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Kerry's Front Man from 2004 Stripped of Silver Star

The lies told about Kerrys honorable military service by two candidates who ducked combat were some of the most despicable ever told

Im fairly confident that Swift Boat veterans would dispute your claim that they were lying or that they avoided combat.

I am also fairly confident, that when they have one story, and Kerry changed his story every few hours, that Kerry is the one lying through his teeth.

You mean Bush and Dick 'Deferment" Cheney served (Because you do know that's what he meant, right.

Those swiftboaters out to get Kerry were proven liars...

I’ve been away for several days and I swore I would read this entire thread before spouting off. However, I managed to get only this far (post #12) and I simply have to speak up. So, if this has already been covered, please forgive me for going over old ground.

First, for the sake of the all those who did not live through the times (but still think they have a fucking clue about what it may have been like), get this shit about deferments being a bad thing out of your head.

Sure, Cheney had deferments but so didn’t Kerry. Kerry was an anti-war activist and deferments were actually a badge of honor among that bunch.

Also, while I’m thinking of it and before I go on, if you really don’t know that John Kerry had a college draft deferment, please, I beg of you, stop right here and consider the possibility of maybe getting your information on such personal and volatile issues from BOTH sides. Because, let’s face it, that’s why they are issues in the first place (there are at least two sides to the story).

Anyway, as anyone growing up during the early sixties knows, Vietnam, the draft, and deferments were a main topic of conversation between all male, high-school juniors and seniors. Yep, Vietnam (and the draft) even superseded things like sports and girls. And, if you weren’t there, you don’t have a fucking clue as to what I am talking about.

So, to my liberal (but young) fellow posters, don’t be so fucking naive; almost EVERYONE was looking for a way to get out of the draft back then (including John Kerry).

And people like Cheney and Kerry were lucky to have the college deferment option (yes, John Kerry had at least one deferment). However, as usual, the poor and (lower) middle-class like me had no such options.

But, regardless, we were all cannon-fodder and we all knew it.

So, sure, John Kerry enlisted but only to avoid being drafted because his college deferments ran out. And, even then, John Kerry did not enlist in the navy. Nope, he enlisted in the navy reserves which, at that time, held about the same status as getting into the guards (like Bush). Don't forget, the role of the National Guard and Reserves were MUCH different back then.

Also, now that I’ve mentioned Bush, don’t kid yourselves either, Bush was never AWOL. Like Bush, Kerry also requested (and received) an early-out from his active military service to work in politics. So, fair is fair. If Bush was AWOL, so was Kerry.

Or, perhaps, another way of looking at is that both men did their duty honorably and then chose to serve their country by engaging in public service instead of military service.

Now, getting back on topic, the fact that Kerry decided to go into officer training and put himself on a path that almost guaranteed he would wind up in Vietnam is commendable. But, like most of us, this was not a guy who “heard his country’s call and answered it” (as all the paid, democrat, veteran’s organizers like to claim). Nope, this was just a guy who ran out of options (like so many others).

So let’s give it a rest. There was nothing wrong with people seeking deferments from the draft. It was commonplace and almost everyone who could - did (including John Kerry).

Indeed, deferments were the norm for those who were connected or could afford to get classified as something other than 1A.

Draft Board Classifications
The draft board classifications were how you were looked at during the draft. They showed what jobs registrants were eligible for. The classifications were:
I-A: This meant that registrants were available to fight in combat.
I-A-0: This meant that one was only eligible for non-combat military service.
I-C: This meant the registrant was already a member of the armed forces, the Coast and Geodetic Survey, or the Public Health Service.
I-D: This meant that if the registrant were a member of the armed reserves or a student in military training.
I-H: This meant the registrant have been drafted, but is not available for military service.
I-0: This meant that one were available for civilian work such as maintenance for national health, safety, or interest.
I-S: One's eligibility was postponed due to school. (John Kerry)
I-Y: Eligible for military service, but during war is only qualified for military or national emergency.
I-W: Available for performing civilian work contributing to the maintenance for national health, safety, or interest.
II-A: Eligibility was postponed due to civilian occupation.
ll-C: Eligibility was postponed due to agricultural occupation.
ll-D: Eligibility was postponed due to study for the ministry.
ll-S: Eligibility was postponed due to active study. (John Kerry)
lll-A: Eligibility was postponed because one had a child or being drafted would harm the dependents.
lV-A: Registrant has been to war or had a son who survived it.
lV-B: Eligibility postponed due to being an official by law.
IV-C: Registrant is an Alien.
IV-D: "Minister of religion or divinity student."1
IV-F: Not eligible for any military service.
IV-G: Exempt from service because of a surviving son or brother.
IV-W: Registrant who has completed civilian work for the Armed Forces.
V-A: Registrant is over the liability age for military service.

And, by the way, those “swift boat liars” (as you like to claim) served just as honorably and were just as decorated as LTJG Kerry.
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The difference is Clinton and Obama aren't chickenhawk morons who wrap themselves in the flag and direct covert BS that get us allied with Saddam (Raygun) or starting 3 trillion dollar 10 year wars for lies.They're something called STATESMEN, something Pubs no longer deal in...

Oh, fuck! Clinton on a Vietnam thread.

Believe it or not, I am a life-long democrat but I stopped automatically voting for democrats when they put Bill Clinton at the top of the ticket. (And his pathetic sex life had nothing to do with it).

Nope, it was learning about that letter he wrote (backing-out of his promise to serve).

This guy lied his way out of going and, thereby, sent someone else to die in his place.

Talk about your privileged few...
Why would my wife's uncle lie about this? You just choose to accept what you believe, this is known as ignorance.

Why would my uncle lie about people he knows? People lie all the time to make themselves more important. I choose to believe what I believe based on MANY other people's recollections who were there and who actually did do things. Nothing about Kerry's record adds up. Did he serve? Yes. Was he in harms way? Yes. Did he "earn" the medals involve? Maybe. There are a lot of questions about that. Most of my contacts are in SF and they all categorically say that Kerry's war record has been massaged.

That's their opinion which I value far more than mine on this issue. They were there, I wasn't. They worked within the system and know how it was abused by officers wanting to pad their record to advance their careers.

My wife's uncle made the point that the Swiftboaters refuted Kerry's medals, but their medals were put through by the same officer who ok'd Kerry's medals. This tarnishes their commendations.

It depends on who wrote the citations, doesn't it?
Why are there so many Democrats posing as War Heroes? They get busted for it all the time. Is it way for them to disguise the fact they're wormy Socialist/Progressive Wankers? I'm not surprised Kerry's buddy turned out to be a pervert pedophile fraud. Maybe it is time to take a closer look at Kerry?
Uhhh sweetie it's NAVAL officer, navel is what you stare at in the mirror all day long.

So, spelling is the only argument that you have. Thank you.

:lol::lol::lol: Sure thing. The fact that multiple people blow holes in your limited ability to comprehend the English language, and your attempt to defend the actions of Kerry with some unnamed, unknown, undocumented "uncles 3rd cousin twice removed from Timbuktu who happens to know Kerry's former commander through a sisters college roomate" gets totally reamed and you claim it is merely your inability to spell simple words that negates your pointles blather.

Sure pal sure.:lol::lol::lol:

You sure took a lot of words to say nothing.
I would think that you would be a bit less cocky after being spanked over the handguns in Ireland issue. Some people never learn.
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Why would my uncle lie about people he knows? People lie all the time to make themselves more important. I choose to believe what I believe based on MANY other people's recollections who were there and who actually did do things. Nothing about Kerry's record adds up. Did he serve? Yes. Was he in harms way? Yes. Did he "earn" the medals involve? Maybe. There are a lot of questions about that. Most of my contacts are in SF and they all categorically say that Kerry's war record has been massaged.

That's their opinion which I value far more than mine on this issue. They were there, I wasn't. They worked within the system and know how it was abused by officers wanting to pad their record to advance their careers.

My wife's uncle made the point that the Swiftboaters refuted Kerry's medals, but their medals were put through by the same officer who ok'd Kerry's medals. This tarnishes their commendations.

It depends on who wrote the citations, doesn't it?

Guess it would, but Uncle 'Frank' should know.
Kerry is a joke but I must admit he is a rich joke. He must make his wife proud. TM and Right Wing were hatched in the same litter. They are truly had to believe. Birds of a feather, well you know the rest.
So, spelling is the only argument that you have. Thank you.

:lol::lol::lol: Sure thing. The fact that multiple people blow holes in your limited ability to comprehend the English language, and your attempt to defend the actions of Kerry with some unnamed, unknown, undocumented "uncles 3rd cousin twice removed from Timbuktu who happens to know Kerry's former commander through a sisters college roomate" gets totally reamed and you claim it is merely your inability to spell simple words that negates your pointles blather.

Sure pal sure.:lol::lol::lol:

You sure took a lot of words to say nothing.
I would think that you would be a bit less cocky after being spanked over the handguns in Ireland issue. Some people never learn.

Why yes I did! So kind of you to notice. I was attempting to paraphrase your existence but it's hard. There is so little of you to mock.
:lol::lol::lol: Sure thing. The fact that multiple people blow holes in your limited ability to comprehend the English language, and your attempt to defend the actions of Kerry with some unnamed, unknown, undocumented "uncles 3rd cousin twice removed from Timbuktu who happens to know Kerry's former commander through a sisters college roomate" gets totally reamed and you claim it is merely your inability to spell simple words that negates your pointles blather.

Sure pal sure.:lol::lol::lol:

You sure took a lot of words to say nothing.
I would think that you would be a bit less cocky after being spanked over the handguns in Ireland issue. Some people never learn.

Why yes I did! So kind of you to notice. I was attempting to paraphrase your existence but it's hard. There is so little of you to mock.

Yes, there is so little to mock. Thank you.
Kerry is a joke but I must admit he is a rich joke. He must make his wife proud. TM and Right Wing were hatched in the same litter. They are truly had to believe. Birds of a feather, well you know the rest.

I still can't figure out the deal. Maybe it's because he grovelled at her now deceased husbands feet in private. BUT now living with him 24/7 she realizes what an absolute lying maniac he is.

Who knows?
My wife's uncle made the point that the Swiftboaters refuted Kerry's medals, but their medals were put through by the same officer who ok'd Kerry's medals. This tarnishes their commendations.

It depends on who wrote the citations, doesn't it?

Guess it would, but Uncle 'Frank' should know.
You said it yourself: "People lie all the time to make themselves more important."

Kerry wrote his own citations.
Guess it would, but Uncle 'Frank' should know.
You said it yourself: "People lie all the time to make themselves more important."

Kerry wrote his own citations.

1. I did not say that.
2. The next man up had to approve them.

I should just let this thread die a natural death but…

In at least one case, the person above him did not approve it (so he just waited until that person was transferred and re-submitted it to the new guy - who did approve it).

That said, if the navy gave him the decorations, as far as I’m concerned, they are his.
Guess it would, but Uncle 'Frank' should know.
You said it yourself: "People lie all the time to make themselves more important."

Kerry wrote his own citations.

1. I did not say that.
True. My apologies.
2. The next man up had to approve them.
Which merely involves reading them. And since it has the CO's signature on them, he's not going to conduct any interviews. The man's busy.

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