Kevin McCarthy Was Going to ASK TRUMP TO RESIGN After Jan 6th Insurrection

Democrats lies too I know that is a shocking revelation to you.

Cheney at least understands country before party power grabbing..
YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS. Cheney is about nothing other than trying to grab power over country.

The biggest sin the GOP made is, they vilified the Democrats.
YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS. Vilifying the Dems for the 10,000 heinous things they've done to this country was the GOP's mistake? :laughing0301:

Look at some of the poster on this forum, endless calls of Marxism, Communism, Pedophiles,....this is what they have created
I hope you are talking about the democrats. Their hate has been manifested not just in what their politicians have done in their hate of America, but manifest in the billions in hate-damage they did in our streets across 500 cities through most of 2020 and beyond.
During the same Jan. 10 conversation when he said he would call on Mr. Trump to resign, Mr. McCarthy told other G.O.P. leaders he wished the big tech companies would strip some Republican lawmakers of their social media accounts, as Twitter and Facebook had done with Mr. Trump. Members such as Lauren Boebert of Colorado had done so much to stoke paranoia about the 2020 election and made offensive comments online about the Capitol attack.

“We can’t put up with that,” Mr. McCarthy said, adding, “Can’t they take their Twitter accounts away, too?”

Definitely well groomed to believe anything you are told to believe by the rightwing cult, ignoring your own eyes and ears.
My own eyes and ears tell me that democrats are evil entities who deserve to be wiped from the face of the earth. Totally. A real Chinese style removal.
Another young college student was KILLED by illegals just the other day. She had a bright future, now she's dead and her parents are grieving. OWN the consequences of your actions Dems.
Is your purpose in life to throw threads off topic? Is that what you do?
During the same Jan. 10 conversation when he said he would call on Mr. Trump to resign, Mr. McCarthy told other G.O.P. leaders he wished the big tech companies would strip some Republican lawmakers of their social media accounts, as Twitter and Facebook had done with Mr. Trump. Members such as Lauren Boebert of Colorado had done so much to stoke paranoia about the 2020 election and made offensive comments online about the Capitol attack.

“We can’t put up with that,” Mr. McCarthy said, adding, “Can’t they take their Twitter accounts away, too?”

And they did take some away, at which time, repub screamed "FREE SPEECH!"


It is clear you are in denial since it is well known that Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians all have lied in various ways.

You didn't make a real counterpoint just show your ugly face in public a bad idea.

"I'm seriously thinking of having that conversation with him tonight" said Kevin McCarthy about CALLING TRUMP TO ASK HIM ABOUT RESIGNING. Damning new phone records come out showing Kevin McCarthy talking to Liz Cheney. WOW.


Fine Great ... Terrific.Now we know how to play the Snarky left game.
We need to have phone calls of Rachel Maddow.Plus Nicolle Wallace
Joy Reid and Lawrence O'Donnell.Try and get a whistleblower with
credentials who knows how to capture stuff from the proper source.
Personal Phone conversations ala a version of Library of Congress.
Somewhat how Joy Reid got exposed.She Lied her way out, of course.
Implied then demanded her former content on some discussion Board to have been
Hacked.Not her words.She was accused of being a Gay Basher.
It is clear you are in denial since it is well known that Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians all have lied in various ways.

You didn't make a real counterpoint just show your ugly face in public a bad idea.
It is so sad that the only defense the tard herd has against the evidence is to scream FAKE NEWS!

You tards are so far outside of reality that you actually have a mental disorder.
Fine Great ... Terrific.Now we know how to play the Snarky left game.
We need to have phone calls of Rachel Maddow.Plus Nicolle Wallace
Joy Reid and Lawrence O'Donnell.Try and get a whistleblower with
credentials who knows how to capture stuff from the proper source.
Personal Phone conversations ala a version of Library of Congress.
Somewhat how Joy Reid got exposed.She Lied her way out, of course.
Implied then demanded her former content on some discussion Board to have been
Hacked.Not her words.She was accused of being a Gay Basher.
Was this English?
It is so sad that the only defense the tard herd has against the evidence is to scream FAKE NEWS!

You tards are so far outside of reality that you actually have a mental disorder.

Now YOU are LYING since I never disputed the Post one article or claimed Fake News.

Still no counterpoint comes from you.....

You are pathetic.
What these recordings and reports show is that the leaders like McCarthy knew exactly what a threat to democracy Trump is, and that they understood completely that Trump attempted a coup.

But the cucks' submissiveness to Trump almost immediately overrode their duty to America in the days which followed.

They are all traitors.
Trump said in 2016 that he might not abide by the vote if he didn't like it. And that's what he did in 2000. The result demands "proof" be produced. That's what the gop base demands from both McCarthy and McConnell.

But with the Turtle, at least he doesnt' pretend to suck up to "earn" Trump's blessing. The Turtle knew that actual honesty and duty would result in the gop permanently splitting it two. So, he went along with the "big lie."

McCarthy is perhaps even more disgusting because he actually lobbied for Trump's blessing in his quest to become Speaker. McCarthy is not led like the Trump fans' personal beliefs that Trump is some sort of anointed one who is somehow more honest and patriotic with more sincere interest in good govt. And unlike McConnell, McCarthy is not tied to some belief that pushing back against the "woke" is necessary to preserve American democracy, or that Obama was somehow different from past progressive dem presidents. McCarthy is only after one thing: personal power.

But again there's nothing really new. Schumer hasn't exactly stood up to the progressives to enact the legislation that would have made Biden successful. His main interest is not being primaried by AOC. But at least Biden will abide by a legally certified election. And maybe Mike Mansfield knew Nixon was "treating" with Taiwan and N. Vietnam to win in 1968. And we ended up with Gerry Ford, and twelve years later along came an old man named Reagan.

If they build an office building to name it after the Turtle, it better be an outhouse.
Guys, it’s a phone call recording. You can’t call it fake, it’s right there in my opening post.
Whether the phone call is fake or not won't matter. All that matters is their belief that "proof" supports their belief that an election was stolen from Trump so that a conspiracy of power could deny them a victory for the "only one who can save them." Whatever that means. A declining standard of living. Immigrants and blacks stealing thier shit.

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