Kevin McCarthy Was Going to ASK TRUMP TO RESIGN After Jan 6th Insurrection

McCarthy got caught in a lie. A bald faced lie. He plotted against Trump, lied about plotting against Trump, and his lie has been exposed.

The poor gaslit tards don't know what to do about this except mutter their pre-programmed responses.

There isn't a single active brain cell in the entire Trump cult.

And now McCarthy is crawling on his belly to Trump.

Never has there been a more disgraceful group of submissive cucks in our country's history.
McCarthy got caught in a lie. A bald faced lie. He plotted against Trump, lied about plotting against Trump, and his lie has been exposed.

The poor tards don't know what to do about this except mutter their pre-programmed responses.

There isn't a single active brain cell in the entire Trump cult.

And now McCarthy is crawling on his belly to Trump.

Never has there been a more disgraceful group of tards in our country's history.
There is no doubt that NOTHING coming out of the Minority Leader's office can be trusted. He will spin the phone call a hundred different ways....but He Lied and he continues to Lie.

The real question is trump gonna call a recorded phone call a lie and look really stupid in the process or is he going to slam Kevin and start lobbying for another Majority Leader, if an when the repub party takes control of the House in November? What do you think?
The buffoon here is YOU.

Democrats are EVIL in their spirit. They support and promote and defend evil, from sodomy to trannies to pedophiles and groomers, to the murder of children (abortion) . . .
. . . they support socialism, Marxism, open borders and roving hate gangs in the streets (Antifa and BLM).

They are evil. Trump can do nothing to reach an accord with them over and we should not even try to. We should have one goal of erradicating the vermin.
Q: How do you fell a giant?

A: One limb at a time.

Congress knows. Politicos know. The Pundits know. Only the rubes don't.

They have been conned by a buffoon, and it's bringing us down.
No one was conned.

Donald Trump was elected because he was the only Republican who would open his big fat mouth.

He wasn't the preferred horse, he was the ONLY horse.

You mistake the right if you think the Republicans are in love with Donald Trump.

The right HATES the left. The right thinks the left is truly evil, and they want it destroyed. Donald Trump was merely an ineffective and not entirely competent instrument. They're looking for someone BETTER than Trump, with the same policies but more effective
There is no doubt that NOTHING coming out of the Minority Leader's office can be trusted. He will spin the phone call a hundred different ways....but He Lied and he continues to Lie.

The real question is trump gonna call a recorded phone call a lie and look really stupid in the process or is he going to slam Kevin and start lobbying for another Majority Leader, if an when the repub party takes control of the House in November? What do you think?
After his initial understanding of the enormity of Trump's crimes, McCarthy's weakness kicked in. He is afraid of the mob. He fears them. So he did not support the impeachment which Trump so richly deserved.

Since McCarthy reverted to his inner cuck, Trump will probably forgive him.
The reporters have an hour of recordings, and say McCarthy also talked about getting some of his fellow Republicans kicked off Twitter.

Oh, man. This is priceless! :lol:


Did us a great favor in destroying RINO McCarthy
No one was conned.

Donald Trump was elected because he was the only Republican who would open his big fat mouth.

He wasn't the preferred horse, he was the ONLY horse.

You mistake the right if you think the Republicans are in love with Donald Trump.

The right HATES the left. The right thinks the left is truly evil, and they want it destroyed. Donald Trump was merely an ineffective and not entirely competent instrument. They're looking for someone BETTER than Trump, with the same policies but more effective
I definitely know the Right hates those who disagree with them, and I know they think people who disagree with them are "truly evil".

Sad to see.
Their answer is...."BUT....BUT....THEY ALL LIE."

That's it. That is all they have.
But not about elections ... at least not in the 20th and 21st centuries .... until Trump. Republicans in Ariz, Ga Pa and Wis did not flip an election by destroying or faking votes to help Biden.

But the problem may be that the harm Trump may have done in having his supporters elect more partisan election officials will destroy one leg of American exceptionalism: A RESPECT FOR DEMOCRACY, and the other is citizens' rights to act in their own interests with minimal govt interference
I definitely know the Right hates those who disagree with them, and I know they think people who disagree with them are "truly evil".

Sad to see.
You miss the point.

The left is threatening children.

This puts the right in FEAR.

They're scared of you guys.

And the leftist rhetoric is NOT helping the situation.
No one was conned.

Donald Trump was elected because he was the only Republican who would open his big fat mouth.

He wasn't the preferred horse, he was the ONLY horse.

You mistake the right if you think the Republicans are in love with Donald Trump.

The right HATES the left. The right thinks the left is truly evil, and they want it destroyed. Donald Trump was merely an ineffective and not entirely competent instrument. They're looking for someone BETTER than Trump, with the same policies but more effective
That really is your defense of Trump's lies. I salute your honesty. Although I don't want to destroy you or any Trump fan. Or progressives either for that matter. Oddly, I suspect that Trumpfans and progressives would agree that student loans are predatory. You are blinded by demagogues no less than are the BLM folks. Flip sides of a coin.
Democrats continue to act as if they lost the election. It beats talking about the current mess.
Yeah. I think Kevin just fell on his sword. :p
No, he didn’t just do anything but crudely lie to pacify Trump and his mad base of cultists. He long ago “sheathed his sword” rather than use it to protect our nation against a megalomaniacal President determined to remain in power and stop the legitimate transfer of power.

The highly likely (imho) Republican victory in 2022 or 2024 is another separate important issue. Hopefully by 2024 Trump will be sidelined and not still lead the Republican Party. Hopefully the Dems will by then also find a … younger candidate. But if the economy suffers in the interim, Trump may actually retake power in 2024. Then the USA can expect a level of chaos and retribution unlike anything we’ve yet seen.

Our democracy and Republican institutions can collapse entirely, or just be completely hollowed out. The “constitutional coup” and “revolution” “King Trump” and his cultists dream about might then be fulfilled, and this lunatic “illiberal authoritarian” triumph after all.

The Democratic Congressional investigation (of the Jan. 6th events) is important for us and for history. It is good to see these and other phone records revealed. Too bad the Republican Party leaders refused to join and make this investigation truly bipartisan. That, too, was part of the problem — an effort to placate an out-of-control movement and the man who still leads it.
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