Key inflation cause: Republican policy

every one of them?....was it their day off?....on vacation?....the weekend?....
Oh pleaseā€¦..this is well-known. The government workers exploit the telework system.

I myself was a government worker for one year. Couldnā€™t stand it. People goofing off, chit-chatting, wasting time, spending money with abandon, and so forth. And that was before the telework years. Now, every government worker I know goes into the office once a week - and bitches that they have to do even that.

I can understand why govt workers deny all this. They have a good thing going and donā€™t want mainstream America to find out.
every one of them?....was it their day off?....on vacation?....the weekend?....
Some of them were at the movies later that day. A workday at 2 p.m, and the line was massive. I asked the guy behind me if it was a federal holiday, and he laughed: told me heā€˜s a government worker and he ā€œworksā€ from home during the week.
Not so fast.The Greenspan years were a sort of boon.
It was Pols { like Chris Dodd and even Bill Clinton } who
demanded that Home Ownerships and Mortgages be
a priority at all cost.Where down payments on a house
mortgage and Income verification were done away with.
Absurdist new agenda for Mortgages.But Bush 43 did
receive kudos for acheiving the highest rate of Home Ownership
among Blacks in history.
But then The Secondary Mortgage Markets started going
under { particularly Fannie Mae }. Barney Frank was partly to
blame.Chris Dodd retired and former Clinton head Franklin Raines
managed to elude prison and skate off into the sunset with a
heady golden parachute.

Where you call it a boon, I call it a complete distortion which led to even greater damage. So we'll likely part ways there. Government encouraged over-investment, which led to the crash.

The privileges which were granted to Fannie Mae and others were a product of the distortion (which you're refering to as a boon) which allowed them to further distort the housing market, attracting capital they wouldn't have been able to attract otherwise in a pure market environment. The bubble wiped out any equity homeowners had. And, of course, the mortgage holders suffered greater than expected losses than ordinarilly would have had because government encouraged over-investment in housing.
Oh pleaseā€¦..this is well-known. The government workers exploit the telework system.

I myself was a government worker for one year. Couldnā€™t stand it. People goofing off, chit-chatting, wasting time, spending money with abandon, and so forth. And that was before the telework years. Now, every government worker I know goes into the office once a week - and bitches that they have to do even that.

I can understand why govt workers deny all this. They have a good thing going and donā€™t want mainstream America to find out.
lisa the middle management in the govt are a bunch back stabbing motherfuckers....if these people are not getting their work done they will hear about it and may not have a job if it keeps up....if they did what they are supposed to do for the day then they can do what they cant say much....
Restricted supply in an opening economy was the main driver world wide for sure. That was further driven by terrible Republican stewardship albeit to a lesser extent than the supply issue.
You twist yourself into knots, brah. Biden was responsible for restricted fuel supply from day 1 of his presidency. See here:

Note the date and read what's in that EO. If you dare.

Here, I'll help ya:

"place a temporary moratorium on all activities of the Federal Government relating to the implementation of the Coastal Plain Oil and Gas Leasing Program"

"Revoking the March 2019 Permit for the Keystone XL Pipeline."

Section 7 is the most pertinent. That's where the most damage was done.
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lisa the middle management in the govt are a bunch back stabbing motherfuckers....if these people are not getting their work done they will hear about it and may not have a job if it keeps up....if they did what they are supposed to do for the day then they can do what they cant say much....
If they are getting their job done in 4 hours (at home) and then goofing off the rest of the day, itā€™s only a part-time job and thatā€™s what they should be paid for. I know many people who ADMIT they get their work done in half a day and then enjoy the sunshine. What it says is that the government could get rid of half the employees, and make the remaining half work full days.
We all agree that inflation is rising prices that reduce purchasing power. No one. No one on the planet defines inflation as money supply increases.

No. The value of the currency is decreased because they create ''money'' out of thin air. They're ''inflating'' the currency supply.

Price increases are only a single consequence of this action. You're completely backward.
Sigh, sometimes only a meme will do.

Progs and their statistics and tens of millions of pages of theories.
If they are getting their job done in 4 hours (at home) and then goofing off the rest of the day, itā€™s only a part-time job and thatā€™s what they should be paid for. I know many people who ADMIT they get their work done in half a day and then enjoy the sunshine. What it says is that the government could get rid of half the employees, and make the remaining half work full days.
i carried mail for 33 route had over a thousand deliveries....on light mail days i would get done at noon and come in and go home ....on heavy mail days i was out there 10 hours sometimes in the dark in winter Christmas and election times you are out there till the cows come home....there aint to many entrance level people screwing around....i would not doubt if many of those people are supervisors .....many of them dont do shit...and get on you for doing what they do every day....
Maybe if the right wingers could come up with one or two things republicans have ever done to help the working class or poor? It's pretty much a certainty that they'll get rid of social security if they can. C'mon, look at all the poverty in the red states. These republicans don't care. How about medicare? Looks like they've hijacked that safety net too with medicare advantage. They've got de joy working on getting rid of the post office. Why have government postal workers getting decent pay with a pension. Better some billionaire take over the post office. Low pay, no benefits, but lots of money for the exremely wealthy and corporations.
The inflation of 2021/2022 is undoubtably the result of key Republican policy failures specific to the workforce and oil pricing. These two Republican pressures behind the worldwide supply availability are the three direct causes of inflation. Mic drop.

1. Labor shortage - 3.5M deficit in workers
  1. Declining immigration
  2. Covid deaths
  3. Early retirees due to safety
2. Gas prices
  1. Oil rig shut downs during Trump - over 600
  2. Negotiated reduction in OPEC - over 2M B/D
3. World wide supply shortage
  1. This is not the pubs fault as itā€™s affected every country.

Irrefutable Data:

Their exit is causing a ripple effect. Between early retirees, ā€œa surge in deaths,ā€ and a decline in immigration, the American labor force is missing about 3.5 million people, Fed chair Jerome Powell said in late November. The excess retirements in particular ā€œmight now account for more than 2 million of the 3 Ā½ million shortfall in the labor force,ā€ he said. Experts worry the shortfall could make it harder to tame inflation.

Oil rigs in use at the end of January:

View attachment 743240

View attachment 743244
Weird how all these ā€œRepublican policiesā€ happen while Dimwingers control the House, Senate, and White House.
i carried mail for 33 route had over a thousand deliveries....on light mail days i would get done at noon and come in and go home ....on heavy mail days i was out there 10 hours sometimes in the dark in winter Christmas and election times you are out there till the cows come home....there aint to many entrance level people screwing around....i would not doubt if many of those people are supervisors .....many of them dont do shit...and get on you for doing what they do every day....
In your case, it averages out. But you had actual physical work to do. Most of the govt are paper pushers with lots of created, red-tape work, and they are running a big scam on the American taxpayer.

The other thing they do is take vacations - to the beach, to the ski lodge, whatever - and bring their laptops. They log on, do a little work, and then play the rest of the day - all without claiming annual leave. I know someone who went to Vermont last winter for three weeks, and didnā€™t claim a day of leave. She skied each and every day, for hours.

Itā€™s a scam. The USPS is different.
The only party to reduce the deficit and the only one with a surplus is democrats. Obama reduced it. Biden reduced it. Clinton eliminated it. In between republicans exploded it.
Newt eliminated it. Clinton vetoed it twice, and only signed it when he faces an override.
You must be getting dizzy from all that spinning. Why can't you get over the fact that Biden won the election and has been president for two years now? Why are you an election denier?
Not magic. He didnā€™t cause inflation in his first months obviously and it took months to get the economy where we are. Thank god he was there to do it.
Moneys been cheap for years. Inflation happened when supply plummeted.
You're confusing currency with money.

Don't do that.

That's why your understanding of the actual problem is all screwed up as it is.

Money is a store of value. A measurable, definable unit of account.

You're equating a claim check on an IOU, which is what all of this inflated currency is, with money.

They're two completely different things.

Until you nderstand that incinsistency in your thinking, you;re never going to be abe to grasp inflation correctly. Ever.
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Gas prices were the same as under Obama until the pandemic and again, another person who never took econ 101.

Gas prices are now roughly the same as under Obama and Trump. I see its down to $2.48 here.

Rants.......not interested.
The whole Climate cult is largely responsible for the increases in energy costs across the border

In fact, Obama said as much in terms of what needs to happen.

But no, he was not going to take the fall for it, that's why we have Diaper Joe.
Not magic. He didnā€™t cause inflation in his first months obviously and it took months to get the economy where we are. Thank god he was there to do it.
Joe Biden did not cause the inflation. He can't even tie his own shoes.

No, Joe simply latched on to the global war on energy which is driving up prices for everything, and he agrees with how Covid was dealt with regarding all the shutdowns that also aided the inflation misery.

Joe is just an empty suit, but calling him that seems to me to be giving him a little too much credit.

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