Key inflation cause: Republican policy

I would agree with that. The people I know are not at the VERY top - but a grade or two below. What they get away with while earning six figures would make your blood boil.
if they make 6 figures they were in far as i know the PO worker drones made the most yearly in salary.....and we were far from 6 figures...

Typical clueless leftists believes a higher minimum wage and free healthcare will raise employment. This type of stupid isn’t natural. It’s groomed.
Yet it somehow persists.Like a barking dog that was never trained
to cool it.Or a Biden son going off the rails and thinking it's cool
to have photos of him being a druggie and party Animal.
And Old Slow Joe just actin' like he's unaware.As if just once
Hunter Biden was caught picking his nose at a Family Affair.
We all agree that inflation is rising prices that reduce purchasing power. No one. No one on the planet defines inflation as money supply increases. That is an actual contributor. You are totally backwards. Feel free to clear it up.

If Wrong in the Trillions Column Krugman said that Lunar eclipses caused inflation, you'd believe it
Absolutely 100% wrong
Most Americans are clueless about money, thanks to the government run education.

A recent poll showed that 60% of Americans want more stimulus money to help them out of the massive inflation, which was caused by increased governmental spending.

Pedo Joe’s trend:

High inflation.
High gas prices
Huge deficits
Drug shortages
Baby formula shortages
Invasion of our Southern border.
100,000 Fentanyl deaths per year.
Most Covid deaths
War in Europe
FBI that routinely violates the First Amandment Rights of Americans
Kids being groomed to lop off body parts.

There may be more.
Oh, I forgot that Pedo Joe is the biggest child sex trafficker in history with his No Border Policy.
You must be getting dizzy from all that spinning. Why can't you get over the fact that Biden won the election and has been president for two years now? Why are you an election denier?
At this stage of dopiness it may shortly be possible to
elect a Ham Sandwich to the Oval Office.
I mean,Matt Drudge did tell Alex Jones the time he sprung
a surprise visit at Austin,Tx. and Jones new office.
Drudge making sure to explain that somehow,someway
even if it means just a *head in a jar on the oval office desk,
Hillary will become President.

* conjures up notions of the schlock horror classic :
- The Brain That Wouldn't DiE - { 1962 }
Mic drop.

List of Biden Tax Hikes Hitting Americans on Jan. 1​

On Jan. 1, 2023 the following Democrat tax hikes will take effect:

$6.5 Billion Natural Gas Tax Which Will Increase Household Energy Bills
The tax hike violates President Biden’s tax pledge to any American making less than $400,000 per year.

$12 Billion Crude Oil Tax Which Will Increase Household Costs

Democrats are imposing a 16.4 cents-per-barrel tax on crude oil and imported petroleum products that will be passed on to consumers in the form of higher gas prices.

The tax hike violates President Biden’s tax pledge to any American making less than $400,000 per year.

$1.2 Billion Coal Tax Which Will Increase Household Energy Bills

The tax hike more than doubles the current excise taxes on coal production.

$74 Billion Stock Tax Which Will Hit Your Nest Egg — 401(k)s, IRAs and Pension Plans

When Americans choose to sell shares of stock back to a company, Democrats will impose a new federal excise tax which will reduce the value of household nest eggs. Raising taxes and restricting stock buybacks harms the retirement savings of any individual with a 401(k), IRA or pension plan.

Union retirement plans will also be hit.

The tax will put U.S. employers at a competitive disadvantage with China, which does not have such a tax.

Stock buybacks help grow retirement accounts. Raising taxes and restricting buybacks would harm the 58 percent of Americans who own stock and more than 60 million workers invested in a 401(k). An additional 14.83 million Americans are invested in 529 education savings accounts.

$225 Billion Corporate Income Tax Hike Which Will Be Passed on to Households

Democrats imposed a 15 percent corporate alternative minimum tax on the financial statement income of American businesses reporting $1 billion in profits for the past three years. These American companies employ millions of Americans.

The cost of this tax increase will be borne by working families in the form of higher prices, fewer jobs, and lower wages.

A Tax Foundation report from last December found a 15 percent book tax would reduce GDP by 0.1 percent and kill 27,000 jobs.

Preliminary cost estimates from the Congressional Budget Office found the provision would increase taxes by more than $225 billion.

(Mic drop.)
You’re off topic. This is about the impacts on inflation. You can’t show that lower abortion rates we are seeing is linked to anyone’s policy nor any specific inflation. I am embarrassed for you too.
When you abort a baby, you kill a part of America. It damages people psychologically, spiritually and it damages the economy.
Those are the facts, so quit whining when the consequences of your policies start impacting our economy.
The inflation of 2021/2022 is undoubtably the result of key Republican policy failures specific to the workforce and oil pricing. These two Republican pressures behind the worldwide supply availability are the three direct causes of inflation. Mic drop.

1. Labor shortage - 3.5M deficit in workers
  1. Declining immigration
  2. Covid deaths
  3. Early retirees due to safety
2. Gas prices
  1. Oil rig shut downs during Trump - over 600
  2. Negotiated reduction in OPEC - over 2M B/D
3. World wide supply shortage
  1. This is not the pubs fault as it’s affected every country.

Irrefutable Data:

Their exit is causing a ripple effect. Between early retirees, “a surge in deaths,” and a decline in immigration, the American labor force is missing about 3.5 million people, Fed chair Jerome Powell said in late November. The excess retirements in particular “might now account for more than 2 million of the 3 ½ million shortfall in the labor force,” he said. Experts worry the shortfall could make it harder to tame inflation.

This is comically absurd.
At this stage of dopiness it may shortly be possible to
elect a Ham Sandwich to the Oval Office.
I mean,Matt Drudge did tell Alex Jones the time he sprung
a surprise visit at Austin,Tx. and Jones new office.
Drudge making sure to explain that somehow,someway
even if it means just a *head in a jar on the oval office desk,
Hillary will become President.

* conjures up notions of the schlock horror classic :
- The Brain That Wouldn't DiE - { 1962 }
I don't know if you realized it or not but you have actually hit on something. Both domestic and international issues have become too complicated and too overwhelming for just one person to deal with, especially when half of the electorate and opposing media are willing to tear you to shreds no matter what decisions you make and no matter what happens, good or bad. And, we give too much power to one party (through elections) to run things. No matter who is president, they are nothing but a symbolic "head in a jar on the oval office desk" to either worship or use it to kick around for the fun of it.

We need a better system where maybe we elect one person to run the economy, one to run other domestic issues, and one to handle foreign affairs, instead of electing one person who appoints people in their own party to cabinet positions. And, we need to make sure that no one party controls too much. Democrats were worried that Trump and the Republicans were trying to take democracy away while they themselves have done several things to try taking democracy away. The scary thing is, BOTH sides have come way too close to accomplishing this.
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If you look at the U.S. economy has prospered under democrats but not republicans. GDP growth higher, unemployment lower is the trend even pre pandemic.
And yet for some unknown, bizarre reason the voters elect Republicans expecting different results from the last time they voted for Republicans – voting for Republicans is the definition of insanity.
The whole thing is nauseating. I tried to have a discussion with a liberal this weekend who disagrees with the idea that people should have jobs. She truly believes that work should be an option for people who want to do, and that we (taxpayers) should support them if they’d rather not. When I started to explain the problem with that, she put up her hand and said she doesn’t want to hear about Republicans’ opinions. It’s a form of silencing and why Democrats can’t see what is wrong with their cockamamie opinions…..they refuse to hear the opposing side.
This is a lie.
1. School loan forgiveness - not that I’m opposed there are just better uses of that money
2. Poor marketing of their America first policy which is truly taking care of Americans in need first whereas the Republicans America first policy is geared to corporations and the rich.
3. Letting Christie run as a democrat in Florida
4. Not killing the filibuster in the senate
5. The opposition of Kavanaugh was executed poorly. Should have stuck with his likelihood to overturn Roe.

Ok man. Bless you.
This is a lie.
The hell it is.
Do you not remember your moonbat queen AOC stating that we should financially support not only those who can't work, but also those who are "unwilling to work".
What am I saying? Of course you remember, you just choose to ignore it.
And that don't even include what other stuff are on the
Biden menu.Like how he insisted on calling the Truck Driver
who his first wife struck with her vehicle a drunken Driver.
Total unabashed LIE.The unfortunate accident killed First Wife
Neilia and 13 month old Amy.
Biden maintained for some time insisting the Tractor-Trailor
driver was drunk.Total Lie.What Biden does.
Agree….he’s an unabashed liar, and Dems rally behind him - while calling Trump a liar.

BTW, poor baby girl who never had a life was named Naomi.

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