over $100 million in contracts from Chinese firms. Known Chinese spy Dianne Feinstein, $300 million in contracts in China. Rapey old Quid Pro Joe, $1 billion grafted to his soon Hoover.

The democrat party, a wholly owned subsidiary of Communist China Inc.
IVANKA Trump?? how many billions ,,Trump how many?? Kirshner ? Jr?
If you're gonna tell lies at least try to tell something halfway plausible.

Well, at least you dimly realize you can't lie well and need examples.
You have 53 cowards and liars in your repub senate so I guess you know all about lies

And 47 traitors in the pocket of Beijing known as dim senators.
Yeah we asked them for help in the election like Rump did ? Corruption is your middle name

China has been funding the dims for decades. Oh and that lie about Trump, beyond retarded, Herr Himmler. Trump is the only president to stand up to you fucks in the last 30 years.

Well, now you got me all interested in doing my part to reelect him! Not because I like him because I don't but because I would love to see a damn revolution!

So all Dems have to say is the election was "not fair" and they will take up arms to overturn the election??
Republicans will be doing their best to reduce the vote in Dem areas Long lines because of not enough or broken voting machines ,denying write in votes etc etc etc Repubs know big numbers mean they lose
We know that if it's in any way hard to vote that Democrats don't show up, Eddie! Conservatives will wait in lines...wait in the rain...get up early...go late. Conservatives value their vote! You liberals need it to be easy because so many of your constituents won't DO hard!
You won't like it.
You gonna cry everyone to death?
Yeah yeah Mikey, we all know how tough you are now that you went back into the closet.

Hey creep, eddiew is here to help you, Beijing has your back Comrade! :thup:
your paranoid fantasies about china are not real.

wake up.

Right, China is our friend.


CCP democrats nearly destroyed this country, bout and paid for by Communist China. Traitors, every fucking one of you. (unless you're a Chinese national, which is highly possible.) Nazi Piloshiti - over $100 million in contracts from Chinese firms. Known Chinese spy Dianne Feinstein, $300 million in contracts in China. Rapey old Quid Pro Joe, $1 billion grafted to his soon Hoover.

The democrat party, a wholly owned subsidiary of Communist China Inc.
IVANKA Trump?? how many billions ,,Trump how many?? Kirshner ? Jr?

You're rambling with your defamation and slander again. It's because you're stupid, you really can't help it.
Guessing that most of the big gun killing people talk is being done by people sitting in their Lazy boy recliners, watching what ever TV station or computer blog supports their point of view. All they are really doing is promoting hate for other Americans based on political choice, not the reality that living & working together is what makes America strong & the best place to live.
You won't like it.
LMAO....do me a favor and yourself, go google WHO owns the most weapons in this country and WHERE they are located...seeing how you neo communists have shit on the military and the cops and are pushing sane whites into the right side. You soy boys with your dildo's and bricks aren't gonna do shit against armed rednecks pal. But it will be fun to watch.
I'm neutral but the cons are the bad guys and the liberals are the better guys. Evil always loses at the end. You guys are just big assholes (racists, poorly educated, dumb in most cases, clueless about other cultures and the world, regressives...) I'll root for the liberals.

You need to be corrected. Libs are the party of slavery and segregation and racism.
Nope, 'fraid not.

Reality does not reflect the RWNJ infotainment sphere.

Afraid so. You're not gonna whitewash your own sordid history.
Sorry kiddo. At the time Democrats weren't liberals or progressives.

Oh look, the big lie - how clever.
How smart can trump and republicans be? A 19000 people rally during a pandemic? with virus numbers rising in many states? How can anyone not come away with the thoughts ,what dumb shits they really are?

Says the fucktard who supported rioting by a million...
Un you're worse than a fuktard You're a republican asshead and a fn liar Nowhere did I support rioting I did support those 19K tonight being taken by the virus though

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