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Kerry's Front Man from 2004 Stripped of Silver Star

The difference is Clinton and Obama aren't chickenhawk morons who wrap themselves in the flag and direct covert BS that get us allied with Saddam (Raygun) or starting 3 trillion dollar 10 year wars for lies.They're something called STATESMEN, something Pubs no longer deal in...
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The difference is Clinton and Obama aren't chickenhawk morons who wrap themselves in the flag and direct covert BS that get us allied with Saddam (Raygun) or starting 3 trillion dollar 10 year wars for lies.They're something called STATESMEN, something Pubs no longer deal in...

Thank you for the laugh. I needed it.
Kerry never claimed he was in Cambodia on a covert mission. .

Oh yes he did, on numerous occasions. But then, his story kept changing, so you have a number of versions to choose from.

You've obviously been guzzling the Kerry Kool-Aid by the gallon.

He thought he possibly may have crossed over but was not sure. The official log stated possibly but not sure.

That was a cover story one of his shipmates coughed up after Kerry was caught lying. Here are the facts about Kerry's Cambodia adventure:


August 10, 2004, 1:18 p.m.
Kerry’s “Christmas in Cambodia”
A member of his crew says it didn’t happen.

A former member of John Kerry's swift-boat crew says the Democratic presidential candidate's account of spending Christmas 1968 in Cambodia is not true. Steve Gardner, who served on board PCF-44 under Kerry's command in December 1968, as well as part of January 1969, says that at the time, in the area in which Kerry and his crew were operating, it was not possible to take a swift boat to Cambodia.

"It was physically, totally, categorically, across-the-board impossible to get into the canal that went to Cambodia with a swift boat," says Gardner. "There were concrete pilings that were put in the water...plus, the Navy kept patrol boats there to make sure nobody went in. When I was on the 44 boat, it was a physical impossibility to take a swift boat into Cambodian waters."

Over the years, Kerry has said on a number of occasions that he spent the Christmas holiday in 1968 in Cambodia. For example, in September 1997, during a hearing of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee's subcommittee on East Asian and Pacific affairs, Kerry said, "I first was introduced to Cambodia when I spent Christmas Eve of 1968 in a river in Cambodia during the Vietnam conflict, and I found it to be a rather remarkable and very beautiful country...."

More recently, in a profile of Kerry that appeared in the Washington Post in June 2003, Kerry revealed that he kept an old camouflage hat from the war in a secret pocket in his briefcase. "My good luck hat," Kerry told the paper. "Given to me by a CIA guy as we went in for a special mission in Cambodia."

In March 1986, Kerry said, during a speech on the Senate floor, that, "I remember Christmas of 1968 sitting on a gunboat in Cambodia. I remember what it was like to be shot at by the Vietnamese and Khmer Rouge and Cambodians, and have the president of the United States telling the American people that I was not there; the troops were not in Cambodia. I have that memory which is seared — seared — in me...."

On other occasions, Kerry has said he was not actually in Cambodia but rather "near" the country. In an interview with the Providence Journal-Bulletin that appeared in April, 1994, Kerry said "Christmas Eve I was up getting shot at somewhere near Cambodia." The account of Kerry's service in Douglas Brinkley's Tour of Duty says Kerry was on patrol near Cambodia, but does not mention him being in the country. "Because they were only an hour away from that neighboring country," Brinkley writes, "Kerry began reading up on Cambodia's history...." Brinkley also quotes from Kerry's Vietnam journal, in which Kerry wrote that he was "patrolling near the Cambodian line."

Of course, the U.S. military did undertake missions in Cambodia — missions that resulted in enormous controversy at the time and in later years. But it does not appear that Kerry was part of those. Gardner, who is a member of the anti-Kerry group Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, says that PCF-44's "nothernmost patrol area" was the town of Sa Dec, about 50 miles from Cambodia. And retired admiral Roy Hoffman, a leader of the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, said "You've got to be kidding," when asked by National Review Online about Kerry's account of entering Cambodia. Kerry's other commanding officers have denied any Cambodian incursion, as well. Hoffman said that after an earlier incident in which some soldiers had unintentionally crossed the Cambodian border, the line was very clearly marked with signs warning not to cross.

Finally, another member of Kerry's crew, Jim Wasser, who supports Kerry in the presidential race, told the Dallas Observer last month that he wasn't sure where PCF-44 was at the time in question. "On Christmas in 1968, we were close [to Cambodia]," Wasser said. "I don't know exactly where we were. I didn't have the chart. It was easy to get turned around with all the rivers around there. But I'll say this: We were the farthest inland that night. I know that for sure."

Wasser's recollection introduces the idea that Kerry and some members of his crew might simply have been confused about where they were. While that conflicts with Gardner's recollection, it might still seem plausible if Kerry had, over the years, said only that he was in Cambodia at one time. Given today's questions, Kerry might now say that he simply believed he was there, but in retrospect sees that he might not have known his precise position at the time.

That explanation, however, might be difficult for Kerry to attempt, because of the detailed descriptions he has offered about what he says was his time in Cambodia. He was there with at least one operative of the CIA on a "special mission," Kerry has said — a mission that the U.S. government was officially denying. The CIA man gave Kerry a hat on that special mission, a memento that is so meaningful to Kerry that he has kept it close — in his briefcase — for decades.
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The difference is Clinton and Obama aren't chickenhawk morons who wrap themselves in the flag and direct covert BS that get us allied with Saddam (Raygun) or starting 3 trillion dollar 10 year wars for lies.They're something called STATESMEN, something Pubs no longer deal in...

The difference is that Clinton and Obama are Democrats, and that's the only difference that matters to Kool-Aid guzzling moron Obama drones like you.
"Wrong again. Kerry is the proven liar. Take his claim that he was in Cambodia on Christmas Eve, for instance. That's a proven lie."

BS, Foxbot. Pretty hard to say if he was in Cambodia, or maybe a few miles away- Either way, he was fegging W Bush, awol back in Texas. FCS what a bunch of A-holes and lying propagandists...

Wrong again, turd.

Steve Gardner, who served on board PCF-44 under Kerry's command in December 1968, as well as part of January 1969, says that at the time, in the area in which Kerry and his crew were operating, it was not possible to take a swift boat to Cambodia.

"It was physically, totally, categorically, across-the-board impossible to get into the canal that went to Cambodia with a swift boat," says Gardner. "There were concrete pilings that were put in the water...plus, the Navy kept patrol boats there to make sure nobody went in. When I was on the 44 boat, it was a physical impossibility to take a swift boat into Cambodian waters."

And also:

And retired admiral Roy Hoffman, a leader of the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, said "You've got to be kidding," when asked by National Review Online about Kerry's account of entering Cambodia. Kerry's other commanding officers have denied any Cambodian incursion, as well. Hoffman said that after an earlier incident in which some soldiers had unintentionally crossed the Cambodian border, the line was very clearly marked with signs warning not to cross.

There isn't the slightest possibility that Kerry could be in Cambodia accidentally without knowing it.


You're repeating Kerry's lies, which makes you as sleazy as he is.
What does that have to do with the Swiftboating of John Kerry by a President and Vice President who never sniffed Viet Nam?

By swiftboating, you, of course, mean telling the truth about John Kerry.

Since when is that a bad thing?

And it has everything to do with the credibility of John Kerry that his spokesperson on the matter is completely uncredible, much like himself.

Granted, since the 2004 election is over and Senator Kerry isnt President, I don't care that much about ths issue. It's good to see errors being corrected though.

The lies told about Kerrys honorable military service by two candidates who ducked combat were some of the most despicable ever told

Yep, those dozens of military veterans who told the TRUTH about John Kerry's completely BOGUS heroics in Vietnam did a horrible thing. They exposed another leftist for the liars and political whores that they really are.

So, "rightwinger" (your name is also a LIE), tell us about Obama's military service. How about Bill Clinton? Perhaps John Edwards? How about Harry Reid? Dick Durbin? Chuck Schumer? Surely Joe Biden served in the military, didn't he?

I guess that you must have forgotten that G.W. Bush served in the Air National Guard during the Vietnam War, graduated from flight school, and flew F-102 fighter/interceptors on a regular basis. Oops, must have skipped your mind, right?

Hypocrisy is not a virtue, despite what your leftist heroes tell you.
Yeah, right. Everyone who voted for Bush calls him a chickent shit and a liar and defends that proven liar Kerry.

Uh, DUMBASS, Bush did not run against Obama.
Brother, you are not very swift there Moe.
Try again.

Where did I claim you voted for Obama? You claimed you're a Republican and you"no fan of Kerry." That would make it almost inevitable that you voted for Bush when he ran against Kerry. But no one who voted for Bush would call him a "chicken-shit" and a liar. Only Bush hating leftwing morons use terms like that to refer to Bush.

Who do you think you're fooling?
There are other articles saying the opposite of your Pub Propaganda crap. IRRELEVANT except to Rush/Fox/Rove bots. A disgrace of an election by the pubs, as always. Anything but real policy discussion- just putting it to the dupes again...the world is aghast.
Yup, giving chemical weapons to Saddam was GREAT. And Iraq was a great, honest idea. Dumbazz.

No one gave chemical weapons to Saddam, dipstick. That's a liberal myth.

Furthermore, what the fuck does Iraq have to do with this discussion?
The lies told about Kerrys honorable military service by two candidates who ducked combat were some of the most despicable ever told

Im fairly confident that Swift Boat veterans would dispute your claim that they were lying or that they avoided combat.

I am also fairly confident, that when they have one story, and Kerry changed his story every few hours, that Kerry is the one lying through his teeth.

You mean Bush and Dick 'Deferment" Cheney served (Because you do know that's what he meant, right.

Those swiftboaters out to get Kerry were proven liars...

Only in the confused mind.
Mabus revokes imprisoned veteran's Silver Star
By Gidget Fuentes
[email protected]
(from July 18 Navy Times)

San Diego- In a highly unusual move, the Navy secretary has stripped a Silver Star awarded to a retired captain and Vietnam swift boat veteran who is serving a federal prison sentence after admitting to child pornography.

Navy Secretary Ray Mabus revoked the Silver Star, the nation's third-highest valor award, which was awarded nearly 20 years ago to retired Capt. Wade Sanders of San Diego.

A spokeswoman for Mabus confirmed the secretary's decision, which he made in August 2010 following a review and recommendation by the Navy Department Board of Medals and Decorations. "Mabus signed a memorandum in which he revoked the previously awarded Silver Star," said Capt. Pamela Kunze.

"Had the subsequently determined facts and evidence surrounding both the incident for which the award was made and the processing of the award itself been known to the Secretary of the Navy in 1992, those facts would have prevented the award of the Silver Star," Kunze said.

Sanders, a former deputy assistant Navy secretary rose to prominence seven years ago as a swift boat veteran who supported the 2004 presidential candidacy of Sen. John Kerry, D.Mass.

Sanders in 2008 pleaded guilty to one count of possessing child pornography after an FBI investigation led to his San Diego home and the discovery of pornographic videos on his computers. He received a 37-month sentence as part of a plea deal; he has maintained he isn't a pedophile and was researching the subject for a book he planned to write.

It's not clear whether Sanders conviction played a role in him losing his Silver Star.

The Navy declined to release a copy of the memo, which Mabus addressed to the chief of naval personnel, who in turn would be responsible for the administrative actions to pull the award from official naval records.

Kunze would not say who or what prompted the review of Sanders Silver Star, nor would she say what new information had surfaced about the Silver Star.

"Additional information was brought to light after 1992," she said. "Those facts could have prevented the award of the Silver Star at that time."

She gave no specific reasons as to how Mabus or the board came to their conclusion.

The sole authority for revoking a medal rests with the service secretary, according to Chapter 2 of the Navy and Marine Corps Awards Manual.

Yea I'm sure Child Porn had nothing to do with it.

Certainly seems unlikely. The problem came to light in 1992. I doubt the feds would have sat on a criminal offence for that long.
There are other articles saying the opposite of your Pub Propaganda crap. IRRELEVANT except to Rush/Fox/Rove bots..

Yeah, but you couldn't be bothered to dig any up right now, right?

A disgrace of an election by the pubs, as always. Anything but real policy discussion- just putting it to the dupes again...the world is aghast.

Kerry is the one who wanted to make the election about his war record. What could be more hilarious than it blowing up right in his face?
By swiftboating, you, of course, mean telling the truth about John Kerry.

Since when is that a bad thing?

And it has everything to do with the credibility of John Kerry that his spokesperson on the matter is completely uncredible, much like himself.

Granted, since the 2004 election is over and Senator Kerry isnt President, I don't care that much about ths issue. It's good to see errors being corrected though.

The lies told about Kerrys honorable military service by two candidates who ducked combat were some of the most despicable ever told

I guess that you must have forgotten that G.W. Bush served in the Air National Guard during the Vietnam War, graduated from flight school, and flew F-102 fighter/interceptors on a regular basis. Oops, must have skipped your mind, right?

Hypocrisy is not a virtue, despite what your leftist heroes tell you.
That's so correct. It takes a smart minded individual to learn avionics and tactical flight combat in a F-102 Delta Dagger Fighter. Bush signed up to put his life on the line for his country.

Cockpit of a F-102


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Plenty of people who voted for Bush now think he's a chickenshit and a liar- he obviously is. But the NEW Pubs and the NEW guy will be different. Fegging pub dupes.THESE new ones are REALLY for small gov't and family values!! Sure....140 years of this Boom and bust thieving shytte....
For example: (It's amazing how much Pub Propaganda and bought off bloggers you have to wade through tho- don't you get tired of being misled by bought off swine?)
The "Christmas Eve" attack on Kerry is cheap and almost ...
Holiday in Cambodia The "Christmas Eve" attack on Kerry is cheap and almost certainly wrong. By Fred Kaplan Posted Monday, Aug. 23, 2004, at 7:04 PM ET
Demolishing the "Christmas Eve" attack on Kerry. - By Fred Kaplan - Slate Magazine
Remember that long campaign where everyone from the Kerry camp was trying to discredit the Swift Boat Veterans?

Well Kerry's front man ( the one who actually introduced Kerry at the Democrat Convention) has had his Silver Star revoked.

And it's not because he's serving a 37 month sentence for posession of child pornography.


Here's the quote from Winter Soldier.

July 25, 2011 -- John Kerry was introduced at the 2004 Democratic National Convention by Wade Sanders, a retired Navy Captain and former Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy who served as a Swift Boat officer in Vietnam. Like Kerry, Sanders was the recipient of a Silver Star for gallantry in action.

During the 2004 campaign, Sanders functioned as Kerry's lead attack dog against the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, repeatedly denouncing the veterans on the air as liars and comparing them to Nazi propagandists.

Wade Sanders is currently in Federal prison, serving a 37-month sentence for possessing child pornography. Now the Navy Times reports that Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus has revoked Sanders' Silver Star.

The highly unusual decision appears unrelated to Sanders' felony conviction.

A Navy spokesman cited "subsequently determined facts and evidence surrounding both the incident for which the award was made and the processing of the award itself."

John Kerry has to be hoping this doesn't become a trend.

It appears only a few outlets have published this. American Thinker, Politico, Boston Globe and Fox.

I hope it starts getting around on the net. The Swift Boat Vets were called a lot of names and were treated viciously in 2004. Divine justice that the main attack dog for Kerry is sitting in jail for child porn AND having his Silver Star revoked.

Here's the link to Winter Soldier.

WinterSoldier.com - <p>What's New?

Thats good news, we don't want soldiers getting a silver star they haven't earned. Here is a couple more they need to double check from Afghanistan. Better to check them early than to embarass America.


The lies told about Kerrys honorable military service by two candidates who ducked combat were some of the most despicable ever told

I guess that you must have forgotten that G.W. Bush served in the Air National Guard during the Vietnam War, graduated from flight school, and flew F-102 fighter/interceptors on a regular basis. Oops, must have skipped your mind, right?

Hypocrisy is not a virtue, despite what your leftist heroes tell you.
That's so correct. It takes a smart minded individual to learn avionics and tactical flight combat in a F-102 Delta Dagger Fighter. Bush signed up to put his life on the line for his country.

Cockpit of a F-102



25% of the pilots who flew that aircraft died in it. It was a very unforgiving aircraft.
Sure, a myth- Jesus Foxbots are dumb.

Norm Dixon: How Reagan Armed Saddam with Chemical Weapons
Jun 17, 2004 ... How Reagan Armed Saddam with Chemical Weapons. June 16, 2004 ..... would give
the Hussein regime the capacity to generate chemical weapons. ...

Norm Dixon: How Reagan Armed Saddam with Chemical Weapons - Cached - SimilarIran Chamber Society: History of Iran: Arming Iraq: A Chronology ...
Donald Rumsfeld -Reagan's Envoy- provided Iraq with chemical ... with Saddam
Hussein to assure him of US friendship and materials support. [1] & [15] July,
1984. CIA begins giving Iraq intelligence necessary to calibrate its mustard gas

Iran Chamber Society: History of Iran: Arming Iraq: A Chronology of U.S. Involvement - Cached - SimilarU.S. And Iraq Go Way Back - CBS News
Aug 2, 2009... administrations of President Reagan and the first President Bush both ...
chemical weapons concern in a meeting with an aide to Saddam. ...

www.cbsnews.com/.../12/.../main534798.shtml - Cached - Similar

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