Kevlar inventor surprisingly not a white male dies at 90

In the former Soviet Union and all of the small countries enslaved by it, it was taught to kids in school that just about every invention and every scientific discovery was achieved by a Russian.

In today's America it is promoted that most, if not all inventions and discoveries were done by some former slave black person.

Go, figure.

Thats only fair if it were true. They used to pretend only white people did everything. They pretended Egyptians were white and that Columbus discovered America. The OP for example, must have been a victim of that brainwashing as well or he wouldn't be surprised.
Blacks invented grass huts, spears, and rubbing elephant manure on their skin and hair to ward off mosquitos.

But not much since then........ :cool:

We also invented math science and philosophy. Why do you think the first European civilization appeared centuries after the first Black ones? Where do you think the foundations of knowledge came from that white people used to make more inventions?
Me ? A couple of minor things, nothing earth shattering. A valve packing tool, a brake tool, and a tool that helps simplify the removal of fence posts. Nothing patented, nothing marketed, just my own batch of simplifying certain tasks.

Nothing like a distant relative, Wernher von Braun.

Oh yea? My distant relative invented fire. That makes my skin color the smartest :thup:

Well, I think we're all related to that guy.

Well that guy/girl was Black.
It's really sad to see the accomplishments and death of an admirable woman being exploited by a vile race baiter such as the OP.

I know, I'm feeling guiltier by the moment.

And let's just go with "race baiter" and drop the "vile" part. That's stretching it a bit.
I'd rather see you use something a little more tame, such as " handsome race baiter" or "fashionable race baiter".

Try one one of those next time, I'll reward you with a thanks, or some positive rep.
Well, I think we're all related to that guy.

It's telling that you assume a "guy" invented fire.

Never thought of that before. its always portrayed that men were the keepers of fire.

Really? That goes against much anthropological and cultural evidence of women as the keepers and tenders of the fire/hearth.

And given that the "portrayers" have been men who have had the advantages of receiving better educations and writing histories in past centuries, their portrayals should be adjusted for their bias.
Thats only fair if it were true. They used to pretend only white people did everything. They pretended Egyptians were white and that Columbus discovered America. The OP for example, must have been a victim of that brainwashing as well or he wouldn't be surprised.
Blacks invented grass huts, spears, and rubbing elephant manure on their skin and hair to ward off mosquitos.

But not much since then........ :cool:

We also invented math science and philosophy. Why do you think the first European civilization appeared centuries after the first Black ones? Where do you think the foundations of knowledge came from that white people used to make more inventions?

Yeah, but see once the white brainiacs showed up, they took the knowledge and took it to new levels never before seen. My guys rock.
It's telling that you assume a "guy" invented fire.

Never thought of that before. its always portrayed that men were the keepers of fire.

Really? That goes against much anthropological and cultural evidence of women as the keepers and tenders of the fire/hearth.

And given that the "portrayers" have been men who have had the advantages of receiving better educations and writing histories in past centuries, their portrayals should be adjusted for their bias.

Well obviously women were the tenders.

I can hear those cavemen now:

"Git ups, and bilds me a fiur woman !"

This was before their jobs at Geico.
We also invented math science and philosophy. Why do you think the first European civilization appeared centuries after the first Black ones? Where do you think the foundations of knowledge came from that white people used to make more inventions?
You are just spouting a bunch of Afrocentric nonsense that has zero basis in reality.

Ancient black people for the most part never advanced beyond running from lions and herding cattle. .. :cool:
DigitalDunce is now on my To Be Shunned list.
So how many things have you invented?

Me ? A couple of minor things, nothing earth shattering. A valve packing tool, a brake tool, and a tool that helps simplify the removal of fence posts. Nothing patented, nothing marketed, just my own batch of simplifying certain tasks.

Nothing like a distant relative, Wernher von Braun.

Oh yea? My distant relative invented fire. That makes my skin color the smartest :thup:

Fire was a discovery, not an invention. It's like saying you invented water. Dipshit.
DigitalDunce is now on my To Be Shunned list.

Yessss ! I knew if I worked real hard someday I'd accomplish this critical feat !!!!
I must write an acceptance speech at once !!

"You like me, you really like me !!"
Me ? A couple of minor things, nothing earth shattering. A valve packing tool, a brake tool, and a tool that helps simplify the removal of fence posts. Nothing patented, nothing marketed, just my own batch of simplifying certain tasks.

Nothing like a distant relative, Wernher von Braun.

Oh yea? My distant relative invented fire. That makes my skin color the smartest :thup:

Fire was a discovery, not an invention. It's like saying you invented water. Dipshit.

Semantics. Black Africans were the first to harness the power of fire and invent uses for fire.
It's telling that you assume a "guy" invented fire.

Never thought of that before. its always portrayed that men were the keepers of fire.

Really? That goes against much anthropological and cultural evidence of women as the keepers and tenders of the fire/hearth.

And given that the "portrayers" have been men who have had the advantages of receiving better educations and writing histories in past centuries, their portrayals should be adjusted for their bias.

Do you have a good link for that? In the societies I have studied men were the keepers. However, like you said it may be because of bias.
White people didn't invent everything.

However, white people, especially males have given the world far more than their share of modern inventions. We rock. :clap2:

Apparently this one ^^ invented self-contradiction. Maybe racism too..

What the fuck does the thread title mean?
Blacks invented grass huts, spears, and rubbing elephant manure on their skin and hair to ward off mosquitos.

But not much since then........ :cool:

We also invented math science and philosophy. Why do you think the first European civilization appeared centuries after the first Black ones? Where do you think the foundations of knowledge came from that white people used to make more inventions?

Yeah, but see once the white brainiacs showed up, they took the knowledge and took it to new levels never before seen. My guys rock.

They should have. They killed off or oppressed their competition. Your guys are the beneficiary of eliminated their competition which is dumb because science is about discovery. They basically have held the world back from its true potential because they were insecure.
Well, I think we're all related to that guy.

It's telling that you assume a "guy" invented fire.

Never thought of that before. its always portrayed that men were the keepers of fire.

Anthropologically it can be said that women invented the very measurement of time (from menses) and language. Agriculture and medicine (herbology) too.
But Mother Nature invented fire. Oh wait, that's another woman.
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Never thought of that before. its always portrayed that men were the keepers of fire.

Really? That goes against much anthropological and cultural evidence of women as the keepers and tenders of the fire/hearth.

And given that the "portrayers" have been men who have had the advantages of receiving better educations and writing histories in past centuries, their portrayals should be adjusted for their bias.

Do you have a good link for that? In the societies I have studied men were the keepers. However, like you said it may be because of bias.

Did you ever take any history or anthropology classes regarding the development of early and primitive human societies?

It is a common practice among hunting-gathering societies to assign different tasks to men and women. These separate assignments go far beyond what is required by the differences in size or strength between men and women or the need of women to carry and nurse infants. In fact, some jobs are thought of as "masculine" in one society and "feminine" in another. There are certain generalizations, however, that are almost universal among hunters and gatherers.

Everywhere men hunt large land and water fauna, trap small animals and birds, hunt birds, build boats, and work with wood, stone, bone, horn and shell. Everywhere women gather fuel and food, fetch water, prepare drinks and vegetable foods, and cook. Most of women's activities are performed close to the home and involve monotonous tasks that require no concentration and can easily be interrupted and resumed. Male activities may require long absences from home and travel over great distances, not possible for women burdened with children. Male tasks may be dangerous, because men do not bear or rear children, and may be more highly valued in order to motivate the expendable male to perform them. Men do women's jobs more than women do men's jobs.1

Men and Women Hunters and Gatherers

This division of labor has been observed in modern day hunter-gatherer societies by anthropologists as well. It makes sense. Women in general took care of children, tended the fire, and did tasks that kept them close to it. Men, roaming for larger game, were absent from the fire for too long at a stretch to be in a position to take care of it.
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We also invented math science and philosophy. Why do you think the first European civilization appeared centuries after the first Black ones? Where do you think the foundations of knowledge came from that white people used to make more inventions?

Yeah, but see once the white brainiacs showed up, they took the knowledge and took it to new levels never before seen. My guys rock.

They should have. They killed off or oppressed their competition. Your guys are the beneficiary of eliminated their competition which is dumb because science is about discovery. They basically have held the world back from its true potential because they were insecure.

Well what can I say, you should have fought back.
By the way, lets stick to the women were the tenders of the fire thing. I kinda like this idea of women building us guys fire and stuff.

Also, get a load of me being put on Bodie's shundlers list. I mean, hey, I'm not even Jewish.
Don't tell her though, let's downplay it for now.

Oh, and one more thing, speaking of shundlers list, there's a great porno out there you might want to check out. Shundlers Fist.

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