Kevin McCarthy Was Going to ASK TRUMP TO RESIGN After Jan 6th Insurrection

If you can't believe Biden did the crap he has been accused of. Why would you expect a supporter of president Trump to believe the fake news bullshit you post?
What's fake? Let's dig down at your claim to see if what he said was fake news or real truth.

What you mean is, why should you care that Trump is a criminal. Because you've been told for years that Clinton, Obama and now Biden were/are criminals. You don't know fact from fiction. So you think Trump's criminal activities or us calling him on them is just politics as usual well it's not.
What's fake? Let's dig down at your claim to see if what he said was fake news or real truth.

What you mean is, why should you care that Trump is a criminal. Because you've been told for years that Clinton, Obama and now Biden were/are criminals. You don't know fact from fiction. So you think Trump's criminal activities or us calling him on them is just politics as usual well it's not.
Jo is a puppet criminal.
I found a thread a few years back of McCarthy defending Trump bigly and now he's not. So he was either lying then or now.

McCarthy is a spineless coward and a shameless liar who lets bullies like Trump walk all over him.

It will be a very dark day for this country if this morally vacant imbecile becomes Speaker. In the long run, it could potentially be worse than Trump's presidency.
I asked him a question too and he called me delusional. Strange guy.
It's classic deflection. He doesn't care who's right, who's lying, what happened, if the election war rigged, if trump broke the law, none of it. To him we are already in a civil war I'm sure. And in a way we are. But that's ok because we all get to vote. I wonder if women in red states are going to vote against Republicans who are taking their right to choose away.

And if not, are red states elections rigged? How come women in red states don't seem to mind that Republicans are taking their right to choose away? I don't believe it.
Democrats ARE the party of of Marxism, Communism, Pedophiles you stupid ignorant idot. They EFEND it and PROMOTE is. You are a sick lying sack of shit.

Democrats are EVIL in their spirit. They support and promote and defend evil, from sodomy to trannies to pedophiles and groomers, to the murder of children (abortion) . . .
. . . they support socialism, Marxism, open borders and roving hate gangs in the streets (Antifa and BLM).

Oh, look....another traitor QAnon fucktard.
Gee you are telling me stuff I long known since I posted about in detail last year agreeing that Trump was WRONG about what Pence can do with the Certification process and posted what the Constitution says about it showing all Pence could do was do the roll call of the states certified ballots a ceremonial position.
In other words, you agree Trump committed a coup/insurrection by ignoring the Constitution and attempting to appoint alternate electors from the states.

Glad you finally agree with me.

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